| // go run gen.go |
| |
| package ipv6 |
| |
| // Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) Parameters, Updated: 2012-11-12 |
| const ( |
| ICMPTypeDestinationUnreachable ICMPType = 1 // Destination Unreachable |
| ICMPTypePacketTooBig ICMPType = 2 // Packet Too Big |
| ICMPTypeTimeExceeded ICMPType = 3 // Time Exceeded |
| ICMPTypeParameterProblem ICMPType = 4 // Parameter Problem |
| ICMPTypeEchoRequest ICMPType = 128 // Echo Request |
| ICMPTypeEchoReply ICMPType = 129 // Echo Reply |
| ICMPTypeMulticastListenerQuery ICMPType = 130 // Multicast Listener Query |
| ICMPTypeMulticastListenerReport ICMPType = 131 // Multicast Listener Report |
| ICMPTypeMulticastListenerDone ICMPType = 132 // Multicast Listener Done |
| ICMPTypeRouterSolicitation ICMPType = 133 // Router Solicitation |
| ICMPTypeRouterAdvertisement ICMPType = 134 // Router Advertisement |
| ICMPTypeNeighborSolicitation ICMPType = 135 // Neighbor Solicitation |
| ICMPTypeNeighborAdvertisement ICMPType = 136 // Neighbor Advertisement |
| ICMPTypeRedirect ICMPType = 137 // Redirect Message |
| ICMPTypeRouterRenumbering ICMPType = 138 // Router Renumbering |
| ICMPTypeNodeInformationQuery ICMPType = 139 // ICMP Node Information Query |
| ICMPTypeNodeInformationResponse ICMPType = 140 // ICMP Node Information Response |
| ICMPTypeInverseNeighborDiscoverySolicitation ICMPType = 141 // Inverse Neighbor Discovery Solicitation Message |
| ICMPTypeInverseNeighborDiscoveryAdvertisement ICMPType = 142 // Inverse Neighbor Discovery Advertisement Message |
| ICMPTypeVersion2MulticastListenerReport ICMPType = 143 // Version 2 Multicast Listener Report |
| ICMPTypeHomeAgentAddressDiscoveryRequest ICMPType = 144 // Home Agent Address Discovery Request Message |
| ICMPTypeHomeAgentAddressDiscoveryReply ICMPType = 145 // Home Agent Address Discovery Reply Message |
| ICMPTypeMobilePrefixSolicitation ICMPType = 146 // Mobile Prefix Solicitation |
| ICMPTypeMobilePrefixAdvertisement ICMPType = 147 // Mobile Prefix Advertisement |
| ICMPTypeCertificationPathSolicitation ICMPType = 148 // Certification Path Solicitation Message |
| ICMPTypeCertificationPathAdvertisement ICMPType = 149 // Certification Path Advertisement Message |
| ICMPTypeMulticastRouterAdvertisement ICMPType = 151 // Multicast Router Advertisement |
| ICMPTypeMulticastRouterSolicitation ICMPType = 152 // Multicast Router Solicitation |
| ICMPTypeMulticastRouterTermination ICMPType = 153 // Multicast Router Termination |
| ICMPTypeFMIPv6 ICMPType = 154 // FMIPv6 Messages |
| ICMPTypeRPLControl ICMPType = 155 // RPL Control Message |
| ICMPTypeILNPv6LocatorUpdate ICMPType = 156 // ILNPv6 Locator Update Message |
| ICMPTypeDuplicateAddressRequest ICMPType = 157 // Duplicate Address Request |
| ICMPTypeDuplicateAddressConfirmation ICMPType = 158 // Duplicate Address Confirmation |
| ) |
| |
| // Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) Parameters, Updated: 2012-11-12 |
| var icmpTypes = map[ICMPType]string{ |
| 1: "destination unreachable", |
| 2: "packet too big", |
| 3: "time exceeded", |
| 4: "parameter problem", |
| 128: "echo request", |
| 129: "echo reply", |
| 130: "multicast listener query", |
| 131: "multicast listener report", |
| 132: "multicast listener done", |
| 133: "router solicitation", |
| 134: "router advertisement", |
| 135: "neighbor solicitation", |
| 136: "neighbor advertisement", |
| 137: "redirect message", |
| 138: "router renumbering", |
| 139: "icmp node information query", |
| 140: "icmp node information response", |
| 141: "inverse neighbor discovery solicitation message", |
| 142: "inverse neighbor discovery advertisement message", |
| 143: "version 2 multicast listener report", |
| 144: "home agent address discovery request message", |
| 145: "home agent address discovery reply message", |
| 146: "mobile prefix solicitation", |
