| // Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| //go:build ignore |
| |
| //go:generate go run gen.go |
| //go:generate go run gen.go -test |
| |
| package main |
| |
| import ( |
| "bytes" |
| "flag" |
| "fmt" |
| "go/format" |
| "io/ioutil" |
| "math/rand" |
| "os" |
| "sort" |
| "strings" |
| ) |
| |
| // identifier converts s to a Go exported identifier. |
| // It converts "div" to "Div" and "accept-charset" to "AcceptCharset". |
| func identifier(s string) string { |
| b := make([]byte, 0, len(s)) |
| cap := true |
| for _, c := range s { |
| if c == '-' { |
| cap = true |
| continue |
| } |
| if cap && 'a' <= c && c <= 'z' { |
| c -= 'a' - 'A' |
| } |
| cap = false |
| b = append(b, byte(c)) |
| } |
| return string(b) |
| } |
| |
| var test = flag.Bool("test", false, "generate table_test.go") |
| |
| func genFile(name string, buf *bytes.Buffer) { |
| b, err := format.Source(buf.Bytes()) |
| if err != nil { |
| fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) |
| os.Exit(1) |
| } |
| if err := ioutil.WriteFile(name, b, 0644); err != nil { |
| fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err) |
| os.Exit(1) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| func main() { |
| flag.Parse() |
| |
| var all []string |
| all = append(all, elements...) |
| all = append(all, attributes...) |
| all = append(all, eventHandlers...) |
| all = append(all, extra...) |
| sort.Strings(all) |
| |
| // uniq - lists have dups |
| w := 0 |
| for _, s := range all { |
| if w == 0 || all[w-1] != s { |
| all[w] = s |
| w++ |
| } |
| } |
| all = all[:w] |
| |
| if *test { |
| var buf bytes.Buffer |
| fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "// Code generated by go generate gen.go; DO NOT EDIT.\n") |
| fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "//go:generate go run gen.go -test\n") |
| fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "package atom\n") |
| fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "var testAtomList = []string{") |
| for _, s := range all { |
| fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%q,\n", s) |
| } |
| fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "}") |
| |
| genFile("table_test.go", &buf) |
| return |
| } |
| |
| // Find hash that minimizes table size. |
| var best *table |
| for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ { |
| if best != nil && 1<<(best.k-1) < len(all) { |
| break |
| } |
| h := rand.Uint32() |
| for k := uint(0); k <= 16; k++ { |
| if best != nil && k >= best.k { |
| break |
| } |
| var t table |
| if t.init(h, k, all) { |
| best = &t |
| break |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if best == nil { |
| fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to construct string table\n") |
| os.Exit(1) |
| } |
| |
| // Lay out strings, using overlaps when possible. |
| layout := append([]string{}, all...) |
| |
| // Remove strings that are substrings of other strings |
| for changed := true; changed; { |
| changed = false |
| for i, s := range layout { |
| if s == "" { |
| continue |
| } |
| for j, t := range layout { |
| if i != j && t != "" && strings.Contains(s, t) { |
| changed = true |
| layout[j] = "" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Join strings where one suffix matches another prefix. |
| for { |
| // Find best i, j, k such that layout[i][len-k:] == layout[j][:k], |
| // maximizing overlap length k. |
| besti := -1 |
| bestj := -1 |
| bestk := 0 |
| for i, s := range layout { |
| if s == "" { |
| continue |
| } |
| for j, t := range layout { |
| if i == j { |
| continue |
| } |
| for k := bestk + 1; k <= len(s) && k <= len(t); k++ { |
| if s[len(s)-k:] == t[:k] { |
| besti = i |
| bestj = j |
