blob: e0847a7239680c286a4805834be680ff2104a754 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Package scanner provides a scanner and tokenizer for UTF-8-encoded text.
// It takes an io.Reader providing the source, which then can be tokenized
// through repeated calls to the Scan function. For compatibility with
// existing tools, the NUL character is not allowed. If the first character
// in the source is a UTF-8 encoded byte order mark (BOM), it is discarded.
// By default, a Scanner skips white space and Go comments and recognizes all
// literals as defined by the Go language specification. It may be
// customized to recognize only a subset of those literals and to recognize
// different identifier and white space characters.
package scanner
import (
// A source position is represented by a Position value.
// A position is valid if Line > 0.
type Position struct {
Filename string // filename, if any
Offset int // byte offset, starting at 0
Line int // line number, starting at 1
Column int // column number, starting at 1 (character count per line)
// IsValid reports whether the position is valid.
func (pos *Position) IsValid() bool { return pos.Line > 0 }
func (pos Position) String() string {
s := pos.Filename
if s == "" {
s = "<input>"
if pos.IsValid() {
s += fmt.Sprintf(":%d:%d", pos.Line, pos.Column)
return s
// Predefined mode bits to control recognition of tokens. For instance,
// to configure a Scanner such that it only recognizes (Go) identifiers,
// integers, and skips comments, set the Scanner's Mode field to:
// ScanIdents | ScanInts | SkipComments
// With the exceptions of comments, which are skipped if SkipComments is
// set, unrecognized tokens are not ignored. Instead, the scanner simply
// returns the respective individual characters (or possibly sub-tokens).
// For instance, if the mode is ScanIdents (not ScanStrings), the string
// "foo" is scanned as the token sequence '"' Ident '"'.
// Use GoTokens to configure the Scanner such that it accepts all Go
// literal tokens including Go identifiers. Comments will be skipped.
const (
ScanIdents = 1 << -Ident
ScanInts = 1 << -Int
ScanFloats = 1 << -Float // includes Ints and hexadecimal floats
ScanChars = 1 << -Char
ScanStrings = 1 << -String
ScanRawStrings = 1 << -RawString
ScanComments = 1 << -Comment
SkipComments = 1 << -skipComment // if set with ScanComments, comments become white space
GoTokens = ScanIdents | ScanFloats | ScanChars | ScanStrings | ScanRawStrings | ScanComments | SkipComments
// The result of Scan is one of these tokens or a Unicode character.
const (
EOF = -(iota + 1)
// internal use only
var tokenString = map[rune]string{
Ident: "Ident",
Int: "Int",
Float: "Float",
Char: "Char",
String: "String",
RawString: "RawString",
Comment: "Comment",
// TokenString returns a printable string for a token or Unicode character.
func TokenString(tok rune) string {
if s, found := tokenString[tok]; found {
return s
return fmt.Sprintf("%q", string(tok))
// GoWhitespace is the default value for the Scanner's Whitespace field.
// Its value selects Go's white space characters.
const GoWhitespace = 1<<'\t' | 1<<'\n' | 1<<'\r' | 1<<' '
const bufLen = 1024 // at least utf8.UTFMax
// A Scanner implements reading of Unicode characters and tokens from an io.Reader.
type Scanner struct {
// Input
src io.Reader
// Source buffer
srcBuf [bufLen + 1]byte // +1 for sentinel for common case of
srcPos int // reading position (srcBuf index)
srcEnd int // source end (srcBuf index)
// Source position
srcBufOffset int // byte offset of srcBuf[0] in source
line int // line count
column int // character count
lastLineLen int // length of last line in characters (for correct column reporting)
lastCharLen int // length of last character in bytes
// Token text buffer
// Typically, token text is stored completely in srcBuf, but in general
// the token text's head may be buffered in tokBuf while the token text's
// tail is stored in srcBuf.
tokBuf bytes.Buffer // token text head that is not in srcBuf anymore
tokPos int // token text tail position (srcBuf index); valid if >= 0
tokEnd int // token text tail end (srcBuf index)
// One character look-ahead
ch rune // character before current srcPos
// Error is called for each error encountered. If no Error
// function is set, the error is reported to os.Stderr.
