blob: 1e559a62cc291cec68e560b98eabe0275ec85083 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Parse "zoneinfo" time zone file.
// This is a fairly standard file format used on OS X, Linux, BSD, Sun, and others.
// See tzfile(5),,
// and
package time
import (
// maxFileSize is the max permitted size of files read by readFile.
// As reference, the distributed by Go is ~350 KB,
// so 10MB is overkill.
const maxFileSize = 10 << 20
type fileSizeError string
func (f fileSizeError) Error() string {
return "time: file " + string(f) + " is too large"
// Copies of io.Seek* constants to avoid importing "io":
const (
seekStart = 0
seekCurrent = 1
seekEnd = 2
// Simple I/O interface to binary blob of data.
type dataIO struct {
p []byte
error bool
func (d *dataIO) read(n int) []byte {
if len(d.p) < n {
d.p = nil
d.error = true
return nil
p := d.p[0:n]
d.p = d.p[n:]
return p
func (d *dataIO) big4() (n uint32, ok bool) {
p :=
if len(p) < 4 {
d.error = true
return 0, false
return uint32(p[3]) | uint32(p[2])<<8 | uint32(p[1])<<16 | uint32(p[0])<<24, true
func (d *dataIO) big8() (n uint64, ok bool) {
n1, ok1 := d.big4()
n2, ok2 := d.big4()
if !ok1 || !ok2 {
d.error = true
return 0, false
return (uint64(n1) << 32) | uint64(n2), true
func (d *dataIO) byte() (n byte, ok bool) {
p :=
if len(p) < 1 {
d.error = true
return 0, false
return p[0], true
// Make a string by stopping at the first NUL
func byteString(p []byte) string {
for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ {
if p[i] == 0 {
return string(p[0:i])
return string(p)
var badData = errors.New("malformed time zone information")
// LoadLocationFromTZData returns a Location with the given name
// initialized from the IANA Time Zone database-formatted data.
// The data should be in the format of a standard IANA time zone file
// (for example, the content of /etc/localtime on Unix systems).
func LoadLocationFromTZData(name string, data []byte) (*Location, error) {
d := dataIO{data, false}
// 4-byte magic "TZif"
if magic :=; string(magic) != "TZif" {
return nil, badData
// 1-byte version, then 15 bytes of padding
var version int
var p []byte
if p =; len(p) != 16 {
return nil, badData
} else {
switch p[0] {
case 0:
version = 1
case '2':
version = 2
case '3':
version = 3
return nil, badData
// six big-endian 32-bit integers:
// number of UTC/local indicators
// number of standard/wall indicators
// number of leap seconds
// number of transition times
// number of local time zones
// number of characters of time zone abbrev strings
const (
NUTCLocal = iota
var n [6]int
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
nn, ok := d.big4()
if !ok {
return nil, badData
if uint32(int(nn)) != nn {
return nil, badData
n[i] = int(nn)
// If we have version 2 or 3, then the data is first written out
// in a 32-bit format, then written out again in a 64-bit format.
// Skip the 32-bit format and read the 64-bit one, as it can
// describe a broader range of dates.
is64 := false
if version > 1 {
// Skip the 32-bit data.
skip := n[NTime]*4 +
n[NTime] +
n[NZone]*6 +
n[NChar] +
n[NLeap]*8 +
n[NStdWall] +
// Skip the version 2 header that we just read.
skip += 4 + 16
is64 = true
// Read the counts again, they can differ.
for i := 0; i < 6; i++ {
nn, ok := d.big4()
if !ok {
return nil, badData
if uint32(int(nn)) != nn {
return nil, badData
n[i] = int(nn)
size := 4
if is64 {
size = 8
// Transition times.
txtimes := dataIO{[NTime] * size), false}
// Time zone indices for transition times.
txzones :=[NTime])
// Zone info structures
zonedata := dataIO{[NZone] * 6), false}
// Time zone abbreviations.
abbrev :=[NChar])
// Leap-second time pairs[NLeap] * (size + 4))
// Whether tx times associated with local time types
// are specified as standard time or wall time.
isstd :=[NStdWall])
// Whether tx times associated with local time types
// are specified as UTC or local time.
isutc :=[NUTCLocal])
if d.error { // ran out of data
return nil, badData
// Now we can build up a useful data structure.
