blob: 9d5e8854fea65418c75c30717f865f80cfbd03bc [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package ld
import (
// If fallocate is not supported on this platform, return this error. The error
// is ignored where needed, and OutBuf writes to heap memory.
var errNoFallocate = errors.New("operation not supported")
const outbufMode = 0775
// OutBuf is a buffered file writer.
// It is simlar to the Writer in cmd/internal/bio with a few small differences.
// First, it tracks the output architecture and uses it to provide
// endian helpers.
// Second, it provides a very cheap offset counter that doesn't require
// any system calls to read the value.
// Third, it also mmaps the output file (if available). The intended usage is:
// - Mmap the output file
// - Write the content
// - possibly apply any edits in the output buffer
// - possibly write more content to the file. These writes take place in a heap
// backed buffer that will get synced to disk.
// - Munmap the output file
// And finally, it provides a mechanism by which you can multithread the
// writing of output files. This mechanism is accomplished by copying a OutBuf,
// and using it in the thread/goroutine.
// Parallel OutBuf is intended to be used like:
// func write(out *OutBuf) {
// var wg sync.WaitGroup
// for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
// wg.Add(1)
// view, err := out.View(start[i])
// if err != nil {
// // handle output
// continue
// }
// go func(out *OutBuf, i int) {
// // do output
// wg.Done()
// }(view, i)
// }
// wg.Wait()
// }
type OutBuf struct {
arch *sys.Arch
off int64
buf []byte // backing store of mmap'd output file
heap []byte // backing store for non-mmapped data
name string
f *os.File
encbuf [8]byte // temp buffer used by WriteN methods
isView bool // true if created from View()
func (out *OutBuf) Open(name string) error {
if out.f != nil {
return errors.New("cannot open more than one file")
f, err := os.OpenFile(name, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, outbufMode)
if err != nil {
return err
} = 0 = name
out.f = f
return nil
func NewOutBuf(arch *sys.Arch) *OutBuf {
return &OutBuf{
arch: arch,
var viewError = errors.New("output not mmapped")
func (out *OutBuf) View(start uint64) (*OutBuf, error) {
return &OutBuf{
arch: out.arch,
buf: out.buf,
heap: out.heap,
off: int64(start),
isView: true,
}, nil
var viewCloseError = errors.New("cannot Close OutBuf from View")
func (out *OutBuf) Close() error {
if out.isView {
return viewCloseError
if out.isMmapped() {
if out.f == nil {
return nil
if len(out.heap) != 0 {
if _, err := out.f.Write(out.heap); err != nil {
return err
if err := out.f.Close(); err != nil {
return err
out.f = nil
return nil
// isMmapped returns true if the OutBuf is mmaped.
func (out *OutBuf) isMmapped() bool {
return len(out.buf) != 0
// Data returns the whole written OutBuf as a byte slice.
func (out *OutBuf) Data() []byte {
if out.isMmapped() {
return out.buf
return out.heap
// copyHeap copies the heap to the mmapped section of memory, returning true if
// a copy takes place.
func (out *OutBuf) copyHeap() bool {
if !out.isMmapped() { // only valuable for mmapped OutBufs.
return false
if out.isView {
panic("can't copyHeap a view")
bufLen := len(out.buf)
heapLen := len(out.heap)
total := uint64(bufLen + heapLen)
if heapLen != 0 {
if err := out.Mmap(total); err != nil { // Mmap will copy out.heap over to out.buf
Exitf("mapping output file failed: %v", err)
return true
// maxOutBufHeapLen limits the growth of the heap area.
const maxOutBufHeapLen = 10 << 20
// writeLoc determines the write location if a buffer is mmaped.
// We maintain two write buffers, an mmapped section, and a heap section for
// writing. When the mmapped section is full, we switch over the heap memory
// for writing.
func (out *OutBuf) writeLoc(lenToWrite int64) (int64, []byte) {
// See if we have enough space in the mmaped area.
bufLen := int64(len(out.buf))
if <= bufLen {
return, out.buf
// Not enough space in the mmaped area, write to heap area instead.
heapPos := - bufLen
heapLen := int64(len(out.heap))
lenNeeded := heapPos + lenToWrite
if lenNeeded > heapLen { // do we need to grow the heap storage?
// The heap variables aren't protected by a mutex. For now, just bomb if you
// try to use OutBuf in parallel. (Note this probably could be fixed.)
if out.isView {
panic("cannot write to heap in parallel")
// See if our heap would grow to be too large, and if so, copy it to the end
// of the mmapped area.
if heapLen > maxOutBufHeapLen && out.copyHeap() {
heapPos -= heapLen
lenNeeded = heapPos + lenToWrite
heapLen = 0
out.heap = append(out.heap, make([]byte, lenNeeded-heapLen)...)
return heapPos, out.heap
func (out *OutBuf) SeekSet(p int64) { = p
func (out *OutBuf) Offset() int64 {
// Write writes the contents of v to the buffer.
func (out *OutBuf) Write(v []byte) (int, error) {
n := len(v)
pos, buf := out.writeLoc(int64(n))
copy(buf[pos:], v) += int64(n)
return n, nil
func (out *OutBuf) Write8(v uint8) {
pos, buf := out.writeLoc(1)
buf[pos] = v
// WriteByte is an alias for Write8 to fulfill the io.ByteWriter interface.
func (out *OutBuf) WriteByte(v byte) error {
return nil
func (out *OutBuf) Write16(v uint16) {
out.arch.ByteOrder.PutUint16(out.encbuf[:], v)
func (out *OutBuf) Write32(v uint32) {
out.arch.ByteOrder.PutUint32(out.encbuf[:], v)
func (out *OutBuf) Write32b(v uint32) {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(out.encbuf[:], v)
func (out *OutBuf) Write64(v uint64) {
out.arch.ByteOrder.PutUint64(out.encbuf[:], v)
func (out *OutBuf) Write64b(v uint64) {
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(out.encbuf[:], v)
func (out *OutBuf) WriteString(s string) {
pos, buf := out.writeLoc(int64(len(s)))
n := copy(buf[pos:], s)
if n != len(s) {
log.Fatalf("WriteString truncated. buffer size: %d, offset: %d, len(s)=%d", len(out.buf),, len(s))
} += int64(n)
// WriteStringN writes the first n bytes of s.
// If n is larger than len(s) then it is padded with zero bytes.
func (out *OutBuf) WriteStringN(s string, n int) {
out.WriteStringPad(s, n, zeros[:])
// WriteStringPad writes the first n bytes of s.
// If n is larger than len(s) then it is padded with the bytes in pad (repeated as needed).
func (out *OutBuf) WriteStringPad(s string, n int, pad []byte) {
if len(s) >= n {
} else {
n -= len(s)
for n > len(pad) {
n -= len(pad)
// WriteSym writes the content of a Symbol, and returns the output buffer
// that we just wrote, so we can apply further edit to the symbol content.
// For generator symbols, it also sets the symbol's Data to the output
// buffer.
func (out *OutBuf) WriteSym(ldr *loader.Loader, s loader.Sym) []byte {
if !ldr.IsGeneratedSym(s) {
P := ldr.Data(s)
n := int64(len(P))
pos, buf := out.writeLoc(n)
copy(buf[pos:], P) += n
return buf[pos : pos+n]
} else {
n := ldr.SymSize(s)
pos, buf := out.writeLoc(n) += n
ldr.MakeSymbolUpdater(s).SetData(buf[pos : pos+n])
return buf[pos : pos+n]