gollvm: fix up unit tests

Rewrite the back end unit tests to use the correct interfaces for
global/implicit variable creation (rolled out in CL 322129), which use
a flags value instead of discrete booleans for var properties.

Fixes golang/go#47471.

Change-Id: I077d9b31d76708d5b10b382e915e5e0fc03b3e33
Reviewed-on: https://go-review.googlesource.com/c/gollvm/+/339773
Trust: Than McIntosh <thanm@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Cherry Mui <cherryyz@google.com>
diff --git a/unittests/BackendCore/BackendArrayStruct.cpp b/unittests/BackendCore/BackendArrayStruct.cpp
index bdbd2ae..5d10538 100644
--- a/unittests/BackendCore/BackendArrayStruct.cpp
+++ b/unittests/BackendCore/BackendArrayStruct.cpp
@@ -503,17 +503,12 @@
   // Construct a struct with a global var field
   // var x int32  // global
   // var t = T{x} // global
-  Bvariable *x = be->global_variable("x", "x", bi32t, false, /* is_external */
-                                     false, /* is_hidden */
-                                     false, /* unique_section */
-                                     loc);
+  unsigned int emptyflags = 0;
+  Bvariable *x = be->global_variable("x", "x", bi32t, emptyflags, loc);
   Bexpression *xvex = be->var_expression(x, loc);
   std::vector<Bexpression *> vals1 = {xvex};
   Bexpression *scon1 = be->constructor_expression(s1t, vals1, loc);
-  Bvariable *t = be->global_variable("t", "t", s1t, false, /* is_external */
-                                     false, /* is_hidden */
-                                     false, /* unique_section */
-                                     loc);
+  Bvariable *t = be->global_variable("t", "t", s1t, emptyflags, loc);
   Bexpression *tvex = be->var_expression(t, loc);
   h.mkAssign(tvex, scon1);
@@ -777,10 +772,8 @@
   Bexpression *aex1 = be->address_expression(fex1, loc);
   h.mkLocal("a1", bpi32t, aex1);
-  Bvariable *t2 = be->global_variable("t2", "t2", s1t, false, /* is_external */
-                                      false, /* is_hidden */
-                                      false, /* unique_section */
-                                      loc);
+  unsigned int t2flags = 0;
+  Bvariable *t2 = be->global_variable("t2", "t2", s1t, t2flags, loc);
   Bexpression *t2vex = be->var_expression(t2, loc);
   Bexpression *fex2 = be->struct_field_expression(t2vex, 0, loc);
   Bexpression *aex2 = be->address_expression(fex2, loc);
diff --git a/unittests/BackendCore/BackendCoreTests.cpp b/unittests/BackendCore/BackendCoreTests.cpp
index ba7d97a..cf132a5 100644
--- a/unittests/BackendCore/BackendCoreTests.cpp
+++ b/unittests/BackendCore/BackendCoreTests.cpp
@@ -429,11 +429,9 @@
   Btype *sqt = mkBackendStruct(be, s3t, "f0", phst1, "f1", nullptr);
   // Create a global variable using this type
+  unsigned int emptyflags = 0;
   Bvariable *g1 =
-      be->global_variable("gv", "gv", sqt, false, /* is_external */
-                          false,                  /* is_hidden */
-                          false, /* unique_section */
-                          loc);
+      be->global_variable("gv", "gv", sqt, emptyflags, loc);
   // Create initializers using the various types.  Note: the initial
   // value for "f0" (non-placeholder type) is created using the
diff --git a/unittests/BackendCore/BackendDebugEmit.cpp b/unittests/BackendCore/BackendDebugEmit.cpp
index 38e98de..9cd92ff 100644
--- a/unittests/BackendCore/BackendDebugEmit.cpp
+++ b/unittests/BackendCore/BackendDebugEmit.cpp
@@ -230,13 +230,10 @@
   Llvm_backend *be = h.be();
   Location loc = h.loc();
