| <!-- Release History --> |
| |
| <h2 id="Releases">Release History</h2> |
| |
| <p>This page summarizes the changes between tagged releases of Go. |
| For full details, see the <a href="http://code.google.com/p/go/source/list">Mercurial change log</a>.</p> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-07-01">2010-07-01</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| This release includes some package changes that may require changes to |
| client code. |
| |
| The Split function in the bytes and strings packages has been changed. |
| The count argument, which limits the size of the return, previously treated |
| zero as unbounded. It now treats 0 as 0, and will return an empty slice. |
| To request unbounded results, use -1 (or some other negative value). |
| The new Replace functions in bytes and strings share this behavior. |
| This may require you change your existing code. |
| |
| The gob package now allows the transmission of non-struct values at the |
| top-level. As a result, the rpc and netchan packages have fewer restrictions |
| on the types they can handle. For example, netchan can now share a chan int. |
| |
| The release also includes a Code Walk: "Share Memory By Communicating". |
| It describes an idiomatic Go program that uses goroutines and channels: |
| http://golang.org/doc/codewalk/sharemem/ |
| |
| There is now a Projects page on the Go Dashboard that lists Go programs, |
| tools, and libraries: |
| http://godashboard.appspot.com/project |
| |
| Other changes: |
| * 6a, 6l: bug fixes. |
| * bytes, strings: add Replace. |
| * cgo: use slash-free relative paths for .so references. |
| * cmath: correct IsNaN for argument cmplx(Inf, NaN) (thanks Charles L. Dorian). |
| * codereview: allow multiple email addresses in CONTRIBUTORS. |
| * doc/codewalk: add Share Memory By Communicating. |
| * exp/draw/x11: implement the mapping from keycodes to keysyms. |
| * fmt: Printf: fix bug in handling of %#v, allow other verbs for slices |
| Scan: fix handling of EOFs. |
| * gc: bug fixes and optimizations. |
| * gob: add DecodeValue and EncodeValue, |
| add support for complex numbers. |
| * goinstall: support for Bazaar+Launchpad (thanks Gustavo Niemeyer). |
| * io/ioutil: add TempFile for Windows (thanks Peter Mundy). |
| * ld: add -u flag to check safe bits; discard old -u, -x flags. |
| * math: amd64 versions of Exp and Fabs (thanks Charles L. Dorian). |
| * misc/vim: always override filetype detection for .go files. |
| * net: add support for DNS SRV requests (thanks Kirklin McDonald), |
| initial attempt to implement Windows version (thanks Alex Brainman). |
| * netchan: allow chan of basic types now that gob can handle such, |
| eliminate the need for a pointer value in Import and Export. |
| * os/signal: only catch all signals if os/signal package imported. |
| * regexp: bug fix: need to track whether match begins with fixed prefix. |
| * rpc: allow non-struct args and reply (they must still be pointers). |
| * runtime: bug fixes and reorganization. |
| * strconv: fix bugs in floating-point and base 2 conversions |
| * syscall: add syscall_bsd.go to zsycall_freebsd_386.go (thanks Peter Mundy), |
| add socketpair (thanks Ivan Krasin). |
| * time: implement time zones for Windows (thanks Alex Brainman). |
| * x509: support non-self-signed certs. |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-06-21">2010-06-21</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| This release includes a language change. The "..." function parameter form is |
| gone; "...T" remains. Typically, "...interface{}" can be used instead of "...". |
| |
| The implementation of Printf has changed in a way that subtly affects its |
| handling of the fmt.Stringer interface. You may need to make changes to your |
| code. For details, see: |
| https://groups.google.com/group/golang-nuts/msg/6fffba90a3e3dc06 |
| |
| The reflect package has been changed. If you have code that uses reflect, |
| it will need to be updated. For details, see: |
| https://groups.google.com/group/golang-nuts/msg/7a93d07c590e7beb |
| |
| Other changes: |
| * 8l: correct test for sp == top of stack in 8l -K code. |
| * asn1: allow '*' in PrintableString. |
| * bytes.Buffer.ReadFrom: fix bug. |
| * codereview: avoid exception in match (thanks Paolo Giarrusso). |
| * complex divide: match C99 implementation. |
| * exp/draw: small draw.drawGlyphOver optimization. |
| * fmt: Print*: reimplement to switch on type first, |
| Scanf: improve error message when input does not match format. |
| * gc: better error messages for interface failures, conversions, undefined symbols. |
| * go/scanner: report illegal escape sequences. |
| * gob: substitute slice for map. |
| * goinstall: process dependencies for package main (thanks Roger Peppe). |
| * gopack: add S flag to force marking a package as safe, |
| simplify go metadata code. |
| * html: sync testdata/webkit to match WebKit tip. |
| * http: reply to Expect 100-continue requests automatically (thanks Brad Fitzpatrick). |
| * image: add an Alpha16 type. |
| * ld: pad Go symbol table out to page boundary (fixes cgo crash). |
| * misc/vim: reorganize plugin to be easier to use (thanks James Whitehead). |
