blob: d5d4290f59bc309a5a8dd68e8bbdc557a3189a55 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package syntax
import (
var (
fast = flag.Bool("fast", false, "parse package files in parallel")
verify = flag.Bool("verify", false, "verify idempotent printing")
src_ = flag.String("src", "parser.go", "source file to parse")
skip = flag.String("skip", "", "files matching this regular expression are skipped by TestStdLib")
func TestParse(t *testing.T) {
ParseFile(*src_, func(err error) { t.Error(err) }, nil, 0)
func TestVerify(t *testing.T) {
ast, err := ParseFile(*src_, func(err error) { t.Error(err) }, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
return // error already reported
verifyPrint(t, *src_, ast)
func TestStdLib(t *testing.T) {
if testing.Short() {
t.Skip("skipping test in short mode")
var skipRx *regexp.Regexp
if *skip != "" {
var err error
skipRx, err = regexp.Compile(*skip)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("invalid argument for -skip (%v)", err)
var m1 runtime.MemStats
start := time.Now()
type parseResult struct {
filename string
lines uint
goroot := testenv.GOROOT(t)
results := make(chan parseResult)
go func() {
defer close(results)
for _, dir := range []string{
filepath.Join(goroot, "src"),
filepath.Join(goroot, "misc"),
} {
if filepath.Base(dir) == "misc" {
// cmd/distpack deletes GOROOT/misc, so skip that directory if it isn't present.
// cmd/distpack also requires GOROOT/VERSION to exist, so use that to
// suppress false-positive skips.
if _, err := os.Stat(dir); os.IsNotExist(err) {
if _, err := os.Stat(filepath.Join(testenv.GOROOT(t), "VERSION")); err == nil {
fmt.Printf("%s not present; skipping\n", dir)
walkDirs(t, dir, func(filename string) {
if skipRx != nil && skipRx.MatchString(filename) {
// Always report skipped files since regexp
// typos can lead to surprising results.
fmt.Printf("skipping %s\n", filename)
if debug {
fmt.Printf("parsing %s\n", filename)
ast, err := ParseFile(filename, nil, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
if *verify {
verifyPrint(t, filename, ast)
results <- parseResult{filename, ast.EOF.Line()}
var count, lines uint
for res := range results {
lines += res.lines
if testing.Verbose() {
fmt.Printf("%5d %s (%d lines)\n", count, res.filename, res.lines)
dt := time.Since(start)
var m2 runtime.MemStats
dm := float64(m2.TotalAlloc-m1.TotalAlloc) / 1e6
fmt.Printf("parsed %d lines (%d files) in %v (%d lines/s)\n", lines, count, dt, int64(float64(lines)/dt.Seconds()))
fmt.Printf("allocated %.3fMb (%.3fMb/s)\n", dm, dm/dt.Seconds())
func walkDirs(t *testing.T, dir string, action func(string)) {
entries, err := os.ReadDir(dir)
if err != nil {
var files, dirs []string
for _, entry := range entries {
if entry.Type().IsRegular() {
if strings.HasSuffix(entry.Name(), ".go") {
path := filepath.Join(dir, entry.Name())
files = append(files, path)
} else if entry.IsDir() && entry.Name() != "testdata" {
path := filepath.Join(dir, entry.Name())
if !strings.HasSuffix(path, string(filepath.Separator)+"test") {
dirs = append(dirs, path)
if *fast {
var wg sync.WaitGroup
for _, filename := range files {
go func(filename string) {
defer wg.Done()
} else {
for _, filename := range files {
for _, dir := range dirs {
walkDirs(t, dir, action)
func verifyPrint(t *testing.T, filename string, ast1 *File) {
var buf1 bytes.Buffer
_, err := Fprint(&buf1, ast1, LineForm)
if err != nil {
bytes1 := buf1.Bytes()
ast2, err := Parse(NewFileBase(filename), &buf1, nil, nil, 0)
if err != nil {
var buf2 bytes.Buffer
_, err = Fprint(&buf2, ast2, LineForm)
if err != nil {
bytes2 := buf2.Bytes()
if bytes.Compare(bytes1, bytes2) != 0 {
fmt.Printf("--- %s ---\n", filename)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", bytes1)
fmt.Printf("--- %s ---\n", filename)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", bytes2)
t.Error("printed syntax trees do not match")
func TestIssue17697(t *testing.T) {
_, err := Parse(nil, bytes.NewReader(nil), nil, nil, 0) // return with parser error, don't panic
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("no error reported")
func TestParseFile(t *testing.T) {
_, err := ParseFile("", nil, nil, 0)
if err == nil {
t.Error("missing io error")
var first error
_, err = ParseFile("", func(err error) {
if first == nil {
first = err
}, nil, 0)
if err == nil || first == nil {
t.Error("missing io error")
if err != first {
t.Errorf("got %v; want first error %v", err, first)
// Make sure (PosMax + 1) doesn't overflow when converted to default
// type int (when passed as argument to fmt.Sprintf) on 32bit platforms
// (see test cases below).
