blob: 9ee9e77b4a7527b1b803f6be260867ec0d2fcc3f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains the infrastructure to create an
// (identifier) index for a set of Go files.
// Basic indexing algorithm:
// - traverse all .go files of the file tree specified by root
// - for each word (identifier) encountered, collect all occurences (spots)
// into a list; this produces a list of spots for each word
// - reduce the lists: from a list of spots to a list of FileRuns,
// and from a list of FileRuns into a list of PakRuns
// - make a HitList from the PakRuns
// Details:
// - keep two lists per word: one containing package-level declarations
// that have snippets, and one containing all other spots
// - keep the snippets in a separate table indexed by snippet index
// and store the snippet index in place of the line number in a SpotInfo
// (the line number for spots with snippets is stored in the snippet)
// - at the end, create lists of alternative spellings for a given
// word
package main
import (
pathutil "path";
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// RunList
// A RunList is a vector of entries that can be sorted according to some
// criteria. A RunList may be compressed by grouping "runs" of entries
// which are equal (according to the sort critera) into a new RunList of
// runs. For instance, a RunList containing pairs (x, y) may be compressed
// into a RunList containing pair runs (x, {y}) where each run consists of
// a list of y's with the same x.
type RunList struct {
less func(x, y interface{}) bool;
func (h *RunList) Less(i, j int) bool { return h.less(h.At(i), h.At(j)) }
func (h *RunList) sort(less func(x, y interface{}) bool) {
h.less = less;
// Compress entries which are the same according to a sort criteria
// (specified by less) into "runs".
func (h *RunList) reduce(less func(x, y interface{}) bool, newRun func(h *RunList, i, j int) interface{}) *RunList {
// create runs of entries with equal values
// for each run, make a new run object and collect them in a new RunList
var hh RunList;
i := 0;
for j := 0; j < h.Len(); j++ {
if less(h.At(i), h.At(j)) {
hh.Push(newRun(h, i, j));
i = j; // start a new run
// add final run, if any
if i < h.Len() {
hh.Push(newRun(h, i, h.Len()))
return &hh;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SpotInfo
// A SpotInfo value describes a particular identifier spot in a given file;
// It encodes three values: the SpotKind (declaration or use), a line or
// snippet index "lori", and whether it's a line or index.
// The following encoding is used:
// bits 32 4 1 0
// value [lori|kind|isIndex]
type SpotInfo uint32
// SpotKind describes whether an identifier is declared (and what kind of
// declaration) or used.
type SpotKind uint32
const (
PackageClause SpotKind = iota;
func init() {
// sanity check: if nKinds is too large, the SpotInfo
// accessor functions may need to be updated
if nKinds > 8 {
// makeSpotInfo makes a SpotInfo.
func makeSpotInfo(kind SpotKind, lori int, isIndex bool) SpotInfo {
// encode lori: bits [4..32)
x := SpotInfo(lori) << 4;
if int(x>>4) != lori {
// lori value doesn't fit - since snippet indices are
// most certainly always smaller then 1<<28, this can
// only happen for line numbers; give it no line number (= 0)
x = 0
// encode kind: bits [1..4)
x |= SpotInfo(kind) << 1;
// encode isIndex: bit 0
if isIndex {
x |= 1
return x;
func (x SpotInfo) Kind() SpotKind { return SpotKind(x >> 1 & 7) }
func (x SpotInfo) Lori() int { return int(x >> 4) }
func (x SpotInfo) IsIndex() bool { return x&1 != 0 }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// KindRun
// Debugging support. Disable to see multiple entries per line.
const removeDuplicates = true
// A KindRun is a run of SpotInfos of the same kind in a given file.
type KindRun struct {
Kind SpotKind;
Infos []SpotInfo;
// KindRuns are sorted by line number or index. Since the isIndex bit
// is always the same for all infos in one list we can compare lori's.
func (f *KindRun) Len() int { return len(f.Infos) }
func (f *KindRun) Less(i, j int) bool { return f.Infos[i].Lori() < f.Infos[j].Lori() }
func (f *KindRun) Swap(i, j int) { f.Infos[i], f.Infos[j] = f.Infos[j], f.Infos[i] }
// FileRun contents are sorted by Kind for the reduction into KindRuns.
func lessKind(x, y interface{}) bool { return x.(SpotInfo).Kind() < y.(SpotInfo).Kind() }
// newKindRun allocates a new KindRun from the SpotInfo run [i, j) in h.
func newKindRun(h *RunList, i, j int) interface{} {
kind := h.At(i).(SpotInfo).Kind();
infos := make([]SpotInfo, j-i);
k := 0;
for ; i < j; i++ {
infos[k] = h.At(i).(SpotInfo);
run := &KindRun{kind, infos};
// Spots were sorted by file and kind to create this run.
