blob: 69bcfd994b71874030a84b1a45cfdeb7a4c6d4ae [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- typemanger.cpp - implementation of TypeManager class --------------===//
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Methods for TypeManager class.
#include "go-llvm-typemanager.h"
#include "go-llvm-dibuildhelper.h"
#include "go-llvm-bexpression.h"
#include "go-llvm-cabi-oracle.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DIBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Type.h"
TypeManager::TypeManager(llvm::LLVMContext &context, llvm::CallingConv::ID conv)
: context_(context)
, datalayout_(nullptr)
, cconv_(conv)
, addressSpace_(0)
, traceLevel_(0)
, nametags_(nullptr)
, errorExpression_(nullptr)
, errorType_(nullptr)
, stringType_(nullptr)
, uintPtrType_(nullptr)
, llvmVoidType_(nullptr)
, llvmBoolType_(nullptr)
, llvmPtrType_(nullptr)
, llvmSizeType_(nullptr)
, llvmIntegerType_(nullptr)
, llvmInt8Type_(nullptr)
, llvmInt32Type_(nullptr)
, llvmInt64Type_(nullptr)
, llvmFloatType_(nullptr)
, llvmDoubleType_(nullptr)
, llvmLongDoubleType_(nullptr)
, llvmTwoFloatVecType_(nullptr)
// LLVM doesn't have anything that corresponds directly to the
// gofrontend notion of an error type. For now we create a so-called
// 'identified' anonymous struct type and have that act as a
// stand-in. See
errorType_ = makeAuxType(llvm::StructType::create(context_, "$Error$"));
// For builtin creation
llvmPtrType_ =
llvm::PointerType::get(llvm::IntegerType::get(context_, 8),
// Assorted pre-computer types for use in builtin function creation
llvmVoidType_ = llvm::Type::getVoidTy(context_);
llvmBoolType_ = llvm::IntegerType::get(context_, 1);
llvmInt8Type_ = llvm::IntegerType::get(context_, 8);
llvmInt32Type_ = llvm::IntegerType::get(context_, 32);
llvmInt64Type_ = llvm::IntegerType::get(context_, 64);
llvmFloatType_ = llvm::Type::getFloatTy(context_);
llvmDoubleType_ = llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(context_);
llvmLongDoubleType_ = llvm::Type::getFP128Ty(context_);
llvmTwoFloatVecType_ = llvm::VectorType::get(llvmFloatType_, 2);
// Predefined C string type
stringType_ = pointerType(integerType(true, 8));
for (auto &t : anonTypes_)
delete t;
for (auto &t : placeholders_)
delete t;
for (auto &t : duplicates_)
delete t;
for (auto &kv : auxTypeMap_)
delete kv.second;
for (auto &t : namedTypes_)
delete t;
void TypeManager::initializeTypeManager(Bexpression *errorExpression,
const llvm::DataLayout *datalayout,
NameGen *nt)
datalayout_ = datalayout;
errorExpression_ = errorExpression;
nametags_ = nt;
llvmIntegerType_ =
llvm::IntegerType::get(context_, datalayout_->getPointerSizeInBits());
llvmSizeType_ = llvmIntegerType_;
uintPtrType_ = makeAuxType(llvmIntegerType_);
// Used for creation of intermediate ABI types, not used by FE
llvm::Type *TypeManager::llvmArbitraryIntegerType(unsigned bytes)
assert(bytes <= 8);
return llvm::IntegerType::get(context_, bytes*8);
bool TypeManager::removeAnonType(Btype *typ)
auto it = anonTypes_.find(typ);
if (it != anonTypes_.end()) {
return true;
return false;
void TypeManager::reinstallAnonType(Btype *typ)
auto it = anonTypes_.find(typ);
if (it != anonTypes_.end()) {
// type already exists -- take the type we were intending to
// install in anonTypes_ and record as duplicate.
// We have two flavors of placeholders: those created using the
// ::placeholder_*_type methods, and then concrete types that have
// placeholder children (for example when ::pointer_type is invoked
// on a placeholder type). This routine deals only with the first
// category.
void TypeManager::updatePlaceholderUnderlyingType(Btype *pht,
Btype *newtyp)
assert(placeholders_.find(pht) != placeholders_.end());
assert(anonTypes_.find(pht) == anonTypes_.end());
// make changes
if (! newtyp->isPlaceholder())
// Now that this is fully concrete, this may allow us to make
// other types concrete if they referred to this one.
if (!pht->isPlaceholder())
BFunctionType *TypeManager::makeAuxFcnType(llvm::FunctionType *ft)
auto it = auxTypeMap_.find(ft);
if (it != auxTypeMap_.end())
return it->second->castToBFunctionType();
Btype *recvTyp = nullptr;
std::vector<Btype *> params;
std::vector<Btype *> results;
Btype *rbtype = nullptr;
if (ft->getReturnType() != llvmVoidType_) {
rbtype = makeAuxType(ft->getReturnType());
} else {
rbtype = makeAuxType(llvm::Type::getVoidTy(context_));
for (unsigned ii = 0; ii < ft->getNumParams(); ++ii)
Location loc;
bool followsCabi = false;
BFunctionType *rval =
new BFunctionType(recvTyp, params, results, rbtype, ft,
followsCabi, loc);
auxTypeMap_[ft] = rval;
return rval;
Btype *TypeManager::makeAuxType(llvm::Type *lt) {
auto it = auxTypeMap_.find(lt);
if (it != auxTypeMap_.end())
return it->second;
Location loc;
Btype *rval = new Btype(Btype::AuxT, lt, loc);
auxTypeMap_[lt] = rval;
return rval;
Btype *TypeManager::errorType() { return errorType_; }
Btype *TypeManager::voidType() { return makeAuxType(llvmVoidType_); }
bool TypeManager::isBooleanType(Btype *bt) {
BIntegerType *bit = bt->castToBIntegerType();
return (bit && bit->isUnsigned() &&
bit->type() == llvm::IntegerType::get(context_, 8));
Btype *TypeManager::boolType() {
// LLVM has no predefined boolean type. Use int8 for this purpose.
return integerType(true, 8);
llvm::Type *TypeManager::makeLLVMFloatType(int bits)
llvm::Type *llft = nullptr;
if (bits == 32)
llft = llvmFloatType_;
else if (bits == 64)
llft = llvmDoubleType_;
else if (bits == 128)
llft = llvmLongDoubleType_;
assert(false && "unsupported float width");
return llft;
// Get an unnamed float type.
Btype *TypeManager::floatType(int bits)
llvm::Type *llft = makeLLVMFloatType(bits);
// Consult cache
Location loc;
BFloatType cand(bits, llft, loc);
auto it = anonTypes_.find(&cand);
if (it != anonTypes_.end()) {
Btype *existing = *it;
BFloatType *bft = existing->castToBFloatType();
return bft;
// Install in cache
BFloatType *rval = new BFloatType(bits, llft, loc);
return rval;
// Get an unnamed integer type.
// Note that in the LLVM world, we don't have signed/unsigned types,
// we only have signed/unsigned operations (e.g. signed addition of
// two integers).
