blob: ff77d3bc5638b1e4c65016a16561b6145da60459 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- go-llvm.h - LLVM implementation of gofrontend 'Backend' class -----===//
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Defines Llvm_backend and related classes
// Currently these need to be included before backend.h
#include "go-llvm-linemap.h"
#include "go-location.h"
// Definitions of Btype, Bexpression, and related B* classes.
#include "go-llvm-btype.h"
#include "go-llvm-bexpression.h"
#include "go-llvm-bstatement.h"
#include "go-llvm-bfunction.h"
#include "go-llvm-bvariable.h"
// Other helper classes
#include "go-llvm-containertypes.h"
#include "go-llvm-tree-integrity.h"
#include "go-llvm-typemanager.h"
#include "namegen.h"
#include "backend.h"
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
namespace llvm {
class Argument;
class ArrayType;
class BasicBlock;
class CallInst;
class Constant;
class ConstantFolder;
class DataLayout;
class DICompileUnit;
class DIFile;
class DIScope;
class DIBuilder;
class Function;
class Instruction;
class LLVMContext;
class Module;
class StructType;
class TargetLibraryInfo;
class Type;
class Value;
class raw_ostream;
class BuiltinEntry;
class BuiltinTable;
class BlockLIRBuilder;
struct GenCallState;
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalValue.h"
// LLVM-specific implementation of the Backend class; the code in
// gofrontend instantiates an object of this class and then invokes
// the various methods to convert its IR into LLVM IR. Nearly all of
// the interesting methods below are virtual.
class Llvm_backend : public Backend, public TypeManager, public NameGen {
Llvm_backend(llvm::LLVMContext &context,
llvm::Module *module,
Llvm_linemap *linemap,
unsigned addrspace,
/* Temporarily set the parameter as optional to workaround the unit tests. */
llvm::CallingConv::ID cconv=llvm::CallingConv::X86_64_SysV);
// Types.
Btype *error_type();
Btype *void_type();
Btype *bool_type();
Btype *integer_type(bool, int);
Btype *float_type(int);
Btype *complex_type(int);
Btype *pointer_type(Btype *);
Btype *function_type(const Btyped_identifier &,
const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &,
const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &, Btype *,
const Location);
Btype *struct_type(const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &);
Btype *array_type(Btype *, Bexpression *);
Btype *placeholder_pointer_type(const std::string &, Location, bool);
bool set_placeholder_pointer_type(Btype *, Btype *);
bool set_placeholder_function_type(Btype *, Btype *);
Btype *placeholder_struct_type(const std::string &, Location);
bool set_placeholder_struct_type(Btype *placeholder,
const std::vector<Btyped_identifier> &);
Btype *placeholder_array_type(const std::string &, Location);
bool set_placeholder_array_type(Btype *, Btype *, Bexpression *);
Btype *named_type(const std::string &, Btype *, Location);
Btype *circular_pointer_type(Btype *, bool);
bool is_circular_pointer_type(Btype *);
int64_t type_size(Btype *);
int64_t type_alignment(Btype *);
int64_t type_field_alignment(Btype *);
int64_t type_field_offset(Btype *, size_t index);
// Expressions.
