blob: 991b9ef2cd40df07a5f31144aec1134b06bda3a1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ld
import (
// funcpctab writes to dst a pc-value table mapping the code in func to the values
// returned by valfunc parameterized by arg. The invocation of valfunc to update the
// current value is, for each p,
// val = valfunc(func, val, p, 0, arg);
// record val as value at p->pc;
// val = valfunc(func, val, p, 1, arg);
// where func is the function, val is the current value, p is the instruction being
// considered, and arg can be used to further parameterize valfunc.
// pctofileline computes either the file number (arg == 0)
// or the line number (arg == 1) to use at p.
// Because p->lineno applies to p, phase == 0 (before p)
// takes care of the update.
// pctospadj computes the sp adjustment in effect.
// It is oldval plus any adjustment made by p itself.
// The adjustment by p takes effect only after p, so we
// apply the change during phase == 1.
// pctopcdata computes the pcdata value in effect at p.
// A PCDATA instruction sets the value in effect at future
// non-PCDATA instructions.
// Since PCDATA instructions have no width in the final code,
// it does not matter which phase we use for the update.
// iteration over encoded pcdata tables.
func getvarint(pp *[]byte) uint32 {
v := uint32(0)
p := *pp
for shift := 0; ; shift += 7 {
v |= uint32(p[0]&0x7F) << uint(shift)
tmp4 := p
p = p[1:]
if tmp4[0]&0x80 == 0 {
*pp = p
return v
func pciternext(it *Pciter) {
it.pc = it.nextpc
if it.done != 0 {
if -cap(it.p) >= -cap(it.d.P[len(it.d.P):]) {
it.done = 1
// value delta
v := getvarint(&it.p)
if v == 0 && it.start == 0 {
it.done = 1
it.start = 0
dv := int32(v>>1) ^ (int32(v<<31) >> 31)
it.value += dv
// pc delta
v = getvarint(&it.p)
it.nextpc = it.pc + v*it.pcscale
func pciterinit(ctxt *Link, it *Pciter, d *Pcdata) {
it.d = *d
it.p = it.d.P
it.pc = 0
it.nextpc = 0
it.value = -1
it.start = 1
it.done = 0
it.pcscale = uint32(ctxt.Arch.MinLC)
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
func addvarint(d *Pcdata, val uint32) {
n := int32(0)
for v := val; v >= 0x80; v >>= 7 {
old := len(d.P)
for cap(d.P) < len(d.P)+int(n) {
d.P = append(d.P[:cap(d.P)], 0)
d.P = d.P[:old+int(n)]
p := d.P[old:]
var v uint32
for v = val; v >= 0x80; v >>= 7 {
p[0] = byte(v | 0x80)
p = p[1:]
p[0] = byte(v)
func addpctab(ftab *LSym, off int32, d *Pcdata) int32 {
var start int32
if len(d.P) > 0 {
start = int32(len(ftab.P))
Addbytes(Ctxt, ftab, d.P)
return int32(setuint32(Ctxt, ftab, int64(off), uint32(start)))
func ftabaddstring(ftab *LSym, s string) int32 {
n := int32(len(s)) + 1
start := int32(len(ftab.P))
Symgrow(Ctxt, ftab, int64(start)+int64(n)+1)
copy(ftab.P[start:], s)
return start
func renumberfiles(ctxt *Link, files []*LSym, d *Pcdata) {
var f *LSym
// Give files numbers.
for i := 0; i < len(files); i++ {
f = files[i]
if f.Type != obj.SFILEPATH {
ctxt.Filesyms = append(ctxt.Filesyms, f)
f.Value = int64(len(ctxt.Filesyms))
f.Type = obj.SFILEPATH
f.Name = expandGoroot(f.Name)
newval := int32(-1)
var out Pcdata
var it Pciter
for pciterinit(ctxt, &it, d); it.done == 0; pciternext(&it) {
// value delta
oldval := it.value
var val int32
if oldval == -1 {
val = -1
} else {
if oldval < 0 || oldval >= int32(len(files)) {
log.Fatalf("bad pcdata %d", oldval)
val = int32(files[oldval].Value)
dv := val - newval
newval = val
v := (uint32(dv) << 1) ^ uint32(dv>>31)
addvarint(&out, v)
// pc delta
addvarint(&out, (it.nextpc-it.pc)/it.pcscale)
// terminating value delta
addvarint(&out, 0)
*d = out
func container(s *LSym) int {
// We want to generate func table entries only for the "lowest level" symbols,
// not containers of subsymbols.
if s != nil && s.Type&obj.SCONTAINER != 0 {
return 1
return 0
// pclntab initializes the pclntab symbol with
// runtime function and file name information.
var pclntab_zpcln FuncInfo
// These variables are used to initialize runtime.firstmoduledata, see symtab.go:symtab.
