blob: f74383457f36765f07fb3ed9e8a41d461b37e16d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO: This test could be implemented on all (most?) UNIXes if we
// added syscall.Tgkill more widely.
// We skip all of these tests under race mode because our test thread
// spends all of its time in the race runtime, which isn't a safe
// point.
//go:build amd64 && linux && !race
// +build amd64,linux,!race
package runtime_test
import (
func startDebugCallWorker(t *testing.T) (g *runtime.G, after func()) {
// This can deadlock if run under a debugger because it
// depends on catching SIGTRAP, which is usually swallowed by
// a debugger.
// This can deadlock if there aren't enough threads or if a GC
// tries to interrupt an atomic loop (see issue #10958). We
// use 8 Ps so there's room for the debug call worker,
// something that's trying to preempt the call worker, and the
// goroutine that's trying to stop the call worker.
ogomaxprocs := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(8)
ogcpercent := debug.SetGCPercent(-1)
// ready is a buffered channel so debugCallWorker won't block
// on sending to it. This makes it less likely we'll catch
// debugCallWorker while it's in the runtime.
ready := make(chan *runtime.G, 1)
var stop uint32
done := make(chan error)
go debugCallWorker(ready, &stop, done)
g = <-ready
return g, func() {
atomic.StoreUint32(&stop, 1)
err := <-done
if err != nil {
func debugCallWorker(ready chan<- *runtime.G, stop *uint32, done chan<- error) {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ready <- runtime.Getg()
x := 2
debugCallWorker2(stop, &x)
if x != 1 {
done <- fmt.Errorf("want x = 2, got %d; register pointer not adjusted?", x)
// Don't inline this function, since we want to test adjusting
// pointers in the arguments.
func debugCallWorker2(stop *uint32, x *int) {
for atomic.LoadUint32(stop) == 0 {
// Strongly encourage x to live in a register so we
// can test pointer register adjustment.
*x = 1
func debugCallTKill(tid int) error {
return syscall.Tgkill(syscall.Getpid(), tid, syscall.SIGTRAP)
// skipUnderDebugger skips the current test when running under a
// debugger (specifically if this process has a tracer). This is
// Linux-specific.
func skipUnderDebugger(t *testing.T) {
pid := syscall.Getpid()
status, err := os.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("/proc/%d/status", pid))
if err != nil {
t.Logf("couldn't get proc tracer: %s", err)
re := regexp.MustCompile(`TracerPid:\s+([0-9]+)`)
sub := re.FindSubmatch(status)
if sub == nil {
t.Logf("couldn't find proc tracer PID")
if string(sub[1]) == "0" {
t.Skip("test will deadlock under a debugger")
func TestDebugCall(t *testing.T) {
g, after := startDebugCallWorker(t)
defer after()
type stackArgs struct {
x0 int
x1 float64
y0Ret int
y1Ret float64
// Inject a call into the debugCallWorker goroutine and test
// basic argument and result passing.
fn := func(x int, y float64) (y0Ret int, y1Ret float64) {
return x + 1, y + 1.0
var args *stackArgs
var regs abi.RegArgs
intRegs := regs.Ints[:]
floatRegs := regs.Floats[:]
fval := float64(42.0)
if goexperiment.RegabiArgs {
intRegs[0] = 42
floatRegs[0] = math.Float64bits(fval)
} else {
args = &stackArgs{
x0: 42,
x1: 42.0,
if _, err := runtime.InjectDebugCall(g, fn, &regs, args, debugCallTKill, false); err != nil {
var result0 int
var result1 float64
if goexperiment.RegabiArgs {
result0 = int(intRegs[0])
result1 = math.Float64frombits(floatRegs[0])
} else {
result0 = args.y0Ret
result1 = args.y1Ret
if result0 != 43 {
t.Errorf("want 43, got %d", result0)
if result1 != fval+1 {
t.Errorf("want 43, got %f", result1)
func TestDebugCallLarge(t *testing.T) {
g, after := startDebugCallWorker(t)
defer after()
// Inject a call with a large call frame.
const N = 128
var args struct {
in [N]int
out [N]int
fn := func(in [N]int) (out [N]int) {
for i := range in {
out[i] = in[i] + 1
var want [N]int
for i := range {[i] = i
want[i] = i + 1
if _, err := runtime.InjectDebugCall(g, fn, nil, &args, debugCallTKill, false); err != nil {
if want != args.out {
t.Fatalf("want %v, got %v", want, args.out)
func TestDebugCallGC(t *testing.T) {
g, after := startDebugCallWorker(t)
defer after()
// Inject a call that performs a GC.
if _, err := runtime.InjectDebugCall(g, runtime.GC, nil, nil, debugCallTKill, false); err != nil {
func TestDebugCallGrowStack(t *testing.T) {
g, after := startDebugCallWorker(t)
defer after()
// Inject a call that grows the stack. debugCallWorker checks
// for stack pointer breakage.
if _, err := runtime.InjectDebugCall(g, func() { growStack(nil) }, nil, nil, debugCallTKill, false); err != nil {
func debugCallUnsafePointWorker(gpp **runtime.G, ready, stop *uint32) {
// The nosplit causes this function to not contain safe-points
// except at calls.
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
*gpp = runtime.Getg()
for atomic.LoadUint32(stop) == 0 {
atomic.StoreUint32(ready, 1)
func TestDebugCallUnsafePoint(t *testing.T) {
// This can deadlock if there aren't enough threads or if a GC
// tries to interrupt an atomic loop (see issue #10958).
defer runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(8))
defer debug.SetGCPercent(debug.SetGCPercent(-1))
// Test that the runtime refuses call injection at unsafe points.
var g *runtime.G
var ready, stop uint32
defer atomic.StoreUint32(&stop, 1)
go debugCallUnsafePointWorker(&g, &ready, &stop)
for atomic.LoadUint32(&ready) == 0 {
_, err := runtime.InjectDebugCall(g, func() {}, nil, nil, debugCallTKill, true)
if msg := "call not at safe point"; err == nil || err.Error() != msg {
t.Fatalf("want %q, got %s", msg, err)
func TestDebugCallPanic(t *testing.T) {
// This can deadlock if there aren't enough threads.
defer runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.GOMAXPROCS(8))
ready := make(chan *runtime.G)
var stop uint32
defer atomic.StoreUint32(&stop, 1)
go func() {
defer runtime.UnlockOSThread()
ready <- runtime.Getg()
for atomic.LoadUint32(&stop) == 0 {
g := <-ready
p, err := runtime.InjectDebugCall(g, func() { panic("test") }, nil, nil, debugCallTKill, false)
if err != nil {
if ps, ok := p.(string); !ok || ps != "test" {
t.Fatalf("wanted panic %v, got %v", "test", p)