blob: 0508687456ba02c56e5052e06a7e5b8dcf40d082 [file] [log] [blame]
// run
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import "fmt"
type Any interface{}
type Function[a, b any] interface {
Apply(x a) b
type incr struct{ n int }
func (this incr) Apply(x int) int {
return x + this.n
type pos struct{}
func (this pos) Apply(x int) bool {
return x > 0
type compose[a, b, c any] struct {
f Function[a, b]
g Function[b, c]
func (this compose[a, b, c]) Apply(x a) c {
return this.g.Apply(this.f.Apply(x))
type Eq[a any] interface {
Equal(a) bool
type Int int
func (this Int) Equal(that int) bool {
return int(this) == that
type List[a any] interface {
Match(casenil Function[Nil[a], Any], casecons Function[Cons[a], Any]) Any
type Nil[a any] struct{}
func (xs Nil[a]) Match(casenil Function[Nil[a], Any], casecons Function[Cons[a], Any]) Any {
return casenil.Apply(xs)
type Cons[a any] struct {
Head a
Tail List[a]
func (xs Cons[a]) Match(casenil Function[Nil[a], Any], casecons Function[Cons[a], Any]) Any {
return casecons.Apply(xs)
type mapNil[a, b any] struct{}
func (m mapNil[a, b]) Apply(_ Nil[a]) Any {
return Nil[b]{}
type mapCons[a, b any] struct {
f Function[a, b]
func (m mapCons[a, b]) Apply(xs Cons[a]) Any {
return Cons[b]{m.f.Apply(xs.Head), Map[a, b](m.f, xs.Tail)}
func Map[a, b any](f Function[a, b], xs List[a]) List[b] {
return xs.Match(mapNil[a, b]{}, mapCons[a, b]{f}).(List[b])
func main() {
var xs List[int] = Cons[int]{3, Cons[int]{6, Nil[int]{}}}
var ys List[int] = Map[int, int](incr{-5}, xs)
var xz List[bool] = Map[int, bool](pos{}, ys)
if fmt.Sprint(xz) != "{false {true {}}}" {