blob: 4c364b0c542f98eaed34359d751d03e457cb26ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Go new object file format, reading and writing.
package goobj2 // TODO: replace the goobj package?
import (
// New object file format.
// Header struct {
// Magic [...]byte // "\x00go114LD"
// Flags uint32
// // TODO: Fingerprint
// Offsets [...]uint32 // byte offset of each block below
// }
// Strings [...]struct {
// Len uint32
// Data [...]byte
// }
// Autolib [...]stringOff // imported packages (for file loading) // TODO: add fingerprints
// PkgIndex [...]stringOff // referenced packages by index
// DwarfFiles [...]stringOff
// SymbolDefs [...]struct {
// Name stringOff
// ABI uint16
// Type uint8
// Flag uint8
// Size uint32
// }
// NonPkgDefs [...]struct { // non-pkg symbol definitions
// ... // same as SymbolDefs
// }
// NonPkgRefs [...]struct { // non-pkg symbol references
// ... // same as SymbolDefs
// }
// RelocIndex [...]uint32 // index to Relocs
// AuxIndex [...]uint32 // index to Aux
// DataIndex [...]uint32 // offset to Data
// Relocs [...]struct {
// Off int32
// Size uint8
// Type uint8
// Add int64
// Sym symRef
// }
// Aux [...]struct {
// Type uint8
// Sym symRef
// }
// Data [...]byte
// Pcdata [...]byte
// stringOff is a uint32 (?) offset that points to the corresponding
// string, which is a uint32 length followed by that number of bytes.
// symRef is struct { PkgIdx, SymIdx uint32 }.
// Slice type (e.g. []symRef) is encoded as a length prefix (uint32)
// followed by that number of elements.
// The types below correspond to the encoded data structure in the
// object file.
// Symbol indexing.
// Each symbol is referenced with a pair of indices, { PkgIdx, SymIdx },
// as the symRef struct above.
// PkgIdx is either a predeclared index (see PkgIdxNone below) or
// an index of an imported package. For the latter case, PkgIdx is the
// index of the package in the PkgIndex array. 0 is an invalid index.
// SymIdx is the index of the symbol in the given package.
// - If PkgIdx is PkgIdxSelf, SymIdx is the index of the symbol in the
// SymbolDefs array.
// - If PkgIdx is PkgIdxNone, SymIdx is the index of the symbol in the
// NonPkgDefs array (could natually overflow to NonPkgRefs array).
// - Otherwise, SymIdx is the index of the symbol in some other package's
// SymbolDefs array.
// {0, 0} represents a nil symbol. Otherwise PkgIdx should not be 0.
// RelocIndex, AuxIndex, and DataIndex contains indices/offsets to
// Relocs/Aux/Data blocks, one element per symbol, first for all the
// defined symbols, then all the defined non-package symbols, in the
// same order of SymbolDefs/NonPkgDefs arrays. For N total defined
// symbols, the array is of length N+1. The last element is the total
// number of relocations (aux symbols, data blocks, etc.).
// They can be accessed by index. For the i-th symbol, its relocations
// are the RelocIndex[i]-th (inclusive) to RelocIndex[i+1]-th (exclusive)
// elements in the Relocs array. Aux/Data are likewise. (The index is
// 0-based.)
// Auxiliary symbols.
// Each symbol may (or may not) be associated with a number of auxiliary
// symbols. They are described in the Aux block. See Aux struct below.
// Currently a symbol's Gotype and FuncInfo are auxiliary symbols. We
// may make use of aux symbols in more cases, e.g. DWARF symbols.
// Package Index.
const (
PkgIdxNone = (1<<31 - 1) - iota // Non-package symbols
PkgIdxBuiltin // Predefined symbols // TODO: not used for now, we could use it for compiler-generated symbols like runtime.newobject
PkgIdxSelf // Symbols defined in the current package
PkgIdxInvalid = 0
// The index of other referenced packages starts from 1.
// Blocks
const (
BlkAutolib = iota
// File header.
// TODO: probably no need to export this.
type Header struct {
Magic string
Flags uint32
Offsets [NBlk]uint32
const Magic = "\x00go114LD"
func (h *Header) Write(w *Writer) {
for _, x := range h.Offsets {
func (h *Header) Read(r *Reader) error {
b := r.BytesAt(0, len(Magic))
h.Magic = string(b)
if h.Magic != Magic {
return errors.New("wrong magic, not a Go object file")
off := uint32(len(h.Magic))
h.Flags = r.uint32At(off)
off += 4
for i := range h.Offsets {
h.Offsets[i] = r.uint32At(off)
off += 4
return nil
func (h *Header) Size() int {
return len(h.Magic) + 4 + 4*len(h.Offsets)
// Symbol definition.
