blob: cb45534f821c9d0eeab09721f1bcad30362a1c24 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.21
package quic
import (
// A Stream is an ordered byte stream.
// Streams may be bidirectional, read-only, or write-only.
// Methods inappropriate for a stream's direction
// (for example, [Write] to a read-only stream)
// return errors.
// It is not safe to perform concurrent reads from or writes to a stream.
// It is safe, however, to read and write at the same time.
// Reads and writes are buffered.
// It is generally not necessary to wrap a stream in a [bufio.ReadWriter]
// or otherwise apply additional buffering.
// To cancel reads or writes, use the [SetReadContext] and [SetWriteContext] methods.
type Stream struct {
id streamID
conn *Conn
// Contexts used for read/write operations.
// Intentionally not mutex-guarded, to allow the race detector to catch concurrent access.
inctx context.Context
outctx context.Context
// ingate's lock guards receive-related state.
// The gate condition is set if a read from the stream will not block,
// either because the stream has available data or because the read will fail.
ingate gate
in pipe // received data
inwin int64 // last MAX_STREAM_DATA sent to the peer
insendmax sentVal // set when we should send MAX_STREAM_DATA to the peer
inmaxbuf int64 // maximum amount of data we will buffer
insize int64 // stream final size; -1 before this is known
inset rangeset[int64] // received ranges
inclosed sentVal // set by CloseRead
inresetcode int64 // RESET_STREAM code received from the peer; -1 if not reset
// outgate's lock guards send-related state.
// The gate condition is set if a write to the stream will not block,
// either because the stream has available flow control or because
// the write will fail.
outgate gate
out pipe // buffered data to send
outflushed int64 // offset of last flush call
outwin int64 // maximum MAX_STREAM_DATA received from the peer
outmaxsent int64 // maximum data offset we've sent to the peer
outmaxbuf int64 // maximum amount of data we will buffer
outunsent rangeset[int64] // ranges buffered but not yet sent (only flushed data)
outacked rangeset[int64] // ranges sent and acknowledged
outopened sentVal // set if we should open the stream
outclosed sentVal // set by CloseWrite
outblocked sentVal // set when a write to the stream is blocked by flow control
outreset sentVal // set by Reset
outresetcode uint64 // reset code to send in RESET_STREAM
outdone chan struct{} // closed when all data sent
// Unsynchronized buffers, used for lock-free fast path.
inbuf []byte // received data
inbufoff int // bytes of inbuf which have been consumed
outbuf []byte // written data
outbufoff int // bytes of outbuf which contain data to write
// Atomic stream state bits.
// These bits provide a fast way to coordinate between the
// send and receive sides of the stream, and the conn's loop.
// streamIn* bits must be set with ingate held.
// streamOut* bits must be set with outgate held.
// streamConn* bits are set by the conn's loop.
// streamQueue* bits must be set with streamsState.sendMu held.
state atomicBits[streamState]
prev, next *Stream // guarded by streamsState.sendMu
type streamState uint32
const (
// streamInSendMeta is set when there are frames to send for the
// inbound side of the stream. For example, MAX_STREAM_DATA.
// Inbound frames are never flow-controlled.
streamInSendMeta = streamState(1 << iota)
// streamOutSendMeta is set when there are non-flow-controlled frames
// to send for the outbound side of the stream. For example, STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED.
// streamOutSendData is set when there are no non-flow-controlled outbound frames
// and the stream has data to send.
// At most one of streamOutSendMeta and streamOutSendData is set at any time.
// streamInDone and streamOutDone are set when the inbound or outbound
// sides of the stream are finished. When both are set, the stream
// can be removed from the Conn and forgotten.
// streamConnRemoved is set when the stream has been removed from the conn.
