blob: f6952d909f720fe8acffae1f996a1416cde98f96 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package go2go
import (
// typeArgs holds type arguments for the function that we are instantiating.
// We can look them up either with a types.Object associated with an ast.Ident,
// or with a types.TypeParam.
type typeArgs struct {
types []types.Type // type arguments in order
toAST map[types.Object]ast.Expr
toTyp map[*types.TypeParam]types.Type
// newTypeArgs returns a new typeArgs value.
func newTypeArgs(typeTypes []types.Type) *typeArgs {
return &typeArgs{
types: typeTypes,
toAST: make(map[types.Object]ast.Expr),
toTyp: make(map[*types.TypeParam]types.Type),
// typeArgsFromFields builds mappings from a list of type parameters
// expressed as ast.Field values.
func typeArgsFromFields(t *translator, astTypes []ast.Expr, typeTypes []types.Type, tparams []*ast.Field) *typeArgs {
ta := newTypeArgs(typeTypes)
i := 0
for _, tf := range tparams {
for _, tn := range tf.Names {
obj, ok :=[tn]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no object for type parameter %q", tn))
objType := obj.Type()
objParam, ok := objType.(*types.TypeParam)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v is not a TypeParam", objParam))
ta.add(obj, objParam, astTypes[i], typeTypes[i])
return ta
// typeArgsFromExprs builds mappings from a list of type parameters
// expressed as ast.Expr values.
func typeArgsFromExprs(t *translator, astTypes []ast.Expr, typeTypes []types.Type, tparams []ast.Expr) *typeArgs {
ta := newTypeArgs(typeTypes)
for i, ti := range tparams {
obj, ok :=[ti.(*ast.Ident)]
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no object for type parameter %q", ti))
objType := obj.Type()
objParam, ok := objType.(*types.TypeParam)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%v is not a TypeParam", objParam))
ta.add(obj, objParam, astTypes[i], typeTypes[i])
return ta
// add adds mappings for obj to ast and typ.
func (ta *typeArgs) add(obj types.Object, objParam *types.TypeParam, ast ast.Expr, typ types.Type) {
ta.toAST[obj] = ast
ta.toTyp[objParam] = typ
// ast returns the AST for obj, and reports whether it exists.
func (ta *typeArgs) ast(obj types.Object) (ast.Expr, bool) {
e, ok := ta.toAST[obj]
return e, ok
// typ returns the Type for param, and reports whether it exists.
func (ta *typeArgs) typ(param *types.TypeParam) (types.Type, bool) {
t, ok := ta.toTyp[param]
return t, ok
// instantiateFunction creates a new instantiation of a function.
func (t *translator) instantiateFunction(qid qualifiedIdent, astTypes []ast.Expr, typeTypes []types.Type) (*ast.Ident, error) {
name, err := t.instantiatedName(qid, typeTypes)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
decl, err := t.findFuncDecl(qid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ta := typeArgsFromFields(t, astTypes, typeTypes, decl.Type.TParams.List)
instIdent := ast.NewIdent(name)
newDecl := &ast.FuncDecl{
Doc: decl.Doc,
Recv: t.instantiateFieldList(ta, decl.Recv),
Name: instIdent,
Type: t.instantiateExpr(ta, decl.Type).(*ast.FuncType),
Body: t.instantiateBlockStmt(ta, decl.Body),
t.newDecls = append(t.newDecls, newDecl)
return instIdent, nil
// findFuncDecl looks for the FuncDecl for qid.
func (t *translator) findFuncDecl(qid qualifiedIdent) (*ast.FuncDecl, error) {
obj := t.findTypesObject(qid)
if obj == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find Object for %q", qid)
decl, ok := t.importer.lookupFunc(obj)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find function body for %q", qid)
return decl, nil
// findTypesObject looks up the types.Object for qid.
// It returns nil if the ID is not found.
func (t *translator) findTypesObject(qid qualifiedIdent) types.Object {
if qid.pkg == nil {
if obj :=; obj != nil {
// Ignore an embedded struct field.
