blob: 1a2fad559a63cf29e276a85d5e2eb4d6ed38d1a6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package doc
import (
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Collection of documentation info
// embeddedType describes the type of an anonymous field.
type embeddedType struct {
typ *typeInfo // the corresponding base type
ptr bool // if set, the anonymous field type is a pointer
type typeInfo struct {
name string // base type name
isStruct bool
// len(decl.Specs) == 1, and the element type is *ast.TypeSpec
// if the type declaration hasn't been seen yet, decl is nil
decl *ast.GenDecl
embedded []embeddedType
forward *Type // forward link to processed type documentation
// declarations associated with the type
values []*ast.GenDecl // consts and vars
factories map[string]*ast.FuncDecl
methods map[string]*ast.FuncDecl
func (info *typeInfo) exported() bool {
return ast.IsExported(
func (info *typeInfo) addEmbeddedType(embedded *typeInfo, isPtr bool) {
info.embedded = append(info.embedded, embeddedType{embedded, isPtr})
// docReader accumulates documentation for a single package.
// It modifies the AST: Comments (declaration documentation)
// that have been collected by the DocReader are set to nil
// in the respective AST nodes so that they are not printed
// twice (once when printing the documentation and once when
// printing the corresponding AST node).
type docReader struct {
doc *ast.CommentGroup // package documentation, if any
pkgName string
mode Mode
imports map[string]int
values []*ast.GenDecl // consts and vars
types map[string]*typeInfo
embedded map[string]*typeInfo // embedded types, possibly not exported
funcs map[string]*ast.FuncDecl
bugs []*ast.CommentGroup
func (doc *docReader) init(pkgName string, mode Mode) {
doc.pkgName = pkgName
doc.mode = mode
doc.imports = make(map[string]int)
doc.types = make(map[string]*typeInfo)
doc.embedded = make(map[string]*typeInfo)
doc.funcs = make(map[string]*ast.FuncDecl)
func (doc *docReader) addDoc(comments *ast.CommentGroup) {
if doc.doc == nil {
// common case: just one package comment
doc.doc = comments
// More than one package comment: Usually there will be only
// one file with a package comment, but it's better to collect
// all comments than drop them on the floor.
blankComment := &ast.Comment{token.NoPos, "//"}
list := append(doc.doc.List, blankComment)
doc.doc.List = append(list, comments.List...)
func (doc *docReader) lookupTypeInfo(name string) *typeInfo {
if name == "" || name == "_" {
return nil // no type docs for anonymous types
if info, found := doc.types[name]; found {
return info
// type wasn't found - add one without declaration
info := &typeInfo{
name: name,
factories: make(map[string]*ast.FuncDecl),
methods: make(map[string]*ast.FuncDecl),
doc.types[name] = info
return info
func baseTypeName(typ ast.Expr, allTypes bool) string {
switch t := typ.(type) {
case *ast.Ident:
// if the type is not exported, the effect to
// a client is as if there were no type name
if t.IsExported() || allTypes {
return t.Name
case *ast.StarExpr:
return baseTypeName(t.X, allTypes)
return ""
func (doc *docReader) addValue(decl *ast.GenDecl) {
// determine if decl should be associated with a type
// Heuristic: For each typed entry, determine the type name, if any.
// If there is exactly one type name that is sufficiently
// frequent, associate the decl with the respective type.
domName := ""
domFreq := 0
prev := ""
for _, s := range decl.Specs {
if v, ok := s.(*ast.ValueSpec); ok {
name := ""
switch {
case v.Type != nil:
// a type is present; determine its name
name = baseTypeName(v.Type, false)
case decl.Tok == token.CONST:
// no type is present but we have a constant declaration;
// use the previous type name (w/o more type information
// we cannot handle the case of unnamed variables with
// initializer expressions except for some trivial cases)
name = prev
if name != "" {
// entry has a named type
if domName != "" && domName != name {
// more than one type name - do not associate
// with any type
domName = ""
domName = name
prev = name
// determine values list
const threshold = 0.75
values := &doc.values
if domName != "" && domFreq >= int(float64(len(decl.Specs))*threshold) {
// typed entries are sufficiently frequent
typ := doc.lookupTypeInfo(domName)
if typ != nil {
values = &typ.values // associate with that type
*values = append(*values, decl)
// Helper function to set the table entry for function f. Makes sure that
// at least one f with associated documentation is stored in table, if there
// are multiple f's with the same name.