| 147: "mobile prefix advertisement", |
| 148: "certification path solicitation message", |
| 149: "certification path advertisement message", |
| 151: "multicast router advertisement", |
| 152: "multicast router solicitation", |
| 153: "multicast router termination", |
| 154: "fmipv6 messages", |
| 155: "rpl control message", |
| 156: "ilnpv6 locator update message", |
| 157: "duplicate address request", |
| 158: "duplicate address confirmation", |
| } |
| |
| // Protocol Numbers, Updated: 2013-02-17 |
| const ( |
| ianaProtocolHOPOPT = 0 // IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Option |
| ianaProtocolICMP = 1 // Internet Control Message |
| ianaProtocolIGMP = 2 // Internet Group Management |
| ianaProtocolGGP = 3 // Gateway-to-Gateway |
| ianaProtocolIPv4 = 4 // IPv4 encapsulation |
| ianaProtocolST = 5 // Stream |
| ianaProtocolTCP = 6 // Transmission Control |
| ianaProtocolCBT = 7 // CBT |
| ianaProtocolEGP = 8 // Exterior Gateway Protocol |
| ianaProtocolIGP = 9 // any private interior gateway (used by Cisco for their IGRP) |
| ianaProtocolBBNRCCMON = 10 // BBN RCC Monitoring |
| ianaProtocolNVPII = 11 // Network Voice Protocol |
| ianaProtocolPUP = 12 // PUP |
| ianaProtocolARGUS = 13 // ARGUS |
| ianaProtocolEMCON = 14 // EMCON |
| ianaProtocolXNET = 15 // Cross Net Debugger |
| ianaProtocolCHAOS = 16 // Chaos |
| ianaProtocolUDP = 17 // User Datagram |
| ianaProtocolMUX = 18 // Multiplexing |
| ianaProtocolDCNMEAS = 19 // DCN Measurement Subsystems |
| ianaProtocolHMP = 20 // Host Monitoring |
| ianaProtocolPRM = 21 // Packet Radio Measurement |
| ianaProtocolXNSIDP = 22 // XEROX NS IDP |
| ianaProtocolTRUNK1 = 23 // Trunk-1 |
| ianaProtocolTRUNK2 = 24 // Trunk-2 |
| ianaProtocolLEAF1 = 25 // Leaf-1 |
| ianaProtocolLEAF2 = 26 // Leaf-2 |
| ianaProtocolRDP = 27 // Reliable Data Protocol |
| ianaProtocolIRTP = 28 // Internet Reliable Transaction |
| ianaProtocolISOTP4 = 29 // ISO Transport Protocol Class 4 |
| ianaProtocolNETBLT = 30 // Bulk Data Transfer Protocol |
| ianaProtocolMFENSP = 31 // MFE Network Services Protocol |
| ianaProtocolMERITINP = 32 // MERIT Internodal Protocol |
| ianaProtocolDCCP = 33 // Datagram Congestion Control Protocol |
| ianaProtocol3PC = 34 // Third Party Connect Protocol |
| ianaProtocolIDPR = 35 // Inter-Domain Policy Routing Protocol |
| ianaProtocolXTP = 36 // XTP |
| ianaProtocolDDP = 37 // Datagram Delivery Protocol |
| ianaProtocolIDPRCMTP = 38 // IDPR Control Message Transport Proto |
| ianaProtocolTPPP = 39 // TP++ Transport Protocol |
| ianaProtocolIL = 40 // IL Transport Protocol |
| ianaProtocolIPv6 = 41 // IPv6 encapsulation |
| ianaProtocolSDRP = 42 // Source Demand Routing Protocol |
| ianaProtocolIPv6Route = 43 // Routing Header for IPv6 |
| ianaProtocolIPv6Frag = 44 // Fragment Header for IPv6 |
| ianaProtocolIDRP = 45 // Inter-Domain Routing Protocol |
| ianaProtocolRSVP = 46 // Reservation Protocol |
| ianaProtocolGRE = 47 // Generic Routing Encapsulation |
| ianaProtocolDSR = 48 // Dynamic Source Routing Protocol |
| ianaProtocolBNA = 49 // BNA |
| ianaProtocolESP = 50 // Encap Security Payload |
| ianaProtocolAH = 51 // Authentication Header |
| ianaProtocolINLSP = 52 // Integrated Net Layer Security TUBA |
| ianaProtocolSWIPE = 53 // IP with Encryption |
| ianaProtocolNARP = 54 // NBMA Address Resolution Protocol |
| ianaProtocolMOBILE = 55 // IP Mobility |
| ianaProtocolTLSP = 56 // Transport Layer Security Protocol using Kryptonet key management |
| ianaProtocolSKIP = 57 // SKIP |
| ianaProtocolIPv6ICMP = 58 // ICMP for IPv6 |
| ianaProtocolIPv6NoNxt = 59 // No Next Header for IPv6 |
| ianaProtocolIPv6Opts = 60 // Destination Options for IPv6 |
| ianaProtocolCFTP = 62 // CFTP |
| ianaProtocolSATEXPAK = 64 // SATNET and Backroom EXPAK |
| ianaProtocolKRYPTOLAN = 65 // Kryptolan |
| ianaProtocolRVD = 66 // MIT Remote Virtual Disk Protocol |