+  unsigned int barflags = Backend::variable_is_external;
   Btype *bi32t = be->integer_type(false, 32);
   Bvariable *g1 =
-      be->global_variable("_bar", "bar", bi32t,
-                          true,         /* is_external */
-                          false,        /* is_hidden */
-                          false,        /* unique_section */
-                          loc);
+      be->global_variable("_bar", "bar", bi32t, barflags, loc);
   be->global_variable_set_init(g1, mkInt32Const(be, 101));
   bool broken = h.finish(PreserveDebugInfo);
diff --git a/unittests/BackendCore/BackendVarTests.cpp b/unittests/BackendCore/BackendVarTests.cpp
index 93b9908..4ae8bb6 100644
--- a/unittests/BackendCore/BackendVarTests.cpp
+++ b/unittests/BackendCore/BackendVarTests.cpp
@@ -116,11 +116,9 @@
   std::unique_ptr<Backend> be(go_get_backend(C, cc));
   Btype *bi32t = be->integer_type(false, 32);
+  unsigned int g1flags = 0;
   Bvariable *g1 =
-      be->global_variable("varname", "asmname", bi32t, false, /* is_external */
-                          false,                              /* is_hidden */
-                          false, /* unique_section */
-                          Location());
+      be->global_variable("varname", "asmname", bi32t, g1flags, Location());
   ASSERT_TRUE(g1 != nullptr);
   Value *g1val = g1->value();
   ASSERT_TRUE(g1val != nullptr);
@@ -136,11 +134,9 @@
   EXPECT_EQ(ve1->value(), g1->value());
   // error case
+  unsigned int anonflags = 0;
   Bvariable *gerr =
-      be->global_variable("", "", be->error_type(), false, /* is_external */
-                          false,                           /* is_hidden */
-                          false,                           /* unique_section */
-                          Location());
+      be->global_variable("", "", be->error_type(), anonflags, Location());
   EXPECT_TRUE(gerr == be->error_variable());
@@ -188,8 +184,10 @@
     for (auto common : is_common) {
       if (hidden && common)
+      unsigned int flags = (hidden ? Backend::variable_is_hidden : 0) |
+                           (common ? Backend::variable_is_common : 0);
       Bvariable *ims =
-          be->immutable_struct("name", "asmname", hidden, common, bst, loc);
+          be->immutable_struct("name", "asmname", flags, bst, loc);
       ASSERT_TRUE(ims != nullptr);
       Value *ival = ims->value();
       ASSERT_TRUE(ival != nullptr);
@@ -203,8 +201,9 @@
   // error case
+  unsigned int emptyflags = 0;
   Bvariable *gerr =
-      be->immutable_struct("", "", false, false, be->error_type(), Location());
+      be->immutable_struct("", "", emptyflags, be->error_type(), Location());
   EXPECT_TRUE(gerr == be->error_variable());
   bool broken = h.finish(PreserveDebugInfo);
@@ -229,9 +228,11 @@
       for (auto iscon : is_constant) {
         if (hidden && common)
+      unsigned int flags = (hidden ? Backend::variable_is_hidden : 0) |
+                           (common ? Backend::variable_is_common : 0) |
+                           (iscon ? Backend::variable_is_constant : 0);
         Bvariable *ims =
-            be->implicit_variable("name", "asmname", bst, hidden, iscon,
-                                  common, 8);
+            be->implicit_variable("name", "asmname", bst, flags, 8);
         ASSERT_TRUE(ims != nullptr);
         Value *ival = ims->value();
         ASSERT_TRUE(ival != nullptr);
@@ -246,8 +247,9 @@
   // error case
+  unsigned emptyflags = 0;
   Bvariable *gerr =
-      be->implicit_variable("", "", be->error_type(), false, false, false, 0);