// First the zone information.
// utcoff[4] isdst[1] nameindex[1]
nzone := n[NZone]
if nzone == 0 {
// Reject tzdata files with no zones. There's nothing useful in them.
// This also avoids a panic later when we add and then use a fake transition (
return nil, badData
zone := make([]zone, nzone)
for i := range zone {
var ok bool
var n uint32
if n, ok = zonedata.big4(); !ok {
return nil, badData
if uint32(int(n)) != n {
return nil, badData
zone[i].offset = int(int32(n))
var b byte
if b, ok = zonedata.byte(); !ok {
return nil, badData
zone[i].isDST = b != 0
if b, ok = zonedata.byte(); !ok || int(b) >= len(abbrev) {
return nil, badData
zone[i].name = byteString(abbrev[b:])
if runtime.GOOS == "aix" && len(name) > 8 && (name[:8] == "Etc/GMT+" || name[:8] == "Etc/GMT-") {
// There is a bug with AIX 7.2 TL 0 with files in Etc,
// GMT+1 will return GMT-1 instead of GMT+1 or -01.
if name != "Etc/GMT+0" {
// GMT+0 is OK
zone[i].name = name[4:]
// Now the transition time info.
tx := make([]zoneTrans, n[NTime])
for i := range tx {
var n int64
if !is64 {
if n4, ok := txtimes.big4(); !ok {
return nil, badData
} else {
n = int64(int32(n4))
} else {
if n8, ok := txtimes.big8(); !ok {
return nil, badData
} else {
n = int64(n8)
tx[i].when = n
if int(txzones[i]) >= len(zone) {
return nil, badData
tx[i].index = txzones[i]
if i < len(isstd) {
tx[i].isstd = isstd[i] != 0
if i < len(isutc) {
tx[i].isutc = isutc[i] != 0
if len(tx) == 0 {
// Build fake transition to cover all time.
// This happens in fixed locations like "Etc/GMT0".
tx = append(tx, zoneTrans{when: alpha, index: 0})
// Committed to succeed.
l := &Location{zone: zone, tx: tx, name: name}
// Fill in the cache with information about right now,
// since that will be the most common lookup.
sec, _, _ := now()
for i := range tx {
if tx[i].when <= sec && (i+1 == len(tx) || sec < tx[i+1].when) {
l.cacheStart = tx[i].when
l.cacheEnd = omega
if i+1 < len(tx) {
l.cacheEnd = tx[i+1].when
l.cacheZone = &[tx[i].index]
return l, nil
// loadTzinfoFromDirOrZip returns the contents of the file with the given name
// in dir. dir can either be an uncompressed zip file, or a directory.
func loadTzinfoFromDirOrZip(dir, name string) ([]byte, error) {
if len(dir) > 4 && dir[len(dir)-4:] == ".zip" {
return loadTzinfoFromZip(dir, name)
if dir != "" {
name = dir + "/" + name
return readFile(name)
// There are 500+ zoneinfo files. Rather than distribute them all
// individually, we ship them in an uncompressed zip file.
// Used this way, the zip file format serves as a commonly readable
// container for the individual small files. We choose zip over tar
// because zip files have a contiguous table of contents, making
// individual file lookups faster, and because the per-file overhead
// in a zip file is considerably less than tar's 512 bytes.
// get4 returns the little-endian 32-bit value in b.
func get4(b []byte) int {
if len(b) < 4 {
return 0
return int(b[0]) | int(b[1])<<8 | int(b[2])<<16 | int(b[3])<<24
// get2 returns the little-endian 16-bit value in b.
func get2(b []byte) int {
if len(b) < 2 {
return 0
return int(b[0]) | int(b[1])<<8
// loadTzinfoFromZip returns the contents of the file with the given name
// in the given uncompressed zip file.