// streamQueueMeta and streamQueueData indicate which of the streamsState
// send queues the conn is currently on.
type streamQueue int
const (
noQueue = streamQueue(iota)
metaQueue // streamsState.queueMeta
dataQueue // streamsState.queueData
// streamResetByConnClose is assigned to Stream.inresetcode to indicate that a stream
// was implicitly reset when the connection closed. It's out of the range of
// possible reset codes the peer can send.
const streamResetByConnClose = math.MaxInt64
// wantQueue returns the send queue the stream should be on.
func (s streamState) wantQueue() streamQueue {
switch {
case s&(streamInSendMeta|streamOutSendMeta) != 0:
return metaQueue
case s&(streamInDone|streamOutDone|streamConnRemoved) == streamInDone|streamOutDone:
return metaQueue
case s&streamOutSendData != 0:
// The stream has no non-flow-controlled frames to send,
// but does have data. Put it on the data queue, which is only
// processed when flow control is available.
return dataQueue
return noQueue
// inQueue returns the send queue the stream is currently on.
func (s streamState) inQueue() streamQueue {
switch {
case s&streamQueueMeta != 0:
return metaQueue
case s&streamQueueData != 0:
return dataQueue
return noQueue
// newStream returns a new stream.
// The stream's ingate and outgate are locked.
// (We create the stream with locked gates so after the caller
// initializes the flow control window,
// unlocking outgate will set the stream writability state.)
func newStream(c *Conn, id streamID) *Stream {
s := &Stream{
conn: c,
id: id,
insize: -1, // -1 indicates the stream size is unknown
inresetcode: -1, // -1 indicates no RESET_STREAM received
ingate: newLockedGate(),
outgate: newLockedGate(),
inctx: context.Background(),
outctx: context.Background(),
if !s.IsReadOnly() {
s.outdone = make(chan struct{})
return s
// SetReadContext sets the context used for reads from the stream.
// It is not safe to call SetReadContext concurrently.
func (s *Stream) SetReadContext(ctx context.Context) {
s.inctx = ctx
// SetWriteContext sets the context used for writes to the stream.
// The write context is also used by Close when waiting for writes to be
// received by the peer.
// It is not safe to call SetWriteContext concurrently.
func (s *Stream) SetWriteContext(ctx context.Context) {
s.outctx = ctx
// IsReadOnly reports whether the stream is read-only
// (a unidirectional stream created by the peer).
func (s *Stream) IsReadOnly() bool {
return == uniStream && != s.conn.side
// IsWriteOnly reports whether the stream is write-only
// (a unidirectional stream created locally).
func (s *Stream) IsWriteOnly() bool {
return == uniStream && == s.conn.side
// Read reads data from the stream.
// Read returns as soon as at least one byte of data is available.
// If the peer closes the stream cleanly, Read returns io.EOF after
// returning all data sent by the peer.
// If the peer aborts reads on the stream, Read returns
// an error wrapping StreamResetCode.
// It is not safe to call Read concurrently.
func (s *Stream) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
if s.IsWriteOnly() {
return 0, errors.New("read from write-only stream")
if len(s.inbuf) > s.inbufoff {
// Fast path: If s.inbuf contains unread bytes, return them immediately
// without taking a lock.
n = copy(b, s.inbuf[s.inbufoff:])
s.inbufoff += n
return n, nil
if err := s.ingate.waitAndLock(s.inctx, s.conn.testHooks); err != nil {
return 0, err
if s.inbufoff > 0 {
// Discard bytes consumed by the fast path above. + int64(s.inbufoff))
s.inbufoff = 0
s.inbuf = nil
// bytesRead contains the number of bytes of connection-level flow control to return.
// We return flow control for bytes read by this Read call, as well as bytes moved
// to the fast-path read buffer (s.inbuf).
var bytesRead int64
defer func() {
s.conn.handleStreamBytesReadOffLoop(bytesRead) // must be done with ingate unlocked
if s.inresetcode != -1 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("stream reset by peer: %w", StreamErrorCode(s.inresetcode))
if s.inclosed.isSet() {
return 0, errors.New("read from closed stream")
if s.insize == {
return 0, io.EOF
// Getting here indicates the stream contains data to be read.
if len(s.inset) < 1 || s.inset[0].start != 0 || s.inset[0].end <= {
panic("BUG: inconsistent input stream state")
if size := int(s.inset[0].end -; size < len(b) {
b = b[:size]
bytesRead = int64(len(b))
start :=
end := start + int64(len(b)), b)
if end == s.insize {
// We have read up to the end of the stream.