| * path: add Base, analogous to Unix basename. |
| * pkg/Makefile: allow DISABLE_NET_TESTS=1 to disable network tests. |
| * reflect: add Kind, Type.Bits, remove Int8Type, Int8Value, etc. |
| * runtime: additional Windows support (thanks Alex Brainman), |
| correct fault for 16-bit divide on Leopard, |
| fix 386 signal handler bug. |
| * strconv: add AtofN, FtoaN. |
| * string: add IndexFunc and LastIndexFunc (thanks Roger Peppe). |
| * syslog: use local network for tests. |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-06-09">2010-06-09</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| This release contains many fixes and improvements, including several |
| clarifications and consolidations to the Language Specification. |
| |
| The type checking rules around assignments and conversions are simpler but more |
| restrictive: assignments no longer convert implicitly from *[10]int to []int |
| (write x[0:] instead of &x), and conversions can no longer change the names of |
| types inside composite types. |
| |
| The fmt package now includes flexible type-driven (fmt.Scan) and |
| format-driven (fmt.Scanf) scanners for all basic types. |
| |
| * big: bug fix for Quo aliasing problem. |
| * bufio: change ReadSlice to match description. |
| * cgo: bug fixes. |
| * doc: add Google I/O talk and programs, |
| codereview + Mercurial Queues info (thanks Peter Williams). |
| * exp/draw: Draw fast paths for the Over operator, |
| add Rectangle.Eq and Point.In, fix Rectangle.Clip (thanks Roger Peppe). |
| * fmt: Scan fixes and improvements. |
| * gc: backslash newline is not a legal escape sequence in strings, |
| better error message when ~ operator is found, |
| fix export of complex types, |
| new typechecking rules. |
| * go/parser: correct position of empty statement ';'. |
| * gofmt: fix test script. |
| * goinstall: use 'git pull' instead of 'git checkout' (thanks Michael Hoisie). |
| * http: add Head function for making HTTP HEAD requests, |
| handle status 304 correctly. |
| * image: add Opaque method to the image types. |
| make Color.RGBA return 16 bit color instead of 32 bit color. |
| * io/ioutil: add TempFile. |
| * math: Pow special cases and additional tests (thanks Charles L. Dorian). |
| * netchan: improve closing and shutdown. |
| * os: implement os.FileInfo.*time_ns for windows (thanks Alex Brainman). |
| * os/signal: correct the regexp for finding Unix signal names (thanks Vinu Rajashekhar). |
| * regexp: optimizations (thanks Kyle Consalus). |
| * runtime: fix printing -Inf (thanks Evan Shaw), |
| finish pchw -> tiny, added gettime for tiny (thanks Daniel Theophanes). |
| * spec: clean-ups and consolidation. |
| * syscall: additional Windows compatibility fixes (thanks Alex Brainman). |
| * test/bench: added regex-dna-parallel.go (thanks Kyle Consalus). |
| * vector: type-specific Do functions now take f(type) (thanks Michael Hoisie). |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-05-27">2010-05-27</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| A sizeable release, including standard library improvements and a slew of |
| compiler bug fixes. The three-week interval was largely caused by the team |
| preparing for Google I/O. |
| |
| * big: add Rat type (thanks Evan Shaw), |
| new features, much performance tuning, cleanups, and more tests. |
| * bignum: deprecate by moving into exp directory. |
| * build: allow MAKEFLAGS to be set outside the build scripts (thanks Christopher Wedgwood). |
| * bytes: add Trim, TrimLeft, TrimRight, and generic functions (thanks Michael Hoisie). |
| * cgo: fix to permit cgo callbacks from init code. |
| * cmath: update range of Phase and Polar due to signed zero (thanks Charles L. Dorian). |
| * codereview: work better with mq (thanks Peter Williams). |
| * compress: renamings |
| NewDeflater -> NewWriter |
| NewInflater -> NewReader |
| Deflater -> Compressor |
| Inflater -> Decompressor |
| * exp/draw/x11: respect $XAUTHORITY, |
| treat $DISPLAY the same way x-go-bindings does. |
| * exp/draw: fast path for glyph images, other optimizations, |
| fix Rectangle.Canon (thanks Roger Peppe). |
| * fmt: Scan, Scanln: Start of a simple scanning API in the fmt package, |
| fix Printf crash when given an extra nil argument (thanks Roger Peppe). |
| * gc: better error when computing remainder of non-int (thanks Evan Shaw), |
| disallow middot in Go programs, |
| distinguish array, slice literal in error messages, |
| fix shift/reduce conflict in go.y export syntax, |
| fix unsafe.Sizeof on ideal constants, |
| handle use of builtin function outside function call, |
| many other bug fixes. |
| * gob: add support for maps, |
| add test for indirect maps, slices, arrays. |
| * godoc: collect package comments from all package files. |
| * gofmt: don't lose mandatory semicolons, |
| exclude test w/ illegal syntax from test cases, |
| fix printing of labels. |
| * http: prevent crash if remote server is not responding with "HTTP/". |
| * json: accept escaped slash in string scanner (thanks Michael Hoisie), |
| fix array -> non-array decoding. |
| * libmach: skip __nl_symbol_ptr section on OS X. |