// Many frontends for C-like languages have squishyness when it comes
// to signed/unsigned arithmetic. Example: for the C code
// double abc(unsigned x, int y) { return (double) x + y; }
// What typically happens under the hood is that a C compiler constructs
// a parse tree that looks like
// / \.
// / \.
// var_ref(x) var_ref(y)
// typ: unsigned type: signed
// where the ADD op is generic/polymorphic, and the real nature of the
// add (signed/unsigned) only becomes apparent during lowering, when
// the C rules about type conversions are enforced.
// To account for any potential hazards here, we record whether the
// frontend has announced that a specific type is unsigned in a side
// table. We can then use that table later on to enforce the rules
// (for example, to insure that we didn't forget to insert a type
// conversion, or to derive the correct flavor of an integer ADD based
// on its arguments).
Btype *TypeManager::integerType(bool is_unsigned, int bits)
llvm::Type *llit = llvm::IntegerType::get(context_, bits);
// Check for and return existing anon type if we have one already
Location loc;
BIntegerType cand(is_unsigned, bits, llit, loc);
auto it = anonTypes_.find(&cand);
if (it != anonTypes_.end()) {
Btype *existing = *it;
BIntegerType *bit = existing->castToBIntegerType();
return bit;
// Install in cache
BIntegerType *rval = new BIntegerType(is_unsigned, bits, llit, loc);
return rval;
llvm::Type *TypeManager::makeLLVMPointerType(llvm::Type *toTy)
return llvm::PointerType::get(toTy, addressSpace_);
llvm::Type *
TypeManager::makeLLVMTwoElementStructType(llvm::Type *f1, llvm::Type *f2)
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 2> elems(2);
elems[0] = f1;
elems[1] = f2;
return llvm::StructType::get(context_, elems);
llvm::Type *
TypeManager::makeLLVMStructType(const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &fields) {
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 64> elems(fields.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i)
elems[i] = fields[i].btype->type();
llvm::Type *lst = llvm::StructType::get(context_, elems);
return lst;
bool TypeManager::addPlaceholderRefs(Btype *btype)
bool rval = false;
switch(btype->flavor()) {
case Btype::ArrayT: {
BArrayType *bat = btype->castToBArrayType();
if (bat->elemType()->isUnresolvedPlaceholder()) {
rval = true;
case Btype::PointerT: {
BPointerType *bpt = btype->castToBPointerType();
if (bpt->toType()->isUnresolvedPlaceholder()) {
rval = true;
case Btype::StructT: {
BStructType *bst = btype->castToBStructType();
const std::vector<Backend::Btyped_identifier> &fields = bst->fields();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
if (fields[i].btype->isUnresolvedPlaceholder()) {
rval = true;
default: {
// nothing to do here
return rval;
// The front end creates structures with fields that are
// function-type as opposed to pointer-to-function type -- this
// doesn't play well with LLVM, so rewrite the field types
// in this instance.
TypeManager::sanitizeFields(const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &fields)
std::vector<Btyped_identifier> pfields(fields);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
if (fields[i].btype->type()->isFunctionTy())
pfields[i].btype = pointerType(fields[i].btype);
return pfields;
// Make a struct type.
Btype *TypeManager::structType(const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &rawfields)
// Return error type if any field has error type; look for placeholders
bool hasPlaceField = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < rawfields.size(); ++i) {
if (rawfields[i].btype == errorType_)
return errorType_;
if (rawfields[i].btype->isUnresolvedPlaceholder())
hasPlaceField = true;
Location loc;
BStructType *rval = nullptr;
llvm::Type *llst = nullptr;
std::vector<Btyped_identifier> fields = sanitizeFields(rawfields);
if (hasPlaceField) {
// If any of the fields have placeholder type, then we can't
// create a concrete LLVM type, so manufacture a placeholder
// instead.
llst = makeOpaqueLlvmType("IPST");
rval = new BStructType(fields, llst, loc);
} else {
// No placeholder fields -- manufacture the concrete LLVM, then
// check for and return existing anon type if we have one already.
llst = makeLLVMStructType(fields);
BStructType cand(fields, llst, loc);
auto it = anonTypes_.find(&cand);
if (it != anonTypes_.end()) {
Btype *existing = *it;
return existing;
rval = new BStructType(fields, llst, loc);
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ struct type "
<< ((void*)rval) << " [llvm type "
<< ((void*)llst) << "] fields:\n";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i)
std::cerr << i << ": " << ((void*)fields[i].btype) << "\n";
// Done
return rval;
llvm::Type *TypeManager::makeOpaqueLlvmType(const char *tag) {
std::string tname(tnamegen(tag));
return llvm::StructType::create(context_, tname);
// Create a placeholder for a struct type.
Btype *TypeManager::placeholderStructType(const std::string &name,
Location location)
BStructType *pst = new BStructType(name, location);
llvm::Type *opaque = makeOpaqueLlvmType(name.c_str());
return pst;
// LLVM has no such thing as a complex type -- it expects the front
// end to lower all complex operations from the get-go, meaning that
// the back end will see only two-element structs. In order to create
// the proper debug information, however, we have to keep track of
// which two-float / two-double structs are complex objects and which
// are simply regular structs.
Btype *TypeManager::complexType(int bits)
assert(bits == 64 || bits == 128);
llvm::Type *elemTy = (bits == 64 ? llvm::Type::getFloatTy(context_)
: llvm::Type::getDoubleTy(context_));
llvm::Type *llct = makeLLVMTwoElementStructType(elemTy, elemTy);
// Check for and return existing anon type if we have one already
Location loc;
BComplexType cand(bits, llct, loc);
auto it = anonTypes_.find(&cand);
if (it != anonTypes_.end()) {
Btype *existing = *it;
BComplexType *bct = existing->castToBComplexType();
return bct;
// Install in cache
BComplexType *rval = new BComplexType(bits, llct, loc);
return rval;
// Get a pointer type.
Btype *TypeManager::pointerType(Btype *toType)
if (toType == errorType_)
return errorType_;
// Manufacture corresponding LLVM type. Note that LLVM does not
// allow creation of a "pointer to void" type -- model this instead
// as pointer to char.
llvm::Type *lltot =
(toType->type() == llvmVoidType_ ? llvmInt8Type_ : toType->type());
llvm::Type *llpt = llvm::PointerType::get(lltot, addressSpace_);
// Check for and return existing anon type if we have one already
Location loc;
BPointerType cand(toType, llpt, loc);
auto it = anonTypes_.find(&cand);
if (it != anonTypes_.end()) {
Btype *existing = *it;
BPointerType *bpt = existing->castToBPointerType();
return bpt;
// Create new type
BPointerType *rval = new BPointerType(toType, llpt, loc);
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ pointer type "
<< ((void*)rval) << " [llvm type "
<< ((void*) llpt) << "]\n";
// Install in cache
return rval;
// LLVM doesn't directly support placeholder types other than opaque
// structs, so the general strategy for placeholders is to create an
// opaque struct (corresponding to the thing being pointed to) and
// then make a pointer to it. Since LLVM allows only a single opaque
// struct type with a given name within a given context, we capture
// the provided name but we don't try to hand that specific name to
// LLVM to use for the identified struct (so as to avoid collisions).
// Create a placeholder for a pointer type.
