blob: 5da0ba443bb9ead87b8f13e7d2cd0cca404e97a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.21
package quic
import (
// A Conn is a QUIC connection.
// Multiple goroutines may invoke methods on a Conn simultaneously.
type Conn struct {
side connSide
listener *Listener
config *Config
testHooks connTestHooks
peerAddr netip.AddrPort
msgc chan any
donec chan struct{} // closed when conn loop exits
exited bool // set to make the conn loop exit immediately
w packetWriter
acks [numberSpaceCount]ackState // indexed by number space
lifetime lifetimeState
connIDState connIDState
loss lossState
streams streamsState
// idleTimeout is the time at which the connection will be closed due to inactivity.
maxIdleTimeout time.Duration
idleTimeout time.Time
// Packet protection keys, CRYPTO streams, and TLS state.
keysInitial fixedKeyPair
keysHandshake fixedKeyPair
keysAppData updatingKeyPair
crypto [numberSpaceCount]cryptoStream
tls *tls.QUICConn
// handshakeConfirmed is set when the handshake is confirmed.
// For server connections, it tracks sending HANDSHAKE_DONE.
handshakeConfirmed sentVal
peerAckDelayExponent int8 // -1 when unknown
// Tests only: Send a PING in a specific number space.
testSendPingSpace numberSpace
testSendPing sentVal
// connTestHooks override conn behavior in tests.
type connTestHooks interface {
nextMessage(msgc chan any, nextTimeout time.Time) (now time.Time, message any)
newConnID(seq int64) ([]byte, error)
waitUntil(ctx context.Context, until func() bool) error
timeNow() time.Time
func newConn(now time.Time, side connSide, initialConnID []byte, peerAddr netip.AddrPort, config *Config, l *Listener, hooks connTestHooks) (*Conn, error) {
c := &Conn{
side: side,
listener: l,
config: config,
peerAddr: peerAddr,
msgc: make(chan any, 1),
donec: make(chan struct{}),
testHooks: hooks,
maxIdleTimeout: defaultMaxIdleTimeout,
idleTimeout: now.Add(defaultMaxIdleTimeout),
peerAckDelayExponent: -1,
// A one-element buffer allows us to wake a Conn's event loop as a
// non-blocking operation.
c.msgc = make(chan any, 1)
if c.side == clientSide {
if err := c.connIDState.initClient(c); err != nil {
return nil, err
initialConnID, _ = c.connIDState.dstConnID()
} else {
if err := c.connIDState.initServer(c, initialConnID); err != nil {
return nil, err
// The smallest allowed maximum QUIC datagram size is 1200 bytes.
// TODO: PMTU discovery.
const maxDatagramSize = 1200
c.loss.init(c.side, maxDatagramSize, now)
// TODO: initial_source_connection_id, retry_source_connection_id
c.startTLS(now, initialConnID, transportParameters{
initialSrcConnID: c.connIDState.srcConnID(),
ackDelayExponent: ackDelayExponent,
maxUDPPayloadSize: maxUDPPayloadSize,
maxAckDelay: maxAckDelay,
disableActiveMigration: true,
initialMaxData: config.maxConnReadBufferSize(),
initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal: config.maxStreamReadBufferSize(),
initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote: config.maxStreamReadBufferSize(),
initialMaxStreamDataUni: config.maxStreamReadBufferSize(),
initialMaxStreamsBidi: c.streams.remoteLimit[bidiStream].max,
initialMaxStreamsUni: c.streams.remoteLimit[uniStream].max,
activeConnIDLimit: activeConnIDLimit,
go c.loop(now)
return c, nil
func (c *Conn) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("quic.Conn(%v,->%v)", c.side, c.peerAddr)
// confirmHandshake is called when the handshake is confirmed.
func (c *Conn) confirmHandshake(now time.Time) {
// If handshakeConfirmed is unset, the handshake is not confirmed.
// If it is unsent, the handshake is confirmed and we need to send a HANDSHAKE_DONE.
// If it is sent, we have sent a HANDSHAKE_DONE.
// If it is received, the handshake is confirmed and we do not need to send anything.
if c.handshakeConfirmed.isSet() {
return // already confirmed
if c.side == serverSide {
// When the server confirms the handshake, it sends a HANDSHAKE_DONE.
} else {
// The client never sends a HANDSHAKE_DONE, so we set handshakeConfirmed
// to the received state, indicating that the handshake is confirmed and we
// don't need to send anything.