// Within this run, sort them by line number or index.
if removeDuplicates {
// Since both the lori and kind field must be
// same for duplicates, and since the isIndex
// bit is always the same for all infos in one
// list we can simply compare the entire info.
k := 0;
var prev SpotInfo;
for i, x := range infos {
if x != prev || i == 0 {
infos[k] = x;
prev = x;
run.Infos = infos[0:k];
return run;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// FileRun
// A Pak describes a Go package.
type Pak struct {
Path string; // path of directory containing the package
Name string; // package name as declared by package clause
// Paks are sorted by name (primary key) and by import path (secondary key).
func (p *Pak) less(q *Pak) bool {
return p.Name < q.Name || p.Name == q.Name && p.Path < q.Path
// A File describes a Go file.
type File struct {
Path string; // complete file name
Pak Pak; // the package to which the file belongs
// A Spot describes a single occurence of a word.
type Spot struct {
File *File;
Info SpotInfo;
// A FileRun is a list of KindRuns belonging to the same file.
type FileRun struct {
File *File;
Groups []*KindRun;
// Spots are sorted by path for the reduction into FileRuns.
func lessSpot(x, y interface{}) bool { return x.(Spot).File.Path < y.(Spot).File.Path }
// newFileRun allocates a new FileRun from the Spot run [i, j) in h.
func newFileRun(h0 *RunList, i, j int) interface{} {
file := h0.At(i).(Spot).File;
// reduce the list of Spots into a list of KindRuns
var h1 RunList;
h1.Vector.Init(j - i);
k := 0;
for ; i < j; i++ {
h1.Set(k, h0.At(i).(Spot).Info);
h2 := h1.reduce(lessKind, newKindRun);
// create the FileRun
groups := make([]*KindRun, h2.Len());
for i := 0; i < h2.Len(); i++ {
groups[i] = h2.At(i).(*KindRun)
return &FileRun{file, groups};
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PakRun
// A PakRun describes a run of *FileRuns of a package.
type PakRun struct {
Pak Pak;
Files []*FileRun;
// Sorting support for files within a PakRun.
func (p *PakRun) Len() int { return len(p.Files) }
func (p *PakRun) Less(i, j int) bool { return p.Files[i].File.Path < p.Files[j].File.Path }
func (p *PakRun) Swap(i, j int) { p.Files[i], p.Files[j] = p.Files[j], p.Files[i] }
// FileRuns are sorted by package for the reduction into PakRuns.
func lessFileRun(x, y interface{}) bool {
return x.(*FileRun).File.Pak.less(&y.(*FileRun).File.Pak)
// newPakRun allocates a new PakRun from the *FileRun run [i, j) in h.
func newPakRun(h *RunList, i, j int) interface{} {
pak := h.At(i).(*FileRun).File.Pak;
files := make([]*FileRun, j-i);
k := 0;
for ; i < j; i++ {
files[k] = h.At(i).(*FileRun);
run := &PakRun{pak, files};
sort.Sort(run); // files were sorted by package; sort them by file now
return run;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// HitList
// A HitList describes a list of PakRuns.
type HitList []*PakRun
// PakRuns are sorted by package.
func lessPakRun(x, y interface{}) bool { return x.(*PakRun).Pak.less(&y.(*PakRun).Pak) }
func reduce(h0 *RunList) HitList {
// reduce a list of Spots into a list of FileRuns
h1 := h0.reduce(lessSpot, newFileRun);
// reduce a list of FileRuns into a list of PakRuns
h2 := h1.reduce(lessFileRun, newPakRun);
// sort the list of PakRuns by package
// create a HitList
h := make(HitList, h2.Len());
for i := 0; i < h2.Len(); i++ {
h[i] = h2.At(i).(*PakRun)
return h;
func (h HitList) filter(pakname string) HitList {
// determine number of matching packages (most of the time just one)
n := 0;
for _, p := range h {
if p.Pak.Name == pakname {
// create filtered HitList
hh := make(HitList, n);
i := 0;
for _, p := range h {
if p.Pak.Name == pakname {
hh[i] = p;
return hh;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// AltWords
type wordPair struct {
canon string; // canonical word spelling (all lowercase)
alt string; // alternative spelling
// An AltWords describes a list of alternative spellings for a
// canonical (all lowercase) spelling of a word.