// We want the type, not the field.
if _, ok := obj.(*types.Var); !ok {
return obj
return t.tpkg.Scope().Lookup(qid.ident.Name)
} else {
return qid.pkg.Scope().Lookup(qid.ident.Name)
// instantiateType creates a new instantiation of a type.
func (t *translator) instantiateTypeDecl(qid qualifiedIdent, typ *types.Named, astTypes []ast.Expr, typeTypes []types.Type, instIdent *ast.Ident) (types.Type, error) {
spec, err := t.findTypeSpec(qid)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ta := typeArgsFromFields(t, astTypes, typeTypes, spec.TParams.List)
newSpec := &ast.TypeSpec{
Doc: spec.Doc,
Name: instIdent,
Assign: spec.Assign,
Type: t.instantiateExpr(ta, spec.Type),
Comment: spec.Comment,
newDecl := &ast.GenDecl{
Tok: token.TYPE,
Specs: []ast.Spec{newSpec},
t.newDecls = append(t.newDecls, newDecl)
// If typ already has type arguments, then they should be correct.
// If it doesn't, we want to use typeTypes.
typeWithTargs := typ
if len(typ.TArgs()) == 0 {
typeWithTargs = t.updateTArgs(typ, typeTypes)
instType := t.instantiateType(ta, typeWithTargs)
t.setType(instIdent, instType)
nm := typ.NumMethods()
for i := 0; i < nm; i++ {
method := typ.Method(i)
mast, ok := t.importer.lookupFunc(method)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("no AST for method %v", method))
rtyp := mast.Recv.List[0].Type
newRtype := ast.Expr(ast.NewIdent(instIdent.Name))
if p, ok := rtyp.(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
rtyp = p.X
newRtype = &ast.StarExpr{
X: newRtype,
var tparams []ast.Expr
switch rtyp := rtyp.(type) {
case *ast.IndexExpr:
tparams = unpackExpr(rtyp.Index)
panic("unexpected AST type")
ta := typeArgsFromExprs(t, astTypes, typeTypes, tparams)
var names []*ast.Ident
if mnames := mast.Recv.List[0].Names; len(mnames) > 0 {
names = []*ast.Ident{mnames[0]}
newDecl := &ast.FuncDecl{
Doc: mast.Doc,
Recv: &ast.FieldList{
Opening: mast.Recv.Opening,
List: []*ast.Field{
Doc: mast.Recv.List[0].Doc,
Names: names,
Type: newRtype,
Comment: mast.Recv.List[0].Comment,
Closing: mast.Recv.Closing,
Name: mast.Name,
Type: t.instantiateExpr(ta, mast.Type).(*ast.FuncType),
Body: t.instantiateBlockStmt(ta, mast.Body),
t.newDecls = append(t.newDecls, newDecl)
return instType, nil
// findTypeSpec looks for the TypeSpec for qid.
func (t *translator) findTypeSpec(qid qualifiedIdent) (*ast.TypeSpec, error) {
obj := t.findTypesObject(qid)
if obj == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find Object for %q", qid)
spec, ok := t.importer.lookupTypeSpec(obj)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not find type spec for %q", qid)
if spec.Assign != token.NoPos {
// This is a type alias that we need to resolve.
typ := t.lookupType(spec.Type)
if typ != nil {
if named, ok := typ.(*types.Named); ok {
if s, ok := t.importer.lookupTypeSpec(named.Obj()); ok {
spec = s
if spec.TParams == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found type spec for %q but it has no type parameters", qid)
return spec, nil
// instantiateDecl instantiates a declaration.
func (t *translator) instantiateDecl(ta *typeArgs, d ast.Decl) ast.Decl {
switch d := d.(type) {
case nil:
return nil
case *ast.GenDecl:
if len(d.Specs) == 0 {
return d
nspecs := make([]ast.Spec, len(d.Specs))
changed := false
for i, s := range d.Specs {
ns := t.instantiateSpec(ta, s)
if ns != s {
changed = true
nspecs[i] = ns
if !changed {
return d
return &ast.GenDecl{
Doc: d.Doc,
TokPos: d.TokPos,
Tok: d.Tok,
Lparen: d.Lparen,
Specs: nspecs,
Rparen: d.Rparen,
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unimplemented Decl %T", d))
// instantiateSpec instantiates a spec node.
