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// run
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Test forms of method expressions T.m where T is
// a literal type.
package main
var got, want string
type I interface {
type S struct {
func (S) m() { got += " m()" }
func (S) m1(s string) { got += " m1(" + s + ")" }
type T int
func (T) m2() { got += " m2()" }
type Outer struct{ *Inner }
type Inner struct{ s string }
func (i Inner) M() string { return i.s }
func main() {
// method expressions with named receiver types
want += " m()"
S.m1(S{}, "a")
want += " m1(a)"
// method expressions with literal receiver types
f := interface{ m1(string) }.m1
f(S{}, "b")
want += " m1(b)"
interface{ m1(string) }.m1(S{}, "c")
want += " m1(c)"
x := S{}
interface{ m1(string) }.m1(x, "d")
want += " m1(d)"
g := struct{ T }.m2
g(struct{ T }{})
want += " m2()"
if got != want {
panic("got" + got + ", want" + want)
h := (*Outer).M
got := h(&Outer{&Inner{"hello"}})
want := "hello"
if got != want {
panic("got " + got + ", want " + want)