blob: 701d6cd6d744b5fb829fef6160e0489f57d6aa53 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// Break init cycles
func init() {
cmdBuild.Run = runBuild
cmdInstall.Run = runInstall
var cmdBuild = &Command{
UsageLine: "build [-a] [-n] [-x] [-o output] [importpath... | gofiles...]",
Short: "compile packages and dependencies",
Long: `
Build compiles the packages named by the import paths,
along with their dependencies, but it does not install the results.
If the arguments are a list of .go files, build treats them as a list
of source files specifying a single package.
When the command line specifies a single main package,
build writes the resulting executable to output (default a.out).
Otherwise build compiles the packages but discards the results,
serving only as a check that the packages can be built.
The -a flag forces rebuilding of packages that are already up-to-date.
The -n flag prints the commands but does not run them.
The -x flag prints the commands.
The -o flag specifies the output file name.
It is an error to use -o when the command line specifies multiple packages.
For more about import paths, see 'go help importpath'.
See also: go install, go get, go clean.
var buildA = cmdBuild.Flag.Bool("a", false, "")
var buildN = cmdBuild.Flag.Bool("n", false, "")
var buildX = cmdBuild.Flag.Bool("x", false, "")
var buildO = cmdBuild.Flag.String("o", "", "output file")
func runBuild(cmd *Command, args []string) {
var b builder
b.init(*buildA, *buildN, *buildX)
var pkgs []*Package
if len(args) > 0 && strings.HasSuffix(args[0], ".go") {
pkg := goFilesPackage(args, "")
pkgs = append(pkgs, pkg)
} else {
pkgs = packages(args)
if len(pkgs) == 1 && pkgs[0].Name == "main" && *buildO == "" {
*buildO = "a.out"
if *buildO != "" {
if len(pkgs) > 1 {
fatalf("go build: cannot use -o with multiple packages")
p := pkgs[0] = "" // must build - not up to date
a := b.action(modeInstall, modeBuild, p) = *buildO
a := &action{}
for _, p := range packages(args) {
a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action(modeBuild, modeBuild, p))
var cmdInstall = &Command{
UsageLine: "install [-a] [-n] [-x] [importpath...]",
Short: "compile and install packages and dependencies",
Long: `
Install compiles and installs the packages named by the import paths,
along with their dependencies.
The -a flag forces reinstallation of packages that are already up-to-date.
The -n flag prints the commands but does not run them.
The -x flag prints the commands.
For more about import paths, see 'go help importpath'.
See also: go build, go get, go clean.
var installA = cmdInstall.Flag.Bool("a", false, "")
var installN = cmdInstall.Flag.Bool("n", false, "")
var installX = cmdInstall.Flag.Bool("x", false, "")
func runInstall(cmd *Command, args []string) {
var b builder
b.init(*installA, *installN, *installX)
a := &action{}
for _, p := range packages(args) {
a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action(modeInstall, modeInstall, p))
// A builder holds global state about a build.
// It does not hold per-package state, because eventually we will
// build packages in parallel, and the builder will be shared.
type builder struct {
work string // the temporary work directory (ends in filepath.Separator)
aflag bool // the -a flag
nflag bool // the -n flag
xflag bool // the -x flag
arch string // e.g., "6"
goroot string // the $GOROOT
goarch string // the $GOARCH
goos string // the $GOOS
gobin string // the $GOBIN
exe string // the executable suffix - "" or ".exe"
gcflags []string // additional flags for Go compiler
actionCache map[cacheKey]*action // a cache of already-constructed actions
mkdirCache map[string]bool // a cache of created directories
output sync.Mutex
scriptDir string // current directory in printed script
exec sync.Mutex
readySema chan bool
ready actionQueue
// An action represents a single action in the action graph.
type action struct {
p *Package // the package this action works on
deps []*action // actions that must happen before this one
triggers []*action // inverse of deps
cgo *action // action for cgo binary if needed
f func(*builder, *action) error // the action itself (nil = no-op)
ignoreFail bool // whether to run f even if dependencies fail
// Generated files, directories.
