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// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.21
package quic
import (
// A pacerState controls the rate at which packets are sent using a leaky-bucket rate limiter.
// The pacer limits the maximum size of a burst of packets.
// When a burst exceeds this limit, it spreads subsequent packets
// over time.
// The bucket is initialized to the maximum burst size (ten packets by default),
// and fills at the rate:
// 1.25 * congestion_window / smoothed_rtt
// A sender can send one congestion window of packets per RTT,
// since the congestion window consumed by each packet is returned
// one round-trip later by the responding ack.
// The pacer permits sending at slightly faster than this rate to
// avoid underutilizing the congestion window.
// The pacer permits the bucket to become negative, and permits
// sending when non-negative. This biases slightly in favor of
// sending packets over limiting them, and permits bursts one
// packet greater than the configured maximum, but permits the pacer
// to be ignorant of the maximum packet size.
type pacerState struct {
bucket int // measured in bytes
maxBucket int
timerGranularity time.Duration
lastUpdate time.Time
nextSend time.Time
func (p *pacerState) init(now time.Time, maxBurst int, timerGranularity time.Duration) {
// Bucket is limited to maximum burst size, which is the initial congestion window.
p.maxBucket = maxBurst
p.bucket = p.maxBucket
p.timerGranularity = timerGranularity
p.lastUpdate = now
p.nextSend = now
// pacerBytesForInterval returns the number of bytes permitted over an interval.
// rate = 1.25 * congestion_window / smoothed_rtt
// bytes = interval * rate
func pacerBytesForInterval(interval time.Duration, congestionWindow int, rtt time.Duration) int {
bytes := (int64(interval) * int64(congestionWindow)) / int64(rtt)
bytes = (bytes * 5) / 4 // bytes *= 1.25
return int(bytes)
// pacerIntervalForBytes returns the amount of time required for a number of bytes.
// time_per_byte = (smoothed_rtt / congestion_window) / 1.25
// interval = time_per_byte * bytes
func pacerIntervalForBytes(bytes int, congestionWindow int, rtt time.Duration) time.Duration {
interval := (int64(rtt) * int64(bytes)) / int64(congestionWindow)
interval = (interval * 4) / 5 // interval /= 1.25
return time.Duration(interval)
// advance is called when time passes.
func (p *pacerState) advance(now time.Time, congestionWindow int, rtt time.Duration) {
elapsed := now.Sub(p.lastUpdate)
if elapsed < 0 {
// Time has gone backward?
elapsed = 0
p.nextSend = now // allow a packet through to get back on track
if p.bucket < 0 {
p.bucket = 0
p.lastUpdate = now
if rtt == 0 {
// Avoid divide by zero in the implausible case that we measure no RTT.
p.bucket = p.maxBucket
// Refill the bucket.
delta := pacerBytesForInterval(elapsed, congestionWindow, rtt)
p.bucket = min(p.bucket+delta, p.maxBucket)
// packetSent is called to record transmission of a packet.
func (p *pacerState) packetSent(now time.Time, size, congestionWindow int, rtt time.Duration) {
p.bucket -= size
if p.bucket < -congestionWindow {
// Never allow the bucket to fall more than one congestion window in arrears.
// We can only fall this far behind if the sender is sending unpaced packets,
// the congestion window has been exceeded, or the RTT is less than the
// timer granularity.
// Limiting the minimum bucket size limits the maximum pacer delay
// to RTT/1.25.
p.bucket = -congestionWindow
if p.bucket >= 0 {
p.nextSend = now
// Next send occurs when the bucket has refilled to 0.
delay := pacerIntervalForBytes(-p.bucket, congestionWindow, rtt)
p.nextSend = now.Add(delay)
// canSend reports whether a packet can be sent now.
// If it returns false, next is the time when the next packet can be sent.
func (p *pacerState) canSend(now time.Time) (canSend bool, next time.Time) {
// If the next send time is within the timer granularity, send immediately.
if p.nextSend.After(now.Add(p.timerGranularity)) {
return false, p.nextSend
return true, time.Time{}