type AltWords struct {
Canon string; // canonical word spelling (all lowercase)
Alts []string; // alternative spelling for the same word
// wordPairs are sorted by their canonical spelling.
func lessWordPair(x, y interface{}) bool { return x.(*wordPair).canon < y.(*wordPair).canon }
// newAltWords allocates a new AltWords from the *wordPair run [i, j) in h.
func newAltWords(h *RunList, i, j int) interface{} {
canon := h.At(i).(*wordPair).canon;
alts := make([]string, j-i);
k := 0;
for ; i < j; i++ {
alts[k] = h.At(i).(*wordPair).alt;
return &AltWords{canon, alts};
func (a *AltWords) filter(s string) *AltWords {
if len(a.Alts) == 1 && a.Alts[0] == s {
// there are no different alternatives
return nil
// make a new AltWords with the current spelling removed
alts := make([]string, len(a.Alts));
i := 0;
for _, w := range a.Alts {
if w != s {
alts[i] = w;
return &AltWords{a.Canon, alts[0:i]};
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Indexer
// Adjust these flags as seems best.
const excludeMainPackages = false
const excludeTestFiles = false
type IndexResult struct {
Decls RunList; // package-level declarations (with snippets)
Others RunList; // all other occurences
// An Indexer maintains the data structures and provides the machinery
// for indexing .go files under a file tree. It implements the path.Visitor
// interface for walking file trees, and the ast.Visitor interface for
// walking Go ASTs.
type Indexer struct {
words map[string]*IndexResult; // RunLists of Spots
snippets vector.Vector; // vector of *Snippets, indexed by snippet indices
file *File; // current file
decl ast.Decl; // current decl
nspots int; // number of spots encountered
func (x *Indexer) addSnippet(s *Snippet) int {
index := x.snippets.Len();
return index;
func (x *Indexer) visitComment(c *ast.CommentGroup) {
if c != nil {
ast.Walk(x, c)
func (x *Indexer) visitIdent(kind SpotKind, id *ast.Ident) {
if id != nil {
lists, found := x.words[id.Value];
if !found {
lists = new(IndexResult);
x.words[id.Value] = lists;
if kind == Use || x.decl == nil {
// not a declaration or no snippet required
info := makeSpotInfo(kind, id.Pos().Line, false);
lists.Others.Push(Spot{x.file, info});
} else {
// a declaration with snippet
index := x.addSnippet(NewSnippet(x.decl, id));
info := makeSpotInfo(kind, index, true);
lists.Decls.Push(Spot{x.file, info});
func (x *Indexer) visitSpec(spec ast.Spec, isVarDecl bool) {
switch n := spec.(type) {
case *ast.ImportSpec:
x.visitIdent(ImportDecl, n.Name);
for _, s := range n.Path {
ast.Walk(x, s)
case *ast.ValueSpec:
kind := ConstDecl;
if isVarDecl {
kind = VarDecl
for _, n := range n.Names {
x.visitIdent(kind, n)
ast.Walk(x, n.Type);
for _, v := range n.Values {
ast.Walk(x, v)
case *ast.TypeSpec:
x.visitIdent(TypeDecl, n.Name);
ast.Walk(x, n.Type);
func (x *Indexer) Visit(node interface{}) bool {
// TODO(gri): methods in interface types are categorized as VarDecl
switch n := node.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
x.visitIdent(Use, n)
case *ast.Field:
x.decl = nil; // no snippets for fields
for _, m := range n.Names {
x.visitIdent(VarDecl, m)
ast.Walk(x, n.Type);
for _, s := range n.Tag {
ast.Walk(x, s)
case *ast.DeclStmt:
if decl, ok := n.Decl.(*ast.GenDecl); ok {
// local declarations can only be *ast.GenDecls
x.decl = nil; // no snippets for local declarations
for _, s := range decl.Specs {
x.visitSpec(s, decl.Tok == token.VAR)
} else {
// handle error case gracefully
ast.Walk(x, n.Decl)
case *ast.GenDecl:
x.decl = n;
for _, s := range n.Specs {
x.visitSpec(s, n.Tok == token.VAR)
case *ast.FuncDecl:
kind := FuncDecl;
if n.Recv != nil {
kind = MethodDecl;
ast.Walk(x, n.Recv);
x.decl = n;
x.visitIdent(kind, n.Name);
ast.Walk(x, n.Type);
if n.Body != nil {
ast.Walk(x, n.Body)
case *ast.File:
x.decl = nil;
x.visitIdent(PackageClause, n.Name);
for _, d := range n.Decls {
ast.Walk(x, d)
// don't visit package level comments for now