| * math: amd64 versions of Fdim, Fmax, Fmin, |
| signed zero Sqrt special case (thanks Charles L. Dorian). |
| * misc/kate: convert isn't a built in function (thanks Evan Shaw). |
| * net: implement BindToDevice, |
| implement raw sockets (thanks Christopher Wedgwood). |
| * netFD: fix race between Close and Read/Write (thanks Michael Hoisie). |
| * os: add Chtimes function (thanks Brad Fitzpatrick). |
| * pkg/Makefile: add netchan to standard package list. |
| * runtime: GOMAXPROCS returns previous value, |
| allow large map values, |
| avoid allocation for fixed strings, |
| correct tracebacks for nascent goroutines, even closures, |
| free old hashmap pieces during resizing. |
| * spec: added imaginary literal to semicolon rules (was missing), |
| fix and clarify syntax of conversions, |
| simplify section on channel types, |
| other minor tweaks. |
| * strconv: Btoui64 optimizations (thanks Kyle Consalus). |
| * strings: use copy instead of for loop in Map (thanks Kyle Consalus). |
| * syscall: implement BindToDevice (thanks Christopher Wedgwood), |
| add Utimes on Darwin/FreeBSD, add Futimes everywhere, |
| regenerate syscalls for some platforms. |
| * template: regularize name lookups of interfaces, pointers, and methods. |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-05-04">2010-05-04</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| In this release we renamed the Windows OS target from 'mingw' to 'windows'. |
| If you are currently building for 'mingw' you should set GOOS=windows instead. |
| |
| * 5l, 6l, 8l, runtime: make -s binaries work. |
| * 5l, 6l, 8l: change ELF header so that strip doesn't destroy binary. |
| * 8l: fix absolute path detection on Windows. |
| * big: new functions, optimizations, and cleanups, |
| add bitwise methods for Int (thanks Evan Shaw). |
| * bytes: Change IndexAny to look for UTF-8 encoded characters. |
| * darwin: bsdthread_create can fail; print good error. |
| * fmt: %T missing print <nil> for nil (thanks Christopher Wedgwood). |
| * gc: many fixes. |
| * misc/cgo/gmp: fix bug in SetString. |
| * net: fix resolv.conf EOF without newline bug (thanks Christopher Wedgwood). |
| * spec: some small clarifications (no language changes). |
| * syscall: add EWOULDBLOCK to sycall_nacl.go, |
| force O_LARGEFILE in Linux open system call, |
| handle EOF on pipe - special case on Windows (thanks Alex Brainman), |
| mingw Sleep (thanks Joe Poirier). |
| * test/bench: import new fasta C reference, update Go, optimizations. |
| * test: test of static initialization (fails). |
| * vector: use correct capacity in call to make. |
| * xml: allow text segments to end at EOF. |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-04-27">2010-04-27</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| This release includes a new Codelab that illustrates the construction of a |
| simple wiki web application: |
| http://golang.org/doc/codelab/wiki/ |
| |
| It also includes a Codewalk framework for documenting code. See: |
| http://golang.org/doc/codewalk/ |
| |
| Other changes: |
| * 6g: fix need for parens around array index expression. |
| * 6l, 8l: include ELF header in PT_LOAD mapping for text segment. |
| * arm: add android runner script, |
| support for printing floats. |
| * big: implemented Karatsuba multiplication, |
| many fixes and improvements (thanks Evan Shaw). |
| * bytes: add Next method to Buffer, simplify Read, |
| shuffle implementation, making WriteByte 50% faster. |
| * crypto/tls: simpler implementation of record layer. |
| * exp/eval: fixes (thanks Evan Shaw). |
| * flag: eliminate unnecessary structs. |
| * gc: better windows support, |
| cmplx typecheck bug fix, |
| more specific error for statements at top level. |
| * go/parser: don't require unnecessary parens. |
| * godoc: exclude duplicate entries (thanks Andrei Vieru), |
| use int64 for timestamps (thanks Christopher Wedgwood). |
| * gofmt: fine-tune stripping of parentheses, |
| * json: Marshal, Unmarshal using new scanner, |
| preserve field name case by default, |
| scanner, Compact, Indent, and tests, |
| support for streaming. |
| * libmach: disassemble MOVLQZX correctly. |
| * math: more special cases for signed zero (thanks Charles L. Dorian). |
| * net: add Pipe, |
| fix bugs in packStructValue (thanks Michael Hoisie), |
| introduce net.Error interface. |
| * os: FileInfo: regularize the types of some fields, |
| create sys_bsd.go (thanks Giles Lean), |
| mingw bug fixes (thanks Alex Brainman). |
| * reflect: add FieldByNameFunc (thanks Raif S. Naffah), |
| implement Set(nil), SetValue(nil) for PtrValue and MapValue. |
| * regexp: allow escaping of any punctuation. |
| * rpc/jsonrpc: support for jsonrpc wire encoding. |
| * rpc: abstract client and server encodings, |
| add Close() method to rpc.Client. |
| * runtime: closures, defer bug fix for Native Client, |
| rename cgo2c, *.cgo to goc2c, *.goc to avoid confusion with real cgo. |
| several other fixes. |
| * scanner: implement Peek() to look at the next char w/o advancing. |
| * strings: add ReadRune to Reader, add FieldsFunc (thanks Kyle Consalus). |
| * syscall: match linux Setsid function signature to darwin, |