| bestk = k |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if bestk > 0 { |
| layout[besti] += layout[bestj][bestk:] |
| layout[bestj] = "" |
| continue |
| } |
| break |
| } |
| |
| text := strings.Join(layout, "") |
| |
| atom := map[string]uint32{} |
| for _, s := range all { |
| off := strings.Index(text, s) |
| if off < 0 { |
| panic("lost string " + s) |
| } |
| atom[s] = uint32(off<<8 | len(s)) |
| } |
| |
| var buf bytes.Buffer |
| // Generate the Go code. |
| fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "// Code generated by go generate gen.go; DO NOT EDIT.\n") |
| fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "//go:generate go run gen.go\n") |
| fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "package atom\n\nconst (") |
| |
| // compute max len |
| maxLen := 0 |
| for _, s := range all { |
| if maxLen < len(s) { |
| maxLen = len(s) |
| } |
| fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%s Atom = %#x\n", identifier(s), atom[s]) |
| } |
| fmt.Fprintln(&buf, ")\n") |
| |
| fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "const hash0 = %#x\n\n", best.h0) |
| fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "const maxAtomLen = %d\n\n", maxLen) |
| |
| fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "var table = [1<<%d]Atom{\n", best.k) |
| for i, s := range best.tab { |
| if s == "" { |
| continue |
| } |
| fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%#x: %#x, // %s\n", i, atom[s], s) |
| } |
| fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "}\n") |
| datasize := (1 << best.k) * 4 |
| |
| fmt.Fprintln(&buf, "const atomText =") |
| textsize := len(text) |
| for len(text) > 60 { |
| fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%q +\n", text[:60]) |
| text = text[60:] |
| } |
| fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "\t%q\n\n", text) |
| |
| genFile("table.go", &buf) |
| |
| fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%d atoms; %d string bytes + %d tables = %d total data\n", len(all), textsize, datasize, textsize+datasize) |
| } |
| |
| type byLen []string |
| |
| func (x byLen) Less(i, j int) bool { return len(x[i]) > len(x[j]) } |
| func (x byLen) Swap(i, j int) { x[i], x[j] = x[j], x[i] } |
| func (x byLen) Len() int { return len(x) } |
| |
| // fnv computes the FNV hash with an arbitrary starting value h. |
| func fnv(h uint32, s string) uint32 { |
| for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ { |
| h ^= uint32(s[i]) |
| h *= 16777619 |
| } |
| return h |
| } |
| |
| // A table represents an attempt at constructing the lookup table. |
| // The lookup table uses cuckoo hashing, meaning that each string |
| // can be found in one of two positions. |
| type table struct { |
| h0 uint32 |
| k uint |
| mask uint32 |
| tab []string |
| } |
| |
| // hash returns the two hashes for s. |
| func (t *table) hash(s string) (h1, h2 uint32) { |
| h := fnv(t.h0, s) |
| h1 = h & t.mask |
| h2 = (h >> 16) & t.mask |
| return |
| } |
| |
| // init initializes the table with the given parameters. |
| // h0 is the initial hash value, |
| // k is the number of bits of hash value to use, and |
| // x is the list of strings to store in the table. |
| // init returns false if the table cannot be constructed. |
| func (t *table) init(h0 uint32, k uint, x []string) bool { |
| t.h0 = h0 |
| t.k = k |
| t.tab = make([]string, 1<<k) |
| t.mask = 1<<k - 1 |
| for _, s := range x { |
| if !t.insert(s) { |
| return false |
| } |
| } |
| return true |
| } |
| |
| // insert inserts s in the table. |
| func (t *table) insert(s string) bool { |
| h1, h2 := t.hash(s) |
| if t.tab[h1] == "" { |
| t.tab[h1] = s |
| return true |
| } |
| if t.tab[h2] == "" { |