Bexpression *zero_expression(Btype *);
Bexpression *error_expression();
Bexpression *nil_pointer_expression();
Bexpression *var_expression(Bvariable *var, Location);
Bexpression *indirect_expression(Btype *, Bexpression *expr, bool known_valid,
Bexpression *named_constant_expression(Btype *btype, const std::string &name,
Bexpression *val, Location);
Bexpression *integer_constant_expression(Btype *btype, mpz_t val);
Bexpression *float_constant_expression(Btype *btype, mpfr_t val);
Bexpression *complex_constant_expression(Btype *btype, mpc_t val);
Bexpression *string_constant_expression(const std::string &val);
Bexpression *boolean_constant_expression(bool val);
Bexpression *real_part_expression(Bexpression *bcomplex, Location);
Bexpression *imag_part_expression(Bexpression *bcomplex, Location);
Bexpression *complex_expression(Bexpression *breal, Bexpression *bimag,
Bexpression *convert_expression(Btype *type, Bexpression *expr, Location);
Bexpression *function_code_expression(Bfunction *, Location);
Bexpression *address_expression(Bexpression *, Location);
Bexpression *struct_field_expression(Bexpression *, size_t, Location);
Bexpression *compound_expression(Bstatement *, Bexpression *, Location);
Bexpression *conditional_expression(Bfunction *,
Btype *, Bexpression *, Bexpression *,
Bexpression *, Location);
Bexpression *unary_expression(Operator, Bexpression *, Location);
Bexpression *binary_expression(Operator, Bexpression *, Bexpression *,
Bexpression *
constructor_expression(Btype *, const std::vector<Bexpression *> &, Location);
Bexpression *array_constructor_expression(Btype *,
const std::vector<unsigned long> &,
const std::vector<Bexpression *> &,
Bexpression *pointer_offset_expression(Bexpression *base, Bexpression *offset,
Bexpression *array_index_expression(Bexpression *array, Bexpression *index,
Bexpression *call_expression(Bfunction *caller,
Bexpression *fn,
const std::vector<Bexpression *> &args,
Bexpression *static_chain,
// Statements.
Bstatement *error_statement();
Bstatement *expression_statement(Bfunction *, Bexpression *);
Bstatement *init_statement(Bfunction*, Bvariable *var, Bexpression *init);
Bstatement *assignment_statement(Bfunction*,
Bexpression *lhs, Bexpression *rhs,
Bstatement *return_statement(Bfunction *, const std::vector<Bexpression *> &,
Bstatement *if_statement(Bfunction *func,
Bexpression *condition, Bblock *then_block,
Bblock *else_block, Location);
Bstatement *
switch_statement(Bfunction *function, Bexpression *value,
const std::vector<std::vector<Bexpression *>> &cases,
const std::vector<Bstatement *> &statements, Location);
Bstatement *compound_statement(Bstatement *, Bstatement *);
Bstatement *statement_list(const std::vector<Bstatement *> &);
Bstatement *exception_handler_statement(Bstatement *bstat,
Bstatement *except_stmt,
Bstatement *finally_stmt, Location);
// Blocks.
Bblock *block(Bfunction *, Bblock *, const std::vector<Bvariable *> &,
Location, Location);
void block_add_statements(Bblock *, const std::vector<Bstatement *> &);
Bstatement *block_statement(Bblock *);
// Variables.
Bvariable *error_variable();
Bvariable *global_variable(const std::string &var_name,
const std::string &asm_name, Btype *btype,
bool is_external, bool is_hidden,
bool in_unique_section, Location location);
void global_variable_set_init(Bvariable *, Bexpression *);
Bvariable *local_variable(Bfunction *, const std::string &, Btype *,
Bvariable *, bool, Location);
Bvariable *parameter_variable(Bfunction *, const std::string &, Btype *, bool,
Bvariable *static_chain_variable(Bfunction *, const std::string &, Btype *,
Bvariable *temporary_variable(Bfunction *, Bblock *, Btype *, Bexpression *,
bool, Location, Bstatement **);
Bvariable *implicit_variable(const std::string &, const std::string &,
Btype *, bool, bool, bool, int64_t);
void implicit_variable_set_init(Bvariable *, const std::string &, Btype *,
bool, bool, bool, Bexpression *);
Bvariable *implicit_variable_reference(const std::string &,
const std::string &, Btype *);
Bvariable *immutable_struct(const std::string &, const std::string &, bool,
bool, Btype *, Location);
void immutable_struct_set_init(Bvariable *, const std::string &, bool, bool,
Btype *, Location, Bexpression *);
Bvariable *immutable_struct_reference(const std::string &,
const std::string &, Btype *, Location);
// Labels.