link bool // target is executable, not just package
pkgdir string // the -I or -L argument to use when importing this package
objdir string // directory for intermediate objects
objpkg string // the intermediate package .a file created during the action
target string // goal of the action: the created package or executable
// Execution state.
pending int // number of deps yet to complete
priority int // relative execution priority
failed bool // whether the action failed
// cacheKey is the key for the action cache.
type cacheKey struct {
mode buildMode
p *Package
// buildMode specifies the build mode:
// are we just building things or also installing the results?
type buildMode int
const (
modeBuild buildMode = iota
func (b *builder) init(aflag, nflag, xflag bool) {
var err error
b.aflag = aflag
b.nflag = nflag
b.xflag = xflag
b.actionCache = make(map[cacheKey]*action)
b.mkdirCache = make(map[string]bool)
b.goarch = build.DefaultContext.GOARCH
b.goos = build.DefaultContext.GOOS
b.goroot = build.Path[0].Path
b.gobin = build.Path[0].BinDir()
if b.goos == "windows" {
b.exe = ".exe"
b.gcflags = strings.Fields(os.Getenv("GCFLAGS"))
b.arch, err = build.ArchChar(b.goarch)
if err != nil {
fatalf("%s", err)
if nflag { = "$WORK"
} else {, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "go-build")
if err != nil {
fatalf("%s", err)
if b.xflag {
atexit(func() { os.RemoveAll( })
// goFilesPackage creates a package for building a collection of Go files
// (typically named on the command line). If target is given, the package
// target is target. Otherwise, the target is named p.a for
// package p or named after the first Go file for package main.
func goFilesPackage(gofiles []string, target string) *Package {
// TODO: Remove this restriction.
for _, f := range gofiles {
if !strings.HasSuffix(f, ".go") || strings.Contains(f, "/") || strings.Contains(f, string(filepath.Separator)) {
fatalf("named files must be in current directory and .go files")
// Synthesize fake "directory" that only shows those two files,
// to make it look like this is a standard package or
// command directory.
var dir []os.FileInfo
for _, file := range gofiles {
fi, err := os.Stat(file)
if err != nil {
fatalf("%s", err)
if fi.IsDir() {
fatalf("%s is a directory, should be a Go file", file)
dir = append(dir, fi)
ctxt := build.DefaultContext
ctxt.ReadDir = func(string) ([]os.FileInfo, error) { return dir, nil }
pwd, _ := os.Getwd()
pkg, err := scanPackage(&ctxt, &build.Tree{Path: "."}, "<command line>", "<command line>", pwd)
if err != nil {
fatalf("%s", err)
if target != "" { = target
} else if pkg.Name == "main" { = gofiles[0][:len(gofiles[0])-len(".go")]
} else { = pkg.Name + ".a"
pkg.ImportPath = "_/" +
return pkg
// action returns the action for applying the given operation (mode) to the package.
// depMode is the action to use when building dependencies.
func (b *builder) action(mode buildMode, depMode buildMode, p *Package) *action {
key := cacheKey{mode, p}
a := b.actionCache[key]
if a != nil {
return a
a = &action{p: p, pkgdir: p.t.PkgDir()}
if p.pkgdir != "" { // overrides p.t
a.pkgdir = p.pkgdir
b.actionCache[key] = a
for _, p1 := range p.imports {
a.deps = append(a.deps, b.action(depMode, depMode, p1))
if len(p.CgoFiles) > 0 {
p1, err := loadPackage("cmd/cgo")
if err != nil {
fatalf("load cmd/cgo: %v", err)
a.cgo = b.action(depMode, depMode, p1)
a.deps = append(a.deps, a.cgo)
if p.Standard {
switch p.ImportPath {
case "builtin", "unsafe":
// Fake packages - nothing to build.
return a
if !p.Stale && !b.aflag && != "" {
// p.Stale==false implies that is up-to-date.
// Record target name for use by actions depending on this one. =
return a
a.objdir = filepath.Join(, filepath.FromSlash(a.p.ImportPath+"/_obj")) + string(filepath.Separator)
a.objpkg = filepath.Join(, filepath.FromSlash(a.p.ImportPath+".a")) = p.Name == "main"
switch mode {
case modeInstall:
a.f = (*builder).install
a.deps = []*action{b.action(modeBuild, depMode, p)} =
case modeBuild:
a.f = (*builder).build = a.objpkg
if {
// An executable file.