Btype *TypeManager::placeholderPointerType(const std::string &name,
Location location,
bool forfunc)
Btype *ppt = new BPointerType(name, location);
llvm::Type *opaque = makeOpaqueLlvmType("PPT");
llvm::PointerType *pto = llvm::PointerType::get(opaque, addressSpace_);
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ placeholder pointer type "
<< ((void*)ppt) << " [llvm type "
<< ((void*) pto) << "]\n";
return ppt;
llvm::Type *
TypeManager::makeLLVMFunctionType(const std::vector<Btype *> &paramTypes,
Btype *rbtype,
bool followsCabi)
// Construct an ABI oracle helper and ask the oracle for the
// correct ABI-adjusted type.
CABIOracle abiOracle(paramTypes, rbtype, followsCabi, this);
llvm::FunctionType *llvmft = abiOracle.getFunctionTypeForABI();
// handling. From the
// equivalent, here is an explanatory comment:
// The libffi library can not represent a zero-sized object. To
// avoid causing confusion on 32-bit SPARC, we treat a function that
// returns a zero-sized value as returning void. That should do no
// harm since there is no actual value to be returned.
llvm::Type *rtyp = rbtype->type();
assert(!rtyp->isSized() || datalayout_->getTypeSizeInBits(rtyp) != 0 ||
llvmft->getReturnType() == llvm::Type::getVoidTy(context_));
return llvmft;
// Make a function type.
Btype *
TypeManager::functionType(const Btyped_identifier &receiver,
const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &parameters,
const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &results,
Btype *result_struct,
bool followsCabi,
Location location)
std::vector<Btype *> paramTypes;
if (receiver.btype) {
if (receiver.btype == errorType_)
return errorType_;
// Vett the parameters and results. As with structure fields, convert
// parameters of raw function type to pointer-to-function type.
for (auto p : parameters) {
if (p.btype == errorType_)
return errorType_;
Btype *ptype = p.btype;
if (ptype->type()->isFunctionTy())
ptype = pointerType(ptype);
std::vector<Btype *> resultTypes;
for (auto r : results) {
if (r.btype == errorType_)
return errorType_;
if (result_struct && result_struct == errorType_)
return errorType_;
// Determine result Btype
Btype *rbtype = nullptr;
if (results.empty())
rbtype = makeAuxType(llvm::Type::getVoidTy(context_));
else if (results.size() == 1) {
rbtype = results.front().btype;
} else {
assert(result_struct != nullptr);
rbtype = result_struct;
assert(rbtype != nullptr);
llvm::Type *llft = makeLLVMFunctionType(paramTypes, rbtype, followsCabi);
// Consult cache
BFunctionType cand(receiver.btype, paramTypes, resultTypes, rbtype,
llft, followsCabi, location);
auto it = anonTypes_.find(&cand);
if (it != anonTypes_.end()) {
Btype *existing = *it;
BFunctionType *bft = existing->castToBFunctionType();
return bft;
// Manufacture new BFunctionType to return
BFunctionType *rval =
new BFunctionType(receiver.btype, paramTypes, resultTypes,
rbtype, llft, followsCabi, location);
// Do some book-keeping
bool isPlace = false;
if (result_struct && result_struct->isUnresolvedPlaceholder()) {
isPlace = true;
if (receiver.btype && receiver.btype->isUnresolvedPlaceholder()) {
isPlace = true;
for (auto p : paramTypes) {
if (p->isUnresolvedPlaceholder()) {
isPlace = true;
for (auto r : resultTypes) {
if (r->isUnresolvedPlaceholder()) {
isPlace = true;
if (isPlace)
assert(!isPlace || !followsCabi);
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ function type "
<< ((void*)rval) << " [llvm type "
<< ((void*) llft) << "]\n";
// Install in cache
return rval;
Btype *TypeManager::arrayType(Btype *elemType, Bexpression *length)
if (length == errorExpression_ || elemType == errorType_)
return errorType_;
// The length expression provided needs to be immediately available
// Manufacture corresponding LLVM type
llvm::ConstantInt *lc = llvm::cast<llvm::ConstantInt>(length->value());
uint64_t asize = lc->getValue().getZExtValue();
llvm::Type *llat = llvm::ArrayType::get(elemType->type(), asize);
// Check for and return existing anon type if we have one already
Location loc;
BArrayType cand(elemType, length, llat, loc);
auto it = anonTypes_.find(&cand);
if (it != anonTypes_.end()) {
Btype *existing = *it;
BArrayType *bat = existing->castToBArrayType();
return bat;
// Create appropriate Btype
BArrayType *rval = new BArrayType(elemType, length, llat, loc);
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ array type "
<< ((void*)rval) << " [llvm type "
<< ((void*) llat) << "] sz="
<< asize << " elementType:";
std::cerr << ((void*) elemType) << "\n";
// Install in cache and return
return rval;
// Create a placeholder for an array type.
Btype *TypeManager::placeholderArrayType(const std::string &name,
Location location)
Btype *pat = new BArrayType(name, location);
llvm::Type *opaque = makeOpaqueLlvmType("PAT");
return pat;
// Here "typ" is assumed to be the Btype of the "function" expression
// feeding into a call, which can either be raw pointer-to-function or
// pointer-to-function-descriptor. This helper picks out and returns
// the underlying BFunctionType in either of those two cases.
BFunctionType *TypeManager::unpackFunctionType(Btype *typ)
assert(typ != errorType_);
BPointerType *pt = typ->castToBPointerType();
if (pt)
typ = pt->toType();
BFunctionType *ft = typ->castToBFunctionType();
if (ft)
return ft;
BStructType *st = typ->castToBStructType();
Btype *sft = st->fieldType(0);
pt = sft->castToBPointerType();
ft = pt->toType()->castToBFunctionType();
return ft;
Btype *TypeManager::elementTypeByIndex(Btype *btype, unsigned fieldIndex)
assert(btype != errorType_);
BStructType *st = btype->castToBStructType();
if (st)
return st->fieldType(fieldIndex);
BComplexType *ct = btype->castToBComplexType();
if (ct)
return floatType(ct->bits()/2);
BArrayType *at = btype->castToBArrayType();
return at->elemType();
void TypeManager::postProcessResolvedPointerPlaceholder(BPointerType *bpt,
Btype *btype)
llvm::Type *newllpt = llvm::PointerType::get(btype->type(), addressSpace_);
// pluck out of anonTypes if stored there
bool wasHashed = removeAnonType(bpt);
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ resolving placeholder pointer type "
<< ((void*)bpt) << " to concrete target type; "
<< "new LLVM type "
<< ((void*) newllpt) << ", resolved type now:\n";
// put back into anonTypes if it was there previously
if (wasHashed)
void TypeManager::postProcessResolvedStructPlaceholder(BStructType *bst,
Btype *btype)
std::vector<Btyped_identifier> fields(bst->fields());
bool hasPl = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
const Btype *ft = fields[i].btype;
if (btype == ft) {
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ resolving field " << i << " of "
<< "placeholder struct type "
<< ((void*)bst) << " to concrete field type "
<< ((void*)btype) << "\n";
} else if (fields[i].btype->isUnresolvedPlaceholder()) {
hasPl = true;
if (! hasPl) {
// If 'bst' corresponds to a named type that was cloned from an
// anonymous type that (at the time) was a placeholder, then
// it's possible that the LLVM type in question has already been
// updated (if the anon type was processed first).
llvm::StructType *llst = llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>(bst->type());
if (llst->isOpaque()) {
// No need to unhash the type -- we can simply update it in place.
