blob: 684cc6537a1e327874011bcf04a6b8f6b4b912d9 [file] [log] [blame]
// [ $GOARCH != amd64 ] || ($G $D/$F.go && $L $F.$A && ./$A.out)
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
const (
R = 5
I = 6i
C1 = R + I // ADD(5,6)
C2 = R - I // SUB(5,-6)
C3 = -(R + I) // ADD(5,6) NEG(-5,-6)
C4 = -(R - I) // SUB(5,-6) NEG(-5,6)
C5 = C1 + R // ADD(10,6)
C6 = C1 + I // ADD(5,12)
Ca = C5 + C6 // ADD(15,18)
Cb = C5 - C6 // SUB(5,-6)
Cc = C5 * C6 // MUL(-22,-150)
Cd = C5 / C6 // DIV(0.721893,-0.532544)
Ce = Cd * C6 // MUL(10,6) sb C5
func main() {
r := 5 + 0i
if r != R {
panicln("opcode 1", r, R)
i := 6i
if i != I {
panicln("opcode 2", i, I)
c1 := r + i
if c1 != C1 {
panicln("opcode x", c1, C1)
c2 := r - i
if c2 != C2 {
panicln("opcode x", c2, C2)
c3 := -(r + i)
if c3 != C3 {
panicln("opcode x", c3, C3)
c4 := -(r - i)
if c4 != C4 {
panicln("opcode x", c4, C4)
c5 := c1 + r
if c5 != C5 {
panicln("opcode x", c5, C5)
c6 := c1 + i
if c6 != C6 {
panicln("opcode x", c6, C6)
ca := c5 + c6
if ca != Ca {
panicln("opcode x", ca, Ca)
cb := c5 - c6
if cb != Cb {
panicln("opcode x", cb, Cb)
cc := c5 * c6
if cc != Cc {
panicln("opcode x", cc, Cc)
cd := c5 / c6
if cd != Cd {
panicln("opcode x", cd, Cd)
ce := cd * c6
if ce != Ce {
panicln("opcode x", ce, Ce)