// Have to use something other than .a for the suffix.
// It is easier on Windows if we use .exe, so use .exe everywhere.
// (This is the name of a temporary file.) = a.objdir + "a.out" + b.exe
return a
// actionList returns the list of actions in the dag rooted at root
// as visited in a depth-first post-order traversal.
func actionList(root *action) []*action {
seen := map[*action]bool{}
all := []*action{}
var walk func(*action)
walk = func(a *action) {
if seen[a] {
seen[a] = true
for _, a1 := range a.deps {
all = append(all, a)
return all
// do runs the action graph rooted at root.
func (b *builder) do(root *action) {
// Build list of all actions, assigning depth-first post-order priority.
// The original implementation here was a true queue
// (using a channel) but it had the effect of getting
// distracted by low-level leaf actions to the detriment
// of completing higher-level actions. The order of
// work does not matter much to overall execution time,
// but when running "go test std" it is nice to see each test
// results as soon as possible. The priorities assigned
// ensure that, all else being equal, the execution prefers
// to do what it would have done first in a simple depth-first
// dependency order traversal.
all := actionList(root)
for i, a := range all {
a.priority = i
b.readySema = make(chan bool, len(all))
done := make(chan bool)
// Initialize per-action execution state.
for _, a := range all {
for _, a1 := range a.deps {
a1.triggers = append(a1.triggers, a)
a.pending = len(a.deps)
if a.pending == 0 {
b.readySema <- true
// Handle runs a single action and takes care of triggering
// any actions that are runnable as a result.
handle := func(a *action) {
var err error
if a.f != nil && (!a.failed || a.ignoreFail) {
err = a.f(b, a)
// The actions run in parallel but all the updates to the
// shared work state are serialized through b.exec.
defer b.exec.Unlock()
if err != nil {
if err == errPrintedOutput {
exitStatus = 2
} else {
errorf("%s", err)
a.failed = true
for _, a0 := range a.triggers {
if a.failed {
a0.failed = true
if a0.pending--; a0.pending == 0 {
b.readySema <- true
if a == root {
done <- true
// TODO: Turn this knob for parallelism.
for i := 0; i < 1; i++ {
go func() {
for _ = range b.readySema {
// Receiving a value from b.sema entitles
// us to take from the ready queue.
a := b.ready.pop()
// build is the action for building a single package or command.
func (b *builder) build(a *action) error {
if b.nflag {
// In -n mode, print a banner between packages.
// The banner is five lines so that when changes to
// different sections of the bootstrap script have to
// be merged, the banners give patch something
// to use to find its context.
fmt.Printf("\n#\n# %s\n#\n\n", a.p.ImportPath)
// make build directory
obj := a.objdir
if err := b.mkdir(obj); err != nil {
return err
var gofiles, cfiles, sfiles, objects, cgoObjects []string
gofiles = append(gofiles, a.p.GoFiles...)
cfiles = append(cfiles, a.p.CFiles...)
sfiles = append(sfiles, a.p.SFiles...)
// run cgo
if len(a.p.CgoFiles) > 0 {
// In a package using cgo, cgo compiles the C and assembly files with gcc.
// There is one exception: runtime/cgo's job is to bridge the
// cgo and non-cgo worlds, so it necessarily has files in both.
// In that case gcc only gets the gcc_* files.
var gccfiles []string
if a.p.Standard && a.p.ImportPath == "runtime/cgo" {
filter := func(files, nongcc, gcc []string) ([]string, []string) {
for _, f := range files {
if strings.HasPrefix(f, "gcc_") {
gcc = append(gcc, f)
} else {
nongcc = append(nongcc, f)
return nongcc, gcc
cfiles, gccfiles = filter(cfiles, cfiles[:0], gccfiles)
sfiles, gccfiles = filter(sfiles, sfiles[:0], gccfiles)
} else {
gccfiles = append(cfiles, sfiles...)
cfiles = nil
sfiles = nil
outGo, outObj, err := b.cgo(a.p,, obj, gccfiles)
if err != nil {
return err
cgoObjects = append(cgoObjects, outObj...)
gofiles = append(gofiles, outGo...)