+      be->implicit_variable("", "", be->error_type(), emptyflags, 0);
   EXPECT_TRUE(gerr == be->error_variable());
@@ -287,16 +289,16 @@
   Btype *pbt = be->pointer_type(bt);
   Btype *uintptrt = be->integer_type(true, be->type_size(pbt)*8);
   Btype *desct = mkBackendStruct(be, uintptrt, "x", nullptr);
-  Bvariable *ims = be->immutable_struct("desc", "desc",
-                                        true, false, desct, loc);
+  unsigned int descflags = Backend::variable_is_hidden;
+  Bvariable *ims = be->immutable_struct("desc", "desc", descflags, desct, loc);
   Bexpression *fp = be->function_code_expression(func, loc);
   Bexpression *confp = be->convert_expression(uintptrt, fp, loc);
   std::vector<Bexpression *> vals;
   Bexpression *scon = be->constructor_expression(desct, vals, loc);
-  be->immutable_struct_set_init(ims, "", false, false,
-                                desct, loc, scon);
+  unsigned int emptyflags = 0;
+  be->immutable_struct_set_init(ims, "", emptyflags, desct, loc, scon);
@@ -308,9 +310,9 @@
     EXPECT_TRUE(isOK && "Value does not have expected contents");
-  Bvariable *ims2 = be->immutable_struct("xyz", "abc",
-                                         false, true, desct, loc);
-  be->immutable_struct_set_init(ims2, "", false, true,
+  unsigned int xyzflags = Backend::variable_is_common;
+  Bvariable *ims2 = be->immutable_struct("xyz", "abc", xyzflags, desct, loc);
+  be->immutable_struct_set_init(ims2, "", xyzflags,
                                 desct, loc, be->zero_expression(desct));
@@ -323,9 +325,9 @@
   // check that these don't crash
-  be->immutable_struct_set_init(be->error_variable(), "", false, false,
+  be->immutable_struct_set_init(be->error_variable(), "", emptyflags,
                                 desct, loc, scon);
-  be->immutable_struct_set_init(ims, "", false, false,
+  be->immutable_struct_set_init(ims, "", emptyflags,
                                 desct, loc, be->error_expression());
   bool broken = h.finish(PreserveDebugInfo);
@@ -343,11 +345,9 @@
   // Create an immutable_struct and an immutable_struct_reference
   // with same name. They should refer to the same global variable.
-  bool hidden = false;
-  bool common = false;
+  unsigned int emptyflags = 0;
   Bvariable *ims =
-      be->immutable_struct("name", "asmname", hidden, common, bst, loc);
+      be->immutable_struct("name", "asmname", emptyflags, bst, loc);
   ASSERT_TRUE(ims != nullptr);
   Bvariable *imsr = be->immutable_struct_reference("name", "asmname", bst, loc);
@@ -370,19 +370,14 @@
   Btype *bst = mkTwoFieldStruct(be, bi32t, bi32t);
   // Case 1: non-common, concrete init value.
-  bool isConst = false;
-  bool isHidden = false;
-  bool isCommon = false;
+  unsigned int firstflags = 0;
   Bvariable *ims1 =
-      be->implicit_variable("first", "v1", bst,
-                            isHidden, isConst, isCommon, 8);
+      be->implicit_variable("first", "v1", bst, firstflags, 8);
   std::vector<Bexpression *> vals1;
   vals1.push_back(mkInt32Const(be, 101));
   vals1.push_back(mkInt32Const(be, 202));
   Bexpression *con1 = be->constructor_expression(bst, vals1, loc);
-  be->implicit_variable_set_init(ims1, "x", bst,
-                                 isHidden, isConst, isCommon, con1);
+  be->implicit_variable_set_init(ims1, "x", bst, firstflags, con1);
     @v1 = global { i32, i32 } { i32 101, i32 202 }, align 8
@@ -392,12 +387,10 @@
   EXPECT_TRUE(isOK1 && "Value does not have expected contents");
   // Case 2: const, common, no init value.