// "An endpoint MUST discard its Handshake keys when the TLS handshake is confirmed"
c.discardKeys(now, handshakeSpace)
// discardKeys discards unused packet protection keys.
func (c *Conn) discardKeys(now time.Time, space numberSpace) {
switch space {
case initialSpace:
case handshakeSpace:
c.loss.discardKeys(now, space)
// receiveTransportParameters applies transport parameters sent by the peer.
func (c *Conn) receiveTransportParameters(p transportParameters) error {
c.streams.peerInitialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal = p.initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal
c.streams.peerInitialMaxStreamDataRemote[bidiStream] = p.initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote
c.streams.peerInitialMaxStreamDataRemote[uniStream] = p.initialMaxStreamDataUni
c.peerAckDelayExponent = p.ackDelayExponent
if err := c.connIDState.setPeerActiveConnIDLimit(c, p.activeConnIDLimit); err != nil {
return err
if p.preferredAddrConnID != nil {
var (
seq int64 = 1 // sequence number of this conn id is 1
retirePriorTo int64 = 0 // retire nothing
resetToken [16]byte
copy(resetToken[:], p.preferredAddrResetToken)
if err := c.connIDState.handleNewConnID(seq, retirePriorTo, p.preferredAddrConnID, resetToken); err != nil {
return err
// TODO: Many more transport parameters to come.
return nil
type (
timerEvent struct{}
wakeEvent struct{}
// loop is the connection main loop.
// Except where otherwise noted, all connection state is owned by the loop goroutine.
// The loop processes messages from c.msgc and timer events.
// Other goroutines may examine or modify conn state by sending the loop funcs to execute.
func (c *Conn) loop(now time.Time) {
defer close(c.donec)
defer c.tls.Close()
defer c.listener.connDrained(c)
// The connection timer sends a message to the connection loop on expiry.
// We need to give it an expiry when creating it, so set the initial timeout to
// an arbitrary large value. The timer will be reset before this expires (and it
// isn't a problem if it does anyway). Skip creating the timer in tests which
// take control of the connection message loop.
var timer *time.Timer
var lastTimeout time.Time
hooks := c.testHooks
if hooks == nil {
timer = time.AfterFunc(1*time.Hour, func() {
defer timer.Stop()
for !c.exited {
sendTimeout := c.maybeSend(now) // try sending
// Note that we only need to consider the ack timer for the App Data space,
// since the Initial and Handshake spaces always ack immediately.
nextTimeout := sendTimeout
nextTimeout = firstTime(nextTimeout, c.idleTimeout)
if !c.isClosingOrDraining() {
nextTimeout = firstTime(nextTimeout, c.loss.timer)
nextTimeout = firstTime(nextTimeout, c.acks[appDataSpace].nextAck)
} else {
nextTimeout = firstTime(nextTimeout, c.lifetime.drainEndTime)
var m any
if hooks != nil {
// Tests only: Wait for the test to tell us to continue.
now, m = hooks.nextMessage(c.msgc, nextTimeout)
} else if !nextTimeout.IsZero() && nextTimeout.Before(now) {
// A connection timer has expired.
now = time.Now()
m = timerEvent{}
} else {
// Reschedule the connection timer if necessary
// and wait for the next event.
if !nextTimeout.Equal(lastTimeout) && !nextTimeout.IsZero() {
// Resetting a timer created with time.AfterFunc guarantees
// that the timer will run again. We might generate a spurious
// timer event under some circumstances, but that's okay.
lastTimeout = nextTimeout
m = <-c.msgc
now = time.Now()
switch m := m.(type) {
case *datagram:
c.handleDatagram(now, m)
case timerEvent:
// A connection timer has expired.
if !now.Before(c.idleTimeout) {
// "[...] the connection is silently closed and
// its state is discarded [...]"
c.exited = true
c.loss.advance(now, c.handleAckOrLoss)
if c.lifetimeAdvance(now) {
// The connection has completed the draining period,
// and may be shut down.
case wakeEvent:
// We're being woken up to try sending some frames.
case func(time.Time, *Conn):
// Send a func to msgc to run it on the main Conn goroutine
m(now, c)
panic(fmt.Sprintf("quic: unrecognized conn message %T", m))
// sendMsg sends a message to the conn's loop.
// It does not wait for the message to be processed.
// The conn may close before processing the message, in which case it is lost.
func (c *Conn) sendMsg(m any) {
select {
case c.msgc <- m:
case <-c.donec:
// wake wakes up the conn's loop.
func (c *Conn) wake() {
select {
case c.msgc <- wakeEvent{}:
// runOnLoop executes a function within the conn's loop goroutine.
func (c *Conn) runOnLoop(f func(now time.Time, c *Conn)) error {
donec := make(chan struct{})
c.sendMsg(func(now time.Time, c *Conn) {
defer close(donec)
f(now, c)
select {
case <-donec:
case <-c.donec:
return errors.New("quic: connection closed")
return nil
func (c *Conn) waitOnDone(ctx context.Context, ch <-chan struct{}) error {
if c.testHooks != nil {
return c.testHooks.waitUntil(ctx, func() bool {
select {
case <-ch:
return true
return false
// Check the channel before the context.
// We always prefer to return results when available,
// even when provided with an already-canceled context.
select {
case <-ch:
return nil
select {
case <-ch:
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
return nil
// firstTime returns the earliest non-zero time, or zero if both times are zero.
func firstTime(a, b time.Time) time.Time {
switch {
case a.IsZero():
return b
case b.IsZero():
return a
case a.Before(b):
return a
return b