// prepare Go import path list
inc := []string{}
incMap := map[string]bool{}
incMap[] = true // handled later
incMap[build.Path[0].PkgDir()] = true // goroot
incMap[""] = true // ignore empty strings
// build package directories of dependencies
for _, a1 := range a.deps {
if pkgdir := a1.pkgdir; !incMap[pkgdir] {
incMap[pkgdir] = true
inc = append(inc, "-I", pkgdir)
// work directory
inc = append(inc, "-I",
// then installed package directories of dependencies
for _, a1 := range a.deps {
if pkgdir := a1.p.t.PkgDir(); !incMap[pkgdir] {
incMap[pkgdir] = true
inc = append(inc, "-I", pkgdir)
// compile Go
if len(gofiles) > 0 {
out := "_go_." + b.arch
gcargs := []string{"-p", a.p.ImportPath}
if a.p.Standard && a.p.ImportPath == "runtime" {
// runtime compiles with a special 6g flag to emit
// additional reflect type data.
gcargs = append(gcargs, "-+")
if err := b.gc(a.p, obj+out, gcargs, inc, gofiles); err != nil {
return err
objects = append(objects, out)
// copy .h files named for goos or goarch or goos_goarch
// to names using GOOS and GOARCH.
// For example, defs_linux_amd64.h becomes defs_GOOS_GOARCH.h.
_goos_goarch := "_" + b.goos + "_" + b.goarch + ".h"
_goos := "_" + b.goos + ".h"
_goarch := "_" + b.goarch + ".h"
for _, file := range a.p.HFiles {
switch {
case strings.HasSuffix(file, _goos_goarch):
targ := file[:len(file)-len(_goos_goarch)] + "_GOOS_GOARCH.h"
if err := b.copyFile(obj+targ, filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, file), 0666); err != nil {
return err
case strings.HasSuffix(file, _goarch):
targ := file[:len(file)-len(_goarch)] + "_GOARCH.h"
if err := b.copyFile(obj+targ, filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, file), 0666); err != nil {
return err
case strings.HasSuffix(file, _goos):
targ := file[:len(file)-len(_goos)] + "_GOOS.h"
if err := b.copyFile(obj+targ, filepath.Join(a.p.Dir, file), 0666); err != nil {
return err
for _, file := range cfiles {
out := file[:len(file)-len(".c")] + "." + b.arch
if err :=, obj, obj+out, file); err != nil {
return err
objects = append(objects, out)
// assemble .s files
for _, file := range sfiles {
out := file[:len(file)-len(".s")] + "." + b.arch
if err := b.asm(a.p, obj, obj+out, file); err != nil {
return err
objects = append(objects, out)
// NOTE(rsc): On Windows, it is critically important that the
// gcc-compiled objects (cgoObjects) be listed after the ordinary
// objects in the archive. I do not know why this is.
objects = append(objects, cgoObjects...)
// pack into archive in obj directory
if err := b.gopack(a.p, obj, a.objpkg, objects); err != nil {
return err
// link if needed.
if {
// command.
// import paths for compiler are introduced by -I.
// for linker, they are introduced by -L.
for i := 0; i < len(inc); i += 2 {
inc[i] = "-L"
if err := b.ld(a.p,, inc, a.objpkg); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// install is the action for installing a single package or executable.
func (b *builder) install(a *action) error {
a1 := a.deps[0]
perm := uint32(0666)
if {
perm = 0777
// make target directory
dir, _ := filepath.Split(
if dir != "" {
if err := b.mkdir(dir); err != nil {
return err
return b.copyFile(,, perm)
// removeByRenaming removes file name by moving it to a tmp
// directory and deleting the target if possible.
func removeByRenaming(name string) error {
f, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "")
if err != nil {
return err
tmpname := f.Name()
err = os.Remove(tmpname)
if err != nil {
return err
err = os.Rename(name, tmpname)
if err != nil {
// assume name file does not exists,
// otherwise later code will fail.
return nil
err = os.Remove(tmpname)
if err != nil {
// TODO(brainman): file is locked and can't be deleted.
