blob: a45de5ad8cdcb8133d9bca070be5168707a31ba9 [file] [log] [blame]
# 'go mod tidy' for a Go 1.17 module should by
# default preserve enough checksums for the module to be used by Go 1.16.
# We don't have a copy of Go 1.16 handy, but we can simulate it by editing the
# 'go' version in the go.mod file to 1.16, without actually updating the
# requirements to match.
[short] skip
env MODFMT='{{with .Module}}{{.Path}} {{.Version}}{{end}}'
# For this module, the dependency providing package
# is unambiguous in Go 1.17 (because only one
# root of the module graph contains the package), whereas it is ambiguous in
# Go 1.16 (because two different modules contain plausible packages and Go 1.16
# does not privilege roots above other dependencies).
# However, the overall build list is identical for both versions.
cp go.mod go.mod.orig
! go mod tidy
stderr '^example\.com/m imports\n\texample\.net/indirect imports\n\texample\.net/ambiguous/nested/pkg loaded from example\.net/ambiguous/nested@v0\.1\.0,\n\tbut go 1.16 would fail to locate it:\n\tambiguous import: found package example\.net/ambiguous/nested/pkg in multiple modules:\n\texample\.net/ambiguous v0.1.0 \(.*\)\n\texample\.net/ambiguous/nested v0.1.0 \(.*\)\n\n'
stderr '\n\nTo proceed despite packages unresolved in go 1\.16:\n\tgo mod tidy -e\nIf reproducibility with go 1.16 is not needed:\n\tgo mod tidy -compat=1\.17\nFor other options, see:\n\thttps://golang\.org/doc/modules/pruning\n'
cmp go.mod go.mod.orig
# If we run 'go mod tidy -e', we should still save enough checksums to run
# 'go list -m all' reproducibly with go 1.16, even though we can't list
# the specific package.
go mod tidy -e
! stderr '\n\tgo mod tidy'
cmp go.mod go.mod.orig
go list -m all
cmp stdout all-m.txt
go list -f $MODFMT
stdout '^ v0\.1\.0$'
! stderr .
go mod edit -go=1.16
go list -m all
cmp stdout all-m.txt
! go list -f $MODFMT
stderr '^ambiguous import: found package example\.net/ambiguous/nested/pkg in multiple modules:\n\texample\.net/ambiguous v0\.1\.0 \(.*\)\n\texample\.net/ambiguous/nested v0\.1\.0 \(.*\)\n'
# On the other hand, if we use -compat=1.17, 1.16 can't even load
# the build list (due to missing checksums).
cp go.mod.orig go.mod
go mod tidy -compat=1.17
! stderr .
go list -m all
cmp stdout all-m.txt
go mod edit -go=1.16
! go list -m all
stderr '^go: example\.net/indirect@v0\.1\.0 requires\n\texample\.net/ambiguous@v0\.1\.0: missing go\.sum entry; to add it:\n\tgo mod download example\.net/ambiguous\n'
-- go.mod --
go 1.17
replace v0.1.0 => ./indirect
require v0.1.0
require v0.1.0 // indirect
-- all-m.txt -- v0.1.0 v0.1.0 v0.1.0 => ./indirect
-- m.go --
package m
import _ ""
-- indirect/go.mod --
go 1.17
require v0.1.0
-- indirect/indirect.go --
package indirect
import _ ""