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 64> elems(fields.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i)
elems[i] = fields[i].btype->type();
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ resolving placeholder struct type "
<< ((void*)bst) << " to concrete struct type:\n";
void TypeManager::postProcessResolvedArrayPlaceholder(BArrayType *bat,
Btype *btype)
// Create new resolved LLVM array type.
uint64_t asize = bat->nelSize();
llvm::Type *newllat = llvm::ArrayType::get(btype->type(), asize);
// pluck out of anonTypes if stored there
bool wasHashed = removeAnonType(bat);
// update
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ resolving placeholder array type "
<< ((void*)bat) << " elem type: "
<< "new LLVM type "
<< ((void*) newllat) << ", resolved type now:\n";
// put back into anonTypes if it was there previously
if (wasHashed)
void TypeManager::postProcessResolvedFunctionPlaceholder(BFunctionType *bft,
Btype *btype)
// Create a new resolved LLVM function type.
CABIOracle abiOracle(bft, this);
llvm::FunctionType *newllft = abiOracle.getFunctionTypeForABI();
// pluck out of anonTypes if stored there
bool wasHashed = removeAnonType(bft);
// update
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ resolving placeholder function type "
<< ((void*)bft) << "new LLVM type "
<< ((void*) newllft) << ", resolved type now:\n";
// put back into anonTypes if it was there previously
if (wasHashed)
// When one of the "set_placeholder_*_type()" methods is called to
// resolve a placeholder type PT to a concrete type CT, we then need
// to chase down other types that refer to PT. For example, there
// might be a separate struct type ST that has a field with type ST --
// if this is ST's only placeholder field, then when PT is
// "concretized" we can also "concretize" ST. This helper manages this
// process. It is worth noting that the types that we're updating may
// be installed in the anonTypes_ table, meaning that to make any
// changes we need to unhash it (remove it from the table), then apply
// the changes, then add it back into the table. During the addition,
// the new type may collide with some other existing type in the
// table. If this happens, we record the type in the separate
// placeholders_ set, so as to make sure we can delete it at the end
// of the compilation (this is managed by reinstallAnonType).
void TypeManager::postProcessResolvedPlaceholder(Btype *btype)
auto it = placeholderRefs_.find(btype);
if (it == placeholderRefs_.end())
for (auto refType : it->second) {
if (!refType->isPlaceholder())
BPointerType *bpt = refType->castToBPointerType();
if (bpt) {
postProcessResolvedPointerPlaceholder(bpt, btype);
BArrayType *bat = refType->castToBArrayType();
if (bat) {
postProcessResolvedArrayPlaceholder(bat, btype);
BStructType *bst = refType->castToBStructType();
if (bst) {
postProcessResolvedStructPlaceholder(bst, btype);
BFunctionType *bft = refType->castToBFunctionType();
if (bft) {
postProcessResolvedFunctionPlaceholder(bft, btype);
// Should never get here
// Set the real target type for a placeholder pointer type.
bool TypeManager::setPlaceholderPointerType(Btype *placeholder,
Btype *to_type)
if (placeholder == errorType_ || to_type == errorType_)
return false;
assert(anonTypes_.find(placeholder) == anonTypes_.end());
assert(placeholders_.find(placeholder) != placeholders_.end());
// This function may be called by the frontend multiple times on the same
// type. At the second time, the type is no longer marked as placeholder,
// and the types referencing this type are already finalized. Don't update
// it in this case.
// Circular function/pointer types have isPlaceholder false, but they do
// need to resolve, so special-case them.
if (!placeholder->isPlaceholder() &&
circularPointerTypes_.find(placeholder->type()) == circularPointerTypes_.end() &&
circularFunctionTypes_.find(placeholder->type()) == circularFunctionTypes_.end())
return true;
// For circular types, intercept the cycle with the marker type, so we
// won't generate a self-referential type.
auto cpit = circularPointerTypeMap_.find(placeholder);
if (cpit != circularPointerTypeMap_.end()) {
Btype *cpt = cpit->second;
if (to_type != cpt) {
// Link the marker type with the concrete type.
BPointerType *bpt = cpt->castToBPointerType();
BPointerType *ttpt = to_type->castToBPointerType();
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ link circular pointer type "
<< ((void*)cpt) << " [llvm type "
<< ((void*)cpt->type()) << "]"
<< " to concrete type " << ((void*) to_type)
<< " [llvm type " << ((void*) to_type->type())
<< "]\n";
std::cerr << "marker: "; cpt->dump();
std::cerr << "redir: "; to_type->dump();
return setPlaceholderPointerType(placeholder, cpt);
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ placeholder pointer "
<< ((void*)placeholder) << " [llvm type "
<< ((void*) placeholder->type()) << "]"
<< " redirected to " << ((void*) to_type)
<< " [llvm type " << ((void*) to_type->type())
<< "]\n";
std::cerr << "placeholder: "; placeholder->dump();
std::cerr << "redir: "; to_type->dump();
auto it = circularFunctionTypes_.find(placeholder->type());
if (it != circularFunctionTypes_.end())
// Update the target type for the pointer
BPointerType *bpt = placeholder->castToBPointerType();
// Decide what to do next.
if (to_type->isUnresolvedPlaceholder()) {
// We're redirecting this type to another placeholder -- delay the
// creation of the final LLVM type and record the reference.
} else {
// The target is a concrete type. Reset the placeholder flag on
// this type, then call a helper to update any other types that
// might refer to this one.
// Circular pointer type handling
unsigned nct = circularPointerLoop_.size();
if (nct != 0) {
btpair p = circularPointerLoop_[0];
Btype *cplTT = p.second;
if (to_type == cplTT) {
// We've come to the end of a cycle of circular types (in the
// sense that we're back visiting the placeholder that initiated
// the loop). Record proper values for inserting conversions when
// we have operations on this this (load, addr).
btpair adPair = circularPointerLoop_[nct == 1 ? 0 : 1];
Btype *adConvPH = adPair.first;
Btype *adConvTT = adPair.second;
btpair loadPair = circularPointerLoop_.back();
Btype *loadConvTT = loadPair.second;
circularConversionLoadMap_[to_type] = loadConvTT;
circularConversionLoadMap_[placeholder] = loadConvTT;
circularConversionAddrMap_[adConvPH] = to_type;
circularConversionAddrMap_[adConvTT] = to_type;
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ finished circular type loop of size " << nct
<< ": [" << ((void*) loadConvTT)
<< "," << ((void*) adConvPH)
<< "," << ((void*) adConvTT)
<< "] for to_type: [load, addrPH, addrTT]:\n";
} else {
if (! isCircularFunctionType(placeholder))
circularPointerLoop_.push_back(std::make_pair(placeholder, to_type));
return true;
// Set the real values for a placeholder function type.
bool TypeManager::setPlaceholderFunctionType(Btype *placeholder,
Btype *ft)
return setPlaceholderPointerType(placeholder, ft);
// Fill in the fields of a placeholder struct type.