Blabel *label(Bfunction *, const std::string &name, Location);
Bstatement *label_definition_statement(Blabel *);
Bstatement *goto_statement(Blabel *, Location);
Bexpression *label_address(Blabel *, Location);
// Functions.
Bfunction *error_function();
Bfunction *function(Btype *fntype, const std::string &name,
const std::string &asm_name, unsigned flags,
Bstatement *function_defer_statement(Bfunction *function,
Bexpression *undefer, Bexpression *defer,
bool function_set_parameters(Bfunction *function,
const std::vector<Bvariable *> &);
bool function_set_body(Bfunction *function, Bstatement *code_stmt);
Bfunction *lookup_builtin(const std::string &);
void write_global_definitions(const std::vector<Btype *> &,
const std::vector<Bexpression *> &,
const std::vector<Bfunction *> &,
const std::vector<Bvariable *> &);
void write_export_data(const char *bytes, unsigned int size);
Llvm_linemap *linemap() const { return linemap_; }
// Module and datalayout
llvm::Module &module() { return *module_; }
const llvm::DataLayout &datalayout() { return *datalayout_; }
// Type manager functionality
TypeManager *typeManager() const;
// DI build helper. Will be NULL if debug meta-data generation disabled.
DIBuildHelper *dibuildhelper() { return dibuildhelper_.get(); }
// Support for -fdebug-prefix=
void addDebugPrefix(std::pair<llvm::StringRef, llvm::StringRef> prefix);
// Bnode builder
BnodeBuilder &nodeBuilder() { return nbuilder_; }
// Finalize export data for the module. Exposed for unit testing.
void finalizeExportData();
// Run the module verifier.
void verifyModule();
// Dump LLVM IR for module
void dumpModule();
// Dump expression or stmt with line information. For debugging purposes.
void dumpExpr(Bexpression *);
void dumpStmt(Bstatement *);
void dumpVar(Bvariable *);
// Exposed for unit testing
// Helpers to check tree integrity. Checks to make sure that we
// don't have instructions that are parented by more than one
// Bexpression or Bstatement, or Bexpressions parented by more than
// one expr/stmt. Returns <TRUE,""> if tree is ok, otherwise returns
// <FALSE,descriptive_message>.
std::pair<bool, std::string>
checkTreeIntegrity(Bnode *n, TreeIntegCtl control);
// Similar to the above, but prints message to std::cerr and aborts if fail
void enforceTreeIntegrity(Bnode *n);
// Disable tree integrity checking. This is mainly
// so that we can unit test the integrity checker.
void disableIntegrityChecks();
// Disable debug meta-data generation. Should be used only during
// unit testing, where we're manufacturing IR that might not verify
// if meta-data is created.
void disableDebugMetaDataGeneration() { createDebugMetaData_ = false; }
// Return true if this is a module-scope value such as a constant
bool moduleScopeValue(llvm::Value *val, Btype *btype) const;
// For debugging
void setTraceLevel(unsigned level);
unsigned traceLevel() const { return traceLevel_; }
// Disable inlining if set to true.
void setNoInline(bool b) { noInline_ = b; }
// Disable frame pointer elimination if set to true.
void setNoFpElim(bool b) { noFpElim_ = b; }
// Enable/disable the use of split stacks.
void setUseSplitStack(bool b) { useSplitStack_ = b; }
// Target CPU and features
void setTargetCpuAttr(const std::string &cpu);
void setTargetFeaturesAttr(const std::string &attrs);
// Set GC strategy
void setGCStrategy(std::string s) { gcStrategy_ = s; }
// Whether we are compiling the runtime package
void setCompilingRuntime() { compilingRuntime_ = true; }
// Personality function
llvm::Function *personalityFunction();
// Dummy personality function
llvm::Function *dummyPersonalityFunction();
// Inform bridge that we may be using AutoFDO.
void setEnableAutoFDO() { autoFDO_ = true; }
Bexpression *errorExpression() const { return errorExpression_; }
Bstatement *errorStatement() const { return errorStatement_; }
// create a Bfunction for an intrinsic function with specified name
Bfunction *createIntrinsicFcn(const std::string &name,
llvm::Function *fcn);
// create a Bfunction for a predefined builtin function. Used for
// libcall builtins and inlined builtins.
