blob: 213975011916d11e8777b01ed0e327392bc7e793 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
//go:build go1.21
package quic
import (
func TestConnCloseResponseBackoff(t *testing.T) {
tc := newTestConn(t, clientSide, func(c *Config) {
tc.wantFrame("aborting connection generates CONN_CLOSE",
packetType1RTT, debugFrameConnectionCloseTransport{
code: errNo,
waiting := runAsync(tc, func(ctx context.Context) (struct{}, error) {
return struct{}{}, tc.conn.Wait(ctx)
if _, err := waiting.result(); err != errNotDone {
t.Errorf("conn.Wait() = %v, want still waiting", err)
tc.writeFrames(packetType1RTT, debugFramePing{})
tc.wantIdle("packets received immediately after CONN_CLOSE receive no response")
tc.advance(1100 * time.Microsecond)
tc.writeFrames(packetType1RTT, debugFramePing{})
tc.wantFrame("receiving packet 1.1ms after CONN_CLOSE generates another CONN_CLOSE",
packetType1RTT, debugFrameConnectionCloseTransport{
code: errNo,
tc.advance(1100 * time.Microsecond)
tc.writeFrames(packetType1RTT, debugFramePing{})
tc.wantIdle("no response to packet, because CONN_CLOSE backoff is now 2ms")
tc.advance(1000 * time.Microsecond)
tc.writeFrames(packetType1RTT, debugFramePing{})
tc.wantFrame("2ms since last CONN_CLOSE, receiving a packet generates another CONN_CLOSE",
packetType1RTT, debugFrameConnectionCloseTransport{
code: errNo,
if _, err := waiting.result(); err != errNotDone {
t.Errorf("conn.Wait() = %v, want still waiting", err)
tc.advance(100000 * time.Microsecond)
tc.writeFrames(packetType1RTT, debugFramePing{})
tc.wantIdle("drain timer expired, no more responses")
if _, err := waiting.result(); !errors.Is(err, errNoPeerResponse) {
t.Errorf("blocked conn.Wait() = %v, want errNoPeerResponse", err)
if err := tc.conn.Wait(canceledContext()); !errors.Is(err, errNoPeerResponse) {
t.Errorf("non-blocking conn.Wait() = %v, want errNoPeerResponse", err)
func TestConnCloseWithPeerResponse(t *testing.T) {
qr := &qlogRecord{}
tc := newTestConn(t, clientSide, qr.config)
tc.wantFrame("aborting connection generates CONN_CLOSE",
packetType1RTT, debugFrameConnectionCloseTransport{
code: errNo,
waiting := runAsync(tc, func(ctx context.Context) (struct{}, error) {
return struct{}{}, tc.conn.Wait(ctx)
if _, err := waiting.result(); err != errNotDone {
t.Errorf("conn.Wait() = %v, want still waiting", err)
tc.writeFrames(packetType1RTT, debugFrameConnectionCloseApplication{
code: 20,
wantErr := &ApplicationError{
Code: 20,
if _, err := waiting.result(); !errors.Is(err, wantErr) {
t.Errorf("blocked conn.Wait() = %v, want %v", err, wantErr)
if err := tc.conn.Wait(canceledContext()); !errors.Is(err, wantErr) {
t.Errorf("non-blocking conn.Wait() = %v, want %v", err, wantErr)
tc.advance(1 * time.Second) // long enough to exit the draining state
qr.wantEvents(t, jsonEvent{
"name": "connectivity:connection_closed",
"data": map[string]any{
"trigger": "application",
func TestConnClosePeerCloses(t *testing.T) {
qr := &qlogRecord{}
tc := newTestConn(t, clientSide, qr.config)
wantErr := &ApplicationError{
Code: 42,
Reason: "why?",
tc.writeFrames(packetType1RTT, debugFrameConnectionCloseApplication{
code: wantErr.Code,
reason: wantErr.Reason,
tc.wantIdle("CONN_CLOSE response not sent until user closes this side")
if err := tc.conn.Wait(canceledContext()); !errors.Is(err, wantErr) {
t.Errorf("conn.Wait() = %v, want %v", err, wantErr)
Code: 9,
Reason: "because",
tc.wantFrame("CONN_CLOSE sent after user closes connection",
packetType1RTT, debugFrameConnectionCloseApplication{
code: 9,
reason: "because",
tc.advance(1 * time.Second) // long enough to exit the draining state
qr.wantEvents(t, jsonEvent{
"name": "connectivity:connection_closed",
"data": map[string]any{
"trigger": "application",
func TestConnCloseReceiveInInitial(t *testing.T) {
tc := newTestConn(t, clientSide)