| mingw bug fixes (thanks Alex Brainman). |
| * template: fix handling of pointer inside interface. |
| * test/bench: add fannkuch-parallel.go (thanks Kyle Consalus), |
| pidigits ~10% performance win by using adds instead of shifts. |
| * time: remove incorrect time.ISO8601 and add time.RFC3339 (thanks Micah Stetson). |
| * utf16: add DecodeRune, EncodeRune. |
| * xml: add support for XML marshalling embedded structs (thanks Raif S. Naffah), |
| new "innerxml" tag to collect inner XML. |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-04-13">2010-04-13</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| This release contains many changes: |
| |
| * 8l: add DOS stub to PE binaries (thanks Evan Shaw). |
| * cgo: add //export. |
| * cmath: new complex math library (thanks Charles L. Dorian). |
| * docs: update to match current coding style (thanks Christopher Wedgwood). |
| * exp/eval: fix example and add target to Makefile (thanks Evan Shaw). |
| * fmt: change behaviour of format verb %b to match %x when negative (thanks Andrei Vieru). |
| * gc: compile s == "" as len(s) == 0, |
| distinguish fatal compiler bug from error+exit, |
| fix alignment on non-amd64, |
| good syntax error for defer func() {} - missing fina (), |
| implement panic and recover, |
| zero unnamed return values on entry if func has defer. |
| * goyacc: change to be reentrant (thanks Roger Peppe). |
| * io/ioutil: fix bug in ReadFile when Open succeeds but Stat fails. |
| * kate: update for recent language changes (thanks Evan Shaw). |
| * libcgo: initial mingw port work - builds but untested (thanks Joe Poirier). |
| * math: new functions and special cases (thanks Charles L. Dorian) |
| * net: use chan bool instead of chan *netFD to avoid cycle. |
| * netchan: allow client to send as well as receive. |
| * nntp: new package, NNTP client (thanks Conrad Meyer). |
| * os: rename os.Dir to os.FileInfo. |
| * rpc: don't log normal EOF, |
| fix ServeConn to block as documented. |
| * runtime: many bug fixes, better ARM support. |
| * strings: add IndexRune, Trim, TrimLeft, TrimRight, etc (thanks Michael Hoisie). |
| * syscall: implement some mingw syscalls required by os (thanks Alex Brainman). |
| * test/bench: add k-nucleotide-parallel (thanks Kyle Consalus). |
| * Unicode: add support for Turkish case mapping. |
| * xgb: move from the main repository to http://code.google.com/p/x-go-binding/ |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-03-30">2010-03-30</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| This release contains three language changes: |
| |
| 1. Accessing a non-existent key in a map is no longer a run-time error. |
| It now evaluates to the zero value for that type. For example: |
| x := myMap[i] is now equivalent to: x, _ := myMap[i] |
| |
| 2. It is now legal to take the address of a function's return value. |
| The return values are copied back to the caller only after deferred |
| functions have run. |
| |
| 3. The functions panic and recover, intended for reporting and recovering from |
| failure, have been added to the spec: |
| http://golang.org/doc/go_spec.html#Handling_panics |
| In a related change, panicln is gone, and panic is now a single-argument |
| function. Panic and recover are recognized by the gc compilers but the new |
| behavior is not yet implemented. |
| |
| The ARM build is broken in this release; ARM users should stay at release.2010-03-22. |
| |
| Other changes: |
| * bytes, strings: add IndexAny. |
| * cc/ld: Add support for #pragma dynexport, |
| Rename dynld to dynimport throughout. Cgo users will need to rerun cgo. |
| * expvar: default publishings for cmdline, memstats |
| * flag: add user-defined flag types. |
| * gc: usual bug fixes |
| * go/ast: generalized ast filtering. |
| * go/printer: avoid reflect in print. |
| * godefs: fix handling of negative constants. |
| * godoc: export pprof debug information, exported variables, |
| support for filtering of command-line output in -src mode, |
| use http GET for remote search instead of rpc. |
| * gofmt: don't convert multi-line functions into one-liners, |
| preserve newlines in multiline selector expressions (thanks Risto Jaakko Saarelma). |
| * goinstall: include command name in error reporting (thanks Andrey Mirtchovski) |
| * http: add HandleFunc as shortcut to Handle(path, HandlerFunc(func)) |
| * make: use actual dependency for install |
| * math: add J1, Y1, Jn, Yn, J0, Y0 (Bessel functions) (thanks Charles L. Dorian) |
| * prof: add pprof from google-perftools |
| * regexp: don't return non-nil *Regexp if there is an error. |
| * runtime: add Callers, |
| add malloc sampling, pprof interface, |
| add memory profiling, more statistics to runtime.MemStats, |
| implement missing destroylock() (thanks Alex Brainman), |
| more malloc statistics, |
| run all finalizers in a single goroutine, |
| Goexit runs deferred calls. |
| * strconv: add Atob and Btoa, |
| Unquote could wrongly return a nil error on error (thanks Roger Peppe). |
| * syscall: add IPV6 constants, |
| add syscall_bsd.go for Darwin and other *BSDs (thanks Giles Lean), |
| implement SetsockoptString (thanks Christopher Wedgwood). |