Bfunction *createBuiltinFcn(BuiltinEntry *be);
// Certain Bexpressions we want to cache (constants for example,
// or lvalue references to global variables). This helper looks up
// the specified expr in a table keyed by <llvm::Value,Btype>. If
// the lookup succeeds, the cached value is returned, otherwise the
// specified Bexpression is installed in the table and returned.
Bexpression *makeGlobalExpression(Bexpression *expr,
llvm::Value *val,
Btype *btype,
Location location);
enum ModVarConstant { MV_Constant, MV_NonConstant };
enum ModVarSec { MV_UniqueSection, MV_DefaultSection };
enum ModVarComdat { MV_InComdat, MV_NotInComdat };
enum ModVarExtInit { MV_ExternallyInitialized, MV_NotExternallyInitialized };
enum ModVarGenDebug { MV_GenDebug, MV_SkipDebug };
// Make a module-scope variable (static, global, or external).
Bvariable *makeModuleVar(Btype *btype,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &asm_name,
Location location,
ModVarConstant constant,
ModVarSec inUniqueSection,
ModVarComdat inComdat,
ModVarExtInit isExtInit,
ModVarGenDebug genDebug,
llvm::GlobalValue::LinkageTypes linkage,
llvm::Constant *initializer,
unsigned alignmentInBytes = 0);
// Helper for creating a constant-valued array/struct expression.
Bexpression *makeConstCompositeExpr(Btype *btype,
llvm::Type *llct,
unsigned numElements,
const std::vector<unsigned long> *indexes,
const std::vector<Bexpression *> &vals,
Location location);
// Helper for creating a non-constant-valued array or struct expression.
Bexpression *makeDelayedCompositeExpr(Btype *btype,
llvm::Type *llct,
unsigned numElements,
const std::vector<unsigned long> *idxs,
const std::vector<Bexpression *> &vals,
Location location);
// Helper for creating a complex binary expression.
Bexpression *makeComplexBinaryExpr(Operator op,
Bexpression *left,
Bexpression *right,
Location location);
// Helper for creating a complex conversion expression.
Bexpression *makeComplexConvertExpr(Btype *type, Bexpression *expr,
Location location);
// Field GEP helper
llvm::Value *makeFieldGEP(unsigned fieldIndex,
llvm::Value *sptr);
// Array indexing GEP helper
llvm::Value *makeArrayIndexGEP(llvm::ArrayType *at,
llvm::Value *idx,
llvm::Value *sptr);
// Pointer indexing GEP helper
llvm::Value *makePointerOffsetGEP(llvm::PointerType *pt,
llvm::Value *idx,
llvm::Value *sptr);
// Assignment helper
Bstatement *makeAssignment(Bfunction *function, llvm::Value *lvalue,
Bexpression *lhs, Bexpression *rhs, Location);
// Helper to make init statement
Bstatement *makeInitStatement(Bfunction *bfunction, Bvariable *var,
Bexpression *init);
// Helper to make a temporary variable holding the value of an
// expression
std::pair<Bvariable*, Bstatement*> makeTempVar(Bexpression *expr,
Location location);
// Helper to set up entry block for function
llvm::BasicBlock *genEntryBlock(Bfunction *bfunction);
// Helper to fix up epilog block for function (add return if needed)
void fixupEpilogBlock(Bfunction *bfunction, llvm::BasicBlock *epilog);
// Load-generation helper.
// If resultTyp is null, this load is for resolving a pending
// var expression, and the result type will be the same type
// as space.
Bexpression *genLoad(Bexpression *space,
Btype *resultTyp,
Location loc,
const std::string &tag);
// Store generation helper. Creates store or memcpy call.
