blob: 431c0560f6eb23c5f3eee74a68981a971ee161ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package main_test
import (
cmdcover "cmd/cover"
const (
// Data directory, also the package directory for the test.
testdata = "testdata"
// testcover returns the path to the cmd/cover binary that we are going to
// test. At one point this was created via "go build"; we now reuse the unit
// test executable itself.
func testcover(t testing.TB) string {
return testenv.Executable(t)
// testTempDir is a temporary directory created in TestMain.
var testTempDir string
// If set, this will preserve all the tmpdir files from the test run.
var debug = flag.Bool("debug", false, "keep tmpdir files for debugging")
// TestMain used here so that we can leverage the test executable
// itself as a cmd/cover executable; compare to similar usage in
// the cmd/go tests.
func TestMain(m *testing.M) {
if os.Getenv("CMDCOVER_TOOLEXEC") != "" {
// When CMDCOVER_TOOLEXEC is set, the test binary is also
// running as a -toolexec wrapper.
tool := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(os.Args[1]), ".exe")
if tool == "cover" {
// Inject this test binary as cmd/cover in place of the
// installed tool, so that the go command's invocations of
// cover produce coverage for the configuration in which
// the test was built.
os.Args = os.Args[1:]
} else {
cmd := exec.Command(os.Args[1], os.Args[2:]...)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
if os.Getenv("CMDCOVER_TEST_RUN_MAIN") != "" {
// When CMDCOVER_TEST_RUN_MAIN is set, we're reusing the test
// binary as cmd/cover. In this case we run the main func exported
// via export_test.go, and exit; CMDCOVER_TEST_RUN_MAIN is set below
// for actual test invocations.
topTmpdir, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "cmd-cover-test-")
if err != nil {
testTempDir = topTmpdir
if !*debug {
defer os.RemoveAll(topTmpdir)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "debug: preserving tmpdir %s\n", topTmpdir)
os.Setenv("CMDCOVER_TEST_RUN_MAIN", "normal")
var tdmu sync.Mutex
var tdcount int
func tempDir(t *testing.T) string {
dir := filepath.Join(testTempDir, fmt.Sprintf("%03d", tdcount))
if err := os.Mkdir(dir, 0777); err != nil {
defer tdmu.Unlock()
return dir
// TestCoverWithToolExec runs a set of subtests that all make use of a
// "-toolexec" wrapper program to invoke the cover test executable
// itself via "go test -cover".
func TestCoverWithToolExec(t *testing.T) {
toolexecArg := "-toolexec=" + testcover(t)
t.Run("CoverHTML", func(t *testing.T) {
testCoverHTML(t, toolexecArg)
t.Run("HtmlUnformatted", func(t *testing.T) {
testHtmlUnformatted(t, toolexecArg)
t.Run("FuncWithDuplicateLines", func(t *testing.T) {
testFuncWithDuplicateLines(t, toolexecArg)
t.Run("MissingTrailingNewlineIssue58370", func(t *testing.T) {
testMissingTrailingNewlineIssue58370(t, toolexecArg)
// Execute this command sequence:
// replace the word LINE with the line number < testdata/test.go > testdata/test_line.go
// testcover -mode=count -var=CoverTest -o ./testdata/test_cover.go testdata/test_line.go
// go run ./testdata/main.go ./testdata/test.go
func TestCover(t *testing.T) {
dir := tempDir(t)
// Read in the test file (testTest) and write it, with LINEs specified, to coverInput.
testTest := filepath.Join(testdata, "test.go")
file, err := os.ReadFile(testTest)
if err != nil {
lines := bytes.Split(file, []byte("\n"))
for i, line := range lines {
lines[i] = bytes.ReplaceAll(line, []byte("LINE"), []byte(fmt.Sprint(i+1)))
// Add a function that is not gofmt'ed. This used to cause a crash.
// We don't put it in test.go because then we would have to gofmt it.
// Issue 23927.
lines = append(lines, []byte("func unFormatted() {"),
[]byte("\tif true {"),
lines = append(lines, []byte("func unFormatted2(b bool) {if b{}else{}}"))
coverInput := filepath.Join(dir, "test_line.go")
if err := os.WriteFile(coverInput, bytes.Join(lines, []byte("\n")), 0666); err != nil {
// testcover -mode=count -var=thisNameMustBeVeryLongToCauseOverflowOfCounterIncrementStatementOntoNextLineForTest -o ./testdata/test_cover.go testdata/test_line.go
coverOutput := filepath.Join(dir, "test_cover.go")
cmd := testenv.Command(t, testcover(t), "-mode=count", "-var=thisNameMustBeVeryLongToCauseOverflowOfCounterIncrementStatementOntoNextLineForTest", "-o", coverOutput, coverInput)
run(cmd, t)
cmd = testenv.Command(t, testcover(t), "-mode=set", "-var=Not_an-identifier", "-o", coverOutput, coverInput)
err = cmd.Run()
if err == nil {
t.Error("Expected cover to fail with an error")
// Copy testmain to tmpdir, so that it is in the same directory
// as coverOutput.