| * websocket: implement new protocol (thanks Fumitoshi Ukai). |
| * xgb: fix request length and request size (thanks Firmansyah Adiputra). |
| * xml: add CopyToken (thanks Kyle Consalus), |
| add line numbers to syntax errors (thanks Kyle Consalus), |
| use io.ReadByter in place of local readByter (thanks Raif S. Naffah). |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-03-22">2010-03-22</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| With this release we announce the launch of the Go Blog: |
| http://blog.golang.org/ |
| The first post is a brief update covering what has happened since the launch. |
| |
| This release contains some new packages and functionality, and many fixes: |
| * 6g/8g: fix issues with complex data types, other bug fixes. |
| * Makefiles: refactored to make writing external Makefiles easier. |
| * crypto/rand: new package. |
| * godoc: implemented command-line search via RPC, |
| improved comment formatting: recognize URLs. |
| * gofmt: more consistent formatting of const/var decls. |
| * http: add Error helper function, |
| add ParseQuery (thanks Petar Maymounkov), |
| change RawPath to mean raw path, not raw everything-after-scheme. |
| * image/jpeg: fix typos. |
| * json: add MarshalIndent (accepts user-specified indent string). |
| * math: add Gamma function (thanks Charles L. Dorian). |
| * misc/bbedit: support for cmplx, real, imag (thanks Anthony Starks). |
| * misc/vim: add new complex types, functions and literals. |
| * net: fix IPMask.String not to crash on all-0xff mask. |
| * os: drop File finalizer after normal Close. |
| * runtime: add GOROOT and Version, |
| lock finalizer table accesses. |
| * sha512: add sha384 (truncated version) (thanks Conrad Meyer). |
| * syscall: add const ARCH, analogous to OS. |
| * syscall: further additions to mingw port (thanks Alex Brainman). |
| * template: fixed html formatter []byte input bug. |
| * utf16: new package. |
| * version.bash: cope with ancient Mercurial. |
| * websocket: use URL.RawPath to construct WebSocket-Location: header. |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-03-15">2010-03-15</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| This release includes a language change: support for complex numbers. |
| http://golang.org/doc/go_spec.html#Imaginary_literals |
| http://golang.org/doc/go_spec.html#Complex_numbers |
| There is no library support as yet. |
| |
| This release also includes the goinstall command-line tool. |
| http://golang.org/cmd/goinstall/ |
| http://groups.google.com/group/golang-nuts/t/f091704771128e32 |
| |
| * 5g/6g/8g: fix double function call in slice. |
| * arm: cleanup build warnings. (thanks Dean Prichard) |
| * big: fix mistakes with probablyPrime. |
| * bufio: add WriteRune. |
| * bytes: add ReadRune and WriteRune to bytes.Buffer. |
| * cc: stack split bug fix. |
| * crypto: add SHA-224 to sha256, add sha512 package. (thanks Conrad Meyer) |
| * crypto/ripemd160: new package. (thanks Raif S. Naffah) |
| * crypto/rsa: don't use safe primes. |
| * gc: avoid fixed length buffer cleanbuf. (thanks Dean Prichard) |
| better compilation of floating point += |
| fix crash on complicated arg to make slice. |
| remove duplicate errors, give better error for I.(T) |
| * godoc: support for multiple packages in a directory, other fixes. |
| * gofmt: bug fixes. |
| * hash: add Sum64 interface. |
| * hash/crc32: add Update function. |
| * hash/crc64: new package implementing 64-bit CRC. |
| * math: add ilogb, logb, remainder. (thanks Charles L. Dorian) |
| * regexp: add ReplaceAllFunc, ReplaceAllStringFunc. |
| * runtime: clock garbage collection on bytes allocated, not pages in use. |
| * strings: make Split(s, "", n) faster. (thanks Spring Mc) |
| * syscall: minimal mingw version of syscall. (thanks Alex Brainman) |
| * template: add ParseFile, MustParseFile. |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-03-04">2010-03-04</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| There is one language change: the ability to convert a string to []byte or |
| []int. This deprecates the strings.Bytes and strings.Runes functions. |
| You can convert your existing sources using these gofmt commands: |
| gofmt -r 'strings.Bytes(x) -> []byte(x)' -w file-or-directory-list |
| gofmt -r 'strings.Runes(x) -> []int(x)' -w file-or-directory-list |
| After running these you might need to delete unused imports of the "strings" |
| package. |
| |
| Other changes and fixes: |
| * 6l/8l/5l: add -r option |
| * 8g: make a[byte(x)] truncate x |
| * codereview.py: fix for compatibility with hg >=1.4.3 |
| * crypto/blowfish: new package (thanks Raif S. Naffah) |
| * dashboard: more performance tuning |
| * fmt: use String method in %q to get the value to quote. |
| * gofmt: several cosmetic changes |
| * http: fix handling of Connection: close, bug in http.Post |
| * net: correct DNS configuration, |
| fix network timeout boundary condition, |
| put [ ] around IPv6 addresses for Dial. |
| * path: add Match, |
| fix bug in Match with non-greedy stars (thanks Kevin Ballard) |
| * strings: delete Bytes, Runes (see above) |