TypeManager::setPlaceholderStructType(Btype *placeholder,
const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &rawfields)
if (placeholder == errorType_)
return false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < rawfields.size(); ++i) {
if (rawfields[i].btype == errorType_)
return false;
std::vector<Btyped_identifier> fields = sanitizeFields(rawfields);
assert(anonTypes_.find(placeholder) == anonTypes_.end());
assert(placeholders_.find(placeholder) != placeholders_.end());
BStructType *phst = placeholder->castToBStructType();
// If we still have fields with placeholder types, then we still can't
// manufacture a concrete LLVM type. If no placeholders, then we can
// materialize the final LLVM type using a setBody call.
bool isplace = addPlaceholderRefs(phst);
if (! isplace) {
llvm::StructType *llst = llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>(phst->type());
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 8> fieldtypes(fields.size());
for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < fields.size(); ++idx)
fieldtypes[idx] = fields[idx].btype->type();
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ placeholder struct "
<< ((void*)placeholder) << " [llvm type "
<< ((void*) placeholder->type())
<< "] body redirected:\n";
std::cerr << "placeholder: "; placeholder->dump();
std::cerr << "fields:\n";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
std::cerr << i << ": ";
if (! isplace)
return true;
// Fill in the components of a placeholder array type.
bool TypeManager::setPlaceholderArrayType(Btype *placeholder,
Btype *element_btype,
Bexpression *length) {
if (placeholder == errorType_ || element_btype == errorType_ ||
length == errorExpression_)
return false;
assert(anonTypes_.find(placeholder) == anonTypes_.end());
assert(placeholders_.find(placeholder) != placeholders_.end());
BArrayType *phat = placeholder->castToBArrayType();
bool isplace = addPlaceholderRefs(phat);
uint64_t asize = phat->nelSize();
llvm::Type *newllat = llvm::ArrayType::get(element_btype->type(), asize);
Btype *atype = makeAuxType(newllat);
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::string ls;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(ls);
std::cerr << "\n^ placeholder array "
<< ((void*)placeholder) << " [llvm type "
<< ((void*) placeholder->type())
<< "] element type updated to " << ((void*) element_btype)
<< " [llvm type " << ((void*) element_btype->type())
<< "] length: " << ls
<< "\n";
std::cerr << "placeholder: "; placeholder->dump();
std::cerr << "redir: "; atype->dump();
updatePlaceholderUnderlyingType(placeholder, atype);
return true;
// Return a named version of a type.
Btype *TypeManager::namedType(const std::string &name,
Btype *btype,
Location location)
// TODO: add support for debug metadata
Btype *rval = btype->clone();
revNames_[btype] = rval;
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ named type '" << name << "' "
<< ((void*)rval) << " created from "
<< ((void*)btype) << " [llvm type "
<< ((void*) rval->type()) << "]\n";
return rval;
// Return a pointer type used as a marker for a circular type.
// Consider the following Go code:
// type s *p
// type p *q
// type q *r
// type r *p
// Here we have a cycle involving p/q/r, plus another type "p" that
// points into the cycle. When the front end detects the cycle it will
// flag "p" as circular, meaning that circular_pointer_type will
// wind up being invoked twice (once for real due to the cycle and
// once due to the jump into the cycle). We use a map to detect
// the second instance (e.g. "s") so that we can just return whatever
// we created before.
Btype *TypeManager::circularPointerType(Btype *placeholder, bool isfunc) {
if (placeholder == errorType_)
return errorType_;
// Front end call this multiple times on the same placeholder, so we
// cache markers and return the cached value on successive lookups.
auto it = circularPointerTypeMap_.find(placeholder);
if (it != circularPointerTypeMap_.end())
return it->second;
// Create a marker type.
Btype *rval = new BPointerType("", placeholder->location());
llvm::Type *opaque = makeOpaqueLlvmType(isfunc ? "CFT" : "CPT");
llvm::Type *circ_typ = llvm::PointerType::get(opaque, addressSpace_);
circularPointerTypeMap_[placeholder] = rval;
if (isfunc) {
// Push marker and placeholder onto a stack so that we can
// update them when the appropriate function type is created.
} else {
// Set up to start tracking the types that will make up the
// loop involved in the cycle.
assert(circularPointerLoop_.size() == 0);
circularPointerLoop_.push_back(std::make_pair(placeholder, rval));
if (traceLevel() > 1) {
std::cerr << "\n^ circular_pointer_type "
<< "for placeholder " << ((void *)placeholder)
<< " [llvm type " << ((void *)placeholder->type())
<< "] returned type is " << ((void *)rval) << " [llvm type "
<< ((void *)rval->type()) << "]\n";
return rval;
// Return whether we might be looking at a circular function type.
bool TypeManager::isCircularFunctionType(Btype *btype) {
auto it = circularFunctionPlaceholderTypes_.find(btype);
if (it != circularFunctionPlaceholderTypes_.end())
return true;
return isCircularFunctionType(btype->type());
bool TypeManager::isCircularFunctionType(llvm::Type *typ) {
auto it = circularFunctionTypes_.find(typ);
return it != circularFunctionTypes_.end();
// Return whether we might be looking at a circular pointer type.
bool TypeManager::isCircularPointerType(Btype *btype) {
return isCircularPointerType(btype->type());
bool TypeManager::isCircularPointerType(llvm::Type *typ) {
auto it = circularPointerTypes_.find(typ);
return it != circularPointerTypes_.end();
Btype *TypeManager::circularTypeLoadConversion(Btype *typ) {
auto it = circularConversionLoadMap_.find(typ);
return it != circularConversionLoadMap_.end() ? it->second : nullptr;
Btype *TypeManager::circularTypeAddrConversion(Btype *typ) {
auto it = circularConversionAddrMap_.find(typ);
if (it != circularConversionAddrMap_.end())
return it->second;
return nullptr;
// Given a zero-sized type, create a similarly-structured type that
// has non-zero size. This is hacky, and there aren't really any firm
// rules here, but the general idea is to manufacture something that is
// as close to the original type as possible. For example, if the original
// type is a struct type with three fields A, B, and C, then we want the
// synthesized type to also be a struct type with three similarly named
// fields. For arrays we simply increase the number of elements from zero
// to one -- this is a risky strategy in that someone could define a global
// variable that looks like
// type huge struct {
// x [1<<30]char
// }
// type emptyar [0]huge
// however this scenario does not seem especially likely (most global
// zero-sized types are likely due to the use of interfaces).
