[release-branch.go1.20] all: merge master (db36eca) into release-branch.go1.20

Merge List:

+ 2022-12-29 db36eca33c doc/go1.20: fix typos
+ 2022-12-29 642fd5f7ce go/types, types2: use strict comparability for type set intersection
+ 2022-12-28 9123221ccf misc/cgo/testsanitizers: run libfuzzer tests in temp directory
+ 2022-12-27 e870de9936 misc/cgo/testsanitizers: add libfuzzer tests
+ 2022-12-23 38cfb3be9d testing: rephrase the sentence about naming test files
+ 2022-12-23 1ba7341cb2 cmd/link, runtime: use a different section for Go libfuzzer counters
+ 2022-12-22 c61d322d5f runtime: call __fork instead of fork on darwin
+ 2022-12-22 6c9b661867 runtime: revert Apple libc atfork workaround
+ 2022-12-22 6d3139b203 misc/cgo/testshared: test build std in shared mode
+ 2022-12-22 de6abd7889 runtime/internal/startlinetest: work around shared buildmode linking issue
+ 2022-12-22 18baca6765 runtime/race: add build tag to internal amd64vN packages
+ 2022-12-22 13ed4f42f0 doc/go1.20: fix typo
+ 2022-12-21 fadd77c05b runtime/coverage: add missing file close in test support helper
+ 2022-12-21 c9a10d48a8 crypto/x509: return typed verification errors on macOS
+ 2022-12-21 2321abc5e9 archive/tar, archive/zip: revert documentation of ErrInsecurePath
+ 2022-12-21 458241f981 net/http/httputil: don't add X-Forwarded-{Host,Proto} after invoking Director funcs
+ 2022-12-21 58f6022eee syscall: don't use faccessat2 on android
+ 2022-12-21 78fc81070a net: use correct dns msg size
+ 2022-12-19 a5a4744250 os: reenable TestReaddirSmallSeek on windows
+ 2022-12-17 0b2ad1d815 cmd/compile: sign-extend the 2nd argument of the LoweredAtomicCas32 on loong64,mips64x,riscv64
+ 2022-12-16 8bcc490667 os/user,net: add -fno-stack-protector to CFLAGS
+ 2022-12-16 f4b42f5cb8 net/http: improve errors in TestCancelRequestWhenSharingConnection
+ 2022-12-16 24ac659a39 syscall, internal/poll: fall back to accept on linux-arm
+ 2022-12-16 3323dab1f4 os/exec: retry ETXTBSY errors in TestFindExecutableVsNoexec
+ 2022-12-15 628a1e7d3a doc/go1.20: fix typo
+ 2022-12-15 357ea85892 spec: fix typo
+ 2022-12-14 ea14d1b6e1 spec: document which recursive arrays and structs are valid/invalid
+ 2022-12-14 0b8add46ce doc/go1.20.html: pre-announce dropping Windows 7, 8, and friends
+ 2022-12-14 4f8bc6224b cmd/compile: desugar OCALLMETH->OCALLFUNC within devirtualization
+ 2022-12-14 5c682f94c6 spec: document illegal recursive type parameter lists
+ 2022-12-14 bd42aa86d3 spec: describe new semantics for comparable and constraint satisfaction
+ 2022-12-14 ffefcd360b spec: introduce notion of strict comparability
+ 2022-12-13 cb07765045 syscall: fix closing of reordered FDs in plan9 ForkExec
+ 2022-12-13 5ba98b9756 go/types, types2: report type mismatch error when conversion is impossible
+ 2022-12-13 61e2b8ec59 cmd/gc: test temp string comparison with all ops
+ 2022-12-12 b16e94d13d syscall: skip TestUseCgroupFD if cgroupfs mounted RO
+ 2022-12-12 27301e8247 syscall: fix shadowing bugs in forkAndExecInChild
+ 2022-12-12 6f7a95d25e sync: remove unused const
+ 2022-12-12 6b895d9eaa doc/go1.20: fix typo
+ 2022-12-12 c6ad9dc9b5 debug/buildinfo: check pointer size on buildinfo.Read
+ 2022-12-12 5dca7ed66f doc/go1.20: fix URL anchor
+ 2022-12-11 888047c310 cmd/compile: fix conditional move rule on PPC64
+ 2022-12-10 9b8750f53e os: skip size test in TestLstat if the file is a symlink
+ 2022-12-09 e8f78cb60c cmd/compile: fix conditional select rule
+ 2022-12-09 e76c87b191 doc: fix typo in 1.20 release notes
+ 2022-12-09 80f7484af7 os/user: zero-initialize C structs returned to Go
+ 2022-12-08 e738a2f19b go/types, types2: always rename type parameters during inference
+ 2022-12-08 8247b9f17a doc: fix typo
+ 2022-12-08 f368abb46e doc/go1.20: correct test binary -v flag value for test2json
+ 2022-12-08 7973b0e508 cmd/{go,cover,covdata}: fix 'package main' inconsistent handling
+ 2022-12-08 0aad4d3257 cmd/link: fix dynamic interpreter path for musl-based linux amd64
+ 2022-12-08 eaf0e3d465 runtime: remove arbitrary timeouts in finalizer tests
+ 2022-12-08 c8313d4fa8 cmd/go: deflake TestScript/test2json_interrupt
+ 2022-12-08 b9747e0e6b os/user: on AIX getpwuid_r seems to return -1 on overflow
+ 2022-12-07 9431237d77 internal/safefilepath: fix TestFromFS on Plan 9
+ 2022-12-07 7c7cd56870 cmd/go: in TestTerminalPassthrough, delay subprocess exit until the PTY has been read

Change-Id: I037343df0fe5b171b5f5726fcc55c01108d2563e
tree: 24c980074b6f7cc1130c43c4c374fb168ba9e123
  1. .github/
  2. api/
  3. doc/
  4. lib/
  5. misc/
  6. src/
  7. test/
  8. .gitattributes
  9. .gitignore
  10. codereview.cfg
  14. README.md
  15. SECURITY.md

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