Bexpression *genStore(Bfunction *func,
Bexpression *srcExpr,
Bexpression *dstExpr,
Location location);
// Lower-level version of the above
llvm::Value *genStore(BlockLIRBuilder *builder,
Btype *srcType,
bool srcConstant,
llvm::Type *dstType,
llvm::Value *srcValue,
llvm::Value *dstLoc);
// Returns TRUE if loads/stores to/from the specified type should be
// carried out via memcpy as opposed to concrete load/store
// instructions.
bool useCopyForLoadStore(Btype *typ) {
if (! typ->type()->isAggregateType())
return false;
//if (typeSize(typ) <= compositeSizeThreshold_)
// return false;
return true;
// Similar to above but operates on LLVM type.
bool useCopyForLoadStore(llvm::Type *typ) {
if (! typ->isAggregateType())
return false;
//if (llvmTypeAllocSize(typ) <= compositeSizeThreshold_)
// return false;
return true;
// Return context disposition based on expression type.
// Composite values need to be referred to by address,
// whereas non-composite values can be used directly.
Varexpr_context varContextDisp(Bexpression *varexp);
// Materialize a composite constant into a variable
Bvariable *genVarForConstant(llvm::Constant *conval, Btype *type);
// Convert a constant to another type. Returns nullptr if the conversion is
// not allowed. Intended primarily for aggregate constants, where the two
// types are structurally identical but may differ due to the presence
// or absence of placeholders.
llvm::Constant *genConvertedConstant(llvm::Constant *fromVal,
llvm::Type *llToType);
// Examine vector of values to test whether they are constants.
// Checks for and handles pending composite inits.
static bool
valuesAreConstant(const std::vector<Bexpression *> &vals);
// Array init helper
Bexpression *genArrayInit(llvm::ArrayType *llat,
Bexpression *expr,
llvm::Value *storage);
// Struct init helper
Bexpression *genStructInit(llvm::StructType *llst,
Bexpression *expr,
llvm::Value *storage);
// Composite init management
Bexpression *resolveCompositeInit(Bexpression *expr,
llvm::Value *storage);
// Var expr management
Bexpression *resolveVarContext(Bexpression *expr,
Varexpr_context ctx=VE_rvalue);
// General-purpose resolver, handles var expr context and
// composite init context.
Bexpression *resolve(Bexpression *expr, Varexpr_context ctx=VE_rvalue);
// Check a vector of Bexpression's to see if any are the
// error expression, returning TRUE if so.
bool exprVectorHasError(const std::vector<Bexpression *> &vals);
// Check a vector of Bstatement's to see if any are the
// error statement, returning TRUE if so.
bool stmtVectorHasError(const std::vector<Bstatement *> &stmts);
// Converts value "src" for assignment to container of type
// "dstType" in assignment-like contexts. This helper exists to help
// with cases where the frontend is creating an assignment of form
// "X = Y" where X and Y's types are considered matching by the
// front end, but are non-matching in an LLVM context. For example,
// type Ifi func(int) int
// ...
// var fp Ifi = myfunctionfoobar
// Here the right hand side will come out as pointer-to-descriptor,
// whereas variable "fp" will have type "pointer to functon", which are
// not the same. Another example is assignments involving nil, e.g.
// var ip *float32
// ...
// ip = nil
// The type of the right hand side of the assignment will be a
// generic "*i64" as opposed to "*float32", since the backend
// "nil_pointer_expression" does not allow for creation of nil
// pointers of specific types.
// Return value will be a new convert Bexpression if a convert is
// needed, NULL otherwise.
llvm::Value *convertForAssignment(Bexpression *src,
llvm::Type *dstToType);
// lower-level version of the routine above
llvm::Value *convertForAssignment(Btype *srcType,
llvm::Value *srcVal,
llvm::Type *dstToType,
BlockLIRBuilder *builder);
// Apply type conversion for a binary operation. This helper exists
// to resolve situations where expressions are created by the front
// end have incomplete or "polymorphic" type. A good example is pointer
// comparison with nil, e.g.