testMain := filepath.Join(testdata, "main.go")
b, err := os.ReadFile(testMain)
if err != nil {
tmpTestMain := filepath.Join(dir, "main.go")
if err := os.WriteFile(tmpTestMain, b, 0444); err != nil {
// go run ./testdata/main.go ./testdata/test.go
cmd = testenv.Command(t, testenv.GoToolPath(t), "run", tmpTestMain, coverOutput)
run(cmd, t)
file, err = os.ReadFile(coverOutput)
if err != nil {
// compiler directive must appear right next to function declaration.
if got, err := regexp.MatchString(".*\n//go:nosplit\nfunc someFunction().*", string(file)); err != nil || !got {
t.Error("misplaced compiler directive")
// "go:linkname" compiler directive should be present.
if got, err := regexp.MatchString(`.*go\:linkname some\_name some\_name.*`, string(file)); err != nil || !got {
t.Error("'go:linkname' compiler directive not found")
// Other comments should be preserved too.
c := ".*// This comment didn't appear in generated go code.*"
if got, err := regexp.MatchString(c, string(file)); err != nil || !got {
t.Errorf("non compiler directive comment %q not found", c)
// TestDirectives checks that compiler directives are preserved and positioned
// correctly. Directives that occur before top-level declarations should remain
// above those declarations, even if they are not part of the block of
// documentation comments.
func TestDirectives(t *testing.T) {
// Read the source file and find all the directives. We'll keep
// track of whether each one has been seen in the output.
testDirectives := filepath.Join(testdata, "directives.go")
source, err := os.ReadFile(testDirectives)
if err != nil {
sourceDirectives := findDirectives(source)
// testcover -mode=atomic ./testdata/directives.go
cmd := testenv.Command(t, testcover(t), "-mode=atomic", testDirectives)
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
output, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
// Check that all directives are present in the output.
outputDirectives := findDirectives(output)
foundDirective := make(map[string]bool)
for _, p := range sourceDirectives {
foundDirective[] = false
for _, p := range outputDirectives {
if found, ok := foundDirective[]; !ok {
t.Errorf("unexpected directive in output: %s", p.text)
} else if found {
t.Errorf("directive found multiple times in output: %s", p.text)
foundDirective[] = true
for name, found := range foundDirective {
if !found {
t.Errorf("missing directive: %s", name)
// Check that directives that start with the name of top-level declarations
// come before the beginning of the named declaration and after the end
// of the previous declaration.
fset := token.NewFileSet()
astFile, err := parser.ParseFile(fset, testDirectives, output, 0)
if err != nil {
prevEnd := 0
for _, decl := range astFile.Decls {
var name string
switch d := decl.(type) {
case *ast.FuncDecl:
name = d.Name.Name
case *ast.GenDecl:
if len(d.Specs) == 0 {
// An empty group declaration. We still want to check that
// directives can be associated with it, so we make up a name
// to match directives in the test data.
name = "_empty"
} else if spec, ok := d.Specs[0].(*ast.TypeSpec); ok {
name = spec.Name.Name
pos := fset.Position(decl.Pos()).Offset
end := fset.Position(decl.End()).Offset
if name == "" {
prevEnd = end
for _, p := range outputDirectives {
if !strings.HasPrefix(, name) {
if p.offset < prevEnd || pos < p.offset {
t.Errorf("directive %s does not appear before definition %s", p.text, name)
prevEnd = end
type directiveInfo struct {
text string // full text of the comment, not including newline
name string // text after //go:
offset int // byte offset of first slash in comment
func findDirectives(source []byte) []directiveInfo {
var directives []directiveInfo
directivePrefix := []byte("\n//go:")
offset := 0
for {
i := bytes.Index(source[offset:], directivePrefix)
if i < 0 {
i++ // skip newline
p := source[offset+i:]
j := bytes.IndexByte(p, '\n')
if j < 0 {
// reached EOF
j = len(p)
directive := directiveInfo{
text: string(p[:j]),
name: string(p[len(directivePrefix)-1 : j]),
offset: offset + i,
directives = append(directives, directive)
offset += i + j
return directives
// Makes sure that `cover -func=profile.cov` reports accurate coverage.
