blob: 78a6d42d0a80be2e82fde41fdf09081a8cddf7f4 [file] [log] [blame]
This program, dist, is the bootstrapping tool for the Go distribution.
As of Go 1.5, dist and other parts of the compiler toolchain are written
in Go, making bootstrapping a little more involved than in the past.
The approach is to build the current release of Go with an earlier one.
The process to install Go 1.x, for x 24, is:
1. Build cmd/dist with Go 1.22.6.
2. Using dist, build Go 1.x compiler toolchain with Go 1.22.6.
3. Using dist, rebuild Go 1.x compiler toolchain with itself.
4. Using dist, build Go 1.x cmd/go (as go_bootstrap) with Go 1.x compiler toolchain.
5. Using go_bootstrap, build the remaining Go 1.x standard library and commands.
Because of backward compatibility, although the steps above say Go 1.22.6,
in practice any release Go 1.22.6 but < Go 1.x will work as the bootstrap base.
Releases Go 1.x are very likely to work as well.
See for more details about the original bootstrap
and for details about later bootstrap version bumps.