| t.tab[h2] = s |
| return true |
| } |
| if t.push(h1, 0) { |
| t.tab[h1] = s |
| return true |
| } |
| if t.push(h2, 0) { |
| t.tab[h2] = s |
| return true |
| } |
| return false |
| } |
| |
| // push attempts to push aside the entry in slot i. |
| func (t *table) push(i uint32, depth int) bool { |
| if depth > len(t.tab) { |
| return false |
| } |
| s := t.tab[i] |
| h1, h2 := t.hash(s) |
| j := h1 + h2 - i |
| if t.tab[j] != "" && !t.push(j, depth+1) { |
| return false |
| } |
| t.tab[j] = s |
| return true |
| } |
| |
| // The lists of element names and attribute keys were taken from |
| // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/indices.html#index |
| // as of the "HTML Living Standard - Last Updated 16 April 2018" version. |
| |
| // "command", "keygen" and "menuitem" have been removed from the spec, |
| // but are kept here for backwards compatibility. |
| var elements = []string{ |
| "a", |
| "abbr", |
| "address", |
| "area", |
| "article", |
| "aside", |
| "audio", |
| "b", |
| "base", |
| "bdi", |
| "bdo", |
| "blockquote", |
| "body", |
| "br", |
| "button", |
| "canvas", |
| "caption", |
| "cite", |
| "code", |
| "col", |
| "colgroup", |
| "command", |
| "data", |
| "datalist", |
| "dd", |
| "del", |
| "details", |
| "dfn", |
| "dialog", |
| "div", |
| "dl", |
| "dt", |
| "em", |
| "embed", |
| "fieldset", |
| "figcaption", |
| "figure", |
| "footer", |
| "form", |
| "h1", |
| "h2", |
| "h3", |
| "h4", |
| "h5", |
| "h6", |
| "head", |
| "header", |
| "hgroup", |
| "hr", |
| "html", |
| "i", |
| "iframe", |
| "img", |
| "input", |
| "ins", |
| "kbd", |
| "keygen", |
| "label", |
| "legend", |
| "li", |
| "link", |
| "main", |
| "map", |
| "mark", |
| "menu", |
| "menuitem", |
| "meta", |
| "meter", |
| "nav", |
| "noscript", |
| "object", |
| "ol", |
| "optgroup", |
| "option", |
| "output", |
| "p", |
| "param", |
| "picture", |
| "pre", |
| "progress", |
| "q", |
| "rp", |
| "rt", |
| "ruby", |
| "s", |
| "samp", |
| "script", |
| "section", |
| "select", |
| "slot", |
| "small", |
| "source", |
| "span", |
| "strong", |
| "style", |
| "sub", |
| "summary", |
| "sup", |
| "table", |
| "tbody", |
| "td", |
| "template", |
| "textarea", |
| "tfoot", |
| "th", |
| "thead", |
| "time", |
| "title", |
| "tr", |
| "track", |
| "u", |
| "ul", |
| "var", |
| "video", |
| "wbr", |
| } |
| |
| // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/indices.html#attributes-3 |
| // |
| // "challenge", "command", "contextmenu", "dropzone", "icon", "keytype", "mediagroup", |
| // "radiogroup", "spellcheck", "scoped", "seamless", "sortable" and "sorted" have been removed from the spec, |
| // but are kept here for backwards compatibility. |
| var attributes = []string{ |
| "abbr", |
| "accept", |
| "accept-charset", |
| "accesskey", |
| "action", |
| "allowfullscreen", |
| "allowpaymentrequest", |
| "allowusermedia", |
| "alt", |
| "as", |
| "async", |
| "autocomplete", |
| "autofocus", |
| "autoplay", |
| "challenge", |
| "charset", |
| "checked", |
| "cite", |
| "class", |
| "color", |
| "cols", |
| "colspan", |
| "command", |
| "content", |
| "contenteditable", |
| "contextmenu", |
| "controls", |
| "coords", |
| "crossorigin", |
| "data", |
| "datetime", |
| "default", |
| "defer", |
| "dir", |
| "dirname", |
| "disabled", |
| "download", |
| "draggable", |
| "dropzone", |
| "enctype", |
| "for", |
| "form", |
| "formaction", |
| "formenctype", |
| "formmethod", |
| "formnovalidate", |
| "formtarget", |
| "headers", |
| "height", |
| "hidden", |
| "high", |
| "href", |
| "hreflang", |
| "http-equiv", |
| "icon", |
| "id", |
| "inputmode", |
| "integrity", |
| "is", |
| "ismap", |
| "itemid", |
| "itemprop", |
| "itemref", |
