blob: 03d8d6a48d57186ac7245d991b0ba3198fb6a5fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
import (
// These functions cannot have go:noescape annotations,
// because while ptr does not escape, new does.
// If new is marked as not escaping, the compiler will make incorrect
// escape analysis decisions about the pointer value being stored.
// Instead, these are wrappers around the actual atomics (casp1 and so on)
// that use noescape to convey which arguments do not escape.
// atomicwb performs a write barrier before an atomic pointer write.
// The caller should guard the call with "if writeBarrier.enabled".
func atomicwb(ptr *unsafe.Pointer, new unsafe.Pointer) {
slot := (*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))
if !getg().m.p.ptr().wbBuf.putFast(*slot, uintptr(new)) {
wbBufFlush(slot, uintptr(new))
// atomicstorep performs *ptr = new atomically and invokes a write barrier.
func atomicstorep(ptr unsafe.Pointer, new unsafe.Pointer) {
if writeBarrier.enabled {
atomicwb((*unsafe.Pointer)(ptr), new)
atomic.StorepNoWB(noescape(ptr), new)
func casp(ptr *unsafe.Pointer, old, new unsafe.Pointer) bool {
// The write barrier is only necessary if the CAS succeeds,
// but since it needs to happen before the write becomes
// public, we have to do it conservatively all the time.
if writeBarrier.enabled {
atomicwb(ptr, new)
return atomic.Casp1((*unsafe.Pointer)(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))), noescape(old), new)
// Like above, but implement in terms of sync/atomic's uintptr operations.
// We cannot just call the runtime routines, because the race detector expects
// to be able to intercept the sync/atomic forms but not the runtime forms.
//go:linkname sync_atomic_StoreUintptr sync..z2fatomic.StoreUintptr
func sync_atomic_StoreUintptr(ptr *uintptr, new uintptr)
//go:linkname sync_atomic_StorePointer sync..z2fatomic.StorePointer
func sync_atomic_StorePointer(ptr *unsafe.Pointer, new unsafe.Pointer) {
if writeBarrier.enabled {
atomicwb(ptr, new)
sync_atomic_StoreUintptr((*uintptr)(unsafe.Pointer(ptr)), uintptr(new))
//go:linkname sync_atomic_SwapUintptr sync..z2fatomic.SwapUintptr
func sync_atomic_SwapUintptr(ptr *uintptr, new uintptr) uintptr
//go:linkname sync_atomic_SwapPointer sync..z2fatomic.SwapPointer
func sync_atomic_SwapPointer(ptr *unsafe.Pointer, new unsafe.Pointer) unsafe.Pointer {
if writeBarrier.enabled {
atomicwb(ptr, new)
old := unsafe.Pointer(sync_atomic_SwapUintptr((*uintptr)(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))), uintptr(new)))
return old
//go:linkname sync_atomic_CompareAndSwapUintptr sync..z2fatomic.CompareAndSwapUintptr
func sync_atomic_CompareAndSwapUintptr(ptr *uintptr, old, new uintptr) bool
//go:linkname sync_atomic_CompareAndSwapPointer sync..z2fatomic.CompareAndSwapPointer
func sync_atomic_CompareAndSwapPointer(ptr *unsafe.Pointer, old, new unsafe.Pointer) bool {
if writeBarrier.enabled {
atomicwb(ptr, new)
return sync_atomic_CompareAndSwapUintptr((*uintptr)(noescape(unsafe.Pointer(ptr))), uintptr(old), uintptr(new))