blob: 0187045b4afb3da337ce9833a39299cb52c1e15a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
func main() {
var extraCommands map[string]*commands.Command // no added Go-specific commands
if err := driver.PProf(flags{}, fetch.Fetcher, symbolize, new(objTool), plugin.StandardUI(), extraCommands); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v\n", err)
// symbolize attempts to symbolize profile p.
// If the source is a local binary, it tries using symbolizer and obj.
// If the source is a URL, it fetches symbol information using symbolz.
func symbolize(mode, source string, p *profile.Profile, obj plugin.ObjTool, ui plugin.UI) error {
remote, local := true, true
for _, o := range strings.Split(strings.ToLower(mode), ":") {
switch o {
case "none", "no":
return nil
case "local":
remote, local = false, true
case "remote":
remote, local = true, false
ui.PrintErr("ignoring unrecognized symbolization option: " + mode)
ui.PrintErr("expecting -symbolize=[local|remote|none][:force]")
case "", "force":
// Ignore these options, -force is recognized by symbolizer.Symbolize
var err error
if local {
// Symbolize using binutils.
if err = symbolizer.Symbolize(mode, p, obj, ui); err == nil {
return nil
if remote {
err = symbolz.Symbolize(source, fetch.PostURL, p)
return err
// flags implements the driver.FlagPackage interface using the builtin flag package.
type flags struct {
func (flags) Bool(o string, d bool, c string) *bool {
return flag.Bool(o, d, c)
func (flags) Int(o string, d int, c string) *int {
return flag.Int(o, d, c)
func (flags) Float64(o string, d float64, c string) *float64 {
return flag.Float64(o, d, c)
func (flags) String(o, d, c string) *string {
return flag.String(o, d, c)
func (flags) Parse(usage func()) []string {
flag.Usage = usage
args := flag.Args()
if len(args) == 0 {
return args
func (flags) ExtraUsage() string {
return ""
// objTool implements plugin.ObjTool using Go libraries
// (instead of invoking GNU binutils).
type objTool struct {
mu sync.Mutex
disasmCache map[string]*objfile.Disasm
func (*objTool) Open(name string, start uint64) (plugin.ObjFile, error) {
of, err := objfile.Open(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f := &file{
name: name,
file: of,
if load, err := of.LoadAddress(); err == nil {
f.offset = start - load
return f, nil
func (*objTool) Demangle(names []string) (map[string]string, error) {
// No C++, nothing to demangle.
return make(map[string]string), nil
func (t *objTool) Disasm(file string, start, end uint64) ([]plugin.Inst, error) {
d, err := t.cachedDisasm(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var asm []plugin.Inst
d.Decode(start, end, func(pc, size uint64, file string, line int, text string) {
asm = append(asm, plugin.Inst{Addr: pc, File: file, Line: line, Text: text})
return asm, nil
func (t *objTool) cachedDisasm(file string) (*objfile.Disasm, error) {
if t.disasmCache == nil {
t.disasmCache = make(map[string]*objfile.Disasm)
d := t.disasmCache[file]
if d != nil {
return d, nil
f, err := objfile.Open(file)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
d, err = f.Disasm()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
t.disasmCache[file] = d
return d, nil
func (*objTool) SetConfig(config string) {
// config is usually used to say what binaries to invoke.
// Ignore entirely.
// file implements plugin.ObjFile using Go libraries
// (instead of invoking GNU binutils).
// A file represents a single executable being analyzed.
type file struct {
name string
offset uint64
sym []objfile.Sym
file *objfile.File
pcln *gosym.Table
triedDwarf bool
dwarf *dwarf.Data
func (f *file) Name() string {
func (f *file) Base() uint64 {
// No support for shared libraries.
return 0
func (f *file) BuildID() string {
// No support for build ID.
return ""
func (f *file) SourceLine(addr uint64) ([]plugin.Frame, error) {
if f.pcln == nil {
pcln, err := f.file.PCLineTable()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f.pcln = pcln
addr -= f.offset
file, line, fn := f.pcln.PCToLine(addr)
if fn != nil {
frame := []plugin.Frame{
Func: fn.Name,
File: file,
Line: line,
return frame, nil
frames := f.dwarfSourceLine(addr)
if frames != nil {
return frames, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no line information for PC=%#x", addr)
// dwarfSourceLine tries to get file/line information using DWARF.
// This is for C functions that appear in the profile.
// Returns nil if there is no information available.
func (f *file) dwarfSourceLine(addr uint64) []plugin.Frame {
if f.dwarf == nil && !f.triedDwarf {
// Ignore any error--we don't care exactly why there
// is no DWARF info.
f.dwarf, _ = f.file.DWARF()
f.triedDwarf = true
if f.dwarf != nil {
r := f.dwarf.Reader()
unit, err := r.SeekPC(addr)
if err == nil {
if frames := f.dwarfSourceLineEntry(r, unit, addr); frames != nil {
return frames
return nil
// dwarfSourceLineEntry tries to get file/line information from a
// DWARF compilation unit. Returns nil if it doesn't find anything.
func (f *file) dwarfSourceLineEntry(r *dwarf.Reader, entry *dwarf.Entry, addr uint64) []plugin.Frame {
lines, err := f.dwarf.LineReader(entry)
if err != nil {
return nil
var lentry dwarf.LineEntry
if err := lines.SeekPC(addr, &lentry); err != nil {
return nil
// Try to find the function name.
name := ""
for entry, err := r.Next(); entry != nil && err == nil; entry, err = r.Next() {
if entry.Tag == dwarf.TagSubprogram {
ranges, err := f.dwarf.Ranges(entry)
if err != nil {
return nil
for _, pcs := range ranges {
if pcs[0] <= addr && addr < pcs[1] {
var ok bool
// TODO: AT_linkage_name, AT_MIPS_linkage_name.
name, ok = entry.Val(dwarf.AttrName).(string)
if ok {
break FindName
// TODO: Report inlined functions.
frames := []plugin.Frame{
Func: name,
File: lentry.File.Name,
Line: lentry.Line,
return frames
func (f *file) Symbols(r *regexp.Regexp, addr uint64) ([]*plugin.Sym, error) {
if f.sym == nil {
sym, err := f.file.Symbols()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
f.sym = sym
var out []*plugin.Sym
for _, s := range f.sym {
if (r == nil || r.MatchString(s.Name)) && (addr == 0 || s.Addr <= addr && addr < s.Addr+uint64(s.Size)) {
out = append(out, &plugin.Sym{
Name: []string{s.Name},
Start: s.Addr,
End: s.Addr + uint64(s.Size) - 1,
return out, nil
func (f *file) Close() error {
return nil