| |
| # Gotools build requires libgo; if libgo is stubbed out then don't |
| # try to build gotools either. |
| |
| return() |
| endif() |
| |
| include(GoProgram) |
| include(GoVars) |
| |
| message(STATUS "starting gotools configuration.") |
| |
| # Pick up any extra Go compiler flags specified via |
| # "cmake -DGOLLVM_EXTRA_GOCFLAGS=..." |
| set(tmp_gotools_extra_gocflags ${GOLLVM_EXTRA_GOCFLAGS}) |
| string(REPLACE " " ";" gotools_extra_gocflags ${tmp_gotools_extra_gocflags}) |
| endif() |
| list(APPEND gotools_extra_gocflags "-fno-split-stack") |
| endif() |
| |
| # Driver for compiling *.go files. |
| get_target_property(driverdir llvm-goc RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) |
| set(gollvm_driver "${driverdir}/llvm-goc") |
| set(gocompiler ${gollvm_driver}) |
| |
| set(cmd_srcroot "${GOLLVM_SOURCE_DIR}/gofrontend/libgo/go/cmd") |
| set(libgo_srcroot "${GOLLVM_SOURCE_DIR}/gofrontend/libgo") |
| |
| set(gotools_binroot "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") |
| set(libgo_binroot "${gollvm_binroot}/libgo") |
| |
| set(libgotool_archive "${libgo_binroot}/libgotool.a") |
| |
| # Cgo needs a copy of the defaultCC function in the "main" package. |
| set(cgozdefaultccdotgo "${gotools_binroot}/zdefaultcc.go") |
| set(cgozdefaultcctmp "${gotools_binroot}/zdefaultcc.go.tmp") |
| mkzdefaultcc("main" ${cgozdefaultcctmp} |
| copy_if_different(${cgozdefaultcctmp} ${cgozdefaultccdotgo}) |
| |
| set(libgo_scriptroot "${GOLLVM_SOURCE_DIR}/gofrontend/libgo") |
| set(matchdotsh "${libgo_scriptroot}/match.sh") |
| |
| set(cgo_extra_go_files "${cgozdefaultccdotgo}") |
| |
| # Loop over each of the tools of interest. |
| set(tools "go" "gofmt" "cgo" "vet" "buildid" "test2json") |
| set(allgotools) |
| foreach(tool ${tools}) |
| |
| # Check for tool dir |
| if(NOT EXISTS "${cmd_srcroot}/${tool}") |
| message(SEND_ERROR "Go tool directory ${tool} does not exist.") |
| else() |
| set(tool_target "gotools_cmd_${tool}") |
| |
| # Invoke match.sh to collect Go files of interest for this |
| # tool, via shell script. Read result into variable. |
| execute_process(COMMAND "${shell}" "${matchdotsh}" |
| "--goarch=${goarch}" "--goos=${goos}" |
| "--srcdir=${cmd_srcroot}/${tool}" |
| OUTPUT_VARIABLE toolfiles |
| RESULT_VARIABLE exitstatus) |
| if(NOT ${exitstatus} MATCHES 0) |
| message(FATAL_ERROR "match.sh invocation failed: ${errmsg}") |
| endif() |
| string(STRIP ${toolfiles} toolfiles) |
| separate_arguments(toolfiles) |
| |
| # Incorporate extras. |
| if(NOT "${${tool}_extra_go_files}" STREQUAL "") |
| list(APPEND toolfiles "${${tool}_extra_go_files}") |
| endif() |
| |
| set(isubdir "tools") |
| if("${tool}" STREQUAL "go") |
| set(isubdir "bin") |
| endif() |
| |
| # Create target for program. |
| add_go_program(${tool} ${tool_target} |
| ${libgo_binroot} ${gotools_binroot} |
| GOSRC ${toolfiles} |
| GOLIB ${libgotool_archive} |
| GOCFLAGS ${gotools_extra_gocflags} |
| ISUBDIR ${isubdir} |
| GODEP libgotool libgo_shared libgo_static libgobegin) |
| list(APPEND allgotools ${tool_target}) |
| endif() |
| endforeach() |
| |
| add_custom_target(gotools_all DEPENDS ${allgotools}) |
| add_dependencies(gollvm gotools_all) |