// No need to update stream flow control.
return len(b), io.EOF
if len(s.inset) > 0 && s.inset[0].start <= && s.inset[0].end > {
// If we have more readable bytes available, put the next chunk of data
// in s.inbuf for lock-free reads.
s.inbuf =[0].end -
bytesRead += int64(len(s.inbuf))
if s.insize == -1 || s.insize > s.inwin {
newWindow := + int64(len(s.inbuf)) + s.inmaxbuf
addedWindow := newWindow - s.inwin
if shouldUpdateFlowControl(s.inmaxbuf, addedWindow) {
// Update stream flow control with a STREAM_MAX_DATA frame.
return len(b), nil
// ReadByte reads and returns a single byte from the stream.
// It is not safe to call ReadByte concurrently.
func (s *Stream) ReadByte() (byte, error) {
if len(s.inbuf) > s.inbufoff {
b := s.inbuf[s.inbufoff]
return b, nil
var b [1]byte
n, err := s.Read(b[:])
if n > 0 {
return b[0], err
return 0, err
// shouldUpdateFlowControl determines whether to send a flow control window update.
// We want to balance keeping the peer well-supplied with flow control with not sending
// many small updates.
func shouldUpdateFlowControl(maxWindow, addedWindow int64) bool {
return addedWindow >= maxWindow/8
// Write writes data to the stream.
// Write writes data to the stream write buffer.
// Buffered data is only sent when the buffer is sufficiently full.
// Call the Flush method to ensure buffered data is sent.
func (s *Stream) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
if s.IsReadOnly() {
return 0, errors.New("write to read-only stream")
if len(b) > 0 && len(s.outbuf)-s.outbufoff >= len(b) {
// Fast path: The data to write fits in s.outbuf.
copy(s.outbuf[s.outbufoff:], b)
s.outbufoff += len(b)
return len(b), nil
canWrite := s.outgate.lock()
for {
// The first time through this loop, we may or may not be write blocked.
// We exit the loop after writing all data, so on subsequent passes through
// the loop we are always write blocked.
if len(b) > 0 && !canWrite {
// Our send buffer is full. Wait for the peer to ack some data.
if err := s.outgate.waitAndLock(s.outctx, s.conn.testHooks); err != nil {
return n, err
// Successfully returning from waitAndLockGate means we are no longer
// write blocked. (Unlike traditional condition variables, gates do not
// have spurious wakeups.)
if s.outreset.isSet() {
return n, errors.New("write to reset stream")
if s.outclosed.isSet() {
return n, errors.New("write to closed stream")
if len(b) == 0 {
// Write limit is our send buffer limit.
// This is a stream offset.
lim := s.out.start + s.outmaxbuf
// Amount to write is min(the full buffer, data up to the write limit).
// This is a number of bytes.
nn := min(int64(len(b)), lim-s.out.end)
// Copy the data into the output buffer.
s.out.writeAt(b[:nn], s.out.end)
b = b[nn:]
n += int(nn)
// Possibly flush the output buffer.
// We automatically flush if:
// - We have enough data to consume the send window.
// Sending this data may cause the peer to extend the window.
// - We have buffered as much data as we're willing do.
// We need to send data to clear out buffer space.
// - We have enough data to fill a 1-RTT packet using the smallest
// possible maximum datagram size (1200 bytes, less header byte,
// connection ID, packet number, and AEAD overhead).
const autoFlushSize = smallestMaxDatagramSize - 1 - connIDLen - 1 - aeadOverhead
shouldFlush := s.out.end >= s.outwin || // peer send window is full
s.out.end >= lim || // local send buffer is full
(s.out.end-s.outflushed) >= autoFlushSize // enough data buffered
if shouldFlush {
if s.out.end > s.outwin {
// We're blocked by flow control.
// Send a STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED frame to let the peer know.
// If we have bytes left to send, we're blocked.
canWrite = false
if lim := s.out.start + s.outmaxbuf - s.out.end - 1; lim > 0 {
// If s.out has space allocated and available to be written into,
// then reference it in s.outbuf for fast-path writes.