// Issue #20515.
func TestCoverFunc(t *testing.T) {
// testcover -func ./testdata/profile.cov
coverProfile := filepath.Join(testdata, "profile.cov")
cmd := testenv.Command(t, testcover(t), "-func", coverProfile)
out, err := cmd.Output()
if err != nil {
if ee, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
t.Logf("%s", ee.Stderr)
if got, err := regexp.Match(".*total:.*100.0.*", out); err != nil || !got {
t.Logf("%s", out)
t.Errorf("invalid coverage counts. got=(%v, %v); want=(true; nil)", got, err)
// Check that cover produces correct HTML.
// Issue #25767.
func testCoverHTML(t *testing.T, toolexecArg string) {
dir := tempDir(t)
// go test -coverprofile testdata/html/html.cov cmd/cover/testdata/html
htmlProfile := filepath.Join(dir, "html.cov")
cmd := testenv.Command(t, testenv.GoToolPath(t), "test", toolexecArg, "-coverprofile", htmlProfile, "cmd/cover/testdata/html")
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Environ(), "CMDCOVER_TOOLEXEC=true")
run(cmd, t)
// testcover -html testdata/html/html.cov -o testdata/html/html.html
htmlHTML := filepath.Join(dir, "html.html")
cmd = testenv.Command(t, testcover(t), "-html", htmlProfile, "-o", htmlHTML)
run(cmd, t)
// Extract the parts of the HTML with comment markers,
// and compare against a golden file.
entireHTML, err := os.ReadFile(htmlHTML)
if err != nil {
var out strings.Builder
scan := bufio.NewScanner(bytes.NewReader(entireHTML))
in := false
for scan.Scan() {
line := scan.Text()
if strings.Contains(line, "// START") {
in = true
if in {
fmt.Fprintln(&out, line)
if strings.Contains(line, "// END") {
in = false
if scan.Err() != nil {
htmlGolden := filepath.Join(testdata, "html", "html.golden")
golden, err := os.ReadFile(htmlGolden)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("reading golden file: %v", err)
// Ignore white space differences.
// Break into lines, then compare by breaking into words.
goldenLines := strings.Split(string(golden), "\n")
outLines := strings.Split(out.String(), "\n")
// Compare at the line level, stopping at first different line so
// we don't generate tons of output if there's an inserted or deleted line.
for i, goldenLine := range goldenLines {
if i >= len(outLines) {
t.Fatalf("output shorter than golden; stops before line %d: %s\n", i+1, goldenLine)
// Convert all white space to simple spaces, for easy comparison.
goldenLine = strings.Join(strings.Fields(goldenLine), " ")
outLine := strings.Join(strings.Fields(outLines[i]), " ")
if outLine != goldenLine {
t.Fatalf("line %d differs: got:\n\t%s\nwant:\n\t%s", i+1, outLine, goldenLine)
if len(goldenLines) != len(outLines) {
t.Fatalf("output longer than golden; first extra output line %d: %q\n", len(goldenLines)+1, outLines[len(goldenLines)])
// Test HTML processing with a source file not run through gofmt.
// Issue #27350.
func testHtmlUnformatted(t *testing.T, toolexecArg string) {
dir := tempDir(t)
htmlUDir := filepath.Join(dir, "htmlunformatted")
htmlU := filepath.Join(htmlUDir, "htmlunformatted.go")
htmlUTest := filepath.Join(htmlUDir, "htmlunformatted_test.go")
htmlUProfile := filepath.Join(htmlUDir, "htmlunformatted.cov")
htmlUHTML := filepath.Join(htmlUDir, "htmlunformatted.html")
if err := os.Mkdir(htmlUDir, 0777); err != nil {
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(htmlUDir, "go.mod"), []byte("module htmlunformatted\n"), 0666); err != nil {
const htmlUContents = `
package htmlunformatted
var g int
func F() {
//line x.go:1
{ { F(); goto lab } }
const htmlUTestContents = `package htmlunformatted`
if err := os.WriteFile(htmlU, []byte(htmlUContents), 0444); err != nil {
if err := os.WriteFile(htmlUTest, []byte(htmlUTestContents), 0444); err != nil {
// go test -covermode=count -coverprofile TMPDIR/htmlunformatted.cov
cmd := testenv.Command(t, testenv.GoToolPath(t), "test", "-test.v", toolexecArg, "-covermode=count", "-coverprofile", htmlUProfile)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Environ(), "CMDCOVER_TOOLEXEC=true")
cmd.Dir = htmlUDir
run(cmd, t)
// testcover -html TMPDIR/htmlunformatted.cov -o unformatted.html
cmd = testenv.Command(t, testcover(t), "-html", htmlUProfile, "-o", htmlUHTML)
cmd.Dir = htmlUDir
run(cmd, t)
// lineDupContents becomes linedup.go in testFuncWithDuplicateLines.