| |
| message(STATUS "gotools: generating check targets") |
| |
| # Emit a small script that will be used to invoke the Go compiler |
| # In order to get the right permissions on this script we |
| # use a file copy command. The cmake file copy command allows you |
| # to specify only the target directory (not target file name), so |
| # as a hack, emit the original file into the parent binary dir and then |
| # copy down into the current binary dir. |
| |
| # FIXME: one of the go package tests (TestPackageMainTestCompilerFlags) |
| # fails unless the driver name containg "gccgo". |
| set(rungoc "${gotools_binroot}/run-gccgo") |
| set(rungoctmp "${gotools_binroot}/../run-gccgo") |
| file(REMOVE ${rungoctmp}) |
| file(WRITE ${rungoctmp} "#!/bin/sh\n") |
| file(APPEND ${rungoctmp} "exec ${gocompiler} \"$@\"") |
| file(APPEND ${rungoctmp} " -I ${libgo_binroot}") |
| file(APPEND ${rungoctmp} " -L ${libgo_binroot}") |
| file(APPEND ${rungoctmp} " ${gotools_extra_gocflags}\n") |
| |
| # Copy with correct perms. |
| file(COPY ${rungoctmp} |
| DESTINATION ${gotools_binroot} |
| |
| # Emit a small script that will be used to invoke the C compiler |
| # In order to get the right permissions on this script we |
| # use a file copy command (see notes above about permissions). |
| set(runcc "${gotools_binroot}/runcc") |
| set(runcctmp "${gotools_binroot}/../runcc") |
| file(REMOVE ${runcctmp}) |
| file(WRITE ${runcctmp} "#!/bin/sh\n") |
| file(APPEND ${runcctmp} "exec ${CMAKE_C_COMPILER} ") |
| file(APPEND ${runcctmp} " -I ${libgo_binroot}") |
| file(APPEND ${runcctmp} " -L ${libgo_binroot} \"$@\"\n") |
| |
| # Copy with correct perms. |
| file(COPY ${runcctmp} |
| DESTINATION ${gotools_binroot} |
| |
| # Script to help with 'go test ...' runs |
| set(runner "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/gotestprogram.sh") |
| |
| # List containing all the check targets. |
| set(checktargets) |
| |
| # Timeouts for check targets. The cmd/go test is large and complex; needs |
| # a longer timeout than the other targets. |
| set(cmdgo_check_timeout 500) |
| set(default_check_timeout 250) |
| |
| # This test target runs `go test cmd/go` within the build environment. |
| set(targetname "check_go_tool") |
| add_custom_target( |
| ${targetname} |
| COMMAND "${shell}" ${runner} |
| "WORKDIR" "check-go-dir" |
| "SUBDIR" "src/cmd/go" |
| "LOGFILE" "${gotools_binroot}/cmd_go-testlog" |
| "SETENV" "GOPATH=${gotools_binroot}/check-go-dir" |
| "COPYGODIRS" "${cmd_srcroot}/go:src/cmd/go" |
| "${cmd_srcroot}/go/internal:src/cmd/go" |
| "${cmd_srcroot}/internal:src/cmd" |
| "${cmd_srcroot}/go/testdata:src/cmd/go" |
| "${libgo_binroot}/zdefaultcc.go:src/cmd/go/internal/cfg/" |
| "${libgo_binroot}/objabi.go:src/cmd/internal/objabi" |
| "TIMEOUT" ${cmdgo_check_timeout} |
| "GOC" "${rungoc}" |
| "BINDIR" ${gotools_binroot} |
| "LIBDIR" ${libgo_binroot} |
| DEPENDS ${libgo_goxfiles} libgotool libgo_shared gotools_all libgobegin libgolibbegin |
| ${libgo_binroot}/zstdpkglist.go ${libgo_binroot}/zdefaultcc.go |
| COMMENT "Checking cmd/go tool" |
| list(APPEND checktargets ${targetname}) |
| |