func (t *translator) instantiateSpec(ta *typeArgs, s ast.Spec) ast.Spec {
switch s := s.(type) {
case nil:
return nil
case *ast.ValueSpec:
typ := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.Type)
values, changed := t.instantiateExprList(ta, s.Values)
if typ == s.Type && !changed {
return s
return &ast.ValueSpec{
Doc: s.Doc,
Names: s.Names,
Type: typ,
Values: values,
Comment: s.Comment,
case *ast.TypeSpec:
if s.TParams != nil {
t.err = fmt.Errorf("%s: go2go tool does not support local parameterized types", t.fset.Position(s.Pos()))
return nil
typ := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.Type)
if typ == s.Type {
return s
return &ast.TypeSpec{
Doc: s.Doc,
Name: s.Name,
Assign: s.Assign,
Type: typ,
Comment: s.Comment,
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unimplemented Spec %T", s))
// instantiateStmt instantiates a statement.
func (t *translator) instantiateStmt(ta *typeArgs, s ast.Stmt) ast.Stmt {
switch s := s.(type) {
case nil:
return nil
case *ast.DeclStmt:
decl := t.instantiateDecl(ta, s.Decl)
if decl == s.Decl {
return s
return &ast.DeclStmt{
Decl: decl,
case *ast.EmptyStmt:
return s
case *ast.LabeledStmt:
stmt := t.instantiateStmt(ta, s.Stmt)
if stmt == s.Stmt {
return s
return &ast.LabeledStmt{
Label: s.Label,
Colon: s.Colon,
Stmt: stmt,
case *ast.ExprStmt:
x := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.X)
if x == s.X {
return s
return &ast.ExprStmt{
X: x,
case *ast.SendStmt:
ch := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.Chan)
value := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.Value)
if ch == s.Chan && value == s.Value {
return s
return &ast.SendStmt{
Chan: ch,
Arrow: s.Arrow,
Value: value,
case *ast.IncDecStmt:
x := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.X)
if x == s.X {
return s
return &ast.IncDecStmt{
X: x,
TokPos: s.TokPos,
Tok: s.Tok,
case *ast.AssignStmt:
lhs, lchanged := t.instantiateExprList(ta, s.Lhs)
rhs, rchanged := t.instantiateExprList(ta, s.Rhs)
if !lchanged && !rchanged {
return s
return &ast.AssignStmt{
Lhs: lhs,
TokPos: s.TokPos,
Tok: s.Tok,
Rhs: rhs,
case *ast.GoStmt:
call := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.Call).(*ast.CallExpr)
if call == s.Call {
return s
return &ast.GoStmt{
Go: s.Go,
Call: call,
case *ast.DeferStmt:
call := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.Call).(*ast.CallExpr)
if call == s.Call {
return s
return &ast.DeferStmt{
Defer: s.Defer,
Call: call,
case *ast.ReturnStmt:
results, changed := t.instantiateExprList(ta, s.Results)
if !changed {
return s
return &ast.ReturnStmt{
Return: s.Return,
Results: results,
case *ast.BranchStmt:
return s
case *ast.BlockStmt:
return t.instantiateBlockStmt(ta, s)
case *ast.IfStmt:
init := t.instantiateStmt(ta, s.Init)
cond := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.Cond)
body := t.instantiateBlockStmt(ta, s.Body)
els := t.instantiateStmt(ta, s.Else)
if init == s.Init && cond == s.Cond && body == s.Body && els == s.Else {
return s
return &ast.IfStmt{
If: s.If,
Init: init,
Cond: cond,
Body: body,
Else: els,
case *ast.CaseClause:
list, listChanged := t.instantiateExprList(ta, s.List)
body, bodyChanged := t.instantiateStmtList(ta, s.Body)
if !listChanged && !bodyChanged {
return s
return &ast.CaseClause{
Case: s.Case,
List: list,
Colon: s.Colon,
Body: body,
case *ast.SwitchStmt:
