blob: c36fc52dbcda93faf9db2b95a12bda8c811a61d1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package graph
import (
type direction int
const (
north direction = iota
func (dir direction) String() string {
strs := map[direction]string{
north: "north",
ne: "ne",
east: "east",
se: "se",
south: "south",
sw: "sw",
west: "west",
nw: "nw",
up: "up",
down: "down",
if str, ok := strs[dir]; ok {
return str
return fmt.Sprintf("direction %d", dir)
type mazeRoom struct {
index int
exits [10]int
type mazeEdge struct {
from, to int
dir direction
// Edges returns the exits from the room.
func (m mazeRoom) Edges() []mazeEdge {
var r []mazeEdge
for i, exit := range m.exits {
if exit != 0 {
r = append(r, mazeEdge{
from: m.index,
to: exit,
dir: direction(i),
return r
// Nodes returns the rooms connected by an edge.
func (e mazeEdge) Nodes() (mazeRoom, mazeRoom) {
m1, ok := zork[e.from]
if !ok {
panic("bad edge")
m2, ok := zork[]
if !ok {
panic("bad edge")
return m1, m2
// The first maze in Zork. Room indexes based on original Fortran data file.
// You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.
var zork = map[int]mazeRoom{
11: {exits: [10]int{north: 11, south: 12, east: 14}}, // west to Troll Room
12: {exits: [10]int{south: 11, north: 14, east: 13}},
13: {exits: [10]int{west: 12, north: 14, up: 16}},
14: {exits: [10]int{west: 13, north: 11, east: 15}},
15: {exits: [10]int{south: 14}}, // Dead End
16: {exits: [10]int{east: 17, north: 13, sw: 18}}, // skeleton, etc.
17: {exits: [10]int{west: 16}}, // Dead End
18: {exits: [10]int{down: 16, east: 19, west: 18, up: 22}},
19: {exits: [10]int{up: 29, west: 18, ne: 15, east: 20, south: 30}},
20: {exits: [10]int{ne: 19, west: 20, se: 21}},
21: {exits: [10]int{north: 20}}, // Dead End
22: {exits: [10]int{north: 18, east: 24, down: 23, south: 28, west: 26, nw: 22}},
23: {exits: [10]int{east: 22, west: 28, up: 24}},
24: {exits: [10]int{ne: 25, down: 23, nw: 28, sw: 26}},
25: {exits: [10]int{sw: 24}}, // Grating room (up to Clearing)
26: {exits: [10]int{west: 16, sw: 24, east: 28, up: 22, north: 27}},
27: {exits: [10]int{south: 26}}, // Dead End
28: {exits: [10]int{east: 22, down: 26, south: 23, west: 24}},
29: {exits: [10]int{west: 30, nw: 29, ne: 19, south: 19}},
30: {exits: [10]int{west: 29, south: 19}}, // ne to Cyclops Room
func TestShortestPath(t *testing.T) {
// The Zork maze is not a proper undirected simple graph,
// as there are some one way paths (e.g., 19 -> 15),
// but for this test that doesn't matter.
// Set the index field in the map. Simpler than doing it in the
// composite literal.
for k := range zork {
r := zork[k]
r.index = k
zork[k] = r
var nodes []mazeRoom
for idx, room := range zork {
mridx := room
mridx.index = idx
nodes = append(nodes, mridx)
g := New[mazeRoom, mazeEdge](nodes)
path, err := g.ShortestPath(zork[11], zork[30])
if err != nil {
var steps []direction
for _, edge := range path {
steps = append(steps, edge.dir)
want := []direction{east, west, up, sw, east, south}
if !slices.Equal(steps, want) {
t.Errorf("ShortestPath returned %v, want %v", steps, want)