blob: 45aa521b3a82fbe6f1b1e76e44d64d17cb82884c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* range
#include <u.h>
#include <libc.h>
#include "go.h"
typecheckrange(Node *n)
char *why;
Type *t, *t1, *t2;
Node *v1, *v2;
NodeList *ll;
// delicate little dance. see typecheckas2
for(ll=n->list; ll; ll=ll->next)
if(ll->n->defn != n)
typecheck(&ll->n, Erv | Easgn);
typecheck(&n->right, Erv);
if((t = n->right->type) == T)
goto out;
if(isptr[t->etype] && isfixedarray(t->type))
t = t->type;
n->type = t;
switch(t->etype) {
yyerror("cannot range over %lN", n->right);
goto out;
case TARRAY:
t1 = types[TINT];
t2 = t->type;
case TMAP:
t1 = t->down;
t2 = t->type;
case TCHAN:
if(!(t->chan & Crecv)) {
yyerror("invalid operation: range %N (receive from send-only type %T)", n->right, n->right->type);
goto out;
t1 = t->type;
t2 = nil;
if(count(n->list) == 2)
goto toomany;
t1 = types[TINT];
t2 = runetype;
if(count(n->list) > 2) {
yyerror("too many variables in range");
v1 = n->list->n;
v2 = N;
v2 = n->list->next->n;
// this is not only a optimization but also a requirement in the spec.
// "if the second iteration variable is the blank identifier, the range
// clause is equivalent to the same clause with only the first variable
// present."
if(isblank(v2)) {
n->list = list1(v1);
v2 = N;
if(v1->defn == n)
v1->type = t1;
else if(v1->type != T && assignop(t1, v1->type, &why) == 0)
yyerror("cannot assign type %T to %lN in range%s", t1, v1, why);
if(v2) {
if(v2->defn == n)
v2->type = t2;
else if(v2->type != T && assignop(t2, v2->type, &why) == 0)
yyerror("cannot assign type %T to %lN in range%s", t2, v2, why);
typechecklist(n->nbody, Etop);
// second half of dance
n->typecheck = 1;
for(ll=n->list; ll; ll=ll->next)
if(ll->n->typecheck == 0)
typecheck(&ll->n, Erv | Easgn);
walkrange(Node *n)
Node *ohv1, *hv1, *hv2; // hidden (old) val 1, 2
Node *ha, *hit; // hidden aggregate, iterator
Node *hn, *hp; // hidden len, pointer
Node *hb; // hidden bool
Node *a, *v1, *v2; // not hidden aggregate, val 1, 2
Node *fn, *tmp;
Node *keyname, *valname;
Node *key, *val;
NodeList *body, *init;
Type *th, *t;
int lno;
t = n->type;
init = nil;
a = n->right;
lno = setlineno(a);
v1 = n->list->n;
v2 = N;
if(n->list->next && !isblank(n->list->next->n))
v2 = n->list->next->n;
// n->list has no meaning anymore, clear it
// to avoid erroneous processing by racewalk.
n->list = nil;
hv2 = N;
switch(t->etype) {
case TARRAY:
// orderstmt arranged for a copy of the array/slice variable if needed.
ha = a;
hv1 = temp(types[TINT]);
hn = temp(types[TINT]);
hp = nil;
init = list(init, nod(OAS, hv1, N));
init = list(init, nod(OAS, hn, nod(OLEN, ha, N)));
if(v2) {
hp = temp(ptrto(n->type->type));
tmp = nod(OINDEX, ha, nodintconst(0));
tmp->bounded = 1;
init = list(init, nod(OAS, hp, nod(OADDR, tmp, N)));
n->ntest = nod(OLT, hv1, hn);
n->nincr = nod(OAS, hv1, nod(OADD, hv1, nodintconst(1)));
if(v2 == N)
body = list1(nod(OAS, v1, hv1));
else {
a = nod(OAS2, N, N);
a->list = list(list1(v1), v2);
a->rlist = list(list1(hv1), nod(OIND, hp, N));
body = list1(a);
// Advance pointer as part of increment.
// We used to advance the pointer before executing the loop body,
// but doing so would make the pointer point past the end of the
// array during the final iteration, possibly causing another unrelated
// piece of memory not to be garbage collected until the loop finished.
// Advancing during the increment ensures that the pointer p only points
// pass the end of the array during the final "p++; i++; if(i >= len(x)) break;",
// after which p is dead, so it cannot confuse the collector.
tmp = nod(OADD, hp, nodintconst(t->type->width));
tmp->type = hp->type;
tmp->typecheck = 1;
tmp->right->type = types[tptr];
tmp->right->typecheck = 1;
a = nod(OAS, hp, tmp);
typecheck(&a, Etop);
n->nincr->ninit = list1(a);
case TMAP:
// orderstmt allocated the iterator for us.
// we only use a once, so no copy needed.
ha = a;
th = hiter(t);
hit = n->alloc;
hit->type = th;
n->left = N;
keyname = newname(th->type->sym); // depends on layout of iterator struct. See reflect.c:hiter
valname = newname(th->type->down->sym); // ditto
fn = syslook("mapiterinit", 1);
argtype(fn, t->down);
argtype(fn, t->type);
argtype(fn, th);
init = list(init, mkcall1(fn, T, nil, typename(t), ha, nod(OADDR, hit, N)));
n->ntest = nod(ONE, nod(ODOT, hit, keyname), nodnil());
fn = syslook("mapiternext", 1);
argtype(fn, th);
n->nincr = mkcall1(fn, T, nil, nod(OADDR, hit, N));
key = nod(ODOT, hit, keyname);
key = nod(OIND, key, N);
if(v2 == N) {
a = nod(OAS, v1, key);
} else {
val = nod(ODOT, hit, valname);
val = nod(OIND, val, N);
a = nod(OAS2, N, N);
a->list = list(list1(v1), v2);
a->rlist = list(list1(key), val);
body = list1(a);
case TCHAN:
// orderstmt arranged for a copy of the channel variable.
ha = a;
n->ntest = N;
hv1 = temp(t->type);
init = list(init, nod(OAS, hv1, N));
hb = temp(types[TBOOL]);
n->ntest = nod(ONE, hb, nodbool(0));
a = nod(OAS2RECV, N, N);
a->typecheck = 1;
a->list = list(list1(hv1), hb);
a->rlist = list1(nod(ORECV, ha, N));
n->ntest->ninit = list1(a);
body = list1(nod(OAS, v1, hv1));
// orderstmt arranged for a copy of the string variable.
ha = a;
ohv1 = temp(types[TINT]);
hv1 = temp(types[TINT]);
init = list(init, nod(OAS, hv1, N));
if(v2 == N)
a = nod(OAS, hv1, mkcall("stringiter", types[TINT], nil, ha, hv1));
else {
hv2 = temp(runetype);
a = nod(OAS2, N, N);
a->list = list(list1(hv1), hv2);
fn = syslook("stringiter2", 0);
a->rlist = list1(mkcall1(fn, getoutargx(fn->type), nil, ha, hv1));
n->ntest = nod(ONE, hv1, nodintconst(0));
n->ntest->ninit = list(list1(nod(OAS, ohv1, hv1)), a);
body = list1(nod(OAS, v1, ohv1));
if(v2 != N)
body = list(body, nod(OAS, v2, hv2));
n->op = OFOR;
typechecklist(init, Etop);
n->ninit = concat(n->ninit, init);
typechecklist(n->ntest->ninit, Etop);
typecheck(&n->ntest, Erv);
typecheck(&n->nincr, Etop);
typechecklist(body, Etop);
n->nbody = concat(body, n->nbody);
lineno = lno;