const lineDupContents = `
package linedup
var G int
func LineDup(c int) {
for i := 0; i < c; i++ {
//line ld.go:100
if i % 2 == 0 {
if i % 3 == 0 {
G++; G++
//line ld.go:100
if i % 4 == 0 {
G++; G++; G++
if i % 5 == 0 {
G++; G++; G++; G++
// lineDupTestContents becomes linedup_test.go in testFuncWithDuplicateLines.
const lineDupTestContents = `
package linedup
import "testing"
func TestLineDup(t *testing.T) {
// Test -func with duplicate //line directives with different numbers
// of statements.
func testFuncWithDuplicateLines(t *testing.T, toolexecArg string) {
dir := tempDir(t)
lineDupDir := filepath.Join(dir, "linedup")
lineDupGo := filepath.Join(lineDupDir, "linedup.go")
lineDupTestGo := filepath.Join(lineDupDir, "linedup_test.go")
lineDupProfile := filepath.Join(lineDupDir, "linedup.out")
if err := os.Mkdir(lineDupDir, 0777); err != nil {
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(lineDupDir, "go.mod"), []byte("module linedup\n"), 0666); err != nil {
if err := os.WriteFile(lineDupGo, []byte(lineDupContents), 0444); err != nil {
if err := os.WriteFile(lineDupTestGo, []byte(lineDupTestContents), 0444); err != nil {
// go test -cover -covermode count -coverprofile TMPDIR/linedup.out
cmd := testenv.Command(t, testenv.GoToolPath(t), "test", toolexecArg, "-cover", "-covermode", "count", "-coverprofile", lineDupProfile)
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Environ(), "CMDCOVER_TOOLEXEC=true")
cmd.Dir = lineDupDir
run(cmd, t)
// testcover -func=TMPDIR/linedup.out
cmd = testenv.Command(t, testcover(t), "-func", lineDupProfile)
cmd.Dir = lineDupDir
run(cmd, t)
func run(c *exec.Cmd, t *testing.T) {
t.Log("running", c.Args)
out, err := c.CombinedOutput()
if len(out) > 0 {
t.Logf("%s", out)
if err != nil {
func runExpectingError(c *exec.Cmd, t *testing.T) string {
t.Log("running", c.Args)
out, err := c.CombinedOutput()
if err == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("unexpected pass for %+v", c.Args)
return string(out)
// Test instrumentation of package that ends before an expected
// trailing newline following package clause. Issue #58370.
func testMissingTrailingNewlineIssue58370(t *testing.T, toolexecArg string) {
dir := tempDir(t)
noeolDir := filepath.Join(dir, "issue58370")
noeolGo := filepath.Join(noeolDir, "noeol.go")
noeolTestGo := filepath.Join(noeolDir, "noeol_test.go")
if err := os.Mkdir(noeolDir, 0777); err != nil {
if err := os.WriteFile(filepath.Join(noeolDir, "go.mod"), []byte("module noeol\n"), 0666); err != nil {
const noeolContents = `package noeol`
if err := os.WriteFile(noeolGo, []byte(noeolContents), 0444); err != nil {
const noeolTestContents = `
package noeol
import "testing"
func TestCoverage(t *testing.T) { }
if err := os.WriteFile(noeolTestGo, []byte(noeolTestContents), 0444); err != nil {
// go test -covermode atomic
cmd := testenv.Command(t, testenv.GoToolPath(t), "test", toolexecArg, "-covermode", "atomic")
cmd.Env = append(cmd.Environ(), "CMDCOVER_TOOLEXEC=true")
cmd.Dir = noeolDir
run(cmd, t)
func TestSrcPathWithNewline(t *testing.T) {
// srcPath is intentionally not clean so that the path passed to testcover
// will not normalize the trailing / to a \ on Windows.
srcPath := t.TempDir() + string(filepath.Separator) + "\npackage main\nfunc main() { panic(string([]rune{'u', 'h', '-', 'o', 'h'}))\n/*/main.go"
mainSrc := ` package main
func main() {
/* nothing here */
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(srcPath), 0777); err != nil {
t.Skipf("creating directory with bogus path: %v", err)
if err := os.WriteFile(srcPath, []byte(mainSrc), 0666); err != nil {
t.Skipf("writing file with bogus directory: %v", err)
cmd := testenv.Command(t, testcover(t), "-mode=atomic", srcPath)
cmd.Stderr = new(bytes.Buffer)
out, err := cmd.Output()
t.Logf("%v:\n%s", cmd, out)
t.Logf("stderr:\n%s", cmd.Stderr)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("unexpected success; want failure due to newline in file path")