Btype *TypeManager::synthesizeNonZeroSizeType(Btype *typ, Bexpression *one)
if (typeSize(typ) != 0)
return typ;
switch(typ->flavor()) {
case Btype::ArrayT: {
BArrayType *bat = typ->castToBArrayType();
Btype *elemtyp = synthesizeNonZeroSizeType(bat->elemType(), one);
return arrayType(elemtyp, one);
case Btype::StructT: {
BStructType *bst = typ->castToBStructType();
const std::vector<Backend::Btyped_identifier> &fields = bst->fields();
if (fields.size()) {
std::vector<Backend::Btyped_identifier> nzfields = fields;
nzfields[0].btype = synthesizeNonZeroSizeType(fields[0].btype, one);
return structType(nzfields);
std::vector<Backend::Btyped_identifier> dummyfields(1);
dummyfields[0].btype = boolType();
dummyfields[0].name = "dummy";
return structType(dummyfields);
default: {
return nullptr;
llvm::Type *TypeManager::landingPadExceptionType()
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 2> elems(2);
elems[0] = llvmPtrType();
elems[1] = llvmInt32Type();
return llvm::StructType::get(context_, elems);
llvm::FunctionType *TypeManager::personalityFunctionType()
const bool isVarargs = false;
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 5> elems(5);
elems[0] = llvmInt32Type();
elems[1] = llvmInt32Type();
elems[2] = llvmInt64Type();
elems[3] = llvmPtrType();
elems[4] = llvmPtrType();
llvm::FunctionType *llft =
llvm::FunctionType::get(llvmInt32Type(), elems, isVarargs);
return llft;
llvm::Type *TypeManager::placeholderProxyType(Btype *typ,
pproxymap *pmap)
llvm::SmallPtrSet<llvm::Type *, 32> vis;
if (typ->type()->isSized(&vis))
return typ->type();
auto it = pmap->find(typ);
if (it != pmap->end())
return it->second;
switch(typ->flavor()) {
case Btype::ArrayT: {
BArrayType *bat = typ->castToBArrayType();
Btype *elt = bat->elemType();
llvm::Type *elprox = placeholderProxyType(elt, pmap);
if (!elprox)
return nullptr;
llvm::Type *llat = llvm::ArrayType::get(elprox, bat->nelSize());
(*pmap)[bat] = llat;
return llat;
case Btype::StructT: {
BStructType *bst = typ->castToBStructType();
const std::vector<Backend::Btyped_identifier> &fields = bst->fields();
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 64> elems(fields.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
llvm::Type *ft = placeholderProxyType(fields[i].btype, pmap);
if (!ft)
return nullptr;
elems[i] = ft;
llvm::Type *llst = llvm::StructType::get(context_, elems);
(*pmap)[bst] = llst;
return llst;
case Btype::PointerT: {
// All pointers should be sized the same
return llvmPtrType_;
case Btype::FunctionT: {
// This is hacky, but it turns out we do need this
// because of the way FE handles function types.
// Treat function type as pointer-to-function type.
return llvmPtrType_;
case Btype::AuxT: {
assert(false && "not expecting aux type here");
default: {
assert(false && "not expecting scalar type here");
return nullptr;
// Helper for use with typeSize() and typeFieldOffset methods.
// Handles situations where we're asking about size/offset for
// types that still incorporate placeholders.
llvm::Type *TypeManager::getPlaceholderProxyIfNeeded(Btype *btype)
llvm::Type *toget = btype->type();
llvm::SmallPtrSet<llvm::Type *, 32> vis;
if (!btype->type()->isSized(&vis)) {
pproxymap pmap;
toget = placeholderProxyType(btype, &pmap);
return toget;
// Return the size of a type.
// Note: frontend sometimes asks for the size of a placeholder
// type that has not been finalized -- this is a bit tricky since
// at that point we don't have an LLVM type. If this happens, call
// a helper to fake it (since in many cases we'll know the size
// of the type even if placeholder pointer types have not been resolved).
int64_t TypeManager::typeSize(Btype *btype) {
if (btype == errorType_)
return 1;
llvm::Type *toget = getPlaceholderProxyIfNeeded(btype);
uint64_t uvalbytes = datalayout_->getTypeAllocSize(toget);
return static_cast<int64_t>(uvalbytes);
uint64_t TypeManager::llvmTypeAllocSize(llvm::Type *t)
return datalayout()->getTypeAllocSize(t);
uint64_t TypeManager::llvmTypeSize(llvm::Type *t)
unsigned bits = datalayout()->getTypeSizeInBits(t);
if (bits == 1) // special case for 1-bit int
return 1;
assert((bits & 7) == 0);
return bits / 8;
// Return the alignment of a type.
int64_t TypeManager::typeAlignment(Btype *btype) {
if (btype == errorType_)
return 1;
llvm::Type *toget = getPlaceholderProxyIfNeeded(btype);
unsigned uval = datalayout_->getABITypeAlignment(toget);
return static_cast<int64_t>(uval);
// Return the alignment of a struct field of type BTYPE.
// One case where type_field_align(X) != type_align(X) is
// for type 'double' on x86 32-bit, where for compatibility
// a double field is 4-byte aligned but will be 8-byte aligned
// otherwise.
int64_t TypeManager::typeFieldAlignment(Btype *btype) {
if (btype == errorType_)
return -1;
llvm::Type *toget = getPlaceholderProxyIfNeeded(btype);
// Corner cases.
if (!toget->isSized())
return -1;
// Create a new anonymous struct with two fields: first field is a
// single byte, second field is of type btype. Then use
// getElementOffset to find out where the second one has been
// placed. Finally, return min of alignof(btype) and that value.
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Type *, 2> elems(2);
elems[0] = llvm::Type::getInt1Ty(context_);
elems[1] = toget;
llvm::StructType *dummyst = llvm::StructType::get(context_, elems);
const llvm::StructLayout *sl = datalayout_->getStructLayout(dummyst);
uint64_t uoff = sl->getElementOffset(1);
unsigned talign = datalayout_->getABITypeAlignment(toget);
int64_t rval = (uoff < talign ? uoff : talign);
return rval;
// Return the offset of a field in a struct.
int64_t TypeManager::typeFieldOffset(Btype *btype, size_t index) {
if (btype == errorType_)
return 0;
llvm::Type *toget = getPlaceholderProxyIfNeeded(btype);
llvm::StructType *llvm_st = llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>(toget);
return llvmTypeFieldOffset(llvm_st, index);
// Return the offset of a field in an LLVM struct type.
int64_t TypeManager::llvmTypeFieldOffset(llvm::StructType *llst, size_t fidx)
const llvm::StructLayout *sl = datalayout_->getStructLayout(llst);
uint64_t uoff = sl->getElementOffset(fidx);
return static_cast<int64_t>(uoff);
bool TypeManager::isPtrToIfaceStructType(llvm::Type *typ)
if (! typ->isPointerTy())
return false;
llvm::PointerType *pt = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(typ);
llvm::Type *elt = pt->getElementType();
if (! elt->isStructTy())
return false;
llvm::StructType *st = llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>(elt);
if (st->getNumElements() != 2)
return false;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<llvm::Type *, 32> vis;
// expect { ptr, ptr } or { ptr, uintptr }
return (st->getElementType(0)->isPointerTy() &&
(st->getElementType(1)->isPointerTy() ||
st->getElementType(1) == llvmIntegerType()));
bool TypeManager::isFuncDescriptorType(llvm::Type *typ)
if (! typ->isStructTy())
return false;
llvm::StructType *st = llvm::cast<llvm::StructType>(typ);
if (st->getNumElements() != 1)
return false;
llvm::Type *f0t = st->getElementType(0);
llvm::PointerType *f0tpt = nullptr;
if (f0t->isPointerTy())
f0tpt = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(f0t);
if (f0t != llvmIntegerType_ &&
!f0t->isFunctionTy() &&
!(f0tpt && f0tpt->getElementType()->isFunctionTy()))
return false;
return true;
bool TypeManager::isPtrToFuncDescriptorType(llvm::Type *typ)
if (! typ->isPointerTy())
return false;
llvm::PointerType *pt = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(typ);
return isFuncDescriptorType(pt->getElementType());
bool TypeManager::isPtrToFuncType(llvm::Type *typ)
if (! typ->isPointerTy())
return false;
llvm::PointerType *pt = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(typ);
return pt->getElementType()->isFunctionTy();
bool TypeManager::isPtrToVoidType(llvm::Type *typ)
if (! typ->isPointerTy())
return false;
llvm::PointerType *pt = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(typ);
return pt->getElementType() == llvmInt8Type_;
bool TypeManager::isPtrToArrayOf(llvm::Type *typ, llvm::Type *arElmTyp)
if (! typ->isPointerTy())
return false;
llvm::PointerType *pt = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(typ);
llvm::Type *elt = pt->getElementType();
if (! elt->isArrayTy())
return false;
llvm::ArrayType *llat = llvm::cast<llvm::ArrayType>(elt);
llvm::Type *aelt = llat->getTypeAtIndex(0u);
if (aelt == arElmTyp)
return true;
if (isCircularFunctionType(aelt) && isCircularFunctionType(arElmTyp))
return true; // TODO: check they are same circular function type?