| * tests: an Eratosthenesque concurrent prime sieve (thanks Anh Hai Trinh) |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-02-23">2010-02-23</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| This release is mainly bug fixes and a little new code. |
| There are no language changes. |
| |
| 6g/5g/8g: bug fixes |
| 8a/8l: Added FCMOVcc instructions (thanks Evan Shaw and Charles Dorian) |
| crypto/x509: support certificate creation |
| dashboard: caching to avoid datastore queries |
| exec: add dir argument to Run |
| godoc: bug fixes and code cleanups |
| http: continued implementation and bug fixes (thanks Petar Maymounkov) |
| json: fix quoted strings in Marshal (thanks Sergei Skorobogatov) |
| math: more functions, test cases, and benchmarks (thanks Charles L. Dorian) |
| misc/bbedit: treat predeclared identifiers as "keywords" (thanks Anthony Starks) |
| net: disable UDP server test (flaky on various architectures) |
| runtime: work around Linux kernel bug in futex, |
| pchw is now tiny |
| sync: fix to work on armv5 (thanks Dean Prichard) |
| websocket: fix binary frame size decoding (thanks Timo Savola) |
| xml: allow unquoted attribute values in non-Strict mode (thanks Amrut Joshi) |
| treat bool as value in Unmarshal (thanks Michael Hoisie) |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-02-17">2010-02-17</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| There are two small language changes: |
| * NUL bytes may be rejected in souce files, and the tools do reject them. |
| * Conversions from string to []int and []byte are defined but not yet implemented. |
| |
| Other changes and fixes: |
| * 5a/6a/8a/5c/6c/8c: remove fixed-size arrays for -I and -D options (thanks Dean Prichard) |
| * 5c/6c/8c/5l/6l/8l: add -V flag to display version number |
| * 5c/6c/8c: use "cpp" not "/bin/cpp" for external preprocessor (thanks Giles Lean) |
| * 8a/8l: Added CMOVcc instructions (thanks Evan Shaw) |
| * 8l: pe executable building code changed to include import table for kernel32.dll functions (thanks Alex Brainman) |
| * 5g/6g/8g: bug fixes |
| * asn1: bug fixes and additions (incl marshalling) |
| * build: fix build for Native Client, Linux/ARM |
| * dashboard: show benchmarks, add garbage collector benchmarks |
| * encoding/pem: add marshalling support |
| * exp/draw: fast paths for a nil mask |
| * godoc: support for directories outside $GOROOT |
| * http: sort header keys when writing Response or Request to wire (thanks Petar Maymounkov) |
| * math: special cases and new functions (thanks Charles Dorian) |
| * mime: new package, used in http (thanks Michael Hoisie) |
| * net: dns bug fix - use random request id |
| * os: finalize File, to close fd. |
| * path: make Join variadic (thanks Stephen Weinberg) |
| * regexp: optimization bug fix |
| * runtime: misc fixes and optimizations |
| * syscall: make signature of Umask on OS X, FreeBSD match Linux. (thanks Giles Lean) |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-02-04">2010-02-04</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| There is one language change: support for ...T parameters: |
| http://golang.org/doc/go_spec.html#Function_types |
| |
| You can now check build status on various platforms at the Go Dashboard: |
| http://godashboard.appspot.com |
| |
| * 5l/6l/8l: several minor fixes |
| * 5a/6a/8a/5l/6l/8l: avoid overflow of symb buffer (thanks Dean Prichard) |
| * compress/gzip: gzip deflater (i.e., writer) |
| * debug/proc: add mingw specific build stubs (thanks Joe Poirier) |
| * exp/draw: separate the source-point and mask-point in Draw |
| * fmt: handle nils safely in Printf |
| * gccgo: error messages now match those of gc |
| * godoc: several fixes |
| * http: bug fixes, revision of Request/Response (thanks Petar Maymounkov) |
| * image: new image.A type to represent anti-aliased font glyphs |
| add named colors (e.g. image.Blue), suitable for exp/draw |
| * io: fixed bugs in Pipe |
| * malloc: merge into package runtime |
| * math: fix tests on FreeBSD (thanks Devon H. O'Dell) |
| add functions; update tests and special cases (thanks Charles L. Dorian) |
| * os/signal: send SIGCHLDs to Incoming (thanks Chris Wedgwood) |
| * reflect: add StringHeader to reflect |
| * runtime: add SetFinalizer |
| * time: Sleep through interruptions (thanks Chris Wedgwood) |
| add RFC822 formats |
| experimental implemenation of Ticker using two goroutines for all tickers |
| * xml: allow underscores in XML element names (thanks Michael Hoisie) |
| allow any scalar type in xml.Unmarshal |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-01-27">2010-01-27</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| There are two small language changes: the meaning of chan <- chan int |
| is now defined, and functions returning functions do not need to |
| parenthesize the result type. |
| |
| There is one significant implementation change: the compilers can |
| handle multiple packages using the same name in a single binary. |
| In the gc compilers, this comes at the cost of ensuring that you |
| always import a particular package using a consistent import path. |
| In the gccgo compiler, the cost is that you must use the -fgo-prefix |
| flag to pass a unique prefix (like the eventual import path). |