// It's perhaps a bit pointless to limit s.outbuf to the send buffer limit.
// We've already allocated this buffer so we aren't saving any memory
// by not using it.
// For now, we limit it anyway to make it easier to reason about limits.
// We set the limit to one less than the send buffer limit (the -1 above)
// so that a write which completely fills the buffer will overflow
// s.outbuf and trigger a flush.
s.outbuf = s.out.availableBuffer()
if int64(len(s.outbuf)) > lim {
s.outbuf = s.outbuf[:lim]
return n, nil
// WriteBytes writes a single byte to the stream.
func (s *Stream) WriteByte(c byte) error {
if s.outbufoff < len(s.outbuf) {
s.outbuf[s.outbufoff] = c
return nil
b := [1]byte{c}
_, err := s.Write(b[:])
return err
func (s *Stream) flushFastOutputBuffer() {
if s.outbuf == nil {
// Commit data previously written to s.outbuf.
// s.outbuf is a reference to a buffer in s.out, so we just need to record
// that the output buffer has been extended.
s.out.end += int64(s.outbufoff)
s.outbuf = nil
s.outbufoff = 0
// Flush flushes data written to the stream.
// It does not wait for the peer to acknowledge receipt of the data.
// Use Close to wait for the peer's acknowledgement.
func (s *Stream) Flush() {
defer s.outUnlock()
func (s *Stream) flushLocked() {
if s.outflushed < s.outwin {
s.outunsent.add(s.outflushed, min(s.outwin, s.out.end))
s.outflushed = s.out.end
// Close closes the stream.
// Any blocked stream operations will be unblocked and return errors.
// Close flushes any data in the stream write buffer and waits for the peer to
// acknowledge receipt of the data.
// If the stream has been reset, it waits for the peer to acknowledge the reset.
// If the context expires before the peer receives the stream's data,
// Close discards the buffer and returns the context error.
func (s *Stream) Close() error {
if s.IsReadOnly() {
return nil
// TODO: Return code from peer's RESET_STREAM frame?
if err := s.conn.waitOnDone(s.outctx, s.outdone); err != nil {
return err
defer s.outUnlock()
if s.outclosed.isReceived() && s.outacked.isrange(0, s.out.end) {
return nil
return errors.New("stream reset")
// CloseRead aborts reads on the stream.
// Any blocked reads will be unblocked and return errors.
// CloseRead notifies the peer that the stream has been closed for reading.
// It does not wait for the peer to acknowledge the closure.
// Use Close to wait for the peer's acknowledgement.
func (s *Stream) CloseRead() {
if s.IsWriteOnly() {
if s.inset.isrange(0, s.insize) || s.inresetcode != -1 {
// We've already received all data from the peer,
// so there's no need to send STOP_SENDING.
// This is the same as saying we sent one and they got it.
} else {
discarded := -
s.conn.handleStreamBytesReadOffLoop(discarded) // must be done with ingate unlocked
// CloseWrite aborts writes on the stream.
// Any blocked writes will be unblocked and return errors.
// CloseWrite sends any data in the stream write buffer to the peer.
// It does not wait for the peer to acknowledge receipt of the data.
// Use Close to wait for the peer's acknowledgement.
func (s *Stream) CloseWrite() {
if s.IsReadOnly() {
defer s.outUnlock()
// Reset aborts writes on the stream and notifies the peer
// that the stream was terminated abruptly.
// Any blocked writes will be unblocked and return errors.
// Reset sends the application protocol error code, which must be
// less than 2^62, to the peer.
// It does not wait for the peer to acknowledge receipt of the error.
// Use Close to wait for the peer's acknowledgement.
// Reset does not affect reads.
// Use CloseRead to abort reads on the stream.
func (s *Stream) Reset(code uint64) {
const userClosed = true
s.resetInternal(code, userClosed)
// resetInternal resets the send side of the stream.
// If userClosed is true, this is s.Reset.
