blob: 313889ec4c9580acd67f14c815531f7f7fa7572a [file] [log] [blame]
golint is a linter for Go source code.
Invoke golint with one or more filenames.
The output of this tool is a list of suggestions in Vim quickfix format,
which is accepted by lots of different editors.
The suggestions made by golint are exactly that: suggestions.
golint is not perfect, and has both false positives and false negatives.
Do not treat its output as a gold standard. We will not be adding pragmas
or other knobs to suppress specific warnings, so do not expect or require
code to be completely "lint-free".
Unlimited effort will not be expended to make golint perfect.
It is considered an abuse of this tool to run it for machine consumption.
Add this to your ~/.vimrc:
function! s:GoLint()
cexpr system("golint " . shellescape(expand('%')))
command! GoLint :call s:GoLint()
Running :GoLint will run golint on the current file and populate the quickfix list.