var tooLarge int = PosMax + 1
func TestLineDirectives(t *testing.T) {
// valid line directives lead to a syntax error after them
const valid = "syntax error: package statement must be first"
const filename = "directives.go"
for _, test := range []struct {
src, msg string
filename string
line, col uint // 1-based; 0 means unknown
// ignored //line directives
{"//\n", valid, filename, 2, 1}, // no directive
{"//line\n", valid, filename, 2, 1}, // missing colon
{"//line foo\n", valid, filename, 2, 1}, // missing colon
{" //line foo:\n", valid, filename, 2, 1}, // not a line start
{"// line foo:\n", valid, filename, 2, 1}, // space between // and line
// invalid //line directives with one colon
{"//line :\n", "invalid line number: ", filename, 1, 9},
{"//line :x\n", "invalid line number: x", filename, 1, 9},
{"//line foo :\n", "invalid line number: ", filename, 1, 13},
{"//line foo:x\n", "invalid line number: x", filename, 1, 12},
{"//line foo:0\n", "invalid line number: 0", filename, 1, 12},
{"//line foo:1 \n", "invalid line number: 1 ", filename, 1, 12},
{"//line foo:-12\n", "invalid line number: -12", filename, 1, 12},
{"//line C:foo:0\n", "invalid line number: 0", filename, 1, 14},
{fmt.Sprintf("//line foo:%d\n", tooLarge), fmt.Sprintf("invalid line number: %d", tooLarge), filename, 1, 12},
// invalid //line directives with two colons
{"//line ::\n", "invalid line number: ", filename, 1, 10},
{"//line ::x\n", "invalid line number: x", filename, 1, 10},
{"//line foo::123abc\n", "invalid line number: 123abc", filename, 1, 13},
{"//line foo::0\n", "invalid line number: 0", filename, 1, 13},
{"//line foo:0:1\n", "invalid line number: 0", filename, 1, 12},
{"//line :123:0\n", "invalid column number: 0", filename, 1, 13},
{"//line foo:123:0\n", "invalid column number: 0", filename, 1, 16},
{fmt.Sprintf("//line foo:10:%d\n", tooLarge), fmt.Sprintf("invalid column number: %d", tooLarge), filename, 1, 15},
// effect of valid //line directives on lines
{"//line foo:123\n foo", valid, "foo", 123, 0},
{"//line foo:123\n foo", valid, " foo", 123, 0},
{"//line foo:123\n//line bar:345\nfoo", valid, "bar", 345, 0},
{"//line C:foo:123\n", valid, "C:foo", 123, 0},
{"//line /src/a/a.go:123\n foo", valid, "/src/a/a.go", 123, 0},
{"//line :x:1\n", valid, ":x", 1, 0},
{"//line foo ::1\n", valid, "foo :", 1, 0},
{"//line foo:123abc:1\n", valid, "foo:123abc", 1, 0},
{"//line foo :123:1\n", valid, "foo ", 123, 1},
{"//line ::123\n", valid, ":", 123, 0},
// effect of valid //line directives on columns
{"//line :x:1:10\n", valid, ":x", 1, 10},
{"//line foo ::1:2\n", valid, "foo :", 1, 2},
{"//line foo:123abc:1:1000\n", valid, "foo:123abc", 1, 1000},
{"//line foo :123:1000\n\n", valid, "foo ", 124, 1},
{"//line ::123:1234\n", valid, ":", 123, 1234},
// //line directives with omitted filenames lead to empty filenames
{"//line :10\n", valid, "", 10, 0},
{"//line :10:20\n", valid, filename, 10, 20},
{"//line bar:1\n//line :10\n", valid, "", 10, 0},
{"//line bar:1\n//line :10:20\n", valid, "bar", 10, 20},
// ignored /*line directives
{"/**/", valid, filename, 1, 5}, // no directive
{"/*line*/", valid, filename, 1, 9}, // missing colon
