blob: 5bf89209931441e0374e849a9c55383e9efedd7c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ipv4_test
import (
var testExternal = flag.Bool("external", true, "allow use of external networks during long test")
func newICMPEchoRequest(id, seqnum, msglen int, filler []byte) []byte {
b := newICMPInfoMessage(id, seqnum, msglen, filler)
b[0] = 8
// calculate ICMP checksum
cklen := len(b)
s := uint32(0)
for i := 0; i < cklen-1; i += 2 {
s += uint32(b[i+1])<<8 | uint32(b[i])
if cklen&1 == 1 {
s += uint32(b[cklen-1])
s = (s >> 16) + (s & 0xffff)
s = s + (s >> 16)
// place checksum back in header; using ^= avoids the
// assumption the checksum bytes are zero
b[2] ^= byte(^s & 0xff)
b[3] ^= byte(^s >> 8)
return b
func newICMPInfoMessage(id, seqnum, msglen int, filler []byte) []byte {
b := make([]byte, msglen)
copy(b[8:], bytes.Repeat(filler, (msglen-8)/len(filler)+1))
b[0] = 0 // type
b[1] = 0 // code
b[2] = 0 // checksum
b[3] = 0 // checksum
b[4] = byte(id >> 8) // identifier
b[5] = byte(id & 0xff) // identifier
b[6] = byte(seqnum >> 8) // sequence number
b[7] = byte(seqnum & 0xff) // sequence number
return b