init := t.instantiateStmt(ta, s.Init)
tag := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.Tag)
body := t.instantiateBlockStmt(ta, s.Body)
if init == s.Init && tag == s.Tag && body == s.Body {
return s
return &ast.SwitchStmt{
Switch: s.Switch,
Init: init,
Tag: tag,
Body: body,
case *ast.TypeSwitchStmt:
init := t.instantiateStmt(ta, s.Init)
assign := t.instantiateStmt(ta, s.Assign)
body := t.instantiateBlockStmt(ta, s.Body)
if init == s.Init && assign == s.Assign && body == s.Body {
return s
return &ast.TypeSwitchStmt{
Switch: s.Switch,
Init: init,
Assign: assign,
Body: body,
case *ast.CommClause:
comm := t.instantiateStmt(ta, s.Comm)
body, bodyChanged := t.instantiateStmtList(ta, s.Body)
if comm == s.Comm && !bodyChanged {
return s
return &ast.CommClause{
Case: s.Case,
Comm: comm,
Colon: s.Colon,
Body: body,
case *ast.SelectStmt:
body := t.instantiateBlockStmt(ta, s.Body)
if body == s.Body {
return s
return &ast.SelectStmt{
Select: s.Select,
Body: body,
case *ast.ForStmt:
init := t.instantiateStmt(ta, s.Init)
cond := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.Cond)
post := t.instantiateStmt(ta, s.Post)
body := t.instantiateBlockStmt(ta, s.Body)
if init == s.Init && cond == s.Cond && post == s.Post && body == s.Body {
return s
return &ast.ForStmt{
For: s.For,
Init: init,
Cond: cond,
Post: post,
Body: body,
case *ast.RangeStmt:
key := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.Key)
value := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.Value)
x := t.instantiateExpr(ta, s.X)
body := t.instantiateBlockStmt(ta, s.Body)
if key == s.Key && value == s.Value && x == s.X && body == s.Body {
return s
return &ast.RangeStmt{
For: s.For,
Key: key,
Value: value,
TokPos: s.TokPos,
Tok: s.Tok,
X: x,
Body: body,
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unimplemented Stmt %T", s))
// instantiateBlockStmt instantiates a BlockStmt.
func (t *translator) instantiateBlockStmt(ta *typeArgs, pbs *ast.BlockStmt) *ast.BlockStmt {
if pbs == nil {
return nil
changed := false
stmts := make([]ast.Stmt, len(pbs.List))
for i, s := range pbs.List {
is := t.instantiateStmt(ta, s)
stmts[i] = is
if is != s {
changed = true
if !changed {
return pbs
return &ast.BlockStmt{
Lbrace: pbs.Lbrace,
List: stmts,
Rbrace: pbs.Rbrace,
// instantiateStmtList instantiates a statement list.
func (t *translator) instantiateStmtList(ta *typeArgs, sl []ast.Stmt) ([]ast.Stmt, bool) {
nsl := make([]ast.Stmt, len(sl))
changed := false
for i, s := range sl {
ns := t.instantiateStmt(ta, s)
if ns != s {
changed = true
nsl[i] = ns
if !changed {
return sl, false
return nsl, true
// instantiateFieldList instantiates a field list.
func (t *translator) instantiateFieldList(ta *typeArgs, fl *ast.FieldList) *ast.FieldList {
if fl == nil {
return nil
nfl := make([]*ast.Field, len(fl.List))
changed := false
for i, f := range fl.List {
nf := t.instantiateField(ta, f)
if nf != f {
changed = true
nfl[i] = nf
if !changed {
return fl
return &ast.FieldList{
Opening: fl.Opening,
List: nfl,
Closing: fl.Closing,
// instantiateField instantiates a field.
func (t *translator) instantiateField(ta *typeArgs, f *ast.Field) *ast.Field {
typ := t.instantiateExpr(ta, f.Type)
if typ == f.Type {
return f
return &ast.Field{
Doc: f.Doc,
Names: f.Names,
Type: typ,
Tag: f.Tag,
Comment: f.Comment,
// instantiateExpr instantiates an expression.