// var ip *A = foobar()
// if ip == nil { ...
// The type of the right hand side of the '==' above will be a generic
// "*i64" as opposed to "*A", since the backend "nil_pointer_expression"
// does not allow for creation of nil pointers of specific types.
// Input expressions 'left' and 'right' correspond to the original
// uncoerced expressions; if conversions are needed, any additional
// instructions will be added to the args and the resulting LLVM
// values will be returned.
std::pair<llvm::Value *, llvm::Value *>
convertForBinary(Operator op, Bexpression *left, Bexpression *right);
// Generate a conversion induced by the use of a circular pointer type.
Bexpression *genCircularConversion(Btype *toType, Bexpression *expr,
Location loc);
// Helpers for call sequence generation.
void genCallProlog(GenCallState &state);
void genCallAttributes(GenCallState &state, llvm::CallInst *call);
void genCallMarshallArgs(const std::vector<Bexpression *> &fn_args,
GenCallState &state);
void genCallEpilog(GenCallState &state, llvm::Instruction *callInst,
Bexpression *callExpr);
// Store the value in question to a temporary, returning the alloca
// for the temp.
llvm::Instruction *storeToTemporary(Bfunction *func, llvm::Value *val);
// Generate a "late" type conversion (e.g. during materialization,
// hence no delayed value creation).
Bexpression *lateConvert(Btype *type, Bexpression *expr, Location);
// Manufacture a floating point constant corresponding to -0.0
Bexpression *minusZeroExpr(BFloatType *typ);
// Create integer constant 1 (for use with type creation)
Bexpression *makeIntegerOneExpr();
// Performs a bottom-up walk to materialize LLVM values for each
// node in the expression tree. Made public for unit testing.
Bexpression *materialize(Bexpression *expr,
Varexpr_context lvalueContext=VE_rvalue);
// Helper routines to materialize llvm::Value's for expression nodes,
// invoked by routine above. Public primarily because we need to call
// them from MaterializeVisitor (could be privatized if the materializer
// was added as a friend).
Bexpression *materializeIndirect(Bexpression *indExpr, bool isLHS);
Bexpression *materializeAddress(Bexpression *addrExpr);
Bexpression *materializeConversion(Bexpression *convExpr);
Bexpression *materializeStructField(Bexpression *fieldExpr);
Bexpression *materializeConditional(Bexpression *condExpr);
Bexpression *materializeUnary(Bexpression *unaryExpr);
Bexpression *materializeBinary(Bexpression *binExpr);
Bexpression *materializeConstructor(Bexpression *conExpr);
Bexpression *materializeComposite(Bexpression *comExpr);
Bexpression *materializeCompound(Bexpression *comExpr);
Bexpression *materializePointerOffset(Bexpression *ptroffExpr);
Bexpression *materializeArrayIndex(Bexpression *arindExpr);
Bexpression *materializeCall(Bexpression *callExpr);
typedef std::pair<llvm::Value *, Btype *> valbtype;
typedef pairvalmap<llvm::Value *, Btype *, Bexpression *>
// Context information needed for the LLVM backend.
llvm::LLVMContext &context_;
// The LLVM module we're emitting IR into. If client did not supply
// a module during construction, then ownModule_ is filled in.
llvm::Module *module_;
std::unique_ptr<llvm::Module> ownModule_;
// Data layout info from the module.
const llvm::DataLayout *datalayout_;
// Builder for constructing Bexpressions and Bstatements.
BnodeBuilder nbuilder_;
// Debug info builder.
std::unique_ptr<DIBuildHelper> dibuildhelper_;
// Linemap to use. If client did not supply a linemap during
// construction, then ownLinemap_ is filled in.
