blob: 36831252c687edb64c6bcb52590ffb3289516045 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.21
package quic
import (
// Log levels for qlog events.
const (
// QLogLevelFrame includes per-frame information.
// When this level is enabled, packet_sent and packet_received events will
// contain information on individual frames sent/received.
QLogLevelFrame = slog.Level(-6)
// QLogLevelPacket events occur at most once per packet sent or received.
// For example: packet_sent, packet_received.
QLogLevelPacket = slog.Level(-4)
// QLogLevelConn events occur multiple times over a connection's lifetime,
// but less often than the frequency of individual packets.
// For example: connection_state_updated.
QLogLevelConn = slog.Level(-2)
// QLogLevelEndpoint events occur at most once per connection.
// For example: connection_started, connection_closed.
QLogLevelEndpoint = slog.Level(0)
func (c *Conn) logEnabled(level slog.Level) bool {
return logEnabled(c.log, level)
func logEnabled(log *slog.Logger, level slog.Level) bool {
return log != nil && log.Enabled(context.Background(), level)
// slogHexstring returns a slog.Attr for a value of the hexstring type.
func slogHexstring(key string, value []byte) slog.Attr {
return slog.String(key, hex.EncodeToString(value))
func slogAddr(key string, value netip.Addr) slog.Attr {
return slog.String(key, value.String())
func (c *Conn) logConnectionStarted(originalDstConnID []byte, peerAddr netip.AddrPort) {
if c.config.QLogLogger == nil ||
!c.config.QLogLogger.Enabled(context.Background(), QLogLevelEndpoint) {
var vantage string
if c.side == clientSide {
vantage = "client"
originalDstConnID = c.connIDState.originalDstConnID
} else {
vantage = "server"
// A qlog Trace container includes some metadata (title, description, vantage_point)
// and a list of Events. The Trace also includes a common_fields field setting field
// values common to all events in the trace.
// Trace = {
// ? title: text
// ? description: text
// ? configuration: Configuration
// ? common_fields: CommonFields
// ? vantage_point: VantagePoint
// events: [* Event]
// }
// To map this into slog's data model, we start each per-connection trace with a With
// call that includes both the trace metadata and the common fields.
// This means that in slog's model, each trace event will also include
// the Trace metadata fields (vantage_point), which is a divergence from the qlog model.
c.log = c.config.QLogLogger.With(
// The group_id permits associating traces taken from different vantage points
// for the same connection.
// We use the original destination connection ID as the group ID.
slogHexstring("group_id", originalDstConnID),
slog.String("name", "go quic"),
slog.String("type", vantage),
localAddr := c.endpoint.LocalAddr()
c.log.LogAttrs(context.Background(), QLogLevelEndpoint,
slogAddr("src_ip", localAddr.Addr()),
slog.Int("src_port", int(localAddr.Port())),
slogHexstring("src_cid", c.connIDState.local[0].cid),
slogAddr("dst_ip", peerAddr.Addr()),
slog.Int("dst_port", int(peerAddr.Port())),
slogHexstring("dst_cid", c.connIDState.remote[0].cid),
func (c *Conn) logConnectionClosed() {
if !c.logEnabled(QLogLevelEndpoint) {
err := c.lifetime.finalErr
trigger := "error"
switch e := err.(type) {
case *ApplicationError:
// TODO: Distinguish between peer and locally-initiated close.
trigger = "application"
case localTransportError:
switch err {
case errHandshakeTimeout:
trigger = "handshake_timeout"
if e.code == errNo {
trigger = "clean"
case peerTransportError:
if e.code == errNo {
trigger = "clean"
switch err {
case errIdleTimeout:
trigger = "idle_timeout"
case errStatelessReset:
trigger = "stateless_reset"
c.log.LogAttrs(context.Background(), QLogLevelEndpoint,
slog.String("trigger", trigger),
func (c *Conn) logPacketDropped(dgram *datagram) {
c.log.LogAttrs(context.Background(), QLogLevelPacket,
func (c *Conn) logLongPacketReceived(p longPacket, pkt []byte) {
var frames slog.Attr
if c.logEnabled(QLogLevelFrame) {
frames = c.packetFramesAttr(p.payload)
c.log.LogAttrs(context.Background(), QLogLevelPacket,
slog.String("packet_type", p.ptype.qlogString()),
slog.Uint64("packet_number", uint64(p.num)),
slog.Uint64("flags", uint64(pkt[0])),
slogHexstring("scid", p.srcConnID),
slogHexstring("dcid", p.dstConnID),
slog.Int("length", len(pkt)),
func (c *Conn) log1RTTPacketReceived(p shortPacket, pkt []byte) {
var frames slog.Attr
if c.logEnabled(QLogLevelFrame) {
frames = c.packetFramesAttr(p.payload)
dstConnID, _ := dstConnIDForDatagram(pkt)
c.log.LogAttrs(context.Background(), QLogLevelPacket,
slog.String("packet_type", packetType1RTT.qlogString()),
slog.Uint64("packet_number", uint64(p.num)),
slog.Uint64("flags", uint64(pkt[0])),
slogHexstring("dcid", dstConnID),
slog.Int("length", len(pkt)),
func (c *Conn) logPacketSent(ptype packetType, pnum packetNumber, src, dst []byte, pktLen int, payload []byte) {
var frames slog.Attr
if c.logEnabled(QLogLevelFrame) {
frames = c.packetFramesAttr(payload)
var scid slog.Attr
if len(src) > 0 {
scid = slogHexstring("scid", src)
c.log.LogAttrs(context.Background(), QLogLevelPacket,
slog.String("packet_type", ptype.qlogString()),
slog.Uint64("packet_number", uint64(pnum)),
slogHexstring("dcid", dst),
slog.Int("length", pktLen),
// packetFramesAttr returns the "frames" attribute containing the frames in a packet.
// We currently pass this as a slog Any containing a []slog.Value,
// where each Value is a debugFrame that implements slog.LogValuer.
// This isn't tremendously efficient, but avoids the need to put a JSON encoder
// in the quic package or a frame parser in the qlog package.
func (c *Conn) packetFramesAttr(payload []byte) slog.Attr {
var frames []slog.Value
for len(payload) > 0 {
f, n := parseDebugFrame(payload)
if n < 0 {
payload = payload[n:]
switch f := f.(type) {
case debugFrameAck:
// The qlog ACK frame contains the ACK Delay field as a duration.
// Interpreting the contents of this field as a duration requires
// knowing the peer's ack_delay_exponent transport parameter,
// and it's possible for us to parse an ACK frame before we've
// received that parameter.
// We could plumb connection state down into the frame parser,
// but for now let's minimize the amount of code that needs to
// deal with this and convert the unscaled value into a scaled one here.
ackDelay := time.Duration(-1)
if c.peerAckDelayExponent >= 0 {
ackDelay = f.ackDelay.Duration(uint8(c.peerAckDelayExponent))
frames = append(frames, slog.AnyValue(debugFrameScaledAck{
ranges: f.ranges,
ackDelay: ackDelay,
frames = append(frames, slog.AnyValue(f))
return slog.Any("frames", frames)
func (c *Conn) logPacketLost(space numberSpace, sent *sentPacket) {
c.log.LogAttrs(context.Background(), QLogLevelPacket,
slog.String("packet_type", sent.ptype.qlogString()),
slog.Uint64("packet_number", uint64(sent.num)),