func loadTzinfoFromZip(zipfile, name string) ([]byte, error) {
fd, err := open(zipfile)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer closefd(fd)
const (
zecheader = 0x06054b50
zcheader = 0x02014b50
ztailsize = 22
zheadersize = 30
zheader = 0x04034b50
buf := make([]byte, ztailsize)
if err := preadn(fd, buf, -ztailsize); err != nil || get4(buf) != zecheader {
return nil, errors.New("corrupt zip file " + zipfile)
n := get2(buf[10:])
size := get4(buf[12:])
off := get4(buf[16:])
buf = make([]byte, size)
if err := preadn(fd, buf, off); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("corrupt zip file " + zipfile)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
// zip entry layout:
// 0 magic[4]
// 4 madevers[1]
// 5 madeos[1]
// 6 extvers[1]
// 7 extos[1]
// 8 flags[2]
// 10 meth[2]
// 12 modtime[2]
// 14 moddate[2]
// 16 crc[4]
// 20 csize[4]
// 24 uncsize[4]
// 28 namelen[2]
// 30 xlen[2]
// 32 fclen[2]
// 34 disknum[2]
// 36 iattr[2]
// 38 eattr[4]
// 42 off[4]
// 46 name[namelen]
// 46+namelen+xlen+fclen - next header
if get4(buf) != zcheader {
meth := get2(buf[10:])
size := get4(buf[24:])
namelen := get2(buf[28:])
xlen := get2(buf[30:])
fclen := get2(buf[32:])
off := get4(buf[42:])
zname := buf[46 : 46+namelen]
buf = buf[46+namelen+xlen+fclen:]
if string(zname) != name {
if meth != 0 {
return nil, errors.New("unsupported compression for " + name + " in " + zipfile)
// zip per-file header layout:
// 0 magic[4]
// 4 extvers[1]
// 5 extos[1]
// 6 flags[2]
// 8 meth[2]
// 10 modtime[2]
// 12 moddate[2]
// 14 crc[4]
// 18 csize[4]
// 22 uncsize[4]
// 26 namelen[2]
// 28 xlen[2]
// 30 name[namelen]
// 30+namelen+xlen - file data
buf = make([]byte, zheadersize+namelen)
if err := preadn(fd, buf, off); err != nil ||
get4(buf) != zheader ||
get2(buf[8:]) != meth ||
get2(buf[26:]) != namelen ||
string(buf[30:30+namelen]) != name {
return nil, errors.New("corrupt zip file " + zipfile)
xlen = get2(buf[28:])
buf = make([]byte, size)
if err := preadn(fd, buf, off+30+namelen+xlen); err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("corrupt zip file " + zipfile)
return buf, nil
return nil, syscall.ENOENT
// loadTzinfoFromTzdata returns the time zone information of the time zone
// with the given name, from a tzdata database file as they are typically
// found on android.
var loadTzinfoFromTzdata func(file, name string) ([]byte, error)
// loadTzinfo returns the time zone information of the time zone
// with the given name, from a given source. A source may be a
// timezone database directory, tzdata database file or an uncompressed
// zip file, containing the contents of such a directory.
func loadTzinfo(name string, source string) ([]byte, error) {
if len(source) >= 6 && source[len(source)-6:] == "tzdata" {
return loadTzinfoFromTzdata(source, name)
return loadTzinfoFromDirOrZip(source, name)
// loadLocation returns the Location with the given name from one of
// the specified sources. See loadTzinfo for a list of supported sources.
// The first timezone data matching the given name that is successfully loaded
// and parsed is returned as a Location.
func loadLocation(name string, sources []string) (z *Location, firstErr error) {
for _, source := range sources {
var zoneData, err = loadTzinfo(name, source)
if err == nil {
if z, err = LoadLocationFromTZData(name, zoneData); err == nil {
return z, nil
if firstErr == nil && err != syscall.ENOENT {
firstErr = err
if firstErr != nil {
return nil, firstErr
return nil, errors.New("unknown time zone " + name)
// readFile reads and returns the content of the named file.
// It is a trivial implementation of ioutil.ReadFile, reimplemented
// here to avoid depending on io/ioutil or os.
// It returns an error if name exceeds maxFileSize bytes.
func readFile(name string) ([]byte, error) {
f, err := open(name)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer closefd(f)
var (
buf [4096]byte
ret []byte
n int
for {
n, err = read(f, buf[:])
if n > 0 {
ret = append(ret, buf[:n]...)
if n == 0 || err != nil {
if len(ret) > maxFileSize {
return nil, fileSizeError(name)
return ret, err