blob: fb35d41c0cac3927f98565e4f14f1220114c7ddd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package runtime
import (
const _DWORD_MAX = 0xffffffff
const _INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE = ^uintptr(0)
// Sources are used to identify the event that created an overlapped entry.
// The source values are arbitrary. There is no risk of collision with user
// defined values because the only way to set the key of an overlapped entry
// is using the iocphandle, which is not accessible to user code.
const (
netpollSourceReady = iota + 1
const (
// sourceBits is the number of bits needed to represent a source.
// 4 bits can hold 16 different sources, which is more than enough.
// It is set to a low value so the overlapped entry key can
// contain as much bits as possible for the pollDesc pointer.
sourceBits = 4 // 4 bits can hold 16 different sources, which is more than enough.
sourceMasks = 1<<sourceBits - 1
// packNetpollKey creates a key from a source and a tag.
// Bits that don't fit in the result are discarded.
func packNetpollKey(source uint8, pd *pollDesc) uintptr {
// TODO: Consider combining the source with pd.fdseq to detect stale pollDescs.
if source > (1<<sourceBits)-1 {
// Also fail on 64-bit systems, even though it can hold more bits.
throw("runtime: source value is too large")
if goarch.PtrSize == 4 {
return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(pd))<<sourceBits | uintptr(source)
return uintptr(taggedPointerPack(unsafe.Pointer(pd), uintptr(source)))
// unpackNetpollSource returns the source packed key.
func unpackNetpollSource(key uintptr) uint8 {
if goarch.PtrSize == 4 {
return uint8(key & sourceMasks)
return uint8(taggedPointer(key).tag())
// pollOperation must be the same as beginning of internal/poll.operation.
// Keep these in sync.
type pollOperation struct {
// used by windows
_ overlapped
// used by netpoll
pd *pollDesc
mode int32
// pollOperationFromOverlappedEntry returns the pollOperation contained in
// e. It can return nil if the entry is not from internal/poll.
// See
func pollOperationFromOverlappedEntry(e *overlappedEntry) *pollOperation {
if e.ov == nil {
return nil
op := (*pollOperation)(unsafe.Pointer(e.ov))
// Check that the key matches the pollDesc pointer.
var keyMatch bool
if goarch.PtrSize == 4 {
keyMatch = e.key&^sourceMasks == uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(op.pd))<<sourceBits
} else {
keyMatch = (*pollDesc)(taggedPointer(e.key).pointer()) == op.pd
if !keyMatch {
return nil
return op
// overlappedEntry contains the information returned by a call to GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx.
type overlappedEntry struct {
key uintptr
ov *overlapped
internal uintptr
qty uint32
var (
iocphandle uintptr = _INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE // completion port io handle
netpollWakeSig atomic.Uint32 // used to avoid duplicate calls of netpollBreak
func netpollinit() {
iocphandle = stdcall4(_CreateIoCompletionPort, _INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, 0, _DWORD_MAX)
if iocphandle == 0 {
println("runtime: CreateIoCompletionPort failed (errno=", getlasterror(), ")")
throw("runtime: netpollinit failed")
func netpollIsPollDescriptor(fd uintptr) bool {
return fd == iocphandle
func netpollopen(fd uintptr, pd *pollDesc) int32 {
key := packNetpollKey(netpollSourceReady, pd)
if stdcall4(_CreateIoCompletionPort, fd, iocphandle, key, 0) == 0 {
return int32(getlasterror())
return 0
func netpollclose(fd uintptr) int32 {
// nothing to do
return 0
func netpollarm(pd *pollDesc, mode int) {
throw("runtime: unused")
func netpollBreak() {
// Failing to cas indicates there is an in-flight wakeup, so we're done here.
if !netpollWakeSig.CompareAndSwap(0, 1) {
key := packNetpollKey(netpollSourceBreak, nil)
if stdcall4(_PostQueuedCompletionStatus, iocphandle, 0, key, 0) == 0 {
println("runtime: netpoll: PostQueuedCompletionStatus failed (errno=", getlasterror(), ")")
throw("runtime: netpoll: PostQueuedCompletionStatus failed")
// netpoll checks for ready network connections.
// Returns a list of goroutines that become runnable,
// and a delta to add to netpollWaiters.
// This must never return an empty list with a non-zero delta.
// delay < 0: blocks indefinitely
// delay == 0: does not block, just polls
// delay > 0: block for up to that many nanoseconds
func netpoll(delay int64) (gList, int32) {
if iocphandle == _INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE {
return gList{}, 0
var entries [64]overlappedEntry
var wait uint32
var toRun gList
mp := getg().m
if delay >= 1e15 {
// An arbitrary cap on how long to wait for a timer.