type Sym struct {
Name string
ABI uint16
Type uint8
Flag uint8
Siz uint32
const SymABIstatic = ^uint16(0)
const (
ObjFlagShared = 1 << iota
const (
SymFlagDupok = 1 << iota
func (s *Sym) Write(w *Writer) {
func (s *Sym) Read(r *Reader, off uint32) {
s.Name = r.StringRef(off)
s.ABI = r.uint16At(off + 4)
s.Type = r.uint8At(off + 6)
s.Flag = r.uint8At(off + 7)
s.Siz = r.uint32At(off + 8)
func (s *Sym) Size() int {
return 4 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4
func (s *Sym) Dupok() bool { return s.Flag&SymFlagDupok != 0 }
func (s *Sym) Local() bool { return s.Flag&SymFlagLocal != 0 }
func (s *Sym) Typelink() bool { return s.Flag&SymFlagTypelink != 0 }
func (s *Sym) Leaf() bool { return s.Flag&SymFlagLeaf != 0 }
func (s *Sym) CFunc() bool { return s.Flag&SymFlagCFunc != 0 }
func (s *Sym) ReflectMethod() bool { return s.Flag&SymFlagReflectMethod != 0 }
func (s *Sym) IsGoType() bool { return s.Flag&SymFlagGoType != 0 }
func (s *Sym) TopFrame() bool { return s.Flag&SymFlagTopFrame != 0 }
// Symbol reference.
type SymRef struct {
PkgIdx uint32
SymIdx uint32
func (s *SymRef) Write(w *Writer) {
func (s *SymRef) Read(r *Reader, off uint32) {
s.PkgIdx = r.uint32At(off)
s.SymIdx = r.uint32At(off + 4)
func (s *SymRef) Size() int {
return 4 + 4
// Relocation.
type Reloc struct {
Off int32
Siz uint8
Type uint8
Add int64
Sym SymRef
func (r *Reloc) Write(w *Writer) {
func (o *Reloc) Read(r *Reader, off uint32) {
o.Off = r.int32At(off)
o.Siz = r.uint8At(off + 4)
o.Type = r.uint8At(off + 5)
o.Add = r.int64At(off + 6)
o.Sym.Read(r, off+14)
func (r *Reloc) Size() int {
return 4 + 1 + 1 + 8 + r.Sym.Size()
// Aux symbol info.
type Aux struct {
Type uint8
Sym SymRef
// Aux Type
const (
AuxGotype = iota
// TODO: more. Pcdata?
func (a *Aux) Write(w *Writer) {
func (a *Aux) Read(r *Reader, off uint32) {
a.Type = r.uint8At(off)
a.Sym.Read(r, off+1)
func (a *Aux) Size() int {
return 1 + a.Sym.Size()
type Writer struct {
wr *bio.Writer
stringMap map[string]uint32
off uint32 // running offset
func NewWriter(wr *bio.Writer) *Writer {
return &Writer{wr: wr, stringMap: make(map[string]uint32)}
func (w *Writer) AddString(s string) {
if _, ok := w.stringMap[s]; ok {
w.stringMap[s] =
func (w *Writer) StringRef(s string) {
off, ok := w.stringMap[s]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("writeStringRef: string not added: %q", s))
func (w *Writer) RawString(s string) {
w.wr.WriteString(s) += uint32(len(s))
func (w *Writer) Bytes(s []byte) {
w.wr.Write(s) += uint32(len(s))
func (w *Writer) Uint64(x uint64) {
var b [8]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(b[:], x)
w.wr.Write(b[:]) += 8
func (w *Writer) Uint32(x uint32) {
var b [4]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(b[:], x)
w.wr.Write(b[:]) += 4
func (w *Writer) Uint16(x uint16) {
var b [2]byte
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint16(b[:], x)
w.wr.Write(b[:]) += 2
func (w *Writer) Uint8(x uint8) {
func (w *Writer) Offset() uint32 {
type Reader struct {
b []byte // mmapped bytes, if not nil
readonly bool // whether b is backed with read-only memory
rd io.ReaderAt
start uint32
h Header // keep block offsets
func NewReaderFromBytes(b []byte, readonly bool) *Reader {
r := &Reader{b: b, readonly: readonly, rd: bytes.NewReader(b), start: 0}
err := r.h.Read(r)
if err != nil {
return nil
return r
func (r *Reader) BytesAt(off uint32, len int) []byte {
if len == 0 {
return nil
end := int(off) + len
return r.b[int(off):end:end]
func (r *Reader) uint64At(off uint32) uint64 {
b := r.BytesAt(off, 8)
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(b)
func (r *Reader) int64At(off uint32) int64 {
return int64(r.uint64At(off))
func (r *Reader) uint32At(off uint32) uint32 {
b := r.BytesAt(off, 4)
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(b)
func (r *Reader) int32At(off uint32) int32 {
return int32(r.uint32At(off))
func (r *Reader) uint16At(off uint32) uint16 {
b := r.BytesAt(off, 2)
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(b)
