blob: 09ad3980ecd517f853a7040c90a7c55c7869cbb1 [file] [log] [blame]
# This function adds a target for a specific Go program (executable),
# for example "gofmt" or "cgo".
# Example usage:
# add_go_program(name target libgodir destdir
# GOSRC .../x.go .../y.go ... GOLIB abc.a ...)
# Unnamed parameters:
# * Program name, e.g. "gofmt"
# * Target name, e.g. "gotools_cmd_go"
# * Directory containing libgo build artifacts (ex: runtime.o)
# * Destination directory for program build artifacts (e.g. executable)
# Named parameters:
# GOSRC Full paths of go source files to build.
# GOLIB Libraries to link against.
# GODEP Targets on which this program should be dependent.
# GOCFLAGS Additional arguments passed to Go compiler.
function(add_go_program progname target libgodir destdir)
# Target of build
set(program_exe "${destdir}/${progname}")
# Deps
set(deps ${ARG_GOSRC})
list(APPEND deps ${ARG_GODEP})
# Command to build executable.
OUTPUT ${program_exe}
COMMAND "${gocompiler}" "-o" ${program_exe} ${ARG_GOSRC} ${ARG_GOCFLAGS}
-I ${libgodir} -L ${libgodir} ${ARG_GOLIB}
DEPENDS ${deps}
COMMENT "Building go program ${progname}"
# Create target
add_custom_target(${target} ALL DEPENDS ${program_exe})
set_target_properties(${target} PROPERTIES FOLDER "Tools")
# TODO: add install rules