blob: 3a9993dba12a1a8919680250baae67e569f02ec4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- llvm/tools/gollvm/unittests/BackendCore/BackendCallTests.cpp ------===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
#include "TestUtils.h"
#include "go-llvm-backend.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Function.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
using namespace llvm;
using namespace goBackendUnitTests;
namespace {
TEST(BackendCallTests, TestSimpleCall) {
FcnTestHarness h("foo");
Llvm_backend *be =;
Bfunction *func = h.func();
Location loc;
Btype *bi64t = be->integer_type(false, 64);
Btype *bpi64t = be->pointer_type(bi64t);
Bexpression *fn = be->function_code_expression(func, loc);
std::vector<Bexpression *> args;
args.push_back(mkInt32Const(be, int64_t(3)));
args.push_back(mkInt32Const(be, int64_t(6)));
Bexpression *call = be->call_expression(func, fn, args, nullptr, h.loc());
Bvariable *x = h.mkLocal("x", bi64t, call);
h.mkReturn(be->var_expression(x, VE_rvalue, loc));
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
%call.0 = call i64 @foo(i8* nest undef, i32 3, i32 6, i64* null)
store i64 %call.0, i64* %x
%x.ld.0 = load i64, i64* %x
ret i64 %x.ld.0
bool isOK = h.expectBlock(exp);
EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "Block does not have expected contents");
bool broken = h.finish(PreserveDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
TEST(BackendCallTests, CallToVoid) {
FcnTestHarness h("foo");
Llvm_backend *be =;
Bfunction *func = h.func();
Location loc;
// Declare a function bar with no args and no return.
Btype *befty = mkFuncTyp(be, L_END);
bool is_decl = true; bool is_inl = false;
bool is_vis = true; bool is_split = true;
Bfunction *befcn = be->function(befty, "bar", "bar",
is_vis, is_decl, is_inl, is_split,
false, loc);
// Create call to it
Bexpression *fn = be->function_code_expression(befcn, loc);
std::vector<Bexpression *> args;
Bexpression *call = be->call_expression(func, fn, args, nullptr, loc);
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
call void @bar(i8* nest undef)
bool isOK = h.expectBlock(exp);
EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "Block does not have expected contents");
bool broken = h.finish(StripDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
TEST(BackendCallTests, MultiReturnCall) {
FcnTestHarness h;
Llvm_backend *be =;
// Create function with multiple returns
Btype *bi64t = be->integer_type(false, 64);
Btype *bi32t = be->integer_type(false, 32);
Btype *bi8t = be->integer_type(false, 8);
BFunctionType *befty1 = mkFuncTyp(be,
L_PARM, be->pointer_type(bi8t),
L_RES, be->pointer_type(bi8t),
L_RES, be->pointer_type(bi32t),
L_RES, be->pointer_type(bi64t),
L_RES, bi64t,
Bfunction *func = h.mkFunction("foo", befty1);
// Emit a suitable return suitable for "foo" as declared above.
// This returns a constant expression.
std::vector<Bexpression *> rvals = {
mkInt64Const(be, 101) };
Bstatement *s1 = h.mkReturn(rvals, FcnTestHarness::NoAppend);
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
%cast.0 = bitcast { i8*, i32*, i64*, i64 }* %sret.formal.0 to i8*
%cast.1 = bitcast { i8*, i32*, i64*, i64 }* @const.0 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %cast.0, i8* %cast.1, i64 32, i32 8, i1 false)
ret void
bool isOK = h.expectStmt(s1, exp);
EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "First return stmt does not have expected contents");
// This is intended to be something like
// return p8, nil, nil, 101
Bvariable *p1 = func->getNthParamVar(0);
Bexpression *vex = be->var_expression(p1, VE_rvalue, Location());
std::vector<Bexpression *> rvals2 = {
mkInt64Const(be, 101) };
Bstatement *s2 = h.mkReturn(rvals2, FcnTestHarness::NoAppend);
const char *exp = R"RAW_RESULT(
%p0.ld.0 = load i8*, i8** %p0.addr
%field.0 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i32*, i64*, i64 }, { i8*, i32*, i64*, i64 }* %tmp.0, i32 0, i32 0
store i8* %p0.ld.0, i8** %field.0
%field.1 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i32*, i64*, i64 }, { i8*, i32*, i64*, i64 }* %tmp.0, i32 0, i32 1
store i32* null, i32** %field.1
%field.2 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i32*, i64*, i64 }, { i8*, i32*, i64*, i64 }* %tmp.0, i32 0, i32 2
store i64* null, i64** %field.2
%field.3 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i32*, i64*, i64 }, { i8*, i32*, i64*, i64 }* %tmp.0, i32 0, i32 3
store i64 101, i64* %field.3
%cast.3 = bitcast { i8*, i32*, i64*, i64 }* %sret.formal.0 to i8*
%cast.4 = bitcast { i8*, i32*, i64*, i64 }* %tmp.0 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %cast.3, i8* %cast.4, i64 32, i32 8, i1 false)
ret void
bool isOK = h.expectStmt(s2, exp);
EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "Second return stmt does not have expected contents");
// If statement
Location loc;
Bexpression *ve2 = be->var_expression(p1, VE_rvalue, Location());
Bexpression *npe = be->nil_pointer_expression();
Bexpression *cmp = be->binary_expression(OPERATOR_EQEQ, ve2, npe, loc);
h.mkIf(cmp, s1, s2);
bool broken = h.finish(StripDebugInfo);
EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");