Error func(s *Scanner, msg string)
// ErrorCount is incremented by one for each error encountered.
ErrorCount int
// The Mode field controls which tokens are recognized. For instance,
// to recognize Ints, set the ScanInts bit in Mode. The field may be
// changed at any time.
Mode uint
// The Whitespace field controls which characters are recognized
// as white space. To recognize a character ch <= ' ' as white space,
// set the ch'th bit in Whitespace (the Scanner's behavior is undefined
// for values ch > ' '). The field may be changed at any time.
Whitespace uint64
// IsIdentRune is a predicate controlling the characters accepted
// as the ith rune in an identifier. The set of valid characters
// must not intersect with the set of white space characters.
// If no IsIdentRune function is set, regular Go identifiers are
// accepted instead. The field may be changed at any time.
IsIdentRune func(ch rune, i int) bool
// Start position of most recently scanned token; set by Scan.
// Calling Init or Next invalidates the position (Line == 0).
// The Filename field is always left untouched by the Scanner.
// If an error is reported (via Error) and Position is invalid,
// the scanner is not inside a token. Call Pos to obtain an error
// position in that case, or to obtain the position immediately
// after the most recently scanned token.
// Init initializes a Scanner with a new source and returns s.
// Error is set to nil, ErrorCount is set to 0, Mode is set to GoTokens,
// and Whitespace is set to GoWhitespace.
func (s *Scanner) Init(src io.Reader) *Scanner {
s.src = src
// initialize source buffer
// (the first call to next() will fill it by calling src.Read)
s.srcBuf[0] = utf8.RuneSelf // sentinel
s.srcPos = 0
s.srcEnd = 0
// initialize source position
s.srcBufOffset = 0
s.line = 1
s.column = 0
s.lastLineLen = 0
s.lastCharLen = 0
// initialize token text buffer
// (required for first call to next()).
s.tokPos = -1
// initialize one character look-ahead = -2 // no char read yet, not EOF
// initialize public fields
s.Error = nil
s.ErrorCount = 0
s.Mode = GoTokens
s.Whitespace = GoWhitespace
s.Line = 0 // invalidate token position
return s
// next reads and returns the next Unicode character. It is designed such
// that only a minimal amount of work needs to be done in the common ASCII
// case (one test to check for both ASCII and end-of-buffer, and one test
// to check for newlines).
func (s *Scanner) next() rune {
ch, width := rune(s.srcBuf[s.srcPos]), 1
if ch >= utf8.RuneSelf {
// uncommon case: not ASCII or not enough bytes
for s.srcPos+utf8.UTFMax > s.srcEnd && !utf8.FullRune(s.srcBuf[s.srcPos:s.srcEnd]) {
// not enough bytes: read some more, but first
// save away token text if any
if s.tokPos >= 0 {
s.tokPos = 0
// s.tokEnd is set by Scan()
// move unread bytes to beginning of buffer
copy(s.srcBuf[0:], s.srcBuf[s.srcPos:s.srcEnd])
s.srcBufOffset += s.srcPos
// read more bytes
// (an io.Reader must return io.EOF when it reaches
// the end of what it is reading - simply returning
// n == 0 will make this loop retry forever; but the
// error is in the reader implementation in that case)
i := s.srcEnd - s.srcPos
n, err := s.src.Read(s.srcBuf[i:bufLen])
s.srcPos = 0
s.srcEnd = i + n
s.srcBuf[s.srcEnd] = utf8.RuneSelf // sentinel
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
if s.srcEnd == 0 {
if s.lastCharLen > 0 {
// previous character was not EOF
s.lastCharLen = 0
return EOF
// If err == EOF, we won't be getting more
// bytes; break to avoid infinite loop. If
// err is something else, we don't know if
// we can get more bytes; thus also break.