{"/*line foo*/", valid, filename, 1, 13}, // missing colon
{" //line foo:*/", valid, filename, 1, 16}, // not a line start
{"/* line foo:*/", valid, filename, 1, 16}, // space between // and line
// invalid /*line directives with one colon
{"/*line :*/", "invalid line number: ", filename, 1, 9},
{"/*line :x*/", "invalid line number: x", filename, 1, 9},
{"/*line foo :*/", "invalid line number: ", filename, 1, 13},
{"/*line foo:x*/", "invalid line number: x", filename, 1, 12},
{"/*line foo:0*/", "invalid line number: 0", filename, 1, 12},
{"/*line foo:1 */", "invalid line number: 1 ", filename, 1, 12},
{"/*line C:foo:0*/", "invalid line number: 0", filename, 1, 14},
{fmt.Sprintf("/*line foo:%d*/", tooLarge), fmt.Sprintf("invalid line number: %d", tooLarge), filename, 1, 12},
// invalid /*line directives with two colons
{"/*line ::*/", "invalid line number: ", filename, 1, 10},
{"/*line ::x*/", "invalid line number: x", filename, 1, 10},
{"/*line foo::123abc*/", "invalid line number: 123abc", filename, 1, 13},
{"/*line foo::0*/", "invalid line number: 0", filename, 1, 13},
{"/*line foo:0:1*/", "invalid line number: 0", filename, 1, 12},
{"/*line :123:0*/", "invalid column number: 0", filename, 1, 13},
{"/*line foo:123:0*/", "invalid column number: 0", filename, 1, 16},
{fmt.Sprintf("/*line foo:10:%d*/", tooLarge), fmt.Sprintf("invalid column number: %d", tooLarge), filename, 1, 15},
// effect of valid /*line directives on lines
{"/*line foo:123*/ foo", valid, "foo", 123, 0},
{"/*line foo:123*/\n//line bar:345\nfoo", valid, "bar", 345, 0},
{"/*line C:foo:123*/", valid, "C:foo", 123, 0},
{"/*line /src/a/a.go:123*/ foo", valid, "/src/a/a.go", 123, 0},
{"/*line :x:1*/", valid, ":x", 1, 0},
{"/*line foo ::1*/", valid, "foo :", 1, 0},
{"/*line foo:123abc:1*/", valid, "foo:123abc", 1, 0},
{"/*line foo :123:10*/", valid, "foo ", 123, 10},
{"/*line ::123*/", valid, ":", 123, 0},
// effect of valid /*line directives on columns
{"/*line :x:1:10*/", valid, ":x", 1, 10},
{"/*line foo ::1:2*/", valid, "foo :", 1, 2},
{"/*line foo:123abc:1:1000*/", valid, "foo:123abc", 1, 1000},
{"/*line foo :123:1000*/\n", valid, "foo ", 124, 1},
{"/*line ::123:1234*/", valid, ":", 123, 1234},
// /*line directives with omitted filenames lead to the previously used filenames
{"/*line :10*/", valid, "", 10, 0},
{"/*line :10:20*/", valid, filename, 10, 20},
{"//line bar:1\n/*line :10*/", valid, "", 10, 0},
{"//line bar:1\n/*line :10:20*/", valid, "bar", 10, 20},
} {
base := NewFileBase(filename)
_, err := Parse(base, strings.NewReader(test.src), nil, nil, 0)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("%s: no error reported", test.src)
perr, ok := err.(Error)
if !ok {
t.Errorf("%s: got %v; want parser error", test.src, err)
if msg := perr.Msg; msg != test.msg {
t.Errorf("%s: got msg = %q; want %q", test.src, msg, test.msg)
pos := perr.Pos
if filename := pos.RelFilename(); filename != test.filename {
t.Errorf("%s: got filename = %q; want %q", test.src, filename, test.filename)
if line := pos.RelLine(); line != test.line {
t.Errorf("%s: got line = %d; want %d", test.src, line, test.line)
if col := pos.RelCol(); col != test.col {
t.Errorf("%s: got col = %d; want %d", test.src, col, test.col)