| # This test target runs `go test cmd/vet` within the build environment. |
| set(targetname "check_vet_tool") |
| add_custom_target( |
| ${targetname} |
| COMMAND "${shell}" ${runner} |
| "WORKDIR" "check-vet-dir" |
| "SUBDIR" "src/cmd/vet" |
| "LOGFILE" "${gotools_binroot}/cmd_vet-testlog" |
| "SETENV" "GOPATH=${gotools_binroot}/check-vet-dir" |
| "${cmd_srcroot}/vet:src/cmd" |
| "${cmd_srcroot}/internal/objabi:src/cmd/internal" |
| "${libgo_srcroot}/go/golang.org/x/tools:src/cmd/vendor/golang.org/x" |
| "COPYFILES" "${libgo_binroot}/objabi.go:src/cmd/internal/objabi" |
| "TIMEOUT" ${default_check_timeout} |
| "GOC" "${rungoc}" |
| "BINDIR" ${gotools_binroot} |
| "LIBDIR" ${libgo_binroot} |
| DEPENDS ${libgo_goxfiles} libgotool libgo_shared gotools_all libgobegin |
| COMMENT "Checking cmd/vet tool" |
| list(APPEND checktargets ${targetname}) |
| |
| # This test target runs `go test misc/cgo/test` within the build environment. |
| set(targetname "check_cgo_tool") |
| add_custom_target( |
| ${targetname} |
| COMMAND "${shell}" ${runner} |
| "WORKDIR" "check-cgo-dir" |
| "SUBDIR" "misc/cgo/test" |
| "LOGFILE" "${gotools_binroot}/cmd_cgo-testlog" |
| "COPYDIRS" "${libgo_srcroot}/misc/cgo/test:misc/cgo" |
| "TIMEOUT" ${default_check_timeout} |
| "GOC" "${rungoc}" |
| "BINDIR" ${gotools_binroot} |
| "LIBDIR" ${libgo_binroot} |
| DEPENDS ${libgo_goxfiles} libgotool libgo_shared gotools_all libgobegin |
| COMMENT "Checking cmd/cgo tool" |
| list(APPEND checktargets ${targetname}) |
| |
| # Run `go test misc/cgo/testcarchive/carchive_test.go` in the build env. |
| set(targetname "check_carchive_tool") |
| add_custom_target( |
| ${targetname} |
| COMMAND "${shell}" ${runner} |
| "WORKDIR" "check-carchive-dir" |
| "SUBDIR" "misc/cgo/testcarchive" |
| "LOGFILE" "${gotools_binroot}/cmd_carchive-testlog" |
| "COPYDIRS" "${libgo_srcroot}/misc/cgo/testcarchive:misc/cgo" |
| "TIMEOUT" ${default_check_timeout} |
| "GOC" "${rungoc}" |
| "CC" "${runcc}" |
| "TESTARG" "carchive_test.go" |
| "BINDIR" ${gotools_binroot} |
| "LIBDIR" ${libgo_binroot} |
| DEPENDS ${libgo_goxfiles} libgotool libgo_shared gotools_all libgobegin libgolibbegin |
| COMMENT "Checking cmd/carchive tool" |
| list(APPEND checktargets ${targetname}) |
| |
| # Finally, kick off the runtime package test using the 'go' tool |
| # from the build area. |
| set(gotestrunner "${GOLLVM_SOURCE_DIR}/libgo/checkpackage.sh") |
| file(STRINGS "${libgo_binroot}/runtime.gofiles" runtimefiles) |
| separate_arguments(runtimefiles) |
| |
| set(targetname "check_runtime_with_gotool") |
| add_custom_target( |
| ${targetname} |
| COMMAND "${shell}" ${gotestrunner} |
| "PACKAGE" "runtime" |
| "FILES" ${runtimefiles} |
| "GOOS" ${goos} |
| "GOARCH" ${goarch} |
| "ADDTOPATH" ${gotools_binroot} |
| "GC" ${rungoc} -fgo-compiling-runtime |
| "GOLIBS" ${packlibs} ${extralibs} |
| "BINDIR" "${libgo_binroot}" |
| "BASEDIR" "${libgo_srcroot}" |
| DEPENDS libgotool libgo_shared libgo_static gotools_all libgobegin |
| COMMENT "Checking runtime package with 'go' tool" |
| list(APPEND checktargets ${targetname}) |
| |
| add_custom_target(check-gotools DEPENDS ${checktargets}) |
| |
| message(STATUS "gotools configuration complete.") |