// at least one byte
ch = rune(s.srcBuf[s.srcPos])
if ch >= utf8.RuneSelf {
// uncommon case: not ASCII
ch, width = utf8.DecodeRune(s.srcBuf[s.srcPos:s.srcEnd])
if ch == utf8.RuneError && width == 1 {
// advance for correct error position
s.srcPos += width
s.lastCharLen = width
s.error("invalid UTF-8 encoding")
return ch
// advance
s.srcPos += width
s.lastCharLen = width
// special situations
switch ch {
case 0:
// for compatibility with other tools
s.error("invalid character NUL")
case '\n':
s.lastLineLen = s.column
s.column = 0
return ch
// Next reads and returns the next Unicode character.
// It returns EOF at the end of the source. It reports
// a read error by calling s.Error, if not nil; otherwise
// it prints an error message to os.Stderr. Next does not
// update the Scanner's Position field; use Pos() to
// get the current position.
func (s *Scanner) Next() rune {
s.tokPos = -1 // don't collect token text
s.Line = 0 // invalidate token position
ch := s.Peek()
if ch != EOF { =
return ch
// Peek returns the next Unicode character in the source without advancing
// the scanner. It returns EOF if the scanner's position is at the last
// character of the source.
func (s *Scanner) Peek() rune {
if == -2 {
// this code is only run for the very first character =
if == '\uFEFF' { = // ignore BOM
func (s *Scanner) error(msg string) {
s.tokEnd = s.srcPos - s.lastCharLen // make sure token text is terminated
if s.Error != nil {
s.Error(s, msg)
pos := s.Position
if !pos.IsValid() {
pos = s.Pos()
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s: %s\n", pos, msg)
func (s *Scanner) errorf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
s.error(fmt.Sprintf(format, args...))
func (s *Scanner) isIdentRune(ch rune, i int) bool {
if s.IsIdentRune != nil {
return s.IsIdentRune(ch, i)
return ch == '_' || unicode.IsLetter(ch) || unicode.IsDigit(ch) && i > 0
func (s *Scanner) scanIdentifier() rune {
// we know the zero'th rune is OK; start scanning at the next one
ch :=
for i := 1; s.isIdentRune(ch, i); i++ {
ch =
return ch
func lower(ch rune) rune { return ('a' - 'A') | ch } // returns lower-case ch iff ch is ASCII letter
func isDecimal(ch rune) bool { return '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' }
func isHex(ch rune) bool { return '0' <= ch && ch <= '9' || 'a' <= lower(ch) && lower(ch) <= 'f' }
// digits accepts the sequence { digit | '_' } starting with ch0.
// If base <= 10, digits accepts any decimal digit but records
// the first invalid digit >= base in *invalid if *invalid == 0.
// digits returns the first rune that is not part of the sequence
// anymore, and a bitset describing whether the sequence contained
// digits (bit 0 is set), or separators '_' (bit 1 is set).
func (s *Scanner) digits(ch0 rune, base int, invalid *rune) (ch rune, digsep int) {
ch = ch0
if base <= 10 {
max := rune('0' + base)
for isDecimal(ch) || ch == '_' {
ds := 1
if ch == '_' {
ds = 2
} else if ch >= max && *invalid == 0 {
*invalid = ch
digsep |= ds
ch =
} else {
for isHex(ch) || ch == '_' {
ds := 1
if ch == '_' {
ds = 2
digsep |= ds
ch =
func (s *Scanner) scanNumber(ch rune, seenDot bool) (rune, rune) {
base := 10 // number base
prefix := rune(0) // one of 0 (decimal), '0' (0-octal), 'x', 'o', or 'b'
digsep := 0 // bit 0: digit present, bit 1: '_' present
invalid := rune(0) // invalid digit in literal, or 0
// integer part
var tok rune
var ds int
if !seenDot {
tok = Int
if ch == '0' {
ch =
switch lower(ch) {
case 'x':
ch =
base, prefix = 16, 'x'
case 'o':
ch =
base, prefix = 8, 'o'
case 'b':
ch =
base, prefix = 2, 'b'
base, prefix = 8, '0'
digsep = 1 // leading 0
ch, ds = s.digits(ch, base, &invalid)