func setFunc(table map[string]*ast.FuncDecl, f *ast.FuncDecl) {
name := f.Name.Name
if g, exists := table[name]; exists && g.Doc != nil {
// a function with the same name has already been registered;
// since it has documentation, assume f is simply another
// implementation and ignore it
// TODO(gri) consider collecting all functions, or at least
// all comments
// function doesn't exist or has no documentation; use f
table[name] = f
func (doc *docReader) addFunc(fun *ast.FuncDecl) {
// strip function body
fun.Body = nil
// determine if it should be associated with a type
if fun.Recv != nil {
// method
recvTypeName := baseTypeName(fun.Recv.List[0].Type, true /* exported or not */ )
var typ *typeInfo
if ast.IsExported(recvTypeName) {
// exported recv type: if not found, add it to doc.types
typ = doc.lookupTypeInfo(recvTypeName)
} else {
// unexported recv type: if not found, do not add it
// (unexported embedded types are added before this
// phase, so if the type doesn't exist yet, we don't
// care about this method)
typ = doc.types[recvTypeName]
if typ != nil {
// exported receiver type
// associate method with the type
// (if the type is not exported, it may be embedded
// somewhere so we need to collect the method anyway)
setFunc(typ.methods, fun)
// otherwise don't show the method
// TODO(gri): There may be exported methods of non-exported types
// that can be called because of exported values (consts, vars, or
// function results) of that type. Could determine if that is the
// case and then show those methods in an appropriate section.
// perhaps a factory function
// determine result type, if any
if fun.Type.Results.NumFields() >= 1 {
res := fun.Type.Results.List[0]
if len(res.Names) <= 1 {
// exactly one (named or anonymous) result associated
// with the first type in result signature (there may
// be more than one result)
tname := baseTypeName(res.Type, false)
typ := doc.lookupTypeInfo(tname)
if typ != nil {
// named and exported result type
setFunc(typ.factories, fun)
// ordinary function
setFunc(doc.funcs, fun)
func (doc *docReader) addDecl(decl ast.Decl) {
switch d := decl.(type) {
case *ast.GenDecl:
if len(d.Specs) > 0 {
switch d.Tok {
case token.IMPORT:
// imports are handled individually
for _, spec := range d.Specs {
if import_, err := strconv.Unquote(spec.(*ast.ImportSpec).Path.Value); err == nil {
doc.imports[import_] = 1
case token.CONST, token.VAR:
// constants and variables are always handled as a group
case token.TYPE:
// types are handled individually
for _, spec := range d.Specs {
tspec := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec)
// add the type to the documentation
info := doc.lookupTypeInfo(tspec.Name.Name)
if info == nil {
continue // no name - ignore the type
// Make a (fake) GenDecl node for this TypeSpec
// (we need to do this here - as opposed to just
// for printing - so we don't lose the GenDecl
// documentation). Since a new GenDecl node is
// created, there's no need to nil out d.Doc.
// TODO(gri): Consider just collecting the TypeSpec
// node (and copy in the GenDecl.doc if there is no
// doc in the TypeSpec - this is currently done in
// makeTypes below). Simpler data structures, but
// would lose GenDecl documentation if the TypeSpec
// has documentation as well.
fake := &ast.GenDecl{d.Doc, d.Pos(), token.TYPE, token.NoPos,
[]ast.Spec{tspec}, token.NoPos}
// A type should be added at most once, so info.decl
// should be nil - if it isn't, simply overwrite it.
info.decl = fake
// Look for anonymous fields that might contribute methods.
var fields *ast.FieldList
switch typ := spec.(*ast.TypeSpec).Type.(type) {
case *ast.StructType:
fields = typ.Fields
info.isStruct = true
case *ast.InterfaceType:
fields = typ.Methods
if fields != nil {
for _, field := range fields.List {
if len(field.Names) == 0 {
// anonymous field - add corresponding type
// to the info and collect it in doc
name := baseTypeName(field.Type, true)
if embedded := doc.lookupTypeInfo(name); embedded != nil {
_, ptr := field.Type.(*ast.StarExpr)
info.addEmbeddedType(embedded, ptr)
case *ast.FuncDecl:
func copyCommentList(list []*ast.Comment) []*ast.Comment {
return append([]*ast.Comment(nil), list...)
var (
bug_markers = regexp.MustCompile("^/[/*][ \t]*BUG\\(.*\\):[ \t]*") // BUG(uid):
bug_content = regexp.MustCompile("[^ \n\r\t]+") // at least one non-whitespace char
// addFile adds the AST for a source file to the docReader.