var pclntabNfunc int32
var pclntabFiletabOffset int32
var pclntabPclntabOffset int32
var pclntabFirstFunc *LSym
var pclntabLastFunc *LSym
func pclntab() {
funcdata_bytes := int64(0)
ftab := Linklookup(Ctxt, "runtime.pclntab", 0)
ftab.Type = obj.SPCLNTAB
ftab.Attr |= AttrReachable
// See for the format. Briefly:
// 8-byte header
// nfunc [thearch.ptrsize bytes]
// function table, alternating PC and offset to func struct [each entry thearch.ptrsize bytes]
// end PC [thearch.ptrsize bytes]
// offset to file table [4 bytes]
nfunc := int32(0)
// Find container symbols, mark them with SCONTAINER
for _, s := range Ctxt.Textp {
if s.Outer != nil {
s.Outer.Type |= obj.SCONTAINER
for _, s := range Ctxt.Textp {
if container(s) == 0 {
pclntabNfunc = nfunc
Symgrow(Ctxt, ftab, 8+int64(SysArch.PtrSize)+int64(nfunc)*2*int64(SysArch.PtrSize)+int64(SysArch.PtrSize)+4)
setuint32(Ctxt, ftab, 0, 0xfffffffb)
setuint8(Ctxt, ftab, 6, uint8(SysArch.MinLC))
setuint8(Ctxt, ftab, 7, uint8(SysArch.PtrSize))
setuintxx(Ctxt, ftab, 8, uint64(nfunc), int64(SysArch.PtrSize))
pclntabPclntabOffset = int32(8 + SysArch.PtrSize)
nfunc = 0
var last *LSym
for _, Ctxt.Cursym = range Ctxt.Textp {
last = Ctxt.Cursym
if container(Ctxt.Cursym) != 0 {
pcln := Ctxt.Cursym.FuncInfo
if pcln == nil {
pcln = &pclntab_zpcln
if pclntabFirstFunc == nil {
pclntabFirstFunc = Ctxt.Cursym
funcstart := int32(len(ftab.P))
funcstart += int32(-len(ftab.P)) & (int32(SysArch.PtrSize) - 1)
setaddr(Ctxt, ftab, 8+int64(SysArch.PtrSize)+int64(nfunc)*2*int64(SysArch.PtrSize), Ctxt.Cursym)
setuintxx(Ctxt, ftab, 8+int64(SysArch.PtrSize)+int64(nfunc)*2*int64(SysArch.PtrSize)+int64(SysArch.PtrSize), uint64(funcstart), int64(SysArch.PtrSize))
// fixed size of struct, checked below
off := funcstart
end := funcstart + int32(SysArch.PtrSize) + 3*4 + 5*4 + int32(len(pcln.Pcdata))*4 + int32(len(pcln.Funcdata))*int32(SysArch.PtrSize)
if len(pcln.Funcdata) > 0 && (end&int32(SysArch.PtrSize-1) != 0) {
end += 4
Symgrow(Ctxt, ftab, int64(end))
// entry uintptr
off = int32(setaddr(Ctxt, ftab, int64(off), Ctxt.Cursym))
// name int32
off = int32(setuint32(Ctxt, ftab, int64(off), uint32(ftabaddstring(ftab, Ctxt.Cursym.Name))))
// args int32
// TODO: Move into funcinfo.
args := uint32(0)
if Ctxt.Cursym.FuncInfo != nil {
args = uint32(Ctxt.Cursym.FuncInfo.Args)
off = int32(setuint32(Ctxt, ftab, int64(off), args))
// frame int32
// This has been removed (it was never set quite correctly anyway).
// Nothing should use it.
// Leave an obviously incorrect value.
// TODO: Remove entirely.
off = int32(setuint32(Ctxt, ftab, int64(off), 0x1234567))
if pcln != &pclntab_zpcln {
renumberfiles(Ctxt, pcln.File, &pcln.Pcfile)
if false {
// Sanity check the new numbering
var it Pciter
for pciterinit(Ctxt, &it, &pcln.Pcfile); it.done == 0; pciternext(&it) {
if it.value < 1 || it.value > int32(len(Ctxt.Filesyms)) {
Diag("bad file number in pcfile: %d not in range [1, %d]\n", it.value, len(Ctxt.Filesyms))
// pcdata
off = addpctab(ftab, off, &pcln.Pcsp)
off = addpctab(ftab, off, &pcln.Pcfile)
off = addpctab(ftab, off, &pcln.Pcline)
off = int32(setuint32(Ctxt, ftab, int64(off), uint32(len(pcln.Pcdata))))
off = int32(setuint32(Ctxt, ftab, int64(off), uint32(len(pcln.Funcdata))))
for i := 0; i < len(pcln.Pcdata); i++ {
off = addpctab(ftab, off, &pcln.Pcdata[i])
// funcdata, must be pointer-aligned and we're only int32-aligned.