digsep |= ds
if ch == '.' && s.Mode&ScanFloats != 0 {
ch =
seenDot = true
// fractional part
if seenDot {
tok = Float
if prefix == 'o' || prefix == 'b' {
s.error("invalid radix point in " + litname(prefix))
ch, ds = s.digits(ch, base, &invalid)
digsep |= ds
if digsep&1 == 0 {
s.error(litname(prefix) + " has no digits")
// exponent
if e := lower(ch); (e == 'e' || e == 'p') && s.Mode&ScanFloats != 0 {
switch {
case e == 'e' && prefix != 0 && prefix != '0':
s.errorf("%q exponent requires decimal mantissa", ch)
case e == 'p' && prefix != 'x':
s.errorf("%q exponent requires hexadecimal mantissa", ch)
ch =
tok = Float
if ch == '+' || ch == '-' {
ch =
ch, ds = s.digits(ch, 10, nil)
digsep |= ds
if ds&1 == 0 {
s.error("exponent has no digits")
} else if prefix == 'x' && tok == Float {
s.error("hexadecimal mantissa requires a 'p' exponent")
if tok == Int && invalid != 0 {
s.errorf("invalid digit %q in %s", invalid, litname(prefix))
if digsep&2 != 0 {
s.tokEnd = s.srcPos - s.lastCharLen // make sure token text is terminated
if i := invalidSep(s.TokenText()); i >= 0 {
s.error("'_' must separate successive digits")
return tok, ch
func litname(prefix rune) string {
switch prefix {
return "decimal literal"
case 'x':
return "hexadecimal literal"
case 'o', '0':
return "octal literal"
case 'b':
return "binary literal"
// invalidSep returns the index of the first invalid separator in x, or -1.
func invalidSep(x string) int {
x1 := ' ' // prefix char, we only care if it's 'x'
d := '.' // digit, one of '_', '0' (a digit), or '.' (anything else)
i := 0
// a prefix counts as a digit
if len(x) >= 2 && x[0] == '0' {
x1 = lower(rune(x[1]))
if x1 == 'x' || x1 == 'o' || x1 == 'b' {
d = '0'
i = 2
// mantissa and exponent
for ; i < len(x); i++ {
p := d // previous digit
d = rune(x[i])
switch {
case d == '_':
if p != '0' {
return i
case isDecimal(d) || x1 == 'x' && isHex(d):
d = '0'
if p == '_' {
return i - 1
d = '.'
if d == '_' {
return len(x) - 1
return -1
func digitVal(ch rune) int {
switch {
case '0' <= ch && ch <= '9':
return int(ch - '0')
case 'a' <= lower(ch) && lower(ch) <= 'f':
return int(lower(ch) - 'a' + 10)
return 16 // larger than any legal digit val
func (s *Scanner) scanDigits(ch rune, base, n int) rune {
for n > 0 && digitVal(ch) < base {
ch =
if n > 0 {
s.error("invalid char escape")
return ch
func (s *Scanner) scanEscape(quote rune) rune {
ch := // read character after '/'
switch ch {
case 'a', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'v', '\\', quote:
// nothing to do
ch =
case '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7':
ch = s.scanDigits(ch, 8, 3)
case 'x':
ch = s.scanDigits(, 16, 2)
case 'u':
ch = s.scanDigits(, 16, 4)
case 'U':
ch = s.scanDigits(, 16, 8)
s.error("invalid char escape")
return ch
func (s *Scanner) scanString(quote rune) (n int) {
ch := // read character after quote
for ch != quote {
if ch == '\n' || ch < 0 {
s.error("literal not terminated")
if ch == '\\' {
ch = s.scanEscape(quote)
} else {
ch =
func (s *Scanner) scanRawString() {
ch := // read character after '`'
for ch != '`' {
if ch < 0 {
s.error("literal not terminated")
ch =
func (s *Scanner) scanChar() {
if s.scanString('\'') != 1 {
s.error("invalid char literal")
func (s *Scanner) scanComment(ch rune) rune {
// ch == '/' || ch == '*'
if ch == '/' {
// line comment
ch = // read character after "//"
for ch != '\n' && ch >= 0 {
ch =
return ch
// general comment
ch = // read character after "/*"
for {
if ch < 0 {
s.error("comment not terminated")
ch0 := ch
ch =
if ch0 == '*' && ch == '/' {
ch =
return ch
// Scan reads the next token or Unicode character from source and returns it.
