blob: 40395d19d3f7a5f425fd1bda9b6a3067972544ea [file] [log] [blame]
"""Wrapper to selectively run gollvm instead of gccgo.
This is a shim script that intercepts invocations of 'gccgo' and then
in turn invokes either the real gccgo driver or a copy of gollvm
instead, depending on the arguments and on environment variables.
When performing a Go build with gccgo, the Go command will typically
invoke gccgo once for each compilation step, which might look like
gccgo -I ... -o objfile.o -g <options> file.go file2.go ... fileN.go
and then a final invocation will be made at the link step, e.g.
gccgo -L ... somearchive.a ... -o binary
The goal of this shim is to convert invocations of the first form to
llvm-goparse invocations, and to ignore invocations of the second form
and just pass them on to gccgo.
We also tack on a set of additional "-L" options to the llvm-goparse
invocation so that it can find the go runtime libraries, and intercept
the "-o" option so that we can run the asembler afterwards.
To use this script, you will need a copy of GCCGO, e.g. the directory
produced by running "make all && make install" in a GCCGO build tree.
From within the gccgo install dir, run --install
This will modify the install directory to insert the wrapper into the
compilation path.
import getopt
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
import script_utils as u
# Echo command before executing
flag_echo = True
# Dry run mode
flag_dryrun = False
# gccgo only mode
flag_nollvm = False
# trace llvm-goparse invocations
flag_trace_llinvoc = False
def docmd(cmd):
"""Execute a command."""
if flag_echo:
sys.stderr.write("executing: " + cmd + "\n")
if flag_dryrun:
def form_golibargs(driver):
"""Form correct go library args."""
ddir = os.path.dirname(driver)
bdir = os.path.dirname(ddir)
cmd = "find %s/lib64 -name runtime.gox -print" % bdir
lines = u.docmdlines(cmd)
if not lines:
u.error("no output from %s -- bad gccgo install dir?" % cmd)
line = lines[0]
rdir = os.path.dirname(line)
u.verbose(1, "libdir is %s" % rdir)
return rdir
def perform():
"""Main driver routine."""
global flag_trace_llinvoc
u.verbose(1, "argv: %s" % " ".join(sys.argv))
# llvm-goparse should be available somewhere in PATH, error if not
lines = u.docmdlines("which llvm-goparse", True)
if not lines:
u.error("no 'llvm-goparse' in PATH -- can't proceed")
# Perform a walk of the command line arguments looking for Go files.
reg = re.compile(r"^\S+\.go$")
foundgo = False
for clarg in sys.argv[1:]:
m = reg.match(clarg)
if m:
foundgo = True
if not foundgo or flag_nollvm:
# No go files. Invoke real gccgo.
bd = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
driver = "%s/gccgo.real" % bd
u.verbose(1, "driver path is %s" % driver)
args = [sys.argv[0]] + sys.argv[1:]
u.verbose(1, "args: '%s'" % " ".join(args))
if not os.path.exists(driver):
usage("internal error: %s does not exist [most likely this "
"script was not installed correctly]" % driver)
os.execv(driver, args)
u.error("exec failed: %s" % driver)
# These hold the arguments of -I and -L options
largs = []
iargs = []
# Create a set of massaged args.
nargs = []
skipc = 0
outfile = None
asmfile = None
minus_s = False
for ii in range(1, len(sys.argv)):
clarg = sys.argv[ii]
if skipc != 0:
skipc -= 1
if clarg == "-S":
minus_s = True
if clarg == "-o":
outfile = sys.argv[ii+1]
skipc = 1
if clarg == "-I":
skipc = 1
iarg = sys.argv[ii+1]
if clarg == "-L":
skipc = 1
larg = sys.argv[ii+1]
if clarg == "-v":
flag_trace_llinvoc = True
if not outfile:
u.error("fatal error: unable to find -o "
"option in clargs: %s" % " ".join(sys.argv))
if minus_s:
asmfile = "%s" % outfile
asmfile = "%s.s" % outfile
golibargs = form_golibargs(sys.argv[0])
if iargs:
u.verbose(1, "revised args: %s" % " ".join(nargs))
# Invoke gollvm.
driver = "llvm-goparse"
u.verbose(1, "driver path is %s" % driver)
nargs = ["llvm-goparse"] + nargs
if flag_trace_llinvoc:
u.verbose(0, "+ %s" % " ".join(nargs))
rc =
if rc != 0:
u.verbose(1, "return code %d from %s" % (rc, " ".join(nargs)))
return 1
# Invoke the assembler
if not minus_s:
ascmd = "as %s -o %s" % (asmfile, outfile)
u.verbose(1, "asm command is: %s" % ascmd)
rc = u.docmdnf(ascmd)
if rc != 0:
u.verbose(1, "return code %d from %s" % (rc, ascmd))
return 1
return 0
def install_shim(scriptpath):
"""Install shim into gccgo install dir."""
# Make sure we're in the right place (gccgo install dir)
if not os.path.exists("bin"):
usage("expected to find bin subdir")
if not os.path.exists("lib64/"):
usage("expected to find lib64/")
if not os.path.exists("bin/gccgo"):
usage("expected to find bin/gccgo")
# Copy script, or update if already in place.
docmd("cp %s bin" % scriptpath)
sdir = os.path.dirname(scriptpath)
docmd("cp %s/ bin" % sdir)
# Test to see if script installed already
cmd = "file bin/gccgo"
lines = u.docmdlines(cmd)
if not lines:
u.error("no output from %s -- bad gccgo install dir?" % cmd)
reg = re.compile(r"^.+ ELF .+$")
m = reg.match(lines[0])
if not m:
u.warning("wrapper appears to be installed already in this dir")
# Move aside the real gccgo binary
docmd("mv bin/gccgo bin/gccgo.real")
# Emit a script into gccgo
sys.stderr.write("emitting wrapper script into bin/gccgo\n")
if not flag_dryrun:
with open("./bin/gccgo", "w") as wf:
here = os.getcwd()
wf.write("P=%s/bin/\n" % here)
wf.write("exec python ${P} $*\n")
except IOError:
u.error("open/write failed for bin/gccgo wrapper")
docmd("chmod 0755 bin/gccgo")
# Success
u.verbose(0, "wrapper installed successfully")
# Done
return 0
def usage(msgarg):
"""Print usage and exit."""
if msgarg:
sys.stderr.write("error: %s\n" % msgarg)
print """\
usage: %s <gccgo args>
Options (via command line)
--install installs wrapper into gccgo directory
-t trace llvm-goparse executions
-d increase debug msg verbosity level
-e show commands being invoked
-D dry run (echo cmds but do not execute)
-G pure gccgo compile (no llvm-goparse invocations)
""" % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
def parse_env_options():
"""Option parsing from env var."""
global flag_echo, flag_dryrun, flag_nollvm, flag_trace_llinvoc
optstr = os.getenv("GOLLVM_WRAP_OPTIONS")
if not optstr:
args = optstr.split()
optlist, _ = getopt.getopt(args, "detDG")
except getopt.GetoptError as err:
# unrecognized option
for opt, _ in optlist:
if opt == "-d":
elif opt == "-e":
flag_echo = True
elif opt == "-t":
flag_trace_llinvoc = True
elif opt == "-D":
flag_dryrun = True
elif opt == "-G":
flag_nollvm = True
u.verbose(1, "env var options parsing complete")
# Setup
# Either --install mode or regular mode
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and sys.argv[1] == "--install":
prc = install_shim(sys.argv[0])
prc = perform()