| ianaProtocolIPPC = 67 // Internet Pluribus Packet Core |
| ianaProtocolSATMON = 69 // SATNET Monitoring |
| ianaProtocolVISA = 70 // VISA Protocol |
| ianaProtocolIPCV = 71 // Internet Packet Core Utility |
| ianaProtocolCPNX = 72 // Computer Protocol Network Executive |
| ianaProtocolCPHB = 73 // Computer Protocol Heart Beat |
| ianaProtocolWSN = 74 // Wang Span Network |
| ianaProtocolPVP = 75 // Packet Video Protocol |
| ianaProtocolBRSATMON = 76 // Backroom SATNET Monitoring |
| ianaProtocolSUNND = 77 // SUN ND PROTOCOL-Temporary |
| ianaProtocolWBMON = 78 // WIDEBAND Monitoring |
| ianaProtocolWBEXPAK = 79 // WIDEBAND EXPAK |
| ianaProtocolISOIP = 80 // ISO Internet Protocol |
| ianaProtocolVMTP = 81 // VMTP |
| ianaProtocolSECUREVMTP = 82 // SECURE-VMTP |
| ianaProtocolVINES = 83 // VINES |
| ianaProtocolTTP = 84 // TTP |
| ianaProtocolIPTM = 84 // Protocol Internet Protocol Traffic Manager |
| ianaProtocolNSFNETIGP = 85 // NSFNET-IGP |
| ianaProtocolDGP = 86 // Dissimilar Gateway Protocol |
| ianaProtocolTCF = 87 // TCF |
| ianaProtocolEIGRP = 88 // EIGRP |
| ianaProtocolOSPFIGP = 89 // OSPFIGP |
| ianaProtocolSpriteRPC = 90 // Sprite RPC Protocol |
| ianaProtocolLARP = 91 // Locus Address Resolution Protocol |
| ianaProtocolMTP = 92 // Multicast Transport Protocol |
| ianaProtocolAX25 = 93 // AX.25 Frames |
| ianaProtocolIPIP = 94 // IP-within-IP Encapsulation Protocol |
| ianaProtocolMICP = 95 // Mobile Internetworking Control Pro. |
| ianaProtocolSCCSP = 96 // Semaphore Communications Sec. Pro. |
| ianaProtocolETHERIP = 97 // Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation |
| ianaProtocolENCAP = 98 // Encapsulation Header |
| ianaProtocolGMTP = 100 // GMTP |
| ianaProtocolIFMP = 101 // Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol |
| ianaProtocolPNNI = 102 // PNNI over IP |
| ianaProtocolPIM = 103 // Protocol Independent Multicast |
| ianaProtocolARIS = 104 // ARIS |
| ianaProtocolSCPS = 105 // SCPS |
| ianaProtocolQNX = 106 // QNX |
| ianaProtocolAN = 107 // Active Networks |
| ianaProtocolIPComp = 108 // IP Payload Compression Protocol |
| ianaProtocolSNP = 109 // Sitara Networks Protocol |
| ianaProtocolCompaqPeer = 110 // Compaq Peer Protocol |
| ianaProtocolIPXinIP = 111 // IPX in IP |
| ianaProtocolVRRP = 112 // Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol |
| ianaProtocolPGM = 113 // PGM Reliable Transport Protocol |
| ianaProtocolL2TP = 115 // Layer Two Tunneling Protocol |
| ianaProtocolDDX = 116 // D-II Data Exchange (DDX) |
| ianaProtocolIATP = 117 // Interactive Agent Transfer Protocol |
| ianaProtocolSTP = 118 // Schedule Transfer Protocol |
| ianaProtocolSRP = 119 // SpectraLink Radio Protocol |
| ianaProtocolUTI = 120 // UTI |
| ianaProtocolSMP = 121 // Simple Message Protocol |
| ianaProtocolSM = 122 // SM |
| ianaProtocolPTP = 123 // Performance Transparency Protocol |
| ianaProtocolISIS = 124 // ISIS over IPv4 |
| ianaProtocolFIRE = 125 // FIRE |
| ianaProtocolCRTP = 126 // Combat Radio Transport Protocol |
| ianaProtocolCRUDP = 127 // Combat Radio User Datagram |
| ianaProtocolSSCOPMCE = 128 // SSCOPMCE |
| ianaProtocolIPLT = 129 // IPLT |
| ianaProtocolSPS = 130 // Secure Packet Shield |
| ianaProtocolPIPE = 131 // Private IP Encapsulation within IP |
| ianaProtocolSCTP = 132 // Stream Control Transmission Protocol |
| ianaProtocolFC = 133 // Fibre Channel |
| ianaProtocolRSVPE2EIGNORE = 134 // RSVP-E2E-IGNORE |
| ianaProtocolMobilityHeader = 135 // Mobility Header |
| ianaProtocolUDPLite = 136 // UDPLite |
| ianaProtocolMPLSinIP = 137 // MPLS-in-IP |
| ianaProtocolMANET = 138 // MANET Protocols |
| ianaProtocolHIP = 139 // Host Identity Protocol |
| ianaProtocolShim6 = 140 // Shim6 Protocol |
| ianaProtocolWESP = 141 // Wrapped Encapsulating Security Payload |
| ianaProtocolROHC = 142 // Robust Header Compression |
| ianaProtocolReserved = 255 // Reserved |
| ) |