blob: ea501ef57d561e4dafc4d839a7c4e457202652cf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
// resource is a generic constraint interface for resource IDs.
type resource interface {
trace.GoID | trace.ProcID | trace.ThreadID
// noResource indicates the lack of a resource.
const noResource = -1
// gState represents the trace viewer state of a goroutine in a trace.
// The type parameter on this type is the resource which is used to construct
// a timeline of events. e.g. R=ProcID for a proc-oriented view, R=GoID for
// a goroutine-oriented view, etc.
type gState[R resource] struct {
baseName string
named bool // Whether baseName has been set.
label string // EventLabel extension.
isSystemG bool
executing R // The resource this goroutine is executing on. (Could be itself.)
// lastStopStack is the stack trace at the point of the last
// call to the stop method. This tends to be a more reliable way
// of picking up stack traces, since the parser doesn't provide
// a stack for every state transition event.
lastStopStack trace.Stack
// activeRanges is the set of all active ranges on the goroutine.
activeRanges map[string]activeRange
// completedRanges is a list of ranges that completed since before the
// goroutine stopped executing. These are flushed on every stop or block.
completedRanges []completedRange
// startRunningTime is the most recent event that caused a goroutine to
// transition to GoRunning.
startRunningTime trace.Time
// startSyscall is the most recent event that caused a goroutine to
// transition to GoSyscall.
syscall struct {
time trace.Time
stack trace.Stack
active bool
// startBlockReason is the StateTransition.Reason of the most recent
// event that caused a goroutine to transition to GoWaiting.
startBlockReason string
// startCause is the event that allowed this goroutine to start running.
// It's used to generate flow events. This is typically something like
// an unblock event or a goroutine creation event.
// startCause.resource is the resource on which startCause happened, but is
// listed separately because the cause may have happened on a resource that
// isn't R (or perhaps on some abstract nebulous resource, like trace.NetpollP).
startCause struct {
time trace.Time
name string
resource uint64
stack trace.Stack
// newGState constructs a new goroutine state for the goroutine
// identified by the provided ID.
func newGState[R resource](goID trace.GoID) *gState[R] {
return &gState[R]{
baseName: fmt.Sprintf("G%d", goID),
executing: R(noResource),
activeRanges: make(map[string]activeRange),
// augmentName attempts to use stk to augment the name of the goroutine
// with stack information. This stack must be related to the goroutine
// in some way, but it doesn't really matter which stack.
func (gs *gState[R]) augmentName(stk trace.Stack) {
if gs.named {
if stk == trace.NoStack {
name := lastFunc(stk)
gs.baseName += fmt.Sprintf(" %s", name)
gs.named = true
gs.isSystemG = trace.IsSystemGoroutine(name)
// setLabel adds an additional label to the goroutine's name.
func (gs *gState[R]) setLabel(label string) {
gs.label = label
// name returns a name for the goroutine.
func (gs *gState[R]) name() string {
name := gs.baseName
if gs.label != "" {
name += " (" + gs.label + ")"
return name
// setStartCause sets the reason a goroutine will be allowed to start soon.
// For example, via unblocking or exiting a blocked syscall.
func (gs *gState[R]) setStartCause(ts trace.Time, name string, resource uint64, stack trace.Stack) {
gs.startCause.time = ts = name
gs.startCause.resource = resource
gs.startCause.stack = stack
// created indicates that this goroutine was just created by the provided creator.
func (gs *gState[R]) created(ts trace.Time, creator R, stack trace.Stack) {
if creator == R(noResource) {
gs.setStartCause(ts, "go", uint64(creator), stack)
// start indicates that a goroutine has started running on a proc.
func (gs *gState[R]) start(ts trace.Time, resource R, ctx *traceContext) {
// Set the time for all the active ranges.
for name := range gs.activeRanges {
gs.activeRanges[name] = activeRange{ts, trace.NoStack}
if != "" {
// It has a start cause. Emit a flow event.
Start: ctx.elapsed(gs.startCause.time),
End: ctx.elapsed(ts),
FromResource: uint64(gs.startCause.resource),
ToResource: uint64(resource),
FromStack: ctx.Stack(viewerFrames(gs.startCause.stack)),
gs.startCause.time = 0 = ""
gs.startCause.resource = 0
gs.startCause.stack = trace.NoStack
gs.executing = resource
gs.startRunningTime = ts
// syscallBegin indicates that the goroutine entered a syscall on a proc.
func (gs *gState[R]) syscallBegin(ts trace.Time, resource R, stack trace.Stack) {
gs.syscall.time = ts
gs.syscall.stack = stack = true
if gs.executing == R(noResource) {
gs.executing = resource
gs.startRunningTime = ts
// syscallEnd ends the syscall slice, wherever the syscall is at. This is orthogonal
// to blockedSyscallEnd -- both must be called when a syscall ends and that syscall
// blocked. They're kept separate because syscallEnd indicates the point at which the
// goroutine is no longer executing on the resource (e.g. a proc) whereas blockedSyscallEnd
// is the point at which the goroutine actually exited the syscall regardless of which
// resource that happened on.
func (gs *gState[R]) syscallEnd(ts trace.Time, blocked bool, ctx *traceContext) {
if ! {
blockString := "no"
if blocked {
blockString = "yes"
gs.completedRanges = append(gs.completedRanges, completedRange{
name: "syscall",
startTime: gs.syscall.time,
endTime: ts,
startStack: gs.syscall.stack,
arg: format.BlockedArg{Blocked: blockString},
}) = false
gs.syscall.time = 0
gs.syscall.stack = trace.NoStack
// blockedSyscallEnd indicates the point at which the blocked syscall ended. This is distinct
// and orthogonal to syscallEnd; both must be called if the syscall blocked. This sets up an instant
// to emit a flow event from, indicating explicitly that this goroutine was unblocked by the system.
func (gs *gState[R]) blockedSyscallEnd(ts trace.Time, stack trace.Stack, ctx *traceContext) {
name := "exit blocked syscall"
gs.setStartCause(ts, name, trace.SyscallP, stack)
// Emit an syscall exit instant event for the "Syscall" lane.
