blob: c754c509deec183a01c50c2b6fec7bfea51fbf83 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- GC.cpp -----------------------------------------------------------===//
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// GC strategy for Go runtime.
#include "GoStackMap.h"
#include "GollvmPasses.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/BitVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/AsmPrinter.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/GCMetadataPrinter.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/GCStrategy.h"
#include "llvm/CodeGen/StackMaps.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCContext.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCObjectFileInfo.h"
#include "llvm/MC/MCStreamer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Casting.h"
#include <vector>
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
class GoGC : public GCStrategy {
GoGC() {
UseStatepoints = true;
UsesMetadata = true; // using GCMetadataPrinter to emit stack maps
// TODO: write barrier?
Optional<bool> isGCManagedPointer(const Type *Ty) const override {
return isa<PointerType>(Ty);
GCRegistry::Add<GoGC> X("go", "Go garbage collector.");
class GoGCPrinter : public GCMetadataPrinter {
bool emitStackMaps(StackMaps &SM, AsmPrinter &AP) override;
X2("go", "Go garbage collector.");
} // namespace
// Returns the bitmap (in a vector of bytes) encoding live
// locations.
static std::vector<uint8_t>
computeBitVector(uint64_t StackSize,
const StackMaps::LocationVec &CSLocs,
uint32_t &Size) {
// TODO: this function is silly -- BitVector internally has
// a bitmap storage, but it is private. We basically recompute
// it. Can we do better?
const int PtrSize = 8; // TODO: get from target info
BitVector BV(StackSize / PtrSize);
for (unsigned i = 0, n = CSLocs.size(); i < n; i++) {
const auto &Loc = CSLocs[i];
switch (Loc.Type) {
case StackMaps::Location::Direct:
case StackMaps::Location::Indirect: {
// TODO: verify that the base register is SP.
unsigned Idx = Loc.Offset / PtrSize;
// If a slot is following a "Constant" location, it is an aggregate type
// and that constant encodes the pointer bitmap.
if (i+1 < n &&
CSLocs[i+1].Type == StackMaps::Location::Constant) {
// Make sure it is a local/arg slot, not a spill of in-register value.
assert(Loc.Type == StackMaps::Location::Direct);
for (; i < n && CSLocs[i].Type == StackMaps::Location::Constant; i++) {
if (Idx + 32 >= BV.size())
BV.resize(Idx + 32);
uint32_t Bits = CSLocs[i].Offset;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < 32; j++)
if ((Bits>>j)&1)
BV.set(Idx + j);
Idx += 32;
i--; // compensate the increment in outer loop
// A single pointer slot.
if (Idx >= BV.size())
// This can happen if Loc is an arg slot (for byVal aggregate type).
BV.resize(Idx + 1);
Size = 0;
std::vector<uint8_t> Bytes;
if (BV.none())
return Bytes;
int last = BV.find_last();
Size = last + 1;
Bytes.reserve(last/8 + 1);
int i;
for (i = 0; i <= last; i += 8) {
uint8_t b = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < 8 && i+j <= last; j++)
b |= BV[i+j] ? 1<<j : 0;
Bytes.resize(last/8 + 1);
return Bytes;
static void
emitCallsiteEntries(StackMaps &SM, MCStreamer &OS) {
auto &CSInfos = SM.getCSInfos();
if (CSInfos.empty())
MCContext &OutContext = OS.getContext();
auto CSI = CSInfos.begin();
for (auto const &FR : SM.getFnInfos()) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < FR.second.RecordCount; i++, CSI++) {
Twine Name = Twine(GO_STACKMAP_SYM_PREFIX) + Twine((*CSI).ID);
MCSymbol *Sym = OutContext.getOrCreateSymbol(Name);
if (Sym->isDefined())
// We may have emitted one, due to tail duplication.
// Stack map entry:
// uint32_t nbits;
// uint8_t *data;
uint32_t Size;
std::vector<uint8_t> V =
computeBitVector(FR.second.StackSize, (*CSI).Locations, Size);
OS.EmitIntValue(Size, 4);
for (uint8_t Byte : V)
OS.EmitIntValue(Byte, 1);
GoGCPrinter::emitStackMaps(StackMaps &SM, AsmPrinter &AP) {
MCContext &OutContext = AP.OutStreamer->getContext();
MCStreamer &OS = *AP.OutStreamer;
// Create the section.
MCSection *StackMapSection =
emitCallsiteEntries(SM, OS);
return true;
void llvm::linkGoGC() {}
void llvm::linkGoGCPrinter() {}