// If userClosed is false, this is a reaction to a STOP_SENDING frame.
func (s *Stream) resetInternal(code uint64, userClosed bool) {
defer s.outUnlock()
if s.IsReadOnly() {
if userClosed {
// Mark that the user closed the stream.
if s.outreset.isSet() {
if code > maxVarint {
code = maxVarint
// We could check here to see if the stream is closed and the
// peer has acked all the data and the FIN, but sending an
// extra RESET_STREAM in this case is harmless.
s.outresetcode = code
s.outbuf = nil
s.outbufoff = 0
s.outunsent = rangeset[int64]{}
// connHasClosed indicates the stream's conn has closed.
func (s *Stream) connHasClosed() {
// If we're in the closing state, the user closed the conn.
// Otherwise, we the peer initiated the close.
// This only matters for the error we're going to return from stream operations.
localClose := s.conn.lifetime.state == connStateClosing
if !s.inset.isrange(0, s.insize) && s.inresetcode == -1 {
if localClose {
} else {
s.inresetcode = streamResetByConnClose
if localClose {
// inUnlock unlocks s.ingate.
// It sets the gate condition if reads from s will not block.
// If s has receive-related frames to write or if both directions
// are done and the stream should be removed, it notifies the Conn.
func (s *Stream) inUnlock() {
state := s.inUnlockNoQueue()
s.conn.maybeQueueStreamForSend(s, state)
// inUnlockNoQueue is inUnlock,
// but reports whether s has frames to write rather than notifying the Conn.
func (s *Stream) inUnlockNoQueue() streamState {
nextByte := + int64(len(s.inbuf))
canRead := s.inset.contains(nextByte) || // data available to read
s.insize == || // at EOF
s.inresetcode != -1 || // reset by peer
s.inclosed.isSet() // closed locally
defer s.ingate.unlock(canRead)
var state streamState
switch {
case s.IsWriteOnly():
state = streamInDone
case s.inresetcode != -1: // reset by peer
case == s.insize: // all data received and read
// We don't increase MAX_STREAMS until the user calls ReadClose or Close,
// so the receive side is not finished until inclosed is set.
if s.inclosed.isSet() {
state = streamInDone
case s.insendmax.shouldSend(): // STREAM_MAX_DATA
state = streamInSendMeta
case s.inclosed.shouldSend(): // STOP_SENDING
state = streamInSendMeta
const mask = streamInDone | streamInSendMeta
return s.state.set(state, mask)
// outUnlock unlocks s.outgate.
// It sets the gate condition if writes to s will not block.
// If s has send-related frames to write or if both directions
// are done and the stream should be removed, it notifies the Conn.
func (s *Stream) outUnlock() {
state := s.outUnlockNoQueue()
s.conn.maybeQueueStreamForSend(s, state)
// outUnlockNoQueue is outUnlock,
// but reports whether s has frames to write rather than notifying the Conn.
func (s *Stream) outUnlockNoQueue() streamState {
isDone := s.outclosed.isReceived() && s.outacked.isrange(0, s.out.end) || // all data acked
s.outreset.isSet() // reset locally
if isDone {
select {
case <-s.outdone:
if !s.IsReadOnly() {
lim := s.out.start + s.outmaxbuf
canWrite := lim > s.out.end || // available send buffer
s.outclosed.isSet() || // closed locally
s.outreset.isSet() // reset locally
defer s.outgate.unlock(canWrite)
var state streamState
switch {
case s.IsReadOnly():
state = streamOutDone
case s.outclosed.isReceived() && s.outacked.isrange(0, s.out.end): // all data sent and acked
case s.outreset.isReceived(): // RESET_STREAM sent and acked
// We don't increase MAX_STREAMS until the user calls WriteClose or Close,
// so the send side is not finished until outclosed is set.
if s.outclosed.isSet() {
state = streamOutDone
case s.outreset.shouldSend(): // RESET_STREAM
state = streamOutSendMeta
case s.outreset.isSet(): // RESET_STREAM sent but not acknowledged
case s.outblocked.shouldSend(): // STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED
state = streamOutSendMeta
case len(s.outunsent) > 0: // STREAM frame with data
if s.outunsent.min() < s.outmaxsent {
state = streamOutSendMeta // resent data, will not consume flow control
} else {
state = streamOutSendData // new data, requires flow control
case s.outclosed.shouldSend() && s.out.end == s.outmaxsent: // empty STREAM frame with FIN bit
state = streamOutSendMeta
case s.outopened.shouldSend(): // STREAM frame with no data
state = streamOutSendMeta
const mask = streamOutDone | streamOutSendMeta | streamOutSendData
return s.state.set(state, mask)
// handleData handles data received in a STREAM frame.
