blob: d0933ab2d4f2bce536523a81deb3960a35ebaac5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package spdy implements SPDY protocol which is described in
// draft-mbelshe-httpbis-spdy-00.
package spdy
import (
// Data Frame Format
// +----------------------------------+
// |0| Stream-ID (31bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// | Data |
// +----------------------------------+
// Control Frame Format
// +----------------------------------+
// |1| Version(15bits) | Type(16bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// | Data |
// +----------------------------------+
// Control Frame: SYN_STREAM
// +----------------------------------+
// |1|000000000000001|0000000000000001|
// +----------------------------------+
// | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | >= 12
// +----------------------------------+
// |X| Stream-ID(31bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// |X|Associated-To-Stream-ID (31bits)|
// +----------------------------------+
// |Pri| unused | Length (16bits)|
// +----------------------------------+
// Control Frame: SYN_REPLY
// +----------------------------------+
// |1|000000000000001|0000000000000010|
// +----------------------------------+
// | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | >= 8
// +----------------------------------+
// |X| Stream-ID(31bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// | unused (16 bits)| Length (16bits)|
// +----------------------------------+
// Control Frame: RST_STREAM
// +----------------------------------+
// |1|000000000000001|0000000000000011|
// +----------------------------------+
// | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | >= 4
// +----------------------------------+
// |X| Stream-ID(31bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// | Status code (32 bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// Control Frame: SETTINGS
// +----------------------------------+
// |1|000000000000001|0000000000000100|
// +----------------------------------+
// | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// | # of entries (32) |
// +----------------------------------+
// Control Frame: NOOP
// +----------------------------------+
// |1|000000000000001|0000000000000101|
// +----------------------------------+
// | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | = 0
// +----------------------------------+
// Control Frame: PING
// +----------------------------------+
// |1|000000000000001|0000000000000110|
// +----------------------------------+
// | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | = 4
// +----------------------------------+
// | Unique id (32 bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// Control Frame: GOAWAY
// +----------------------------------+
// |1|000000000000001|0000000000000111|
// +----------------------------------+
// | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | = 4
// +----------------------------------+
// |X| Last-accepted-stream-id |
// +----------------------------------+
// Control Frame: HEADERS
// +----------------------------------+
// |1|000000000000001|0000000000001000|
// +----------------------------------+
// | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | >= 8
// +----------------------------------+
// |X| Stream-ID (31 bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// | unused (16 bits)| Length (16bits)|
// +----------------------------------+
// Control Frame: WINDOW_UPDATE
// +----------------------------------+
// |1|000000000000001|0000000000001001|
// +----------------------------------+
// | flags (8) | Length (24 bits) | = 8
// +----------------------------------+
// |X| Stream-ID (31 bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// | Delta-Window-Size (32 bits) |
// +----------------------------------+
// Version is the protocol version number that this package implements.
const Version = 2
// ControlFrameType stores the type field in a control frame header.
type ControlFrameType uint16
// Control frame type constants
const (
TypeSynStream ControlFrameType = 0x0001
TypeSynReply = 0x0002
TypeRstStream = 0x0003
TypeSettings = 0x0004
TypeNoop = 0x0005
TypePing = 0x0006
TypeGoAway = 0x0007
TypeHeaders = 0x0008
TypeWindowUpdate = 0x0009
// ControlFlags are the flags that can be set on a control frame.
type ControlFlags uint8
const (
ControlFlagFin ControlFlags = 0x01
// DataFlags are the flags that can be set on a data frame.
type DataFlags uint8
const (
DataFlagFin DataFlags = 0x01
DataFlagCompressed = 0x02
// MaxDataLength is the maximum number of bytes that can be stored in one frame.
const MaxDataLength = 1<<24 - 1
// Frame is a single SPDY frame in its unpacked in-memory representation. Use
// Framer to read and write it.
type Frame interface {
write(f *Framer) error
// ControlFrameHeader contains all the fields in a control frame header,
// in its unpacked in-memory representation.
type ControlFrameHeader struct {
// Note, high bit is the "Control" bit.
version uint16
frameType ControlFrameType
Flags ControlFlags
length uint32
type controlFrame interface {
read(h ControlFrameHeader, f *Framer) error
// SynStreamFrame is the unpacked, in-memory representation of a SYN_STREAM
// frame.
type SynStreamFrame struct {
CFHeader ControlFrameHeader
StreamId uint32
AssociatedToStreamId uint32
// Note, only 2 highest bits currently used
// Rest of Priority is unused.