// Adding the same AST multiple times is a no-op.
func (doc *docReader) addFile(src *ast.File) {
// add package documentation
if src.Doc != nil {
src.Doc = nil // doc consumed - remove from ast.File node
// add all declarations
for _, decl := range src.Decls {
// collect BUG(...) comments
for _, c := range src.Comments {
text := c.List[0].Text
if m := bug_markers.FindStringIndex(text); m != nil {
// found a BUG comment; maybe empty
if btxt := text[m[1]:]; bug_content.MatchString(btxt) {
// non-empty BUG comment; collect comment without BUG prefix
list := copyCommentList(c.List)
list[0].Text = text[m[1]:]
doc.bugs = append(doc.bugs, &ast.CommentGroup{list})
src.Comments = nil // consumed unassociated comments - remove from ast.File node
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Conversion to external representation
func (doc *docReader) makeImports() []string {
list := make([]string, len(doc.imports))
i := 0
for import_ := range doc.imports {
list[i] = import_
return list
type sortValue []*Value
func (p sortValue) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p sortValue) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
func declName(d *ast.GenDecl) string {
if len(d.Specs) != 1 {
return ""
switch v := d.Specs[0].(type) {
case *ast.ValueSpec:
return v.Names[0].Name
case *ast.TypeSpec:
return v.Name.Name
return ""
func (p sortValue) Less(i, j int) bool {
// sort by name
// pull blocks (name = "") up to top
// in original order
if ni, nj := declName(p[i].Decl), declName(p[j].Decl); ni != nj {
return ni < nj
return p[i].order < p[j].order
func specNames(specs []ast.Spec) []string {
names := make([]string, len(specs)) // reasonable estimate
for _, s := range specs {
// should always be an *ast.ValueSpec, but be careful
if s, ok := s.(*ast.ValueSpec); ok {
for _, ident := range s.Names {
names = append(names, ident.Name)
return names
func makeValues(list []*ast.GenDecl, tok token.Token) []*Value {
d := make([]*Value, len(list)) // big enough in any case
n := 0
for i, decl := range list {
if decl.Tok == tok {
d[n] = &Value{decl.Doc.Text(), specNames(decl.Specs), decl, i}
decl.Doc = nil // doc consumed - removed from AST
d = d[0:n]
return d
type sortFunc []*Func
func (p sortFunc) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p sortFunc) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
func (p sortFunc) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Name < p[j].Name }
func makeFuncs(m map[string]*ast.FuncDecl) []*Func {
d := make([]*Func, len(m))
i := 0
for _, f := range m {
doc := new(Func)
doc.Doc = f.Doc.Text()
f.Doc = nil // doc consumed - remove from ast.FuncDecl node
if f.Recv != nil {
doc.Recv = f.Recv.List[0].Type
doc.Name = f.Name.Name
doc.Decl = f
d[i] = doc
return d
type methodSet map[string]*Func
func (mset methodSet) add(m *Func) {
if mset[m.Name] == nil {
mset[m.Name] = m
type sortMethod []*Method
func (p sortMethod) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p sortMethod) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
func (p sortMethod) Less(i, j int) bool { return p[i].Func.Name < p[j].Func.Name }
func (mset methodSet) sortedList() []*Method {
list := make([]*Method, len(mset))
i := 0
for _, m := range mset {
list[i] = &Method{Func: m}
return list
type sortType []*Type
func (p sortType) Len() int { return len(p) }
func (p sortType) Swap(i, j int) { p[i], p[j] = p[j], p[i] }
func (p sortType) Less(i, j int) bool {
// sort by name
// pull blocks (name = "") up to top
// in original order
if ni, nj := p[i].Type.Name.Name, p[j].Type.Name.Name; ni != nj {
return ni < nj
return p[i].order < p[j].order
// NOTE(rsc): This would appear not to be correct for type ( )
// blocks, but the doc extractor above has split them into
// individual declarations.
func (doc *docReader) makeTypes(m map[string]*typeInfo) []*Type {
// TODO(gri) Consider computing the embedded method information
// before calling makeTypes. Then this function can
// be single-phased again. Also, it might simplify some
// of the logic.
// phase 1: associate collected declarations with Types
list := make([]*Type, len(m))
i := 0
for _, old := range m {
// old typeInfos may not have a declaration associated with them
// if they are not exported but embedded, or because the package
// is incomplete.
if decl := old.decl; decl != nil || !old.exported() {
// process the type even if not exported so that we have
// its methods in case they are embedded somewhere
t := new(Type)
if decl != nil {
typespec := decl.Specs[0].(*ast.TypeSpec)
doc := typespec.Doc
typespec.Doc = nil // doc consumed - remove from ast.TypeSpec node
if doc == nil {
// no doc associated with the spec, use the declaration doc, if any
doc = decl.Doc
decl.Doc = nil // doc consumed - remove from ast.Decl node
t.Doc = doc.Text()
t.Type = typespec
t.Consts = makeValues(old.values, token.CONST)
t.Vars = makeValues(old.values, token.VAR)
t.Funcs = makeFuncs(old.factories)
t.methods = makeFuncs(old.methods)
// The list of embedded types' methods is computed from the list
// of embedded types, some of which may not have been processed
// yet (i.e., their forward link is nil) - do this in a 2nd phase.