Name: name,
Ts: ctx.elapsed(ts),
Resource: trace.SyscallP,
Stack: ctx.Stack(viewerFrames(stack)),
// unblock indicates that the goroutine gs represents has been unblocked.
func (gs *gState[R]) unblock(ts trace.Time, stack trace.Stack, resource R, ctx *traceContext) {
name := "unblock"
viewerResource := uint64(resource)
if gs.startBlockReason != "" {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", name, gs.startBlockReason)
if strings.Contains(gs.startBlockReason, "network") {
// Attribute the network instant to the nebulous "NetpollP" if
// resource isn't a thread, because there's a good chance that
// resource isn't going to be valid in this case.
// TODO(mknyszek): Handle this invalidness in a more general way.
if _, ok := any(resource).(trace.ThreadID); !ok {
// Emit an unblock instant event for the "Network" lane.
viewerResource = trace.NetpollP
Name: name,
Ts: ctx.elapsed(ts),
Resource: viewerResource,
Stack: ctx.Stack(viewerFrames(stack)),
gs.startBlockReason = ""
if viewerResource != 0 {
gs.setStartCause(ts, name, viewerResource, stack)
// block indicates that the goroutine has stopped executing on a proc -- specifically,
// it blocked for some reason.
func (gs *gState[R]) block(ts trace.Time, stack trace.Stack, reason string, ctx *traceContext) {
gs.startBlockReason = reason
gs.stop(ts, stack, ctx)
// stop indicates that the goroutine has stopped executing on a proc.
func (gs *gState[R]) stop(ts trace.Time, stack trace.Stack, ctx *traceContext) {
// Emit the execution time slice.
var stk int
if gs.lastStopStack != trace.NoStack {
stk = ctx.Stack(viewerFrames(gs.lastStopStack))
// Check invariants.
if gs.startRunningTime == 0 {
panic("silently broken trace or generator invariant (startRunningTime != 0) not held")
if gs.executing == R(noResource) {
panic("non-executing goroutine stopped")
Ts: ctx.elapsed(gs.startRunningTime),
Dur: ts.Sub(gs.startRunningTime),
Resource: uint64(gs.executing),
Stack: stk,
// Flush completed ranges.
for _, cr := range gs.completedRanges {
Ts: ctx.elapsed(cr.startTime),
Dur: cr.endTime.Sub(cr.startTime),
Resource: uint64(gs.executing),
Stack: ctx.Stack(viewerFrames(cr.startStack)),
EndStack: ctx.Stack(viewerFrames(cr.endStack)),
Arg: cr.arg,
gs.completedRanges = gs.completedRanges[:0]
// Continue in-progress ranges.
for name, r := range gs.activeRanges {
// Check invariant.
if r.time == 0 {
panic("silently broken trace or generator invariant (activeRanges time != 0) not held")
Name: name,
Ts: ctx.elapsed(r.time),
Dur: ts.Sub(r.time),
Resource: uint64(gs.executing),
Stack: ctx.Stack(viewerFrames(r.stack)),
// Clear the range info.
for name := range gs.activeRanges {
gs.activeRanges[name] = activeRange{0, trace.NoStack}
gs.startRunningTime = 0
gs.lastStopStack = stack
gs.executing = R(noResource)
// finalize writes out any in-progress slices as if the goroutine stopped.
// This must only be used once the trace has been fully processed and no
// further events will be processed. This method may leave the gState in
// an inconsistent state.
func (gs *gState[R]) finish(ctx *traceContext) {
if gs.executing != R(noResource) {
gs.syscallEnd(ctx.endTime, false, ctx)
gs.stop(ctx.endTime, trace.NoStack, ctx)
// rangeBegin indicates the start of a special range of time.
func (gs *gState[R]) rangeBegin(ts trace.Time, name string, stack trace.Stack) {
if gs.executing != R(noResource) {
// If we're executing, start the slice from here.
gs.activeRanges[name] = activeRange{ts, stack}
} else {
// If the goroutine isn't executing, there's no place for
// us to create a slice from. Wait until it starts executing.
gs.activeRanges[name] = activeRange{0, stack}
// rangeActive indicates that a special range of time has been in progress.
func (gs *gState[R]) rangeActive(name string) {
if gs.executing != R(noResource) {
// If we're executing, and the range is active, then start
// from wherever the goroutine started running from.
gs.activeRanges[name] = activeRange{gs.startRunningTime, trace.NoStack}
} else {
// If the goroutine isn't executing, there's no place for
// us to create a slice from. Wait until it starts executing.
gs.activeRanges[name] = activeRange{0, trace.NoStack}
// rangeEnd indicates the end of a special range of time.
func (gs *gState[R]) rangeEnd(ts trace.Time, name string, stack trace.Stack, ctx *traceContext) {
if gs.executing != R(noResource) {
r := gs.activeRanges[name]
gs.completedRanges = append(gs.completedRanges, completedRange{
name: name,
startTime: r.time,
endTime: ts,
startStack: r.stack,
endStack: stack,
delete(gs.activeRanges, name)
func lastFunc(s trace.Stack) (fn string) {
for frame := range s.Frames() {
fn = frame.Func