blob: b3c35575af4c96e88f6439066127705222b192d3 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ogle
import (
const debugParseRemoteType = false
// A remoteType is the local representation of a type in a remote process.
type remoteType struct {
// The size of values of this type in bytes.
size int
// The field alignment of this type. Only used for
// manually-constructed types.
fieldAlign int
// The maker function to turn a remote address of a value of
// this type into an interpreter Value.
mk maker
var manualTypes = make(map[Arch]map[eval.Type]*remoteType)
// newManualType constructs a remote type from an interpreter Type
// using the size and alignment properties of the given architecture.
// Most types are parsed directly out of the remote process, but to do
// so we need to layout the structures that describe those types ourselves.
func newManualType(t eval.Type, arch Arch) *remoteType {
if nt, ok := t.(*eval.NamedType); ok {
t = nt.Def
// Get the type map for this architecture
typeMap := manualTypes[arch]
if typeMap == nil {
typeMap = make(map[eval.Type]*remoteType)
manualTypes[arch] = typeMap
// Construct basic types for this architecture
basicType := func(t eval.Type, mk maker, size int, fieldAlign int) {
t = t.(*eval.NamedType).Def
if fieldAlign == 0 {
fieldAlign = size
typeMap[t] = &remoteType{t, size, fieldAlign, mk}
basicType(eval.Uint8Type, mkUint8, 1, 0)
basicType(eval.Uint32Type, mkUint32, 4, 0)
basicType(eval.UintptrType, mkUintptr, arch.PtrSize(), 0)
basicType(eval.Int16Type, mkInt16, 2, 0)
basicType(eval.Int32Type, mkInt32, 4, 0)
basicType(eval.IntType, mkInt, arch.IntSize(), 0)
basicType(eval.StringType, mkString, arch.PtrSize()+arch.IntSize(), arch.PtrSize())
if rt, ok := typeMap[t]; ok {
return rt
var rt *remoteType
switch t := t.(type) {
case *eval.PtrType:
var elem *remoteType
mk := func(r remote) eval.Value { return remotePtr{r, elem} }
rt = &remoteType{t, arch.PtrSize(), arch.PtrSize(), mk}
// Construct the element type after registering the
// type to break cycles.
typeMap[eval.Type(t)] = rt
elem = newManualType(t.Elem, arch)
case *eval.ArrayType:
elem := newManualType(t.Elem, arch)
mk := func(r remote) eval.Value { return remoteArray{r, t.Len, elem} }
rt = &remoteType{t, elem.size * int(t.Len), elem.fieldAlign, mk}
case *eval.SliceType:
elem := newManualType(t.Elem, arch)
mk := func(r remote) eval.Value { return remoteSlice{r, elem} }
rt = &remoteType{t, arch.PtrSize() + 2*arch.IntSize(), arch.PtrSize(), mk}
case *eval.StructType:
layout := make([]remoteStructField, len(t.Elems))
offset := 0
fieldAlign := 0
for i, f := range t.Elems {
elem := newManualType(f.Type, arch)
if fieldAlign == 0 {
fieldAlign = elem.fieldAlign
offset = arch.Align(offset, elem.fieldAlign)
layout[i].offset = offset
layout[i].fieldType = elem
offset += elem.size
mk := func(r remote) eval.Value { return remoteStruct{r, layout} }
rt = &remoteType{t, offset, fieldAlign, mk}
log.Panicf("cannot manually construct type %T", t)
typeMap[t] = rt
return rt
var prtIndent = ""
// parseRemoteType parses a Type structure in a remote process to
// construct the corresponding interpreter type and remote type.
func parseRemoteType(a aborter, rs remoteStruct) *remoteType {
addr := rs.addr().base
p := rs.addr().p
// We deal with circular types by discovering cycles at
// NamedTypes. If a type cycles back to something other than
// a named type, we're guaranteed that there will be a named
// type somewhere in that cycle. Thus, we continue down,
// re-parsing types until we reach the named type in the
// cycle. In order to still create one remoteType per remote
// type, we insert an empty remoteType in the type map the
// first time we encounter the type and re-use that structure
// the second time we encounter it.
rt, ok := p.types[addr]
if ok && rt.Type != nil {
return rt
} else if !ok {
rt = &remoteType{}
p.types[addr] = rt
if debugParseRemoteType {
sym := p.syms.SymByAddr(uint64(addr))
name := "<unknown>"
if sym != nil {
name = sym.Name
log.Printf("%sParsing type at %#x (%s)", prtIndent, addr, name)
prtIndent += " "
defer func() { prtIndent = prtIndent[0 : len(prtIndent)-1] }()
// Get Type header
itype := proc.Word(rs.field(p.f.Type.Typ).(remoteUint).aGet(a))
typ := rs.field(p.f.Type.Ptr).(remotePtr).aGet(a).(remoteStruct)
// Is this a named type?