// We need to come up with a better way of doing it.
return nil
// copyFile is like 'cp src dst'.
func (b *builder) copyFile(dst, src string, perm uint32) error {
if b.nflag || b.xflag {
b.showcmd("", "cp %s %s", src, dst)
if b.nflag {
return nil
sf, err := os.Open(src)
if err != nil {
return err
defer sf.Close()
df, err := os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, perm)
if err != nil {
if runtime.GOOS != "windows" {
return err
// Windows does not allow to replace binary file
// while it is executing. We will cheat.
err = removeByRenaming(dst)
if err != nil {
return err
df, err = os.OpenFile(dst, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, perm)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = io.Copy(df, sf)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// fmtcmd formats a command in the manner of fmt.Sprintf but also:
// If dir is non-empty and the script is not in dir right now,
// fmtcmd inserts "cd dir\n" before the command.
// fmtcmd replaces the value of with $WORK.
// fmtcmd replaces the value of b.goroot with $GOROOT.
// fmtcmd replaces the value of b.gobin with $GOBIN.
// fmtcmd replaces the name of the current directory with dot (.)
// but only when it is at the beginning of a space-separated token.
func (b *builder) fmtcmd(dir string, format string, args ...interface{}) string {
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(format, args...)
if dir != "" {
cmd = strings.Replace(" "+cmd, " "+dir, " .", -1)[1:]
if b.scriptDir != dir {
b.scriptDir = dir
cmd = "cd " + dir + "\n" + cmd
cmd = strings.Replace(cmd,, "$WORK", -1)
cmd = strings.Replace(cmd, b.gobin, "$GOBIN", -1)
cmd = strings.Replace(cmd, b.goroot, "$GOROOT", -1)
return cmd
// showcmd prints the given command to standard output
// for the implementation of -n or -x.
func (b *builder) showcmd(dir string, format string, args ...interface{}) {
defer b.output.Unlock()
fmt.Println(b.fmtcmd(dir, format, args...))
// showOutput prints "# desc" followed by the given output.
// The output is expected to contain references to 'dir', usually
// the source directory for the package that has failed to build.
// showOutput rewrites mentions of dir with a relative path to dir
// when the relative path is shorter. This is usually more pleasant.
// For example, if fmt doesn't compile and we are in src/pkg/html,
// the output is
// $ go build
// # fmt
// ../fmt/print.go:1090: undefined: asdf
// $
// instead of
// $ go build
// # fmt
// /usr/gopher/go/src/pkg/fmt/print.go:1090: undefined: asdf
// $
// showOutput also replaces references to the work directory with $WORK.
func (b *builder) showOutput(dir, desc, out string) {
prefix := "# " + desc
suffix := "\n" + out
pwd, _ := os.Getwd()
if reldir, err := filepath.Rel(pwd, dir); err == nil && len(reldir) < len(dir) {
suffix = strings.Replace(suffix, " "+dir, " "+reldir, -1)
suffix = strings.Replace(suffix, "\n"+dir, "\n"+reldir, -1)
suffix = strings.Replace(suffix, " ", " $WORK", -1)
defer b.output.Unlock()
fmt.Print(prefix, suffix)
// errPrintedOutput is a special error indicating that a command failed
// but that it generated output as well, and that output has already
// been printed, so there's no point showing 'exit status 1' or whatever
// the wait status was. The main executor,, knows not to
// print this error.
var errPrintedOutput = errors.New("already printed output - no need to show error")
// run runs the command given by cmdline in the directory dir.