return false;
bool TypeManager::fcnPointerCompatible(llvm::Type *left,
llvm::Type *right,
std::set<llvm::Type *> &visited)
// Allow for pointer-to-fp and func-desc matching
bool leftFPD = isPtrToFuncType(left) || isPtrToVoidType(left);
bool rightFPD = isPtrToFuncType(right) || isPtrToVoidType(right);
if (leftFPD && rightFPD)
return true;
bool visleft = (visited.find(left) != visited.end());
bool visright = (visited.find(right) != visited.end());
if (visleft != visright)
return false;
if (visleft)
return true;
// Compare type ID, children, etc.
if (left->getTypeID() != right->getTypeID())
return false;
// For pointer types, visit pointed-to elements
if (left->isPointerTy()) {
llvm::PointerType *ptl = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(left);
llvm::PointerType *ptr = llvm::cast<llvm::PointerType>(right);
llvm::Type *eltl = ptl->getElementType();
llvm::Type *eltr = ptr->getElementType();
return fcnPointerCompatible(eltl, eltr, visited);
// For aggregate types, compare children.
if (left->isAggregateType()) {
unsigned leftnct = left->getNumContainedTypes();
unsigned rightnct = right->getNumContainedTypes();
if (leftnct != rightnct)
return false;
for (unsigned cti = 0; cti < leftnct; cti++) {
llvm::Type *leftchild = left->getContainedType(cti);
llvm::Type *rightchild = right->getContainedType(cti);
if (!fcnPointerCompatible(leftchild, rightchild, visited))
return false;
return true;
} else {
// For non-aggregate types, we expect underlying llvm types to match
return (left == right);
std::string TypeManager::typToString(Btype *typ)
std::map<Btype *, std::string> smap;
return typToStringRec(typ, smap);
TypeManager::typToStringRec(Btype *typ, std::map<Btype *, std::string> &smap)
assert(typ != nullptr);
if (namedTypes_.find(typ) != namedTypes_.end())
return typ->name();
if (! typ->name().empty())
return typ->name();
auto rnit = revNames_.find(typ);
if (rnit != revNames_.end())
return rnit->second->name();
auto smit = smap.find(typ);
if (smit != smap.end())
return smit->second;
std::stringstream ss;
switch(typ->flavor()) {
case Btype::AuxT: {
if (typ->type() == llvmVoidType_) {
ss << "void";
std::cerr << "unhandled aux type: "; typ->dump();
case Btype::ComplexT: {
BComplexType *bct = typ->castToBComplexType();
ss << "complex" << bct->bits();
case Btype::FloatT: {
BFloatType *bft = typ->castToBFloatType();
ss << "float" << bft->bits();
case Btype::IntegerT: {
BIntegerType *bit = typ->castToBIntegerType();
if (bit->isUnsigned())
ss << "u";
ss << "int" << bit->bits();
case Btype::PointerT: {
BPointerType *bpt = typ->castToBPointerType();
// all placeholders should be resolved at this point
// handle circular pointer types
auto cpit = circularPointerTypes_.find(typ->type());
if (cpit != circularPointerTypes_.end()) {
std::string s;
llvm::raw_string_ostream os(s);
ss << os.str();
assert(bpt->toType() != nullptr);
ss << "*" << typToStringRec(bpt->toType(), smap);
case Btype::StructT: {
BStructType *bst = typ->castToBStructType();
// install temp entry to break cycles
std::stringstream sst;
sst << "$struct$" << smap.size();
smap[typ] = sst.str();
ss << "struct{";
const std::vector<Backend::Btyped_identifier> &fields = bst->fields();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) {
ss << (i == 0 ? "" : ",");
ss << typToStringRec(fields[i].btype, smap);
ss << "}";
case Btype::FunctionT: {
BFunctionType *bft = typ->castToBFunctionType();
ss << "func(";
if (bft->receiverType())
ss << typToStringRec(bft->receiverType(), smap);
const std::vector<Btype *> &parms = bft->paramTypes();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < parms.size(); ++i) {
ss << ((i == 0 && !bft->receiverType()) ? "" : ",");
ss << typToStringRec(parms[i], smap);
ss << ")";
ss << typToStringRec(bft->resultType(), smap);
case Btype::ArrayT: {
BArrayType *bat = typ->castToBArrayType();
ss << "[" << bat->nelSize() << "]"
<< typToStringRec(bat->elemType(), smap);
default: assert(0);
smap[typ] = ss.str();
return ss.str();
llvm::DIType *TypeManager::buildCircularPointerDIType(Btype *typ,
DIBuildHelper &helper)
auto rnit = revNames_.find(typ);
if (rnit != revNames_.end())
typ = rnit->second;
std::unordered_map<Btype *, llvm::DIType*> &typeCache = helper.typeCache();
auto tcit = typeCache.find(typ);
if (tcit != typeCache.end() && tcit->second != nullptr)
return tcit->second;
// Create replaceable placeholder
llvm::DIBuilder &dibuilder = helper.dibuilder();
unsigned tag = llvm::dwarf::DW_TAG_structure_type;
llvm::DIScope *scope = helper.moduleScope();
llvm::DIFile *file = helper.diFileFromLocation(typ->location());
unsigned lineNumber = helper.linemap()->location_line(typ->location());
llvm::DICompositeType *placeholder =
dibuilder.createReplaceableCompositeType(tag, typToString(typ),
scope, file, lineNumber);
typeCache[typ] = placeholder;
// Convert what it points to
Btype *toType = circularTypeLoadConversion(typ);
if (!toType)
toType = typ->castToBPointerType()->toType();
llvm::DIType *toDIType = buildCircularPointerDIType(toType, helper);
// Now create final pointer type.
uint64_t bits = datalayout_->getPointerSizeInBits();
llvm::DIType *result = dibuilder.createPointerType(toDIType, bits);
// Replace the temp
dibuilder.replaceTemporary(llvm::TempDIType(placeholder), result);
// Update cache
typeCache[typ] = result;
// Done.