// It only recognizes tokens t for which the respective Mode bit (1<<-t) is set.
// It returns EOF at the end of the source. It reports scanner errors (read and
// token errors) by calling s.Error, if not nil; otherwise it prints an error
// message to os.Stderr.
func (s *Scanner) Scan() rune {
ch := s.Peek()
// reset token text position
s.tokPos = -1
s.Line = 0
// skip white space
for s.Whitespace&(1<<uint(ch)) != 0 {
ch =
// start collecting token text
s.tokPos = s.srcPos - s.lastCharLen
// set token position
// (this is a slightly optimized version of the code in Pos())
s.Offset = s.srcBufOffset + s.tokPos
if s.column > 0 {
// common case: last character was not a '\n'
s.Line = s.line
s.Column = s.column
} else {
// last character was a '\n'
// (we cannot be at the beginning of the source
// since we have called next() at least once)
s.Line = s.line - 1
s.Column = s.lastLineLen
// determine token value
tok := ch
switch {
case s.isIdentRune(ch, 0):
if s.Mode&ScanIdents != 0 {
tok = Ident
ch = s.scanIdentifier()
} else {
ch =
case isDecimal(ch):
if s.Mode&(ScanInts|ScanFloats) != 0 {
tok, ch = s.scanNumber(ch, false)
} else {
ch =
switch ch {
case EOF:
case '"':
if s.Mode&ScanStrings != 0 {
tok = String
ch =
case '\'':
if s.Mode&ScanChars != 0 {
tok = Char
ch =
case '.':
ch =
if isDecimal(ch) && s.Mode&ScanFloats != 0 {
tok, ch = s.scanNumber(ch, true)
case '/':
ch =
if (ch == '/' || ch == '*') && s.Mode&ScanComments != 0 {
if s.Mode&SkipComments != 0 {
s.tokPos = -1 // don't collect token text
ch = s.scanComment(ch)
goto redo
ch = s.scanComment(ch)
tok = Comment
case '`':
if s.Mode&ScanRawStrings != 0 {
tok = RawString
ch =
ch =
// end of token text
s.tokEnd = s.srcPos - s.lastCharLen = ch
return tok
// Pos returns the position of the character immediately after
// the character or token returned by the last call to Next or Scan.
// Use the Scanner's Position field for the start position of the most
// recently scanned token.
func (s *Scanner) Pos() (pos Position) {
pos.Filename = s.Filename
pos.Offset = s.srcBufOffset + s.srcPos - s.lastCharLen
switch {
case s.column > 0:
// common case: last character was not a '\n'
pos.Line = s.line
pos.Column = s.column
case s.lastLineLen > 0:
// last character was a '\n'
pos.Line = s.line - 1
pos.Column = s.lastLineLen
// at the beginning of the source
pos.Line = 1
pos.Column = 1
// TokenText returns the string corresponding to the most recently scanned token.
// Valid after calling Scan and in calls of Scanner.Error.
func (s *Scanner) TokenText() string {
if s.tokPos < 0 {
// no token text
return ""
if s.tokEnd < s.tokPos {
// if EOF was reached, s.tokEnd is set to -1 (s.srcPos == 0)
s.tokEnd = s.tokPos
// s.tokEnd >= s.tokPos
if s.tokBuf.Len() == 0 {
// common case: the entire token text is still in srcBuf
return string(s.srcBuf[s.tokPos:s.tokEnd])
// part of the token text was saved in tokBuf: save the rest in
// tokBuf as well and return its content
s.tokPos = s.tokEnd // ensure idempotency of TokenText() call
return s.tokBuf.String()