blob: 2b7eeee175b7bbcd8ee647bcc537f0f293cbcbfb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Trie table generator.
// Used by make*tables tools to generate a go file with trie data structures
// for mapping UTF-8 to a 16-bit value. All but the last byte in a UTF-8 byte
// sequence are used to lookup offsets in the index table to be used for the
// next byte. The last byte is used to index into a table with 16-bit values.
package main
import (
// Intermediate trie structure
type trieNode struct {
table [256]*trieNode
value uint16
b byte
leaf bool
func newNode() *trieNode {
return new(trieNode)
func (n trieNode) String() string {
s := fmt.Sprint("trieNode{table: { non-nil at index: ")
for i, v := range n.table {
if v != nil {
s += fmt.Sprintf("%d, ", i)
s += fmt.Sprintf("}, value:%#x, b:%#x leaf:%v}", n.value, n.b, n.leaf)
return s
func (n trieNode) isInternal() bool {
internal := true
for i := 0; i < 256; i++ {
if nn := n.table[i]; nn != nil {
if !internal && !nn.leaf {
log.Fatalf("triegen: isInternal: node contains both leaf and non-leaf children (%v)", n)
internal = internal && !nn.leaf
return internal
func (n *trieNode) insert(rune int, value uint16) {
var p [utf8.UTFMax]byte
sz := utf8.EncodeRune(p[:], rune)
for i := 0; i < sz; i++ {
if n.leaf {
log.Fatalf("triegen: insert: node (%#v) should not be a leaf", n)
nn := n.table[p[i]]
if nn == nil {
nn = newNode()
nn.b = p[i]
n.table[p[i]] = nn
n = nn
n.value = value
n.leaf = true
type nodeIndex struct {
lookupBlocks []*trieNode
valueBlocks []*trieNode
lookupBlockIdx map[uint32]uint16
valueBlockIdx map[uint32]uint16
func newIndex() *nodeIndex {
index := &nodeIndex{}
index.lookupBlocks = make([]*trieNode, 0)
index.valueBlocks = make([]*trieNode, 0)
index.lookupBlockIdx = make(map[uint32]uint16)
index.valueBlockIdx = make(map[uint32]uint16)
return index
func computeOffsets(index *nodeIndex, n *trieNode) uint16 {
if n.leaf {
return n.value
hasher := crc32.New(crc32.MakeTable(crc32.IEEE))
// We only index continuation bytes.
for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
var v uint16 = 0
if nn := n.table[0x80+i]; nn != nil {
v = computeOffsets(index, nn)
hasher.Write([]byte{uint8(v >> 8), uint8(v)})
h := hasher.Sum32()
if n.isInternal() {
v, ok := index.lookupBlockIdx[h]
if !ok {
v = uint16(len(index.lookupBlocks))
index.lookupBlocks = append(index.lookupBlocks, n)
index.lookupBlockIdx[h] = v
n.value = v
} else {
v, ok := index.valueBlockIdx[h]
if !ok {
v = uint16(len(index.valueBlocks))
index.valueBlocks = append(index.valueBlocks, n)
index.valueBlockIdx[h] = v
n.value = v
return n.value
func printValueBlock(nr int, n *trieNode, offset int) {
boff := nr * 64
fmt.Printf("\n// Block %#x, offset %#x", nr, boff)
var printnewline bool
for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
if i%6 == 0 {
printnewline = true
v := uint16(0)
if nn := n.table[i+offset]; nn != nil {
v = nn.value
if v != 0 {
if printnewline {
printnewline = false
fmt.Printf("%#04x:%#04x, ", nr*64+i, v)
func printLookupBlock(nr int, n *trieNode, offset int) {
boff := nr * 64
fmt.Printf("\n// Block %#x, offset %#x", nr, boff)
var printnewline bool
for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
if i%8 == 0 {
printnewline = true
v := uint16(0)
if nn := n.table[i+offset]; nn != nil {
v = nn.value
if v != 0 {
if printnewline {
printnewline = false
fmt.Printf("%#03x:%#02x, ", boff+i, v)
// printTables returns the size in bytes of the generated tables.
func (t *trieNode) printTables(name string) int {
index := newIndex()
// Values for 7-bit ASCII are stored in first two block, followed by nil block.
index.valueBlocks = append(index.valueBlocks, nil, nil, nil)
// First byte of multi-byte UTF-8 codepoints are indexed in 4th block.
index.lookupBlocks = append(index.lookupBlocks, nil, nil, nil, nil)
// Index starter bytes of multi-byte UTF-8.
for i := 0xC0; i < 0x100; i++ {
if t.table[i] != nil {
computeOffsets(index, t.table[i])
nv := len(index.valueBlocks) * 64
fmt.Printf("// %sValues: %d entries, %d bytes\n", name, nv, nv*2)
fmt.Printf("// Block 2 is the null block.\n")
fmt.Printf("var %sValues = [%d]uint16 {", name, nv)
printValueBlock(0, t, 0)
printValueBlock(1, t, 64)
printValueBlock(2, newNode(), 0)
for i := 3; i < len(index.valueBlocks); i++ {
printValueBlock(i, index.valueBlocks[i], 0x80)
ni := len(index.lookupBlocks) * 64
fmt.Printf("// %sLookup: %d bytes\n", name, ni)
fmt.Printf("// Block 0 is the null block.\n")
fmt.Printf("var %sLookup = [%d]uint8 {", name, ni)
printLookupBlock(0, newNode(), 0)
printLookupBlock(1, newNode(), 0)
printLookupBlock(2, newNode(), 0)
printLookupBlock(3, t, 0xC0)
for i := 4; i < len(index.lookupBlocks); i++ {
printLookupBlock(i, index.lookupBlocks[i], 0x80)
fmt.Printf("var %sTrie = trie{ %sLookup[:], %sValues[:] }\n\n", name, name, name)
return nv*2 + ni