return result;
llvm::DIType *TypeManager::buildStructDIType(BStructType *bst,
DIBuildHelper &helper)
auto rnit = revNames_.find(bst);
if (rnit != revNames_.end())
bst = rnit->second->castToBStructType();
std::unordered_map<Btype *, llvm::DIType*> &typeCache = helper.typeCache();
// Create replaceable placeholder
llvm::DIBuilder &dibuilder = helper.dibuilder();
unsigned tag = llvm::dwarf::DW_TAG_structure_type;
llvm::DIScope *scope = helper.moduleScope();
llvm::DIFile *file = helper.diFileFromLocation(bst->location());
unsigned lineNumber = helper.linemap()->location_line(bst->location());
llvm::DICompositeType *placeholder =
dibuilder.createReplaceableCompositeType(tag, typToString(bst),
scope, file, lineNumber);
typeCache[bst] = placeholder;
// Process struct members
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Metadata *, 16> members;
const std::vector<Backend::Btyped_identifier> &fields = bst->fields();
for (unsigned fidx = 0; fidx < bst->fields().size(); ++fidx) {
const Backend::Btyped_identifier &field = fields[fidx];
llvm::DIType *fieldType = buildDIType(field.btype, helper);
uint64_t memberBits = typeSize(field.btype) * 8;
uint32_t memberAlign = typeFieldAlignment(field.btype) * 8;
uint64_t memberOffset = typeFieldOffset(bst, fidx) * 8;
unsigned lineNumber = helper.linemap()->location_line(field.location);
llvm::DIDerivedType *ft =
dibuilder.createMemberType(scope,, file, lineNumber,
memberBits, memberAlign, memberOffset,
auto memberArray = dibuilder.getOrCreateArray(members);
// Now create struct type itself. Q: should this be
// getTypeAllocSize here instead of getTypeSizeInBits?
uint64_t sizeInBits = datalayout_->getTypeSizeInBits(bst->type());
uint32_t alignInBits = datalayout_->getPrefTypeAlignment(bst->type());
llvm::DIType *derivedFrom = nullptr;
llvm::DICompositeType *dist =
dibuilder.createStructType(scope, typToString(bst),
file, lineNumber, sizeInBits, alignInBits,
llvm::DINode::FlagZero, derivedFrom,
// Replace the temp
dibuilder.replaceTemporary(llvm::TempDIType(placeholder), dist);
// Update cache
typeCache[bst] = dist;
// Done.
return dist;
// DIBuilder has limited support for creating general self-referential
// types, e.g. there is no "::createReplaceableFunctionType" method,
// for example, so for the time being we pretend that the
// self-referential elements of circular function types are just
// pointer-to-void.
llvm::DIType *TypeManager::buildDIType(Btype *typ, DIBuildHelper &helper)
llvm::DIBuilder &dibuilder = helper.dibuilder();
std::unordered_map<Btype *, llvm::DIType*> &typeCache =
auto tcit = typeCache.find(typ);
if (tcit != typeCache.end()) {
BPointerType *bpt = typ->castToBPointerType();
if (bpt) {
auto it = typeCache.find(bpt);
if (it != typeCache.end() && it->second == nullptr)
return buildDIType(pointerType(voidType()), helper);
assert(tcit->second != nullptr);
return tcit->second;
// this indicates that we're currently working on creating a
// DIType for this BType.
typeCache[typ] = nullptr;
llvm::DIType *rval = nullptr;
switch(typ->flavor()) {
case Btype::AuxT: {
// FIXME: at the moment Aux types are only created for types
// that have no direct Go correspondent (for example, the type
// of an intrinsic function defined by LLVM and not Go) -- there
// should be no need include such things in the debug meta data.
// If it turns out that we do need to emit meta-data for an aux
// type, more special-case code will need to be added here.
if (typ->type() == llvmVoidType_) {
rval = dibuilder.createBasicType("void", 0, 0);
auto it = revNames_.find(typ);
if (it != revNames_.end()) {
rval = buildDIType(it->second, helper);
std::cerr << "unhandled aux type: "; typ->dump();
return nullptr;
case Btype::ComplexT: {
BComplexType *bct = typ->castToBComplexType();
std::string tstr = typToString(typ);
rval = dibuilder.createBasicType(tstr, bct->bits(),
case Btype::FloatT: {
BFloatType *bft = typ->castToBFloatType();
std::string tstr = typToString(typ);
rval = dibuilder.createBasicType(tstr, bft->bits(),
case Btype::IntegerT: {
const BIntegerType *bit = typ->castToBIntegerType();
unsigned encoding =
(bit->isUnsigned() ?
llvm::dwarf::DW_ATE_unsigned :
std::string tstr = typToString(typ);
rval = dibuilder.createBasicType(tstr, bit->bits(), encoding);
case Btype::PointerT: {
const BPointerType *bpt = typ->castToBPointerType();
// If this type is still an unresolved placeholder, treat
// this as an indication that we don't need accurate debug
// info for this type.
if (bpt->isPlaceholder())
return buildDIType(pointerType(voidType()), helper);
// Special case for circular pointer types
auto cpit = circularPointerTypes_.find(typ->type());
if (cpit != circularPointerTypes_.end()) {
rval = buildCircularPointerDIType(typ, helper);
assert(bpt->toType() != nullptr);
// Similarly, if we're pointing to something unresolved, be
// conservative.
if (bpt->toType()->isPlaceholder())
return buildDIType(pointerType(voidType()), helper);
// For some circular function types we need to check for
// cycles here (in addition to the check above).
// FIXME: look into more robust handling of circular
// types in debug generation.
auto it = typeCache.find(bpt->toType());
if (it != typeCache.end() && it->second == nullptr)
return buildDIType(pointerType(voidType()), helper);
llvm::DIType *toDI = buildDIType(bpt->toType(), helper);
uint64_t bits = datalayout_->getPointerSizeInBits();
rval = dibuilder.createPointerType(toDI, bits);
case Btype::ArrayT: {
const BArrayType *bat = typ->castToBArrayType();
llvm::DIType *elemDI = buildDIType(bat->elemType(), helper);
uint64_t arElems = bat->nelSize();
uint64_t arSize = datalayout_->getTypeSizeInBits(bat->type());
uint64_t arAlign =
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Metadata *, 1> subscripts;
subscripts.push_back(dibuilder.getOrCreateSubrange(0, arElems));
llvm::DINodeArray subsAr = dibuilder.getOrCreateArray(subscripts);
rval = dibuilder.createArrayType(arSize, arAlign, elemDI, subsAr);
case Btype::StructT: {
BStructType *bst = typ->castToBStructType();
rval = buildStructDIType(bst, helper);
case Btype::FunctionT: {
const BFunctionType *bft = typ->castToBFunctionType();
llvm::SmallVector<llvm::Metadata *, 16> ptypes;
ptypes.push_back(buildDIType(bft->resultType(), helper));
if (bft->receiverType())
ptypes.push_back(buildDIType(bft->receiverType(), helper));
for (auto &pt : bft->paramTypes())
ptypes.push_back(buildDIType(pt, helper));
auto paramTypes = dibuilder.getOrCreateTypeArray(ptypes);
rval = dibuilder.createSubroutineType(paramTypes);
assert(rval != nullptr);
typeCache[typ] = rval;
return rval;