func (r *Reader) uint8At(off uint32) uint8 {
b := r.BytesAt(off, 1)
return b[0]
func (r *Reader) StringAt(off uint32) string {
l := r.uint32At(off)
b := r.b[off+4 : off+4+l]
if r.readonly {
return toString(b) // backed by RO memory, ok to make unsafe string
return string(b)
func toString(b []byte) string {
type stringHeader struct {
str unsafe.Pointer
len int
if len(b) == 0 {
return ""
ss := stringHeader{str: unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]), len: len(b)}
s := *(*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&ss))
return s
func (r *Reader) StringRef(off uint32) string {
return r.StringAt(r.uint32At(off))
func (r *Reader) Autolib() []string {
n := (r.h.Offsets[BlkAutolib+1] - r.h.Offsets[BlkAutolib]) / 4
s := make([]string, n)
for i := range s {
off := r.h.Offsets[BlkAutolib] + uint32(i)*4
s[i] = r.StringRef(off)
return s
func (r *Reader) Pkglist() []string {
n := (r.h.Offsets[BlkPkgIdx+1] - r.h.Offsets[BlkPkgIdx]) / 4
s := make([]string, n)
for i := range s {
off := r.h.Offsets[BlkPkgIdx] + uint32(i)*4
s[i] = r.StringRef(off)
return s
func (r *Reader) NPkg() int {
return int(r.h.Offsets[BlkPkgIdx+1]-r.h.Offsets[BlkPkgIdx]) / 4
func (r *Reader) Pkg(i int) string {
off := r.h.Offsets[BlkPkgIdx] + uint32(i)*4
return r.StringRef(off)
func (r *Reader) NDwarfFile() int {
return int(r.h.Offsets[BlkDwarfFile+1]-r.h.Offsets[BlkDwarfFile]) / 4
func (r *Reader) DwarfFile(i int) string {
off := r.h.Offsets[BlkDwarfFile] + uint32(i)*4
return r.StringRef(off)
func (r *Reader) NSym() int {
symsiz := (&Sym{}).Size()
return int(r.h.Offsets[BlkSymdef+1]-r.h.Offsets[BlkSymdef]) / symsiz
func (r *Reader) NNonpkgdef() int {
symsiz := (&Sym{}).Size()
return int(r.h.Offsets[BlkNonpkgdef+1]-r.h.Offsets[BlkNonpkgdef]) / symsiz
func (r *Reader) NNonpkgref() int {
symsiz := (&Sym{}).Size()
return int(r.h.Offsets[BlkNonpkgref+1]-r.h.Offsets[BlkNonpkgref]) / symsiz
// SymOff returns the offset of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) SymOff(i int) uint32 {
symsiz := (&Sym{}).Size()
return r.h.Offsets[BlkSymdef] + uint32(i*symsiz)
// NReloc returns the number of relocations of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) NReloc(i int) int {
relocIdxOff := r.h.Offsets[BlkRelocIdx] + uint32(i*4)
return int(r.uint32At(relocIdxOff+4) - r.uint32At(relocIdxOff))
// RelocOff returns the offset of the j-th relocation of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) RelocOff(i int, j int) uint32 {
relocIdxOff := r.h.Offsets[BlkRelocIdx] + uint32(i*4)
relocIdx := r.uint32At(relocIdxOff)
relocsiz := (&Reloc{}).Size()
return r.h.Offsets[BlkReloc] + (relocIdx+uint32(j))*uint32(relocsiz)
// NAux returns the number of aux symbols of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) NAux(i int) int {
auxIdxOff := r.h.Offsets[BlkAuxIdx] + uint32(i*4)
return int(r.uint32At(auxIdxOff+4) - r.uint32At(auxIdxOff))
// AuxOff returns the offset of the j-th aux symbol of the i-th symbol.
func (r *Reader) AuxOff(i int, j int) uint32 {
auxIdxOff := r.h.Offsets[BlkAuxIdx] + uint32(i*4)
auxIdx := r.uint32At(auxIdxOff)
auxsiz := (&Aux{}).Size()
return r.h.Offsets[BlkAux] + (auxIdx+uint32(j))*uint32(auxsiz)
// DataOff returns the offset of the i-th symbol's data.
func (r *Reader) DataOff(i int) uint32 {
dataIdxOff := r.h.Offsets[BlkDataIdx] + uint32(i*4)
return r.h.Offsets[BlkData] + r.uint32At(dataIdxOff)
// DataSize returns the size of the i-th symbol's data.
func (r *Reader) DataSize(i int) int {
return int(r.DataOff(i+1) - r.DataOff(i))
// Data returns the i-th symbol's data.
func (r *Reader) Data(i int) []byte {
return r.BytesAt(r.DataOff(i), r.DataSize(i))
// AuxDataBase returns the base offset of the aux data block.
func (r *Reader) PcdataBase() uint32 {
return r.h.Offsets[BlkPcdata]
// ReadOnly returns whether r.BytesAt returns read-only bytes.
func (r *Reader) ReadOnly() bool {
return r.readonly
// Flags returns the flag bits read from the object file header.
func (r *Reader) Flags() uint32 {
return r.h.Flags