// to avoid duplicate visiting from individual
// nodes
return true
return false;
func (x *Indexer) VisitDir(path string, d *os.Dir) bool {
return true
func (x *Indexer) VisitFile(path string, d *os.Dir) {
if !isGoFile(d) {
if excludeTestFiles && (!isPkgFile(d) || strings.HasPrefix(path, "test/")) {
if excludeMainPackages && pkgName(path) == "main" {
file, err := parser.ParseFile(path, nil, parser.ParseComments);
if err != nil {
return // ignore files with (parse) errors
dir, _ := pathutil.Split(path);
pak := Pak{dir, file.Name.Value};
x.file = &File{path, pak};
ast.Walk(x, file);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Index
type LookupResult struct {
Decls HitList; // package-level declarations (with snippets)
Others HitList; // all other occurences
type Index struct {
words map[string]*LookupResult; // maps words to hit lists
alts map[string]*AltWords; // maps canonical(words) to lists of alternative spellings
snippets []*Snippet; // all snippets, indexed by snippet index
nspots int; // number of spots indexed (a measure of the index size)
func canonical(w string) string { return strings.ToLower(w) }
// NewIndex creates a new index for the file tree rooted at root.
func NewIndex(root string) *Index {
var x Indexer;
// initialize Indexer
x.words = make(map[string]*IndexResult);
// collect all Spots
pathutil.Walk(root, &x, nil);
// for each word, reduce the RunLists into a LookupResult;
// also collect the word with its canonical spelling in a
// word list for later computation of alternative spellings
words := make(map[string]*LookupResult);
var wlist RunList;
for w, h := range x.words {
decls := reduce(&h.Decls);
others := reduce(&h.Others);
words[w] = &LookupResult{
Decls: decls,
Others: others,
wlist.Push(&wordPair{canonical(w), w});
// reduce the word list {canonical(w), w} into
// a list of AltWords runs {canonical(w), {w}}
alist := wlist.reduce(lessWordPair, newAltWords);
// convert alist into a map of alternative spellings
alts := make(map[string]*AltWords);
for i := 0; i < alist.Len(); i++ {
a := alist.At(i).(*AltWords);
alts[a.Canon] = a;
// convert snippet vector into a list
snippets := make([]*Snippet, x.snippets.Len());
for i := 0; i < x.snippets.Len(); i++ {
snippets[i] = x.snippets.At(i).(*Snippet)
return &Index{words, alts, snippets, x.nspots};
// Size returns the number of different words and
// spots indexed as a measure for the index size.
func (x *Index) Size() (nwords int, nspots int) {
return len(x.words), x.nspots
func (x *Index) LookupWord(w string) (match *LookupResult, alt *AltWords) {
match, _ = x.words[w];
alt, _ = x.alts[canonical(w)];
// remove current spelling from alternatives
// (if there is no match, the alternatives do
// not contain the current spelling)
if match != nil && alt != nil {
alt = alt.filter(w)
func isIdentifier(s string) bool {
var S scanner.Scanner;
S.Init("", strings.Bytes(s), nil, 0);
if _, tok, _ := S.Scan(); tok == token.IDENT {
_, tok, _ := S.Scan();
return tok == token.EOF;
return false;
// For a given query, which is either a single identifier or a qualified
// identifier, Lookup returns a LookupResult, and a list of alternative
// spellings, if any. If the query syntax is wrong, illegal is set.
func (x *Index) Lookup(query string) (match *LookupResult, alt *AltWords, illegal bool) {
ss := strings.Split(query, ".", 0);
// check query syntax
for _, s := range ss {
if !isIdentifier(s) {
illegal = true;
switch len(ss) {
case 1:
match, alt = x.LookupWord(ss[0])
case 2:
pakname := ss[0];
match, alt = x.LookupWord(ss[1]);
if match != nil {
// found a match - filter by package name
decls := match.Decls.filter(pakname);
others := match.Others.filter(pakname);
match = &LookupResult{decls, others};
illegal = true
func (x *Index) Snippet(i int) *Snippet {
// handle illegal snippet indices gracefully
if 0 <= i && i < len(x.snippets) {
return x.snippets[i]
return nil;