// If the commnd fails, run prints information about the failure
// and returns a non-nil error.
func (b *builder) run(dir string, desc string, cmdline ...string) error {
if b.nflag || b.xflag {
b.showcmd(dir, "%s", strings.Join(cmdline, " "))
if b.nflag {
return nil
var buf bytes.Buffer
cmd := exec.Command(cmdline[0], cmdline[1:]...)
cmd.Stdout = &buf
cmd.Stderr = &buf
cmd.Dir = dir
// TODO: cmd.Env
err := cmd.Run()
if buf.Len() > 0 {
out := buf.Bytes()
if out[len(out)-1] != '\n' {
out = append(out, '\n')
if desc == "" {
desc = b.fmtcmd(dir, "%s", strings.Join(cmdline, " "))
b.showOutput(dir, desc, string(out))
if err != nil {
err = errPrintedOutput
return err
// mkdir makes the named directory.
func (b *builder) mkdir(dir string) error {
// We can be a little aggressive about being
// sure directories exist. Skip repeated calls.
if b.mkdirCache[dir] {
return nil
b.mkdirCache[dir] = true
if b.nflag || b.xflag {
b.showcmd("", "mkdir -p %s", dir)
if b.nflag {
return nil
if err := os.MkdirAll(dir, 0777); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// mkAbs returns an absolute path corresponding to
// evaluating f in the directory dir.
// We always pass absolute paths of source files so that
// the error messages will include the full path to a file
// in need of attention.
func mkAbs(dir, f string) string {
// Leave absolute paths alone.
// Also, during -n mode we use the pseudo-directory $WORK
// instead of creating an actual work directory that won't be used.
// Leave paths beginning with $WORK alone too.
if filepath.IsAbs(f) || strings.HasPrefix(f, "$WORK") {
return f
return filepath.Join(dir, f)
// gc runs the Go compiler in a specific directory on a set of files
// to generate the named output file.
func (b *builder) gc(p *Package, ofile string, gcargs, importArgs []string, gofiles []string) error {
args := []string{b.arch + "g", "-o", ofile}
args = append(args, b.gcflags...)
args = append(args, gcargs...)
args = append(args, importArgs...)
for _, f := range gofiles {
args = append(args, mkAbs(p.Dir, f))
return, p.ImportPath, args...)
// asm runs the assembler in a specific directory on a specific file
// to generate the named output file.
func (b *builder) asm(p *Package, obj, ofile, sfile string) error {
sfile = mkAbs(p.Dir, sfile)
return, p.ImportPath, b.arch+"a", "-I", obj, "-o", ofile, "-DGOOS_"+b.goos, "-DGOARCH_"+b.goarch, sfile)
// gopack runs the assembler in a specific directory to create
// an archive from a set of object files.
// typically it is run in the object directory.
func (b *builder) gopack(p *Package, objDir, afile string, ofiles []string) error {
cmd := []string{"gopack", "grc"}
cmd = append(cmd, mkAbs(objDir, afile))
for _, f := range ofiles {
cmd = append(cmd, mkAbs(objDir, f))
return, p.ImportPath, cmd...)
// ld runs the linker to create a package starting at mainpkg.
func (b *builder) ld(p *Package, out string, importArgs []string, mainpkg string) error {
return, p.ImportPath, append(append([]string{b.arch + "l", "-o", out}, importArgs...), mainpkg)...)
// cc runs the gc-toolchain C compiler in a directory on a C file
// to produce an output file.
func (b *builder) cc(p *Package, objdir, ofile, cfile string) error {
inc := filepath.Join(b.goroot, "pkg", fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", b.goos, b.goarch))
cfile = mkAbs(p.Dir, cfile)
return, p.ImportPath, b.arch+"c", "-FVw", "-I", objdir, "-I", inc, "-o", ofile, "-DGOOS_"+b.goos, "-DGOARCH_"+b.goarch, cfile)
// gcc runs the gcc C compiler to create an object from a single C file.
func (b *builder) gcc(p *Package, out string, flags []string, cfile string) error {
cfile = mkAbs(p.Dir, cfile)
return, p.ImportPath, b.gccCmd(p.Dir, flags, "-o", out, "-c", cfile)...)
// gccld runs the gcc linker to create an executable from a set of object files
func (b *builder) gccld(p *Package, out string, flags []string, obj []string) error {
return, p.ImportPath, append(b.gccCmd(p.Dir, flags, "-o", out), obj...)...)