-  isConst = true;
-  isCommon = true;
-  Bvariable *ims2 = be->implicit_variable("second", "v2", bst,
-                                          isHidden, isConst, isCommon, 8);
-  be->implicit_variable_set_init(ims2, "x", bst,
-                                 isHidden, isConst, isCommon, nullptr);
+  unsigned int secondflags = (Backend::variable_is_constant |
+                              Backend::variable_is_common);
+  Bvariable *ims2 = be->implicit_variable("second", "v2", bst, secondflags, 8);
+  be->implicit_variable_set_init(ims2, "x", bst, secondflags, nullptr);
     @v2 = weak constant { i32, i32 } zeroinitializer, comdat, align 8
@@ -407,11 +400,11 @@
   EXPECT_TRUE(isOK2 && "Value does not have expected contents");
   // check that these don't crash
+  unsigned int iniflags = secondflags;
   be->implicit_variable_set_init(be->error_variable(), "x", bst,
-                                 isHidden, isConst, isCommon, nullptr);
+                                 iniflags, nullptr);
   be->implicit_variable_set_init(be->error_variable(), "x", bst,
-                                 isHidden, isConst, isCommon,
-                                 be->error_expression());
+                                 iniflags, be->error_expression());
   bool broken = h.finish(PreserveDebugInfo);
   EXPECT_FALSE(broken && "Module failed to verify.");
@@ -427,11 +420,9 @@
   Btype *pbt = be->pointer_type(bt);
   Btype *bi32t = be->integer_type(false, 32);
   Btype *s2t = mkBackendStruct(be.get(), pbt, "f1", bi32t, "f2", nullptr);
+  unsigned int g1flags = 0;
   Bvariable *g1 =
-      be->global_variable("gv", "gv", s2t, false, /* is_external */
-                          false,                  /* is_hidden */
-                          false, /* unique_section */
-                          Location());
+      be->global_variable("gv", "gv", s2t, g1flags, Location());
   std::vector<Bexpression *> vals;
@@ -457,19 +448,15 @@
   // They should refer to the same underlying global var.
   // declare x as external int32
-  bool hidden = false;
-  bool common = false;
-  bool external = true;
+  unsigned int xflags = Backend::variable_is_external;
   Bvariable *gvdecl =
-      be->global_variable("x", "x", bi32t, external,
-                          hidden, common, loc);
+      be->global_variable("x", "x", bi32t, xflags, loc);
   ASSERT_TRUE(gvdecl != nullptr);
   // define x as non-external struct
-  external = false;
+  xflags = 0; // no longer external
   Bvariable *gv =
-      be->global_variable("x", "x", bst, external,
-                          hidden, common, loc);
+      be->global_variable("x", "x", bst, xflags, loc);
   ASSERT_TRUE(gv != nullptr);
   EXPECT_EQ(repr(gv->value()), "@x = global { i32 } zeroinitializer");
@@ -479,17 +466,15 @@
   // Create them in the other order: definition first,
   // then external declaration.
   // define y as non-external struct
-  external = false;
+  unsigned int yflags = 0;
   Bvariable *gv2 =
-      be->global_variable("y", "y", bst, external,
-                          hidden, common, loc);
+      be->global_variable("y", "y", bst, yflags, loc);
   ASSERT_TRUE(gv2 != nullptr);
   // declare y as external int32
-  external = true;
+  yflags = Backend::variable_is_external;
   Bvariable *gvdecl2 =
-      be->global_variable("y", "y", bi32t, external,
-                          hidden, common, loc);
+      be->global_variable("y", "y", bi32t, yflags, loc);
   ASSERT_TRUE(gvdecl2 != nullptr);
   EXPECT_EQ(repr(gv2->value()), "@y = global { i32 } zeroinitializer");
@@ -587,23 +572,16 @@
   Btype *bi32t = be->integer_type(false, 32);
   Btype *atint0 = be->array_type(bi32t, val0);
-  bool isExternal = false;
-  bool isHidden = false;
-  bool uniqueSection = false;
   // define globals with the types above
+  unsigned int emptyflags = 0;
   Bvariable *gs1 =
-      be->global_variable("emptystruct", "", best,
-                          isExternal, isHidden, uniqueSection, loc);
+      be->global_variable("emptystruct", "", best, emptyflags, loc);
   Bvariable *gs2 =
-      be->global_variable("emptys2f", "", bef2,
-                          isExternal, isHidden, uniqueSection, loc);
+      be->global_variable("emptys2f", "", bef2, emptyflags, loc);
   Bvariable *ga1 =
-      be->global_variable("emptyar", "", ats1,
-                          isExternal, isHidden, uniqueSection, loc);
+      be->global_variable("emptyar", "", ats1, emptyflags, loc);
   Bvariable *ga2 =
-      be->global_variable("emptyintar", "", atint0,
-                          isExternal, isHidden, uniqueSection, loc);
+      be->global_variable("emptyintar", "", atint0, emptyflags, loc);
   // Create initializers for these odd beasties.