blob: c01f4ddeb980b6475d272dc5ef8e094d8399d193 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package json
import (
type myStruct struct {
T bool;
F bool;
S string;
I8 int8;
I16 int16;
I32 int32;
I64 int64;
U8 uint8;
U16 uint16;
U32 uint32;
U64 uint64;
I int;
U uint;
Fl float;
Fl32 float32;
Fl64 float64;
A []string;
My *myStruct;
Map map[string][]int;
MapStruct map[string]myStruct;
MapPtrStruct map[string]*myStruct;
const encoded = `{"t":true,"f":false,"s":"abc","i8":1,"i16":2,"i32":3,"i64":4,`
` "u8":5,"u16":6,"u32":7,"u64":8,`
` "i":-9,"u":10,"bogusfield":"should be ignored",`
` "fl":11.5,"fl32":12.25,"fl64":13.75,`
` "a":["x","y","z"],"my":{"s":"subguy"},`
var decodedMap = map[string][]int{
"k1": []int{1, 2, 3},
"k2": []int{},
"k3": []int{3, 4},
var decodedMapStruct = map[string]myStruct{
"m1": myStruct{U8: 8},
var decodedMapPtrStruct = map[string]*myStruct{
"m1": &myStruct{U8: 8},
func check(t *testing.T, ok bool, name string, v interface{}) {
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s = %v (BAD)", name, v)
} else {
t.Logf("%s = %v (good)", name, v)
const whiteSpaceEncoded = " \t{\n\"s\"\r:\"string\"\v}"
func TestUnmarshalWhitespace(t *testing.T) {
var m myStruct;
ok, errtok := Unmarshal(whiteSpaceEncoded, &m);
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Unmarshal failed near %s", errtok)
check(t, m.S == "string", "string", m.S);
func TestUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
var m myStruct;
m.F = true;
ok, errtok := Unmarshal(encoded, &m);
if !ok {
t.Fatalf("Unmarshal failed near %s", errtok)
check(t, m.T == true, "t", m.T);
check(t, m.F == false, "f", m.F);
check(t, m.S == "abc", "s", m.S);
check(t, m.I8 == 1, "i8", m.I8);
check(t, m.I16 == 2, "i16", m.I16);
check(t, m.I32 == 3, "i32", m.I32);
check(t, m.I64 == 4, "i64", m.I64);
check(t, m.U8 == 5, "u8", m.U8);
check(t, m.U16 == 6, "u16", m.U16);
check(t, m.U32 == 7, "u32", m.U32);
check(t, m.U64 == 8, "u64", m.U64);
check(t, m.I == -9, "i", m.I);
check(t, m.U == 10, "u", m.U);
check(t, m.Fl == 11.5, "fl", m.Fl);
check(t, m.Fl32 == 12.25, "fl32", m.Fl32);
check(t, m.Fl64 == 13.75, "fl64", m.Fl64);
check(t, m.A != nil, "a", m.A);
if m.A != nil {
check(t, m.A[0] == "x", "a[0]", m.A[0]);
check(t, m.A[1] == "y", "a[1]", m.A[1]);
check(t, m.A[2] == "z", "a[2]", m.A[2]);
check(t, m.My != nil, "my", m.My);
if m.My != nil {
check(t, m.My.S == "subguy", "my.s", m.My.S)
check(t, reflect.DeepEqual(m.Map, decodedMap), "map", m.Map);
check(t, reflect.DeepEqual(m.MapStruct, decodedMapStruct), "mapstruct", m.MapStruct);
check(t, reflect.DeepEqual(m.MapPtrStruct, decodedMapPtrStruct), "mapptrstruct", m.MapPtrStruct);
type Issue147Text struct {
Text string;
type Issue147 struct {
Test []Issue147Text;
const issue147Input = `{"test": [{"text":"0"},{"text":"1"},{"text":"2"},
func TestIssue147(t *testing.T) {
var timeline Issue147;
Unmarshal(issue147Input, &timeline);
if len(timeline.Test) != 30 {
t.Errorf("wrong length: got %d want 30", len(timeline.Test))
for i, e := range timeline.Test {
if e.Text != strconv.Itoa(i) {
t.Errorf("index: %d got: %s want: %d", i, e.Text, i)
type Issue114 struct {
Text string;
const issue114Input = `[{"text" : "0"}, {"text" : "1"}, {"text" : "2"}, {"text" : "3"}]`
func TestIssue114(t *testing.T) {
var items []Issue114;
Unmarshal(issue114Input, &items);
if len(items) != 4 {
t.Errorf("wrong length: got %d want 4", len(items))
for i, e := range items {
if e.Text != strconv.Itoa(i) {
t.Errorf("index: %d got: %s want: %d", i, e.Text, i)
type marshalTest struct {
val interface{};
out string;
var marshalTests = []marshalTest{
// basic string
marshalTest{true, "true"},
marshalTest{false, "false"},
marshalTest{123, "123"},
marshalTest{0.1, "0.1"},
marshalTest{1e-10, "1e-10"},
marshalTest{"teststring", `"teststring"`},
marshalTest{[4]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, "[1,2,3,4]"},
marshalTest{[]int{1, 2, 3, 4}, "[1,2,3,4]"},
marshalTest{[][]int{[]int{1, 2}, []int{3, 4}}, "[[1,2],[3,4]]"},
marshalTest{map[string]string{"one": "one"}, `{"one":"one"}`},
marshalTest{map[string]int{"one": 1}, `{"one":1}`},
marshalTest{struct{}{}, "{}"},
marshalTest{struct{ a int }{1}, `{"a":1}`},
marshalTest{struct {
a int;
b string;
}{1, "hello"},
marshalTest{map[string][]int{"3": []int{1, 2, 3}}, `{"3":[1,2,3]}`},
func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range marshalTests {
var buf bytes.Buffer;
err := Marshal(&buf, tt.val);
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Marshal(%T): %s", tt.val, err)
s := buf.String();
if s != tt.out {
t.Errorf("Marshal(%T) = %q, want %q\n", tt.val, tt.out, s)
type marshalErrorTest struct {
val interface{};
error string;
type MTE string
var marshalErrorTests = []marshalErrorTest{
marshalErrorTest{map[chan int]string{make(chan int): "one"}, "json cannot encode value of type map[chan int] string"},
marshalErrorTest{map[string]*MTE{"hi": nil}, "json cannot encode value of type *json.MTE"},
func TestMarshalError(t *testing.T) {
for _, tt := range marshalErrorTests {
var buf bytes.Buffer;
err := Marshal(&buf, tt.val);
if err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Marshal(%T): no error, want error %s", tt.val, tt.error)
if err.String() != tt.error {
t.Fatalf("Marshal(%T) = error %s, want error %s", tt.val, err, tt.error)