// 1e15 ns == ~11.5 days.
delay = 1e15
if delay > 0 && mp.waitIocpHandle != 0 {
// GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx doesn't use a high resolution timer internally,
// so we use a separate higher resolution timer associated with a wait completion
// packet to wake up the poller. Note that the completion packet can be delivered
// to another thread, and the Go scheduler expects netpoll to only block up to delay,
// so we still need to use a timeout with GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx.
// TODO: Improve the Go scheduler to support non-blocking timers.
signaled := netpollQueueTimer(delay)
if signaled {
// There is a small window between the SetWaitableTimer and the NtAssociateWaitCompletionPacket
// where the timer can expire. We can return immediately in this case.
return gList{}, 0
if delay < 0 {
wait = _INFINITE
} else if delay == 0 {
wait = 0
} else if delay < 1e6 {
wait = 1
} else {
wait = uint32(delay / 1e6)
n := len(entries) / int(gomaxprocs)
if n < 8 {
n = 8
if delay != 0 {
mp.blocked = true
if stdcall6(_GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx, iocphandle, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&entries[0])), uintptr(n), uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&n)), uintptr(wait), 0) == 0 {
mp.blocked = false
errno := getlasterror()
if errno == _WAIT_TIMEOUT {
return gList{}, 0
println("runtime: GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx failed (errno=", errno, ")")
throw("runtime: netpoll failed")
mp.blocked = false
delta := int32(0)
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
e := &entries[i]
switch unpackNetpollSource(e.key) {
case netpollSourceReady:
op := pollOperationFromOverlappedEntry(e)
if op == nil {
// Entry from outside the Go runtime and internal/poll, ignore.
// Entry from internal/poll.
mode := op.mode
if mode != 'r' && mode != 'w' {
println("runtime: GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx returned net_op with invalid mode=", mode)
throw("runtime: netpoll failed")
delta += netpollready(&toRun, op.pd, mode)
case netpollSourceBreak:
if delay == 0 {
// Forward the notification to the blocked poller.
case netpollSourceTimer:
// TODO: We could avoid calling NtCancelWaitCompletionPacket for expired wait completion packets.
println("runtime: GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx returned net_op with invalid key=", e.key)
throw("runtime: netpoll failed")
return toRun, delta
// netpollQueueTimer queues a timer to wake up the poller after the given delay.
// It returns true if the timer expired during this call.
func netpollQueueTimer(delay int64) (signaled bool) {
const (
STATUS_SUCCESS = 0x00000000
STATUS_PENDING = 0x00000103
mp := getg().m
// A wait completion packet can only be associated with one timer at a time,
// so we need to cancel the previous one if it exists. This wouldn't be necessary
// if the poller would only be woken up by the timer, in which case the association
// would be automatically canceled, but it can also be woken up by other events,
// such as a netpollBreak, so we can get to this point with a timer that hasn't
// expired yet. In this case, the completion packet can still be picked up by
// another thread, so defer the cancellation until it is really necessary.
errno := stdcall2(_NtCancelWaitCompletionPacket, mp.waitIocpHandle, 1)
switch errno {
// STATUS_CANCELLED is returned when the associated timer has already expired,
// in which automatically cancels the wait completion packet.
dt := -delay / 100 // relative sleep (negative), 100ns units
if stdcall6(_SetWaitableTimer, mp.waitIocpTimer, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&dt)), 0, 0, 0, 0) == 0 {
println("runtime: SetWaitableTimer failed; errno=", getlasterror())
throw("runtime: netpoll failed")
key := packNetpollKey(netpollSourceTimer, nil)
if errno := stdcall8(_NtAssociateWaitCompletionPacket, mp.waitIocpHandle, iocphandle, mp.waitIocpTimer, key, 0, 0, 0, uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(&signaled))); errno != 0 {
println("runtime: NtAssociateWaitCompletionPacket failed; errno=", errno)
throw("runtime: netpoll failed")
// STATUS_PENDING is returned if the wait operation can't be canceled yet.
// This can happen if this thread was woken up by another event, such as a netpollBreak,
// and the timer expired just while calling NtCancelWaitCompletionPacket, in which case
// this call fails to cancel the association to avoid a race condition.
// This is a rare case, so we can just avoid using the high resolution timer this time.
println("runtime: NtCancelWaitCompletionPacket failed; errno=", errno)
throw("runtime: netpoll failed")
return signaled