// The final list of methods can only be computed after that -
// do this in a 3rd phase.
t.Decl = old.decl
t.order = i
old.forward = t // old has been processed
// only add the type to the final type list if it
// is exported or if we want to see all types
if old.exported() || doc.mode&AllDecls != 0 {
list[i] = t
} else {
// no corresponding type declaration found - move any associated
// values, factory functions, and methods back to the top-level
// so that they are not lost (this should only happen if a package
// file containing the explicit type declaration is missing or if
// an unqualified type name was used after a "." import)
// 1) move values
doc.values = append(doc.values, old.values...)
// 2) move factory functions
for name, f := range old.factories {
doc.funcs[name] = f
// 3) move methods
for name, f := range old.methods {
// don't overwrite functions with the same name
if _, found := doc.funcs[name]; !found {
doc.funcs[name] = f
list = list[0:i] // some types may have been ignored
// phase 2: collect embedded methods for each processed typeInfo
for _, old := range m {
if t := old.forward; t != nil {
// old has been processed into t; collect embedded
// methods for t from the list of processed embedded
// types in old (and thus for which the methods are known)
if old.isStruct {
// struct
t.embedded = make(methodSet)
collectEmbeddedMethods(t.embedded, old,, false)
} else {
// interface
// TODO(gri) fix this
// phase 3: compute final method set for each Type
for _, d := range list {
if len(d.embedded) > 0 {
// there are embedded methods - exclude
// the ones with names conflicting with
// non-embedded methods
mset := make(methodSet)
// top-level methods have priority
for _, m := range d.methods {
// add non-conflicting embedded methods
for _, m := range d.embedded {
d.Methods = mset.sortedList()
} else {
// no embedded methods - convert into a Method list
d.Methods = make([]*Method, len(d.methods))
for i, m := range d.methods {
d.Methods[i] = &Method{Func: m}
return list
// collectEmbeddedMethods collects the embedded methods from all
// processed embedded types found in info in mset. It considers
// embedded types at the most shallow level first so that more
// deeply nested embedded methods with conflicting names are
// excluded.
func collectEmbeddedMethods(mset methodSet, info *typeInfo, recvTypeName string, embeddedIsPtr bool) {
for _, e := range info.embedded {
if e.typ.forward != nil { // == e was processed
// Once an embedded type was embedded as a pointer type
// all embedded types in those types are treated like
// pointer types for the purpose of the receiver type
// computation; i.e., embeddedIsPtr is sticky for this
// embedding hierarchy.
thisEmbeddedIsPtr := embeddedIsPtr || e.ptr
for _, m := range e.typ.forward.methods {
mset.add(customizeRecv(m, thisEmbeddedIsPtr, recvTypeName))
collectEmbeddedMethods(mset, e.typ, recvTypeName, thisEmbeddedIsPtr)
func customizeRecv(m *Func, embeddedIsPtr bool, recvTypeName string) *Func {
if m == nil || m.Decl == nil || m.Decl.Recv == nil || len(m.Decl.Recv.List) != 1 {
return m // shouldn't happen, but be safe
// copy existing receiver field and set new type
newField := *m.Decl.Recv.List[0]
_, origRecvIsPtr := newField.Type.(*ast.StarExpr)
var typ ast.Expr = ast.NewIdent(recvTypeName)
if !embeddedIsPtr && origRecvIsPtr {
typ = &ast.StarExpr{token.NoPos, typ}
newField.Type = typ
// copy existing receiver field list and set new receiver field
newFieldList := *m.Decl.Recv
newFieldList.List = []*ast.Field{&newField}
// copy existing function declaration and set new receiver field list
newFuncDecl := *m.Decl
newFuncDecl.Recv = &newFieldList
// copy existing function documentation and set new declaration
newM := *m
newM.Decl = &newFuncDecl
newM.Recv = typ
return &newM
func makeBugs(list []*ast.CommentGroup) []string {
d := make([]string, len(list))
for i, g := range list {
d[i] = g.Text()
return d
// newDoc returns the accumulated documentation for the package.
func (doc *docReader) newDoc(importpath string, filenames []string) *Package {
p := new(Package)
p.Name = doc.pkgName
p.ImportPath = importpath
p.Filenames = filenames
p.Doc = doc.doc.Text()
// makeTypes may extend the list of doc.values and
// doc.funcs and thus must be called before any other
// function consuming those lists
p.Types = doc.makeTypes(doc.types)
p.Imports = doc.makeImports()
p.Consts = makeValues(doc.values, token.CONST)
p.Vars = makeValues(doc.values, token.VAR)
p.Funcs = makeFuncs(doc.funcs)
p.Bugs = makeBugs(doc.bugs)
return p