| "itemscope", |
| "itemtype", |
| "keytype", |
| "kind", |
| "label", |
| "lang", |
| "list", |
| "loop", |
| "low", |
| "manifest", |
| "max", |
| "maxlength", |
| "media", |
| "mediagroup", |
| "method", |
| "min", |
| "minlength", |
| "multiple", |
| "muted", |
| "name", |
| "nomodule", |
| "nonce", |
| "novalidate", |
| "open", |
| "optimum", |
| "pattern", |
| "ping", |
| "placeholder", |
| "playsinline", |
| "poster", |
| "preload", |
| "radiogroup", |
| "readonly", |
| "referrerpolicy", |
| "rel", |
| "required", |
| "reversed", |
| "rows", |
| "rowspan", |
| "sandbox", |
| "spellcheck", |
| "scope", |
| "scoped", |
| "seamless", |
| "selected", |
| "shape", |
| "size", |
| "sizes", |
| "sortable", |
| "sorted", |
| "slot", |
| "span", |
| "spellcheck", |
| "src", |
| "srcdoc", |
| "srclang", |
| "srcset", |
| "start", |
| "step", |
| "style", |
| "tabindex", |
| "target", |
| "title", |
| "translate", |
| "type", |
| "typemustmatch", |
| "updateviacache", |
| "usemap", |
| "value", |
| "width", |
| "workertype", |
| "wrap", |
| } |
| |
| // "onautocomplete", "onautocompleteerror", "onmousewheel", |
| // "onshow" and "onsort" have been removed from the spec, |
| // but are kept here for backwards compatibility. |
| var eventHandlers = []string{ |
| "onabort", |
| "onautocomplete", |
| "onautocompleteerror", |
| "onauxclick", |
| "onafterprint", |
| "onbeforeprint", |
| "onbeforeunload", |
| "onblur", |
| "oncancel", |
| "oncanplay", |
| "oncanplaythrough", |
| "onchange", |
| "onclick", |
| "onclose", |
| "oncontextmenu", |
| "oncopy", |
| "oncuechange", |
| "oncut", |
| "ondblclick", |
| "ondrag", |
| "ondragend", |
| "ondragenter", |
| "ondragexit", |
| "ondragleave", |
| "ondragover", |
| "ondragstart", |
| "ondrop", |
| "ondurationchange", |
| "onemptied", |
| "onended", |
| "onerror", |
| "onfocus", |
| "onhashchange", |
| "oninput", |
| "oninvalid", |
| "onkeydown", |
| "onkeypress", |
| "onkeyup", |
| "onlanguagechange", |
| "onload", |
| "onloadeddata", |
| "onloadedmetadata", |
| "onloadend", |
| "onloadstart", |
| "onmessage", |
| "onmessageerror", |
| "onmousedown", |
| "onmouseenter", |
| "onmouseleave", |
| "onmousemove", |
| "onmouseout", |
| "onmouseover", |
| "onmouseup", |
| "onmousewheel", |
| "onwheel", |
| "onoffline", |
| "ononline", |
| "onpagehide", |
| "onpageshow", |
| "onpaste", |
| "onpause", |
| "onplay", |
| "onplaying", |
| "onpopstate", |
| "onprogress", |
| "onratechange", |
| "onreset", |
| "onresize", |
| "onrejectionhandled", |
| "onscroll", |
| "onsecuritypolicyviolation", |
| "onseeked", |
| "onseeking", |
| "onselect", |
| "onshow", |
| "onsort", |
| "onstalled", |
| "onstorage", |
| "onsubmit", |
| "onsuspend", |
| "ontimeupdate", |
| "ontoggle", |
| "onunhandledrejection", |
| "onunload", |
| "onvolumechange", |
| "onwaiting", |
| } |
| |
| // extra are ad-hoc values not covered by any of the lists above. |
| var extra = []string{ |
| "acronym", |
| "align", |
| "annotation", |
| "annotation-xml", |
| "applet", |
| "basefont", |
| "bgsound", |
| "big", |
| "blink", |
| "center", |
| "color", |
| "desc", |
| "face", |
| "font", |
| "foreignObject", // HTML is case-insensitive, but SVG-embedded-in-HTML is case-sensitive. |
| "foreignobject", |
| "frame", |
| "frameset", |
| "image", |
| "isindex", // "isindex" has been removed from the spec, but are kept here for backwards compatibility. |
| "listing", |
| "malignmark", |
| "marquee", |
| "math", |
| "mglyph", |
| "mi", |
| "mn", |
| "mo", |
| "ms", |
| "mtext", |
| "nobr", |
| "noembed", |
| "noframes", |
| "plaintext", |
| "prompt", |
| "public", |
| "rb", |
| "rtc", |
| "spacer", |
| "strike", |
| "svg", |
| "system", |
| "tt", |
| "xmp", |
| } |