var nt *eval.NamedType
uncommon := typ.field(p.f.CommonType.UncommonType).(remotePtr).aGet(a)
if uncommon != nil {
name := uncommon.(remoteStruct).field(p.f.UncommonType.Name).(remotePtr).aGet(a)
if name != nil {
// TODO(austin) Declare type in appropriate remote package
nt = eval.NewNamedType(name.(remoteString).aGet(a))
rt.Type = nt
// Create type
var t eval.Type
var mk maker
switch itype {
case p.runtime.PBoolType:
t = eval.BoolType
mk = mkBool
case p.runtime.PUint8Type:
t = eval.Uint8Type
mk = mkUint8
case p.runtime.PUint16Type:
t = eval.Uint16Type
mk = mkUint16
case p.runtime.PUint32Type:
t = eval.Uint32Type
mk = mkUint32
case p.runtime.PUint64Type:
t = eval.Uint64Type
mk = mkUint64
case p.runtime.PUintType:
t = eval.UintType
mk = mkUint
case p.runtime.PUintptrType:
t = eval.UintptrType
mk = mkUintptr
case p.runtime.PInt8Type:
t = eval.Int8Type
mk = mkInt8
case p.runtime.PInt16Type:
t = eval.Int16Type
mk = mkInt16
case p.runtime.PInt32Type:
t = eval.Int32Type
mk = mkInt32
case p.runtime.PInt64Type:
t = eval.Int64Type
mk = mkInt64
case p.runtime.PIntType:
t = eval.IntType
mk = mkInt
case p.runtime.PFloat32Type:
t = eval.Float32Type
mk = mkFloat32
case p.runtime.PFloat64Type:
t = eval.Float64Type
mk = mkFloat64
case p.runtime.PStringType:
t = eval.StringType
mk = mkString
case p.runtime.PArrayType:
// Cast to an ArrayType
typ :=
len := int64(typ.field(p.f.ArrayType.Len).(remoteUint).aGet(a))
elem := parseRemoteType(a, typ.field(p.f.ArrayType.Elem).(remotePtr).aGet(a).(remoteStruct))
t = eval.NewArrayType(len, elem.Type)
mk = func(r remote) eval.Value { return remoteArray{r, len, elem} }
case p.runtime.PStructType:
// Cast to a StructType
typ :=
fs := typ.field(p.f.StructType.Fields).(remoteSlice).aGet(a)
fields := make([]eval.StructField, fs.Len)
layout := make([]remoteStructField, fs.Len)
for i := range fields {
f := fs.Base.(remoteArray).elem(int64(i)).(remoteStruct)
elemrs := f.field(p.f.StructField.Typ).(remotePtr).aGet(a).(remoteStruct)
elem := parseRemoteType(a, elemrs)
fields[i].Type = elem.Type
name := f.field(p.f.StructField.Name).(remotePtr).aGet(a)
if name == nil {
fields[i].Anonymous = true
} else {
fields[i].Name = name.(remoteString).aGet(a)
layout[i].offset = int(f.field(p.f.StructField.Offset).(remoteUint).aGet(a))
layout[i].fieldType = elem
t = eval.NewStructType(fields)
mk = func(r remote) eval.Value { return remoteStruct{r, layout} }
case p.runtime.PPtrType:
// Cast to a PtrType
typ :=
elem := parseRemoteType(a, typ.field(p.f.PtrType.Elem).(remotePtr).aGet(a).(remoteStruct))
t = eval.NewPtrType(elem.Type)
mk = func(r remote) eval.Value { return remotePtr{r, elem} }
case p.runtime.PSliceType:
// Cast to a SliceType
typ :=
elem := parseRemoteType(a, typ.field(p.f.SliceType.Elem).(remotePtr).aGet(a).(remoteStruct))
t = eval.NewSliceType(elem.Type)
mk = func(r remote) eval.Value { return remoteSlice{r, elem} }
case p.runtime.PMapType, p.runtime.PChanType, p.runtime.PFuncType, p.runtime.PInterfaceType, p.runtime.PUnsafePointerType, p.runtime.PDotDotDotType:
// TODO(austin)
t = eval.UintptrType
mk = mkUintptr
sym := p.syms.SymByAddr(uint64(itype))
name := "<unknown symbol>"
if sym != nil {
name = sym.Name
err := fmt.Sprintf("runtime type at %#x has unexpected type %#x (%s)", addr, itype, name)
// Fill in the remote type
if nt != nil {
} else {
rt.Type = t
rt.size = int(typ.field(p.f.CommonType.Size).(remoteUint).aGet(a)) = mk
return rt