blob: 0c3cef4b27b15c976c8642c409d7a694f7d53c68 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ast
import "go/token"
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Export filtering
func identListExports(list []*Ident) []*Ident {
j := 0
for _, x := range list {
if x.IsExported() {
list[j] = x
return list[0:j]
// isExportedType assumes that typ is a correct type.
func isExportedType(typ Expr) bool {
switch t := typ.(type) {
case *Ident:
return t.IsExported()
case *ParenExpr:
return isExportedType(t.X)
case *SelectorExpr:
// assume t.X is a typename
return t.Sel.IsExported()
case *StarExpr:
return isExportedType(t.X)
return false
func fieldListExports(fields *FieldList, incomplete *bool) {
if fields == nil {
list := fields.List
j := 0
for _, f := range list {
exported := false
if len(f.Names) == 0 {
// anonymous field
// (Note that a non-exported anonymous field
// may still refer to a type with exported
// fields, so this is not absolutely correct.
// However, this cannot be done w/o complete
// type information.)
exported = isExportedType(f.Type)
} else {
n := len(f.Names)
f.Names = identListExports(f.Names)
if len(f.Names) < n {
*incomplete = true
exported = len(f.Names) > 0
if exported {
list[j] = f
if j < len(list) {
*incomplete = true
fields.List = list[0:j]
func paramListExports(fields *FieldList) {
if fields == nil {
for _, f := range fields.List {
func typeExports(typ Expr) {
switch t := typ.(type) {
case *ArrayType:
case *StructType:
fieldListExports(t.Fields, &t.Incomplete)
case *FuncType:
case *InterfaceType:
fieldListExports(t.Methods, &t.Incomplete)
case *MapType:
case *ChanType:
func specExports(spec Spec) bool {
switch s := spec.(type) {
case *ValueSpec:
s.Names = identListExports(s.Names)
if len(s.Names) > 0 {
return true
case *TypeSpec:
if s.Name.IsExported() {
return true
return false
func specListExports(list []Spec) []Spec {
j := 0
for _, s := range list {
if specExports(s) {
list[j] = s
return list[0:j]
func declExports(decl Decl) bool {
switch d := decl.(type) {
case *GenDecl:
d.Specs = specListExports(d.Specs)
return len(d.Specs) > 0
case *FuncDecl:
d.Body = nil // strip body
return d.Name.IsExported()
return false
// FileExports trims the AST for a Go source file in place such that only
// exported nodes remain: all top-level identifiers which are not exported
// and their associated information (such as type, initial value, or function
// body) are removed. Non-exported fields and methods of exported types are
// stripped, and the function bodies of exported functions are set to nil.
// The File.comments list is not changed.
// FileExports returns true if there is an exported declaration; it returns
// false otherwise.
func FileExports(src *File) bool {
j := 0
for _, d := range src.Decls {
if declExports(d) {
src.Decls[j] = d
src.Decls = src.Decls[0:j]
return j > 0
// PackageExports trims the AST for a Go package in place such that only
// exported nodes remain. The pkg.Files list is not changed, so that file
// names and top-level package comments don't get lost.
// PackageExports returns true if there is an exported declaration; it
// returns false otherwise.
func PackageExports(pkg *Package) bool {
hasExports := false
for _, f := range pkg.Files {
if FileExports(f) {
hasExports = true
return hasExports
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// General filtering
type Filter func(string) bool
func filterIdentList(list []*Ident, f Filter) []*Ident {
j := 0
for _, x := range list {
if f(x.Name) {
list[j] = x
return list[0:j]
func filterSpec(spec Spec, f Filter) bool {
switch s := spec.(type) {
case *ValueSpec:
s.Names = filterIdentList(s.Names, f)
return len(s.Names) > 0
case *TypeSpec:
return f(s.Name.Name)
return false
func filterSpecList(list []Spec, f Filter) []Spec {
j := 0
for _, s := range list {
if filterSpec(s, f) {
list[j] = s
return list[0:j]
func filterDecl(decl Decl, f Filter) bool {
switch d := decl.(type) {
case *GenDecl:
d.Specs = filterSpecList(d.Specs, f)
return len(d.Specs) > 0
case *FuncDecl:
return f(d.Name.Name)
return false
// FilterFile trims the AST for a Go file in place by removing all
// names from top-level declarations (but not from parameter lists
// or inside types) that don't pass through the filter f. If the
// declaration is empty afterwards, the declaration is removed from
// the AST.