func (t *translator) instantiateExpr(ta *typeArgs, e ast.Expr) ast.Expr {
var r ast.Expr
switch e := e.(type) {
case nil:
return nil
case *ast.Ident:
obj :=
if obj != nil {
if typ, ok := ta.ast(obj); ok {
return typ
return e
case *ast.Ellipsis:
elt := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Elt)
if elt == e.Elt {
return e
return &ast.Ellipsis{
Ellipsis: e.Ellipsis,
Elt: elt,
case *ast.BasicLit:
return e
case *ast.FuncLit:
typ := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Type).(*ast.FuncType)
body := t.instantiateBlockStmt(ta, e.Body)
if typ == e.Type && body == e.Body {
return e
return &ast.FuncLit{
Type: typ,
Body: body,
case *ast.CompositeLit:
typ := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Type)
elts, changed := t.instantiateExprList(ta, e.Elts)
if typ == e.Type && !changed {
return e
return &ast.CompositeLit{
Type: typ,
Lbrace: e.Lbrace,
Elts: elts,
Rbrace: e.Rbrace,
Incomplete: e.Incomplete,
case *ast.ParenExpr:
x := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.X)
if x == e.X {
return e
return &ast.ParenExpr{
Lparen: e.Lparen,
X: x,
Rparen: e.Rparen,
case *ast.SelectorExpr:
x := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.X)
// If this is a reference to an instantiated embedded field,
// we may need to instantiate it. The actual instantiation
// is at the end of the function, as long as we create a
// a new SelectorExpr when needed.
instantiate := false
obj :=
if obj != nil {
if f, ok := obj.(*types.Var); ok && f.Embedded() {
if named, ok := f.Type().(*types.Named); ok && len(named.TArgs()) > 0 && obj.Name() == named.Obj().Name() {
instantiate = true
if x == e.X && !instantiate {
return e
r = &ast.SelectorExpr{
X: x,
Sel: e.Sel,
case *ast.IndexExpr:
x := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.X)
index := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Index)
inferredInfo := types.GetInferred(
origInferred, haveInferred := inferredInfo[e]
var newInferred types.Inferred
inferredChanged := false
if haveInferred {
for _, typ := range origInferred.Targs {
nt := t.instantiateType(ta, typ)
newInferred.Targs = append(newInferred.Targs, nt)
if nt != typ {
inferredChanged = true
if x == e.X && index == e.Index && !inferredChanged {
return e
r = &ast.IndexExpr{
X: x,
Lbrack: e.Lbrack,
Index: index,
Rbrack: e.Rbrack,
if haveInferred {
inferredInfo[r] = newInferred
case *ast.ListExpr:
list, changed := t.instantiateExprList(ta, e.ElemList)
if changed {
r = &ast.ListExpr{ElemList: list}
case *ast.SliceExpr:
x := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.X)
low := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Low)
high := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.High)
max := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Max)
if x == e.X && low == e.Low && high == e.High && max == e.Max {
return e
r = &ast.SliceExpr{
X: x,
Lbrack: e.Lbrack,
Low: low,
High: high,
Max: max,
Slice3: e.Slice3,
Rbrack: e.Rbrack,
case *ast.TypeAssertExpr:
x := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.X)
typ := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Type)
if x == e.X && typ == e.Type {
return e
r = &ast.TypeAssertExpr{
X: x,
Lparen: e.Lparen,
Type: typ,
Rparen: e.Rparen,
case *ast.CallExpr:
fun := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Fun)
args, argsChanged := t.instantiateExprList(ta, e.Args)
inferredInfo := types.GetInferred(
origInferred, haveInferred := inferredInfo[e]
var newInferred types.Inferred
inferredChanged := false
if haveInferred {
for _, typ := range origInferred.Targs {
nt := t.instantiateType(ta, typ)
newInferred.Targs = append(newInferred.Targs, nt)
if nt != typ {
inferredChanged = true
newInferred.Sig = t.instantiateType(ta, origInferred.Sig).(*types.Signature)
if newInferred.Sig != origInferred.Sig {