tc.wantFrame("client sends Initial CRYPTO frame",
packetTypeInitial, debugFrameCrypto{
data: tc.cryptoDataOut[tls.QUICEncryptionLevelInitial],
tc.writeFrames(packetTypeInitial, debugFrameConnectionCloseTransport{
code: errConnectionRefused,
tc.wantIdle("CONN_CLOSE response not sent until user closes this side")
wantErr := peerTransportError{code: errConnectionRefused}
if err := tc.conn.Wait(canceledContext()); !errors.Is(err, wantErr) {
t.Errorf("conn.Wait() = %v, want %v", err, wantErr)
tc.conn.Abort(&ApplicationError{Code: 1})
tc.wantFrame("CONN_CLOSE in Initial frame is APPLICATION_ERROR",
packetTypeInitial, debugFrameConnectionCloseTransport{
code: errApplicationError,
tc.wantIdle("no more frames to send")
func TestConnCloseReceiveInHandshake(t *testing.T) {
tc := newTestConn(t, clientSide)
tc.wantFrame("client sends Initial CRYPTO frame",
packetTypeInitial, debugFrameCrypto{
data: tc.cryptoDataOut[tls.QUICEncryptionLevelInitial],
tc.writeFrames(packetTypeInitial, debugFrameCrypto{
data: tc.cryptoDataIn[tls.QUICEncryptionLevelInitial],
tc.writeFrames(packetTypeHandshake, debugFrameConnectionCloseTransport{
code: errConnectionRefused,
tc.wantIdle("CONN_CLOSE response not sent until user closes this side")
wantErr := peerTransportError{code: errConnectionRefused}
if err := tc.conn.Wait(canceledContext()); !errors.Is(err, wantErr) {
t.Errorf("conn.Wait() = %v, want %v", err, wantErr)
// The conn has Initial and Handshake keys, so it will send CONN_CLOSE in both spaces.
tc.conn.Abort(&ApplicationError{Code: 1})
tc.wantFrame("CONN_CLOSE in Initial frame is APPLICATION_ERROR",
packetTypeInitial, debugFrameConnectionCloseTransport{
code: errApplicationError,
tc.wantFrame("CONN_CLOSE in Handshake frame is APPLICATION_ERROR",
packetTypeHandshake, debugFrameConnectionCloseTransport{
code: errApplicationError,
tc.wantIdle("no more frames to send")
func TestConnCloseClosedByEndpoint(t *testing.T) {
ctx := canceledContext()
tc := newTestConn(t, clientSide)
tc.wantFrame("endpoint closes connection before exiting",
packetType1RTT, debugFrameConnectionCloseTransport{
code: errNo,
func testConnCloseUnblocks(t *testing.T, f func(context.Context, *testConn) error, opts ...any) {
tc := newTestConn(t, clientSide, opts...)
op := runAsync(tc, func(ctx context.Context) (struct{}, error) {
return struct{}{}, f(ctx, tc)
if _, err := op.result(); err != errNotDone {
t.Fatalf("before abort, op = %v, want errNotDone", err)
if _, err := op.result(); err == nil || err == errNotDone {
t.Fatalf("after abort, op = %v, want error", err)
func TestConnCloseUnblocksAcceptStream(t *testing.T) {
testConnCloseUnblocks(t, func(ctx context.Context, tc *testConn) error {
_, err := tc.conn.AcceptStream(ctx)
return err
}, permissiveTransportParameters)
func TestConnCloseUnblocksNewStream(t *testing.T) {
testConnCloseUnblocks(t, func(ctx context.Context, tc *testConn) error {
_, err := tc.conn.NewStream(ctx)
return err
func TestConnCloseUnblocksStreamRead(t *testing.T) {
testConnCloseUnblocks(t, func(ctx context.Context, tc *testConn) error {
s := newLocalStream(t, tc, bidiStream)
buf := make([]byte, 16)
_, err := s.Read(buf)
return err
}, permissiveTransportParameters)
func TestConnCloseUnblocksStreamWrite(t *testing.T) {
testConnCloseUnblocks(t, func(ctx context.Context, tc *testConn) error {
s := newLocalStream(t, tc, bidiStream)
buf := make([]byte, 32)
_, err := s.Write(buf)
return err
}, permissiveTransportParameters, func(c *Config) {
c.MaxStreamWriteBufferSize = 16
func TestConnCloseUnblocksStreamClose(t *testing.T) {
testConnCloseUnblocks(t, func(ctx context.Context, tc *testConn) error {
s := newLocalStream(t, tc, bidiStream)
buf := make([]byte, 16)
_, err := s.Write(buf)
if err != nil {
return err
return s.Close()
}, permissiveTransportParameters)