// Missing funcdata will be 0 (nil pointer).
if len(pcln.Funcdata) > 0 {
if off&int32(SysArch.PtrSize-1) != 0 {
off += 4
for i := 0; i < len(pcln.Funcdata); i++ {
if pcln.Funcdata[i] == nil {
setuintxx(Ctxt, ftab, int64(off)+int64(SysArch.PtrSize)*int64(i), uint64(pcln.Funcdataoff[i]), int64(SysArch.PtrSize))
} else {
// TODO: Dedup.
funcdata_bytes += pcln.Funcdata[i].Size
setaddrplus(Ctxt, ftab, int64(off)+int64(SysArch.PtrSize)*int64(i), pcln.Funcdata[i], pcln.Funcdataoff[i])
off += int32(len(pcln.Funcdata)) * int32(SysArch.PtrSize)
if off != end {
Diag("bad math in functab: funcstart=%d off=%d but end=%d (npcdata=%d nfuncdata=%d ptrsize=%d)", funcstart, off, end, len(pcln.Pcdata), len(pcln.Funcdata), SysArch.PtrSize)
pclntabLastFunc = last
// Final entry of table is just end pc.
setaddrplus(Ctxt, ftab, 8+int64(SysArch.PtrSize)+int64(nfunc)*2*int64(SysArch.PtrSize), last, last.Size)
// Start file table.
start := int32(len(ftab.P))
start += int32(-len(ftab.P)) & (int32(SysArch.PtrSize) - 1)
pclntabFiletabOffset = start
setuint32(Ctxt, ftab, 8+int64(SysArch.PtrSize)+int64(nfunc)*2*int64(SysArch.PtrSize)+int64(SysArch.PtrSize), uint32(start))
Symgrow(Ctxt, ftab, int64(start)+(int64(len(Ctxt.Filesyms))+1)*4)
setuint32(Ctxt, ftab, int64(start), uint32(len(Ctxt.Filesyms)))
for i := len(Ctxt.Filesyms) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
s := Ctxt.Filesyms[i]
setuint32(Ctxt, ftab, int64(start)+s.Value*4, uint32(ftabaddstring(ftab, s.Name)))
ftab.Size = int64(len(ftab.P))
if Debug['v'] != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(Bso, "%5.2f pclntab=%d bytes, funcdata total %d bytes\n", obj.Cputime(), ftab.Size, funcdata_bytes)
func expandGoroot(s string) string {
const n = len("$GOROOT")
if len(s) >= n+1 && s[:n] == "$GOROOT" && (s[n] == '/' || s[n] == '\\') {
root := goroot
if final := os.Getenv("GOROOT_FINAL"); final != "" {
root = final
return filepath.ToSlash(filepath.Join(root, s[n:]))
return s
const (
NOIDX = 0x7fffffff
// findfunctab generates a lookup table to quickly find the containing
// function for a pc. See src/runtime/symtab.go:findfunc for details.
func findfunctab() {
t := Linklookup(Ctxt, "runtime.findfunctab", 0)
t.Type = obj.SRODATA
t.Attr |= AttrReachable
t.Attr |= AttrLocal
// find min and max address
min := Ctxt.Textp[0].Value
max := int64(0)
for _, s := range Ctxt.Textp {
max = s.Value + s.Size
// for each subbucket, compute the minimum of all symbol indexes
// that map to that subbucket.
n := int32((max - min + SUBBUCKETSIZE - 1) / SUBBUCKETSIZE)
indexes := make([]int32, n)
for i := int32(0); i < n; i++ {
indexes[i] = NOIDX
idx := int32(0)
for i, s := range Ctxt.Textp {
if container(s) != 0 {
p := s.Value
var e *LSym
if i < len(Ctxt.Textp) {
e = Ctxt.Textp[i]
for container(e) != 0 && i < len(Ctxt.Textp) {
e = Ctxt.Textp[i]
q := max
if e != nil {
q = e.Value
//print("%d: [%lld %lld] %s\n", idx, p, q, s->name);
for ; p < q; p += SUBBUCKETSIZE {
i = int((p - min) / SUBBUCKETSIZE)
if indexes[i] > idx {
indexes[i] = idx
i = int((q - 1 - min) / SUBBUCKETSIZE)
if indexes[i] > idx {
indexes[i] = idx
// allocate table
nbuckets := int32((max - min + BUCKETSIZE - 1) / BUCKETSIZE)
Symgrow(Ctxt, t, 4*int64(nbuckets)+int64(n))
// fill in table
for i := int32(0); i < nbuckets; i++ {
base := indexes[i*SUBBUCKETS]
if base == NOIDX {
Diag("hole in findfunctab")
setuint32(Ctxt, t, int64(i)*(4+SUBBUCKETS), uint32(base))
for j := int32(0); j < SUBBUCKETS && i*SUBBUCKETS+j < n; j++ {
idx = indexes[i*SUBBUCKETS+j]
if idx == NOIDX {
Diag("hole in findfunctab")
if idx-base >= 256 {
Diag("too many functions in a findfunc bucket! %d/%d %d %d", i, nbuckets, j, idx-base)
setuint8(Ctxt, t, int64(i)*(4+SUBBUCKETS)+4+int64(j), uint8(idx-base))