| |
| 5a/6a/8a: avoid use of fixed-size buffers (thanks Dean Prichard) |
| 5g, 6g, 8g: many minor bug fixes |
| bufio: give Writer.WriteString same signature as bytes.Buffer.WriteString. |
| container/list: PushFrontList, PushBackList (thanks Jan Hosang) |
| godoc: trim spaces from search query (thanks Christopher Wedgwood) |
| hash: document that Sum does not change state, fix crypto hashes |
| http: bug fixes, revision of Request/Response (thanks Petar Maymounkov) |
| math: more handling of IEEE 754 special cases (thanks Charles Dorian) |
| misc/dashboard: new build dashboard |
| net: allow UDP broadcast, |
| use /etc/hosts to resolve names (thanks Yves Junqueira, Michael Hoisie) |
| netchan: beginnings of new package for connecting channels across a network |
| os: allow FQDN in Hostname test (thanks Icarus Sparry) |
| reflect: garbage collection bug in Call |
| runtime: demo of Go on raw (emulated) hw in runtime/pchw, |
| performance fix on OS X |
| spec: clarify meaning of chan <- chan int, |
| func() func() int is allowed now, |
| define ... T (not yet implemented) |
| template: can use interface values |
| time: fix for +0000 time zone, |
| more robust tick.Stop. |
| xgb: support for authenticated connections (thanks Firmansyah Adiputra) |
| xml: add Escape (thanks Stephen Weinberg) |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-01-13">2010-01-13</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| This release is mainly bug fixes with a little new code. |
| There are no language changes. |
| |
| build: $GOBIN should no longer be required in $PATH (thanks Devon H. O'Dell), |
| new package target "make bench" to run benchmarks |
| 8g: faster float -> uint64 conversion (thanks Evan Shaw) |
| 5g, 6g, 8g: |
| clean opnames.h to avoid stale errors (thanks Yongjian Xu), |
| a handful of small compiler fixes |
| 5g, 6g, 8g, 5l, 6l, 8l: ignore $GOARCH, which is implied by name of tool |
| 6prof: support for writing input files for google-perftools's pprof |
| asn1: fix a few structure-handling bugs |
| cgo: many bug fixes (thanks Devon H. O'Dell) |
| codereview: repeated "hg mail" sends "please take another look" |
| gob: reserve ids for future expansion |
| godoc: distinguish HTML generation from plain text HTML escaping (thanks Roger Peppe) |
| gofmt: minor bug fixes, removed -oldprinter flag |
| http: add CanonicalPath (thanks Ivan Krasin), |
| avoid header duplication in Response.Write, |
| correctly escape/unescape URL sections |
| io: new interface ReadByter |
| json: better error, pointer handling in Marshal (thanks Ivan Krasin) |
| libmach: disassembly of FUCOMI, etc (thanks Evan Shaw) |
| math: special cases for most functions and 386 hardware Sqrt (thanks Charles Dorian) |
| misc/dashboard: beginning of a build dashboard at godashboard.appspot.com. |
| misc/emacs: handling of new semicolon rules (thanks Austin Clements), |
| empty buffer bug fix (thanks Kevin Ballard) |
| misc/kate: highlighting improvements (tahnks Evan Shaw) |
| os/signal: add signal names: signal.SIGHUP, etc (thanks David Symonds) |
| runtime: preliminary Windows support (thanks Hector Chu), |
| preemption polling to reduce garbage collector pauses |
| scanner: new lightweight scanner package |
| template: bug fix involving spaces before a delimited block |
| test/bench: updated timings |
| time: new Format, Parse functions |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2010-01-05">2010-01-05</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| This release is mainly bug fixes. There are no language changes. |
| |
| 6prof: now works on 386 |
| 8a, 8l: add FCOMI, FCOMIP, FUCOMI, and FUCOMIP (thanks Evan Shaw) |
| big: fix ProbablyPrime on small numbers |
| container/vector: faster []-based implementation (thanks Jan Mercl) |
| crypto/tls: extensions and Next Protocol Negotiation |
| gob: one encoding bug fix, one decoding bug fix |
| image/jpeg: support for RST markers |
| image/png: support for transparent paletted images |
| misc/xcode: improved support (thanks Ken Friedenbach) |
| net: return nil Conn on error from Dial (thanks Roger Peppe) |
| regexp: add Regexp.NumSubexp (thanks Peter Froehlich) |
| syscall: add Nanosleep on FreeBSD (thanks Devon H. O'Dell) |
| template: can use map in .repeated section |
| |
| There is now a public road map, in the repository and online |
| at <a href="http://golang.org/doc/devel/roadmap.html">http://golang.org/doc/devel/roadmap.html</a>. |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2009-12-22">2009-12-22</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| Since the last release there has been one large syntactic change to |
| the language, already discussed extensively on this list: semicolons |
| are now implied between statement-ending tokens and newline characters. |
| See http://groups.google.com/group/golang-nuts/t/5ee32b588d10f2e9 for |
| details. |
| |
| By default, gofmt now parses and prints the new lighter weight syntax. |
| To convert programs written in the old syntax, you can use: |
| |
| gofmt -oldparser -w *.go |
| |
| Since everything was being reformatted anyway, we took the opportunity to |
| change the way gofmt does alignment. Now gofmt uses tabs at the start |
