blob: e15f22123f7262dceaad234ac4ad83c00676330a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package gc
import (
// sparseDefState contains a Go map from ONAMEs (*Node) to sparse definition trees, and
// a search helper for the CFG's dominator tree in which those definitions are embedded.
// Once initialized, given a use of an ONAME within a block, the ssa definition for
// that ONAME can be discovered in time roughly proportional to the log of the number
// of SSA definitions of that ONAME (thus avoiding pathological quadratic behavior for
// very large programs). The helper contains state (a dominator tree numbering) common
// to all the sparse definition trees, as well as some necessary data obtained from
// the ssa package.
// This algorithm has improved asymptotic complexity, but the constant factor is
// rather large and thus it is only preferred for very large inputs containing
// 1000s of blocks and variables.
type sparseDefState struct {
helper *ssa.SparseTreeHelper // contains one copy of information needed to do sparse mapping
defmapForOname map[*Node]*onameDefs // for each ONAME, its definition set (normal and phi)
// onameDefs contains a record of definitions (ordinary and implied phi function) for a single OName.
// stm is the set of definitions for the OName.
// firstdef and lastuse are postorder block numberings that
// conservatively bracket the entire lifetime of the OName.
type onameDefs struct {
stm *ssa.SparseTreeMap
// firstdef and lastuse define an interval in the postorder numbering
// that is guaranteed to include the entire lifetime of an ONAME.
// In the postorder numbering, math.MaxInt32 is before anything,
// and 0 is after-or-equal all exit nodes and infinite loops.
firstdef int32 // the first definition of this ONAME *in the postorder numbering*
lastuse int32 // the last use of this ONAME *in the postorder numbering*
// defsFor finds or creates-and-inserts-in-map the definition information
// (sparse tree and live range) for a given OName.
func (m *sparseDefState) defsFor(n *Node) *onameDefs {
d := m.defmapForOname[n]
if d != nil {
return d
// Reminder: firstdef/lastuse are postorder indices, not block indices,
// so these default values define an empty interval, not the entire one.
d = &onameDefs{stm: m.helper.NewTree(), firstdef: 0, lastuse: math.MaxInt32}
m.defmapForOname[n] = d
return d
// Insert adds a definition at b (with specified before/within/after adjustment)
// to sparse tree onameDefs. The lifetime is extended as necessary.
func (m *sparseDefState) Insert(tree *onameDefs, b *ssa.Block, adjust int32) {
bponum := m.helper.Ponums[b.ID]
if bponum > tree.firstdef {
tree.firstdef = bponum
tree.stm.Insert(b, adjust, b, m.helper)
// Use updates tree to record a use within b, extending the lifetime as necessary.
func (m *sparseDefState) Use(tree *onameDefs, b *ssa.Block) {
bponum := m.helper.Ponums[b.ID]
if bponum < tree.lastuse {
tree.lastuse = bponum
// locatePotentialPhiFunctions finds all the places where phi functions
// will be inserted into a program and records those and ordinary definitions
// in a "map" (not a Go map) that given an OName and use site, returns the
// SSA definition for that OName that will reach the use site (that is,
// the use site's nearest def/phi site in the dominator tree.)
func (s *state) locatePotentialPhiFunctions(fn *Node) *sparseDefState {
// s.config.SparsePhiCutoff() is compared with product of numblocks and numvalues,
// if product is smaller than cutoff, use old non-sparse method.
// cutoff == 0 implies all sparse
// cutoff == uint(-1) implies all non-sparse
if uint64(s.f.NumValues())*uint64(s.f.NumBlocks()) < s.config.SparsePhiCutoff() {
return nil
helper := ssa.NewSparseTreeHelper(s.f)
po := helper.Po // index by block.ID to obtain postorder # of block.
trees := make(map[*Node]*onameDefs)
dm := &sparseDefState{defmapForOname: trees, helper: helper}
// Process params, taking note of their special lifetimes
b := s.f.Entry
for _, n := range fn.Func.Dcl {
switch n.Class {
t := dm.defsFor(n)
dm.Insert(t, b, ssa.AdjustBefore) // define param at entry block
if n.Class == PPARAMOUT {
dm.Use(t, po[0]) // Explicitly use PPARAMOUT at very last block
// Process memory variable.
t := dm.defsFor(&memVar)
dm.Insert(t, b, ssa.AdjustBefore) // define memory at entry block
dm.Use(t, po[0]) // Explicitly use memory at last block
// Next load the map w/ basic definitions for ONames recorded per-block
// Iterate over po to avoid unreachable blocks.
for i := len(po) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
b := po[i]
m := s.defvars[b.ID]
for n := range m { // no specified order, but per-node trees are independent.
t := dm.defsFor(n)
dm.Insert(t, b, ssa.AdjustWithin)
// Find last use of each variable
for _, v := range s.fwdRefs {
b := v.Block
name := v.Aux.(*Node)
t := dm.defsFor(name)
dm.Use(t, b)
for _, t := range trees {
// iterating over names in the outer loop
for change := true; change; {
change = false
for i := t.firstdef; i >= t.lastuse; i-- {
// Iterating in reverse of post-order reduces number of 'change' iterations;
// all possible forward flow goes through each time.
b := po[i]
// Within tree t, would a use at b require a phi function to ensure a single definition?
// TODO: perhaps more efficient to record specific use sites instead of range?
if len(b.Preds) < 2 {
continue // no phi possible
phi := t.stm.Find(b, ssa.AdjustWithin, helper) // Look for defs in earlier block or AdjustBefore in this one.
if phi != nil && phi.(*ssa.Block) == b {
continue // has a phi already in this block.
var defseen interface{}
// Do preds see different definitions? if so, need a phi function.
for _, e := range b.Preds {
p := e.Block()
dm.Use(t, p) // always count phi pred as "use"; no-op except for loop edges, which matter.
x := t.stm.Find(p, ssa.AdjustAfter, helper) // Look for defs reaching or within predecessors.
if defseen == nil {
defseen = x
if defseen != x || x == nil { // TODO: too conservative at loops, does better if x == nil -> continue
// Need to insert a phi function here because predecessors's definitions differ.
change = true
// Phi insertion is at AdjustBefore, visible with find in same block at AdjustWithin or AdjustAfter.
dm.Insert(t, b, ssa.AdjustBefore)
return dm
// FindBetterDefiningBlock tries to find a better block for a definition of OName name
// reaching (or within) p than p itself. If it cannot, it returns p instead.
// This aids in more efficient location of phi functions, since it can skip over
// branch code that might contain a definition of name if it actually does not.
func (m *sparseDefState) FindBetterDefiningBlock(name *Node, p *ssa.Block) *ssa.Block {
if m == nil {
return p
t := m.defmapForOname[name]
// For now this is fail-soft, since the old algorithm still works using the unimproved block.
if t == nil {
return p
x := t.stm.Find(p, ssa.AdjustAfter, m.helper)
if x == nil {
return p
b := x.(*ssa.Block)
if b == nil {
return p
return b
func (d *onameDefs) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("onameDefs:first=%d,last=%d,tree=%s", d.firstdef, d.lastuse, d.stm.String())