func (s *Stream) handleData(off int64, b []byte, fin bool) error {
defer s.inUnlock()
end := off + int64(len(b))
if err := s.checkStreamBounds(end, fin); err != nil {
return err
if s.inclosed.isSet() || s.inresetcode != -1 {
// The user read-closed the stream, or the peer reset it.
// Either way, we can discard this frame.
return nil
if s.insize == -1 && end > {
added := end -
if err := s.conn.handleStreamBytesReceived(added); err != nil {
return err
}, off)
s.inset.add(off, end)
if fin {
s.insize = end
// The peer has enough flow control window to send the entire stream.
return nil
// handleReset handles a RESET_STREAM frame.
func (s *Stream) handleReset(code uint64, finalSize int64) error {
defer s.inUnlock()
const fin = true
if err := s.checkStreamBounds(finalSize, fin); err != nil {
return err
if s.inresetcode != -1 {
// The stream was already reset.
return nil
if s.insize == -1 {
added := finalSize -
if err := s.conn.handleStreamBytesReceived(added); err != nil {
return err
s.conn.handleStreamBytesReadOnLoop(finalSize -
s.inresetcode = int64(code)
s.insize = finalSize
return nil
// checkStreamBounds validates the stream offset in a STREAM or RESET_STREAM frame.
func (s *Stream) checkStreamBounds(end int64, fin bool) error {
if end > s.inwin {
// The peer sent us data past the maximum flow control window we gave them.
return localTransportError{
code: errFlowControl,
reason: "stream flow control window exceeded",
if s.insize != -1 && end > s.insize {
// The peer sent us data past the final size of the stream they previously gave us.
return localTransportError{
code: errFinalSize,
reason: "data received past end of stream",
if fin && s.insize != -1 && end != s.insize {
// The peer changed the final size of the stream.
return localTransportError{
code: errFinalSize,
reason: "final size of stream changed",
if fin && end < {
// The peer has previously sent us data past the final size.
return localTransportError{
code: errFinalSize,
reason: "end of stream occurs before prior data",
return nil
// handleStopSending handles a STOP_SENDING frame.
func (s *Stream) handleStopSending(code uint64) error {
// Peer requests that we reset this stream.
const userReset = false
s.resetInternal(code, userReset)
return nil
// handleMaxStreamData handles an update received in a MAX_STREAM_DATA frame.
func (s *Stream) handleMaxStreamData(maxStreamData int64) error {
defer s.outUnlock()
if maxStreamData <= s.outwin {
return nil
if s.outflushed > s.outwin {
s.outunsent.add(s.outwin, min(maxStreamData, s.outflushed))
s.outwin = maxStreamData
if s.out.end > s.outwin {
// We've still got more data than flow control window.
} else {
return nil
// ackOrLoss handles the fate of stream frames other than STREAM.
func (s *Stream) ackOrLoss(pnum packetNumber, ftype byte, fate packetFate) {
// Frames which carry new information each time they are sent
// (MAX_STREAM_DATA, STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED) must only be marked
// as received if the most recent packet carrying this frame is acked.
// Frames which are always the same (STOP_SENDING, RESET_STREAM)
// can be marked as received if any packet carrying this frame is acked.
switch ftype {
case frameTypeResetStream:
s.outreset.ackOrLoss(pnum, fate)
case frameTypeStopSending:
s.inclosed.ackOrLoss(pnum, fate)
case frameTypeMaxStreamData:
s.insendmax.ackLatestOrLoss(pnum, fate)
case frameTypeStreamDataBlocked:
s.outblocked.ackLatestOrLoss(pnum, fate)
panic("unhandled frame type")
// ackOrLossData handles the fate of a STREAM frame.
func (s *Stream) ackOrLossData(pnum packetNumber, start, end int64, fin bool, fate packetFate) {
defer s.outUnlock()
s.outopened.ackOrLoss(pnum, fate)
if fin {
s.outclosed.ackOrLoss(pnum, fate)
if s.outreset.isSet() {
// If the stream has been reset, we don't care any more.
switch fate {
case packetAcked:
s.outacked.add(start, end)
s.outunsent.sub(start, end)
// If this ack is for data at the start of the send buffer, we can now discard it.
if s.outacked.contains(s.out.start) {
case packetLost:
// Mark everything lost, but not previously acked, as needing retransmission.