inferredChanged = true
if fun == e.Fun && !argsChanged && !inferredChanged {
return e
r = &ast.CallExpr{
Fun: fun,
Lparen: e.Lparen,
Args: args,
Ellipsis: e.Ellipsis,
Rparen: e.Rparen,
if haveInferred {
inferredInfo[r] = newInferred
case *ast.StarExpr:
x := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.X)
if x == e.X {
return e
r = &ast.StarExpr{
Star: e.Star,
X: x,
case *ast.UnaryExpr:
x := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.X)
if x == e.X {
return e
r = &ast.UnaryExpr{
OpPos: e.OpPos,
Op: e.Op,
X: x,
case *ast.BinaryExpr:
x := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.X)
y := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Y)
if x == e.X && y == e.Y {
return e
r = &ast.BinaryExpr{
X: x,
OpPos: e.OpPos,
Op: e.Op,
Y: y,
case *ast.KeyValueExpr:
key := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Key)
value := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Value)
if key == e.Key && value == e.Value {
return e
r = &ast.KeyValueExpr{
Key: key,
Colon: e.Colon,
Value: value,
case *ast.ArrayType:
ln := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Len)
elt := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Elt)
if ln == e.Len && elt == e.Elt {
return e
r = &ast.ArrayType{
Lbrack: e.Lbrack,
Len: ln,
Elt: elt,
case *ast.StructType:
fields := e.Fields.List
newFields := make([]*ast.Field, 0, len(fields))
changed := false
for _, f := range fields {
newFields = append(newFields, f)
if len(f.Names) > 0 {
isPtr := false
ftyp := f.Type
if star, ok := ftyp.(*ast.StarExpr); ok {
ftyp = star.X
isPtr = true
id, ok := ftyp.(*ast.Ident)
if !ok {
typ := t.lookupType(id)
if typ == nil {
typeParam, ok := typ.(*types.TypeParam)
if !ok {
instType := t.instantiateType(ta, typeParam)
if isPtr {
instType = types.NewPointer(instType)
newField := &ast.Field{
Doc: f.Doc,
Names: []*ast.Ident{id},
Type: t.typeToAST(instType),
Tag: f.Tag,
Comment: f.Comment,
newFields[len(newFields)-1] = newField
changed = true
fl := e.Fields
if changed {
fl = &ast.FieldList{
Opening: fl.Opening,
List: newFields,
Closing: fl.Closing,
newFl := t.instantiateFieldList(ta, fl)
if !changed && newFl == fl {
return e
r = &ast.StructType{
Struct: e.Struct,
Fields: newFl,
Incomplete: e.Incomplete,
case *ast.FuncType:
params := t.instantiateFieldList(ta, e.Params)
results := t.instantiateFieldList(ta, e.Results)
if e.TParams == nil && params == e.Params && results == e.Results {
return e
r = &ast.FuncType{
Func: e.Func,
TParams: nil,
Params: params,
Results: results,
case *ast.InterfaceType:
eMethods, eTypes := splitFieldList(e.Methods)
methods := t.instantiateFieldList(ta, eMethods)
types, typesChanged := t.instantiateExprList(ta, eTypes)
if methods == e.Methods && !typesChanged {
return e
r = &ast.InterfaceType{
Interface: e.Interface,
Methods: mergeFieldList(methods, types),
Incomplete: e.Incomplete,
case *ast.MapType:
key := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Key)
value := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Value)
if key == e.Key && value == e.Value {
return e
r = &ast.MapType{
Map: e.Map,
Key: key,
Value: value,
case *ast.ChanType:
value := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e.Value)
if value == e.Value {
return e
r = &ast.ChanType{
Begin: e.Begin,
Arrow: e.Arrow,
Dir: e.Dir,
Value: value,
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unimplemented Expr %T", e))
if et := t.lookupType(e); et != nil {
t.setType(r, t.instantiateType(ta, et))
return r
// instantiateExprList instantiates an expression list.
func (t *translator) instantiateExprList(ta *typeArgs, el []ast.Expr) ([]ast.Expr, bool) {
nel := make([]ast.Expr, len(el))
changed := false
for i, e := range el {
ne := t.instantiateExpr(ta, e)
if ne != e {
changed = true
nel[i] = ne
if !changed {
return el, false
return nel, true