// gccCmd returns a gcc command line ending with args
func (b *builder) gccCmd(objdir string, flags []string, args ...string) []string {
a := []string{"gcc", "-I", objdir, "-g", "-O2"}
// Definitely want -fPIC but on Windows gcc complains
// "-fPIC ignored for target (all code is position independent)"
if b.goos != "windows" {
a = append(a, "-fPIC")
switch b.arch {
case "8":
a = append(a, "-m32")
case "6":
a = append(a, "-m64")
// gcc-4.5 and beyond require explicit "-pthread" flag
// for multithreading with pthread library.
if build.DefaultContext.CgoEnabled {
switch b.goos {
case "windows":
a = append(a, "-mthreads")
a = append(a, "-pthread")
a = append(a, flags...)
return append(a, args...)
var cgoRe = regexp.MustCompile(`[/\\:]`)
func (b *builder) cgo(p *Package, cgoExe, obj string, gccfiles []string) (outGo, outObj []string, err error) {
if b.goos != runtime.GOOS {
return nil, nil, errors.New("cannot use cgo when compiling for a different operating system")
outObj = append(outObj, "") // for importObj, at end of function
// cgo
gofiles := []string{obj + "_cgo_gotypes.go"}
cfiles := []string{"_cgo_main.c", "_cgo_export.c"}
for _, fn := range p.CgoFiles {
f := cgoRe.ReplaceAllString(fn[:len(fn)-2], "_")
gofiles = append(gofiles, obj+f+"cgo1.go")
cfiles = append(cfiles, f+"cgo2.c")
defunC := obj + "_cgo_defun.c"
// TODO: make cgo not depend on $GOARCH?
// TODO: make cgo write to obj
cgoArgs := []string{cgoExe, "-objdir", obj}
if p.Standard && p.ImportPath == "runtime/cgo" {
cgoArgs = append(cgoArgs, "-import_runtime_cgo=false")
cgoArgs = append(cgoArgs, "--")
cgoArgs = append(cgoArgs, p.CgoFiles...)
if err :=, p.ImportPath, cgoArgs...); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
outGo = append(outGo, gofiles...)
// cc _cgo_defun.c
defunObj := obj + "_cgo_defun." + b.arch
if err :=, obj, defunObj, defunC); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
outObj = append(outObj, defunObj)
// gcc
var linkobj []string
for _, cfile := range cfiles {
ofile := obj + cfile[:len(cfile)-1] + "o"
if err := b.gcc(p, ofile,, obj+cfile); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
linkobj = append(linkobj, ofile)
if !strings.HasSuffix(ofile, "_cgo_main.o") {
outObj = append(outObj, ofile)
for _, file := range gccfiles {
ofile := obj + cgoRe.ReplaceAllString(file[:len(file)-1], "_") + "o"
if err := b.gcc(p, ofile,, file); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
linkobj = append(linkobj, ofile)
outObj = append(outObj, ofile)
dynobj := obj + "_cgo_.o"
if err := b.gccld(p, dynobj,, linkobj); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// cgo -dynimport
importC := obj + "_cgo_import.c"
if err :=, p.ImportPath, cgoExe, "-objdir", obj, "-dynimport", dynobj, "-dynout", importC); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// cc _cgo_import.ARCH
importObj := obj + "_cgo_import." + b.arch
if err :=, obj, importObj, importC); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// NOTE(rsc): The importObj is a 5c/6c/8c object and on Windows
// must be processed before the gcc-generated objects.
// Put it first. We left room above.
outObj[0] = importObj
return outGo, outObj, nil
// An actionQueue is a priority queue of actions.
type actionQueue []*action
// Implement heap.Interface
func (q *actionQueue) Len() int { return len(*q) }
func (q *actionQueue) Swap(i, j int) { (*q)[i], (*q)[j] = (*q)[j], (*q)[i] }
func (q *actionQueue) Less(i, j int) bool { return (*q)[i].priority < (*q)[j].priority }
func (q *actionQueue) Push(x interface{}) { *q = append(*q, x.(*action)) }
func (q *actionQueue) Pop() interface{} {
n := len(*q) - 1
x := (*q)[n]
*q = (*q)[:n]
return x
func (q *actionQueue) push(a *action) {
heap.Push(q, a)
func (q *actionQueue) pop() *action {
return heap.Pop(q).(*action)