// The File.comments list is not changed.
// FilterFile returns true if there are any top-level declarations
// left after filtering; it returns false otherwise.
func FilterFile(src *File, f Filter) bool {
j := 0
for _, d := range src.Decls {
if filterDecl(d, f) {
src.Decls[j] = d
src.Decls = src.Decls[0:j]
return j > 0
// FilterPackage trims the AST for a Go package in place by removing all
// names from top-level declarations (but not from parameter lists
// or inside types) that don't pass through the filter f. If the
// declaration is empty afterwards, the declaration is removed from
// the AST.
// The pkg.Files list is not changed, so that file names and top-level
// package comments don't get lost.
// FilterPackage returns true if there are any top-level declarations
// left after filtering; it returns false otherwise.
func FilterPackage(pkg *Package, f Filter) bool {
hasDecls := false
for _, src := range pkg.Files {
if FilterFile(src, f) {
hasDecls = true
return hasDecls
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Merging of package files
// The MergeMode flags control the behavior of MergePackageFiles.
type MergeMode uint
const (
// If set, duplicate function declarations are excluded.
FilterFuncDuplicates MergeMode = 1 << iota
// If set, comments that are not associated with a specific
// AST node (as Doc or Comment) are excluded.
// separator is an empty //-style comment that is interspersed between
// different comment groups when they are concatenated into a single group
var separator = &Comment{noPos, []byte("//")}
// MergePackageFiles creates a file AST by merging the ASTs of the
// files belonging to a package. The mode flags control merging behavior.
func MergePackageFiles(pkg *Package, mode MergeMode) *File {
// Count the number of package docs, comments and declarations across
// all package files.
ndocs := 0
ncomments := 0
ndecls := 0
for _, f := range pkg.Files {
if f.Doc != nil {
ndocs += len(f.Doc.List) + 1 // +1 for separator
ncomments += len(f.Comments)
ndecls += len(f.Decls)
// Collect package comments from all package files into a single
// CommentGroup - the collected package documentation. The order
// is unspecified. In general there should be only one file with
// a package comment; but it's better to collect extra comments
// than drop them on the floor.
var doc *CommentGroup
var pos token.Pos
if ndocs > 0 {
list := make([]*Comment, ndocs-1) // -1: no separator before first group
i := 0
for _, f := range pkg.Files {
if f.Doc != nil {
if i > 0 {
// not the first group - add separator
list[i] = separator
for _, c := range f.Doc.List {
list[i] = c
if f.Package > pos {
// Keep the maximum package clause position as
// position for the package clause of the merged
// files.
pos = f.Package
doc = &CommentGroup{list}
// Collect declarations from all package files.
var decls []Decl
if ndecls > 0 {
decls = make([]Decl, ndecls)
funcs := make(map[string]int) // map of global function name -> decls index
i := 0 // current index
n := 0 // number of filtered entries
for _, f := range pkg.Files {
for _, d := range f.Decls {
if mode&FilterFuncDuplicates != 0 {
// A language entity may be declared multiple
// times in different package files; only at
// build time declarations must be unique.
// For now, exclude multiple declarations of
// functions - keep the one with documentation.
// TODO(gri): Expand this filtering to other
// entities (const, type, vars) if
// multiple declarations are common.
if f, isFun := d.(*FuncDecl); isFun {
name := f.Name.Name
if j, exists := funcs[name]; exists {
// function declared already
if decls[j] != nil && decls[j].(*FuncDecl).Doc == nil {
// existing declaration has no documentation;
// ignore the existing declaration
decls[j] = nil
} else {
// ignore the new declaration
d = nil
n++ // filtered an entry
} else {
funcs[name] = i
decls[i] = d
// Eliminate nil entries from the decls list if entries were
// filtered. We do this using a 2nd pass in order to not disturb
// the original declaration order in the source (otherwise, this
// would also invalidate the monotonically increasing position
// info within a single file).
if n > 0 {
i = 0
for _, d := range decls {
if d != nil {
decls[i] = d
decls = decls[0:i]
// Collect comments from all package files.
var comments []*CommentGroup
if mode&FilterUnassociatedComments == 0 {
comments = make([]*CommentGroup, ncomments)
i := 0
for _, f := range pkg.Files {
i += copy(comments[i:], f.Comments)
return &File{doc, pos, NewIdent(pkg.Name), decls, comments}