// We do this by adding all the lost bytes to outunsent, and then
// removing everything already acked.
s.outunsent.add(start, end)
for _, a := range s.outacked {
s.outunsent.sub(a.start, a.end)
// appendInFramesLocked appends STOP_SENDING and MAX_STREAM_DATA frames
// to the current packet.
// It returns true if no more frames need appending,
// false if not everything fit in the current packet.
func (s *Stream) appendInFramesLocked(w *packetWriter, pnum packetNumber, pto bool) bool {
if s.inclosed.shouldSendPTO(pto) {
// We don't currently have an API for setting the error code.
// Just send zero.
code := uint64(0)
if !w.appendStopSendingFrame(, code) {
return false
if s.insendmax.shouldSendPTO(pto) {
maxStreamData := + s.inmaxbuf
if !w.appendMaxStreamDataFrame(, maxStreamData) {
return false
s.inwin = maxStreamData
return true
// appendOutFramesLocked appends RESET_STREAM, STREAM_DATA_BLOCKED, and STREAM frames
// to the current packet.
// It returns true if no more frames need appending,
// false if not everything fit in the current packet.
func (s *Stream) appendOutFramesLocked(w *packetWriter, pnum packetNumber, pto bool) bool {
if s.outreset.isSet() {
if s.outreset.shouldSendPTO(pto) {
if !w.appendResetStreamFrame(, s.outresetcode, min(s.outwin, s.out.end)) {
return false
return true
if s.outblocked.shouldSendPTO(pto) {
if !w.appendStreamDataBlockedFrame(, s.outwin) {
return false
for {
off, size := dataToSend(min(s.out.start, s.outwin), min(s.outflushed, s.outwin), s.outunsent, s.outacked, pto)
if end := off + size; end > s.outmaxsent {
// This will require connection-level flow control to send.
end = min(end, s.outmaxsent+s.conn.streams.outflow.avail())
end = max(end, off)
size = end - off
fin := s.outclosed.isSet() && off+size == s.out.end
shouldSend := size > 0 || // have data to send
s.outopened.shouldSendPTO(pto) || // should open the stream
(fin && s.outclosed.shouldSendPTO(pto)) // should close the stream
if !shouldSend {
return true
b, added := w.appendStreamFrame(, off, int(size), fin)
if !added {
return false
s.out.copy(off, b)
end := off + int64(len(b))
if end > s.outmaxsent {
s.conn.streams.outflow.consume(end - s.outmaxsent)
s.outmaxsent = end
s.outunsent.sub(off, end)
if fin {
if pto {
return true
if int64(len(b)) < size {
return false
// frameOpensStream records that we're sending a frame that will open the stream.
// If we don't have an acknowledgement from the peer for a previous frame opening the stream,
// record this packet as being the latest one to open it.
func (s *Stream) frameOpensStream(pnum packetNumber) {
if !s.outopened.isReceived() {
// dataToSend returns the next range of data to send in a STREAM or CRYPTO_STREAM.
func dataToSend(start, end int64, outunsent, outacked rangeset[int64], pto bool) (sendStart, size int64) {
switch {
case pto:
// On PTO, resend unacked data that fits in the probe packet.
// For simplicity, we send the range starting at s.out.start
// (which is definitely unacked, or else we would have discarded it)
// up to the next acked byte (if any).
// This may miss unacked data starting after that acked byte,
// but avoids resending data the peer has acked.
for _, r := range outacked {
if r.start > start {
return start, r.start - start
return start, end - start
case outunsent.numRanges() > 0:
return outunsent.min(), outunsent[0].size()
return end, 0