Priority uint16
Headers http.Header
// SynReplyFrame is the unpacked, in-memory representation of a SYN_REPLY frame.
type SynReplyFrame struct {
CFHeader ControlFrameHeader
StreamId uint32
Headers http.Header
// StatusCode represents the status that led to a RST_STREAM
type StatusCode uint32
const (
ProtocolError StatusCode = 1
InvalidStream = 2
RefusedStream = 3
UnsupportedVersion = 4
Cancel = 5
InternalError = 6
FlowControlError = 7
// RstStreamFrame is the unpacked, in-memory representation of a RST_STREAM
// frame.
type RstStreamFrame struct {
CFHeader ControlFrameHeader
StreamId uint32
Status StatusCode
// SettingsFlag represents a flag in a SETTINGS frame.
type SettingsFlag uint8
const (
FlagSettingsPersistValue SettingsFlag = 0x1
FlagSettingsPersisted = 0x2
// SettingsFlag represents the id of an id/value pair in a SETTINGS frame.
type SettingsId uint32
const (
SettingsUploadBandwidth SettingsId = 1
SettingsDownloadBandwidth = 2
SettingsRoundTripTime = 3
SettingsMaxConcurrentStreams = 4
SettingsCurrentCwnd = 5
// SettingsFlagIdValue is the unpacked, in-memory representation of the
// combined flag/id/value for a setting in a SETTINGS frame.
type SettingsFlagIdValue struct {
Flag SettingsFlag
Id SettingsId
Value uint32
// SettingsFrame is the unpacked, in-memory representation of a SPDY
// SETTINGS frame.
type SettingsFrame struct {
CFHeader ControlFrameHeader
FlagIdValues []SettingsFlagIdValue
// NoopFrame is the unpacked, in-memory representation of a NOOP frame.
type NoopFrame struct {
CFHeader ControlFrameHeader
// PingFrame is the unpacked, in-memory representation of a PING frame.
type PingFrame struct {
CFHeader ControlFrameHeader
Id uint32
// GoAwayFrame is the unpacked, in-memory representation of a GOAWAY frame.
type GoAwayFrame struct {
CFHeader ControlFrameHeader
LastGoodStreamId uint32
// HeadersFrame is the unpacked, in-memory representation of a HEADERS frame.
type HeadersFrame struct {
CFHeader ControlFrameHeader
StreamId uint32
Headers http.Header
// DataFrame is the unpacked, in-memory representation of a DATA frame.
type DataFrame struct {
// Note, high bit is the "Control" bit. Should be 0 for data frames.
StreamId uint32
Flags DataFlags
Data []byte
// HeaderDictionary is the dictionary sent to the zlib compressor/decompressor.
// Even though the specification states there is no null byte at the end, Chrome sends it.
const HeaderDictionary = "optionsgetheadpostputdeletetrace" +
"acceptaccept-charsetaccept-encodingaccept-languageauthorizationexpectfromhost" +
"if-modified-sinceif-matchif-none-matchif-rangeif-unmodifiedsince" +
"max-forwardsproxy-authorizationrangerefererteuser-agent" +
"100101200201202203204205206300301302303304305306307400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417500501502503504505" +
"accept-rangesageetaglocationproxy-authenticatepublicretry-after" +
"servervarywarningwww-authenticateallowcontent-basecontent-encodingcache-control" +
"connectiondatetrailertransfer-encodingupgradeviawarning" +
"content-languagecontent-lengthcontent-locationcontent-md5content-rangecontent-typeetagexpireslast-modifiedset-cookie" +
"MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday" +
"JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec" +
"chunkedtext/htmlimage/pngimage/jpgimage/gifapplication/xmlapplication/xhtmltext/plainpublicmax-age" +
// A SPDY specific error.
type ErrorCode string
const (
UnlowercasedHeaderName ErrorCode = "header was not lowercased"
DuplicateHeaders ErrorCode = "multiple headers with same name"
WrongCompressedPayloadSize ErrorCode = "compressed payload size was incorrect"
UnknownFrameType ErrorCode = "unknown frame type"
InvalidControlFrame ErrorCode = "invalid control frame"
InvalidDataFrame ErrorCode = "invalid data frame"
InvalidHeaderPresent ErrorCode = "frame contained invalid header"
ZeroStreamId ErrorCode = "stream id zero is disallowed"
// Error contains both the type of error and additional values. StreamId is 0
// if Error is not associated with a stream.
type Error struct {
Err ErrorCode
StreamId uint32
func (e *Error) Error() string {
return string(e.Err)
var invalidReqHeaders = map[string]bool{
"Connection": true,
"Keep-Alive": true,
"Proxy-Connection": true,
"Transfer-Encoding": true,
var invalidRespHeaders = map[string]bool{
"Connection": true,
"Keep-Alive": true,
"Transfer-Encoding": true,
// Framer handles serializing/deserializing SPDY frames, including compressing/
// decompressing payloads.
type Framer struct {
headerCompressionDisabled bool
w io.Writer
headerBuf *bytes.Buffer
headerCompressor *zlib.Writer
r io.Reader
headerReader io.LimitedReader
headerDecompressor io.ReadCloser
// NewFramer allocates a new Framer for a given SPDY connection, repesented by
// a io.Writer and io.Reader. Note that Framer will read and write individual fields
// from/to the Reader and Writer, so the caller should pass in an appropriately
// buffered implementation to optimize performance.
func NewFramer(w io.Writer, r io.Reader) (*Framer, error) {
compressBuf := new(bytes.Buffer)
compressor, err := zlib.NewWriterLevelDict(compressBuf, zlib.BestCompression, []byte(HeaderDictionary))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
framer := &Framer{
w: w,
headerBuf: compressBuf,
headerCompressor: compressor,
r: r,
return framer, nil