blob: c93f8335cde77a59fc4d55c6f18b2d33aa540e4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Simple file i/o and string manipulation, to avoid
// depending on strconv and bufio and strings.
package net
import (
type file struct {
file *os.File;
data []byte;
func (f *file) close() { f.file.Close() }
func (f *file) getLineFromData() (s string, ok bool) {
data :=;
for i := 0; i < len(data); i++ {
if data[i] == '\n' {
s = string(data[0:i]);
ok = true;
// move data
n := len(data) - i;
for j := 0; j < n; j++ {
data[j] = data[i+j]
} = data[0:n];
func (f *file) readLine() (s string, ok bool) {
if s, ok = f.getLineFromData(); ok {
if len( < cap( {
ln := len(;
n, _ := io.ReadFull(f.file,[ln:cap(]);
if n >= 0 { =[0 : ln+n]
s, ok = f.getLineFromData();
func open(name string) (*file, os.Error) {
fd, err := os.Open(name, os.O_RDONLY, 0);
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &file{fd, make([]byte, 1024)[0:0]}, nil;
func byteIndex(s string, c byte) int {
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] == c {
return i
return -1;
// Count occurrences in s of any bytes in t.
func countAnyByte(s string, t string) int {
n := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if byteIndex(t, s[i]) >= 0 {
return n;
// Split s at any bytes in t.
func splitAtBytes(s string, t string) []string {
a := make([]string, 1+countAnyByte(s, t));
n := 0;
last := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if byteIndex(t, s[i]) >= 0 {
if last < i {
a[n] = string(s[last:i]);
last = i + 1;
if last < len(s) {
a[n] = string(s[last:]);
return a[0:n];
func getFields(s string) []string { return splitAtBytes(s, " \r\t\n") }
// Bigger than we need, not too big to worry about overflow
const big = 0xFFFFFF
// Decimal to integer starting at &s[i0].
// Returns number, new offset, success.
func dtoi(s string, i0 int) (n int, i int, ok bool) {
n = 0;
for i = i0; i < len(s) && '0' <= s[i] && s[i] <= '9'; i++ {
n = n*10 + int(s[i]-'0');
if n >= big {
return 0, i, false
if i == i0 {
return 0, i, false
return n, i, true;
// Hexadecimal to integer starting at &s[i0].
// Returns number, new offset, success.
func xtoi(s string, i0 int) (n int, i int, ok bool) {
n = 0;
for i = i0; i < len(s); i++ {
if '0' <= s[i] && s[i] <= '9' {
n *= 16;
n += int(s[i] - '0');
} else if 'a' <= s[i] && s[i] <= 'f' {
n *= 16;
n += int(s[i]-'a') + 10;
} else if 'A' <= s[i] && s[i] <= 'F' {
n *= 16;
n += int(s[i]-'A') + 10;
} else {
if n >= big {
return 0, i, false
if i == i0 {
return 0, i, false
return n, i, true;
// Integer to decimal.
func itoa(i int) string {
var buf [30]byte;
n := len(buf);
neg := false;
if i < 0 {
i = -i;
neg = true;
ui := uint(i);
for ui > 0 || n == len(buf) {
buf[n] = byte('0' + ui%10);
ui /= 10;
if neg {
buf[n] = '-';
return string(buf[n:]);
// Number of occurrences of b in s.
func count(s string, b byte) int {
n := 0;
for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
if s[i] == b {
return n;
// Index of rightmost occurrence of b in s.
func last(s string, b byte) int {
i := len(s);
for i--; i >= 0; i-- {
if s[i] == b {
return i;