Llvm_linemap *linemap_;
std::unique_ptr<Llvm_linemap> ownLinemap_;
// Address space designator for pointer types.
unsigned addressSpace_;
// Debug trace level
unsigned traceLevel_;
// Whether to disable inlining.
bool noInline_;
// Whether to disable frame pointer elimination.
bool noFpElim_;
// Whether to use split stacks.
bool useSplitStack_;
// Whether we are compiling the runtime.
bool compilingRuntime_;
// Whether to check for unexpected node sharing (e.g. same Bexpression
// or statement pointed to by multiple parents).
bool checkIntegrity_;
// Whether to create debug meta data. On by default, can be
// disabled for unit testing.
bool createDebugMetaData_;
// Whether we've started / finalized export data for the module.
bool exportDataStarted_;
bool exportDataFinalized_;
// This counter gets incremented when the FE requests an error
// object (error variable, error type, etc). We check to see whether
// it is non-zero before walking function bodies to emit debug
// meta-data (the idea being that there is no point going through
// that process if there were errors).
unsigned errorCount_;
// Composite value load/store size threshold. Tells the bridge
// that for any composite value whose size in bytes is greater than X,
// emit memcpy operations for loads and stores as opposed to
// emitting direct load/store instructions.
unsigned compositeSizeThreshold_;
// Target library info oracle
llvm::TargetLibraryInfo *TLI_;
// maps name to entry storing info on builtin function
std::unique_ptr<BuiltinTable> builtinTable_;
// Error function
std::unique_ptr<Bfunction> errorFunction_;
// Error expression
Bexpression *errorExpression_;
// Error statement
Bstatement *errorStatement_;
// Error variable
std::unique_ptr<Bvariable> errorVariable_;
// Map from LLVM-value/Btype pair to Bexpression. This is
// used to cache + reuse things like global constants.
btyped_value_expr_maptyp valueExprmap_;
// Map from LLVM values to Bvariable. This is used for
// module-scope variables, not vars local to a function.
std::unordered_map<llvm::Value *, Bvariable *> valueVarMap_;
// This is used to cache compiler-constructed vars to capture
// constant values (created in genVarForConstant).
std::unordered_map<llvm::Value *, Bvariable *> genVarConstMap_;
// This table is a cache for converted constants; key is a pair
// [FromVal,ToType] and value is a constant value equivalent
// to FromVal but converted to ToType.
pairvalmap<llvm::Constant *, llvm::Type *, llvm::Constant *> genConvConstMap_;
// Table for commoning strings by value. String constants have
// concrete types like "[5 x i8]", whereas we would like to return
// things that have type "i8*". To manage this, we eagerly create
// module-scope vars with strings, but this tends to defeat the
// caching mechanisms, so here we have a map from constant string
// value to Bexpression holding that string const.
std::unordered_map<llvm::Value *, Bexpression*> stringConstantMap_;
// For caching of immutable struct references. Similar situation here
// as above, in that we can't look for such things in valueVarMap_
// without creating what it is we're looking for.
std::unordered_map<std::string, Bvariable *> immutableStructRefs_;
typedef std::pair<BFunctionType *, std::string> fcnNameAndType;
typedef pairvalmap<BFunctionType *, std::string, Bfunction*> fcnDeclMapTyp;
// This maps from <name, type> pairs to Bfunction object; it is used
// to cache declarations of external functions (for example,
// well-known functions in the runtime). Only declarations will be
// placed in this map-- if a function is being defined, it will only
// be added to the functions_ list below.
fcnDeclMapTyp fcnDeclMap_;
// Currently we don't do any commoning of Bfunction objects created
// by the frontend, so here we keep track of all returned Bfunctions
// so that we can free them on exit.
std::vector<Bfunction *> functions_;
// Personality function
llvm::Function *personalityFunction_;
llvm::Function *dummyPersonalityFunction_;
// Target cpu and attributes to be attached to any generated fcns.
std::string targetCpuAttr_;
std::string targetFeaturesAttr_;
// GC strategy
std::string gcStrategy_;
// Prepare for use of AutoFDO.
bool autoFDO_;