| of a line for basic code alignment, but it uses spaces for alignment of |
| interior columns. Thus, in an editor with a fixed-width font, you can |
| choose your own tab size to change the indentation, and no matter what |
| tab size you choose, columns will be aligned properly. |
| |
| |
| In addition to the syntax and formatting changes, there have been many |
| smaller fixes and updates: |
| |
| 6g,8g,5g: many bug fixes, better registerization, |
| build process fix involving mkbuiltin (thanks Yongjian Xu), |
| method expressions for concrete types |
| 8l: support for Windows PE files (thanks Hector Chu) |
| bytes: more efficient Buffer handling |
| bytes, strings: new function Fields (thanks Andrey Mirtchovski) |
| cgo: handling of enums (thanks Moriyoshi Koizumi), |
| handling of structs with bit fields, multiple files (thanks Devon H. O'Dell), |
| installation of .so to non-standard locations |
| crypto/sha256: new package for SHA 256 (thanks Andy Davis) |
| encoding/binary: support for slices of fixed-size values (thanks Maxim Ushakov) |
| exp/vector: experimental alternate vector representation (thanks Jan Mercl) |
| fmt: %p for chan, map, slice types |
| gob: a couple more bug fixes |
| http: support for basic authentication (thanks Ivan Krasin) |
| image/jpeg: basic JPEG decoder |
| math: correct handling of Inf and NaN in Pow (thanks Charles Dorian) |
| misc/bash: completion file for bash (thanks Alex Ray) |
| os/signal: support for handling Unix signals (thanks David Symonds) |
| rand: Zipf-distributed random values (thanks William Josephson) |
| syscall: correct error return bug on 32-bit machines (thanks Christopher Wedgwood) |
| syslog: new package for writing to Unix syslog daemon (thanks Yves Junqueira) |
| template: will automatically invoke niladic methods |
| time: new ISO8601 format generator (thanks Ben Olive) |
| xgb: converted generator to new syntax (thanks Tor Andersson) |
| xml: better mapping of tag names to Go identifiers (thanks Kei Son), |
| better handling of unexpected EOF (thanks Arvindh Rajesh Tamilmani) |
| </pre> |
| |
| <h3 id="2009-12-09">2009-12-09</h3> |
| |
| <pre> |
| Since the last release there are two changes to the language: |
| |
| * new builtin copy(dst, src) copies n = min(len(dst), len(src)) |
| elements to dst from src and returns n. It works correctly |
| even if dst and src overlap. bytes.Copy is gone. |
| Convert your programs using: |
| gofmt -w -r 'bytes.Copy(d, s) -> copy(d, s)' *.go |
| |
| * new syntax x[lo:] is shorthand for x[lo:len(x)]. |
| Convert your programs using: |
| gofmt -w -r 'a[b:len(a)] -> a[b:]' *.go |
| |
| In addition, there have been many smaller fixes and updates: |
| |
| * 6g/8g/5g: many bug fixes |
| * 8g: fix 386 floating point stack bug (thanks Charles Dorian) |
| * all.bash: now works even when $GOROOT has spaces (thanks Sergio Luis O. B. Correia), |
| starting to make build work with mingw (thanks Hector Chu), |
| FreeBSD support (thanks Devon O'Dell) |
| * big: much faster on 386. |
| * bytes: new function IndexByte, implemented in assembly |
| new function Runes (thanks Peter Froehlich), |
| performance tuning in bytes.Buffer. |
| * codereview: various bugs fixed |
| * container/vector: New is gone; just declare a Vector instead. |
| call Resize to set len and cap. |
| * cgo: many bug fixes (thanks Eden Li) |
| * crypto: added MD4 (thanks Chris Lennert), |
| added XTEA (thanks Adrian O'Grady). |
| * crypto/tls: basic client |
| * exp/iterable: new functions (thanks Michael Elkins) |
| * exp/nacl: native client tree builds again |
| * fmt: preliminary performance tuning |
| * go/ast: more powerful Visitor (thanks Roger Peppe) |
| * gob: a few bug fixes |
| * gofmt: better handling of standard input, error reporting (thanks Fazlul Shahriar) |
| new -r flag for rewriting programs |
| * gotest: support for Benchmark functions (thanks Trevor Strohman) |
| * io: ReadFile, WriteFile, ReadDir now in separate package io/ioutil. |
| * json: new Marshal function (thanks Michael Hoisie), |
| better white space handling (thanks Andrew Skiba), |
| decoding into native data structures (thanks Sergey Gromov), |
| handling of nil interface values (thanks Ross Light). |
| * math: correct handling of sin/cos of large angles |
| * net: better handling of Close (thanks Devon O'Dell and Christopher Wedgwood) |
| support for UDP broadcast (thanks Jonathan Wills), |
| support for empty packets |
| * rand: top-level functions now safe to call from multiple goroutines |
| (thanks Roger Peppe). |
| * regexp: a few easy optimizations |
| * rpc: better error handling, a few bug fixes |
| * runtime: better signal handling on OS X, malloc fixes, |
| global channel lock is gone. |
| * sync: RWMutex now allows concurrent readers (thanks Péter Szabó) |
| * template: can use maps as data (thanks James Meneghello) |
| * unicode: updated to Unicode 5.2. |
| * websocket: new package (thanks Fumitoshi Ukai) |
| * xgb: preliminary X Go Bindings (thanks Tor Andersson) |
| * xml: fixed crash (thanks Vish Subramanian) |
| * misc: bbedit config (thanks Anthony Starks), |
| kate config (thanks Evan Shaw) |
| </pre> |