blob: 27b045536176680e21fa22ea7ff1982a64b765dc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package tls
// The record reader handles reading from the connection and reassembling TLS
// record structures. It loops forever doing this and writes the TLS records to
// it's outbound channel. On error, it closes its outbound channel.
import (
// recordReader loops, reading TLS records from source and writing them to the
// given channel. The channel is closed on EOF or on error.
func recordReader(c chan<- *record, source io.Reader) {
defer close(c);
buf := bufio.NewReader(source);
for {
var header [5]byte;
n, _ := buf.Read(header[0:len(header)]);
if n != 5 {
recordLength := int(header[3])<<8 | int(header[4]);
if recordLength > maxTLSCiphertext {
payload := make([]byte, recordLength);
n, _ = buf.Read(payload);
if n != recordLength {
c <- &record{recordType(header[0]), header[1], header[2], payload};